The 'Journey' has begun!!!! aka Chrissyb's USA Adventure!!!



  • debbie6122
    debbie6122 Member Posts: 2,935

    So glad you are home in your own bed chrissy, but Im going to miss all of your lovely stories and photos. kind of makes me weepy.

    I think Drew Berry moore would play a great part of chrrisy. She is awesome!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Yes!!!   I am home!!!!  

    It was lovely to walk through the arrivals gate and find my two DD's eagerly awaiting my arrival.  I really got good hugs from both of them before the younger left to get the car and the elder slowly walked with me to the pickup area. 

    I have only been gone a little over six weeks but I noticed changes to the airport as we drove away.  It was strange, I felt excited to see my family but sad to think that a trip that had taken a long time to organize was over and the many people I had met were a long way away now and unless someone comes to visit me.......(hint, hint), I would probably not get to see them again. 

    I had to wait another day before I got to see my DH.  I had a doctor's appointment on the Monday so he came down to the city in time to take me and then we did some grocery shopping and headed for home. 

    My little dog didn't quite believe her eyes and didn't know who to fuss at first, me or my DH.  My old cat (18) has made a real pest of herself since realizing that I am once again in residence and is constantly asking for pats, bless her.  At the moment she is napping next to my chair as I type this.

    I am tired, oh so very tired.  I think I just kept going and going while I was away so I didn't miss a thing but it has all caught up with me now that I'm home.  I sat in my chair with my legs up resting the knees yesterday and just kept falling asleep.  Hopefully I will have recovered in a couple of days.  It is no never mind really as I would not have missed my trip for all the tea in China ............... I had a blast!!! Met some amazing women whom I admire greatly and saw some of the most beautiful scenery it has been my privilege to see and record with snap shots of moments in time. 

    To all of you who welcomed me into your homes and drove me around showing me your beautiful country, thank you.  I cannot express how grateful I am for with out you none of this would have been possible.

    To those who traveled to meet me at each of the gatherings, I am so glad you did as I really loved meeting each and every one of you.  You have all created memories that will sustain me for a long time to come and it's really nice to be able to put a real personality to the avatars I see here on BCO.

    There are a few faces missing from my photographs and I hope that those that are will forgive me for being remiss.

    New Jersey!

    North Carolina!


    Shell Knob!  (Some how MissKitty is missing from all my pics but she was most definitely there!)

    San Antonio!

    Denver! (Karen, I slipped up and missed out with the camera when the pics were taken, sorry.)

    LA, Simi Valley and San Diego!

    New Zealand!


    Love n hugs.  Chrissy.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    Welcome home, Chrissy!  Thanks so much for taking us all along on your journey.  Glad I could be a small part of the Grand Tour.  Enjoy a well-deserved rest!  {{hugs}}

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004

    WELCOME HOME!  Hope you recoup quickly!! Love you ChrissyB, sending you virtual hugz but still feeling the real ones I got from ya ♥

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    WELCOME HOME CHRISSY!! I have been following your adventure from day 1 and so glad I got to live vicariously thru your travels. What a fantastical trip. Such great memories for you and all the lovely gals you met along the way. I so wanted to make the Miami visit, but couldn't get off work. : (

    Take your time to recover, hug that DH of yours and cuddle with your puppy and kitty. Isn't it funny how we have to take a vacation to recover from our vacation?--anyways, thanks for allowing all of us to share in your wonderful adventure!!! 

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,776

    Welcome Home Chrissyb!  Thank you so much for sharing your pictures and fantastic adventures.

    Enjoy a well deserved rest

    Best wishes

    The mods 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    they say it takes many days to catch up after crossing many time zones and that you did!!!!!!!! so take it easy and your body will adjust a little while, I hope.........hugs

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    Welcome home Chrissy!!!!!!!!!Thanks for sharing.....loved every minute of every step you and the sistas made.......huggggggggs K
  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Glad you are safely home Chrissy.  Take time for lots of rest.  I still would like to see some of your wonderful pictures of your homeland.  You have taken so many of ours that we would like to extend this journey a little longer and see the sight of where you live.  So when you have rested show us your beach!  Love and miss you so very much.  Thank you for letting me be a small part of your journey.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,847

    Thanks for taking us ALL along!

  •     Here is a pic with Miss Kitty for you Chrissy.  
  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Chrissy - glad you're home safe and sound. I so wish I could have spent more time with you. It was worth the hours in the car to get the chance to have dinner with you Reesie, Kay, and Dotty. I'm so glad we had that extra time back in my hotel room to chat. I'm going to miss your photos and updates on your travels. On the plus side, I hope you'll be back on the insomniacs thread soon, which has been oh so quiet since you left. Hugs, take care, until we meet again. Lynda

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164

    Glad you are home safe and sound Chrissy, it does catch up with you and it will probably take a week till you feel "back to normal" oh and sometimes you'll feel like you are bumping along on an airplane it's a strange feeling but perfectly normal.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hey girl!!!glad ya made it safe and sound to home. im hoping you'll take the time and rest up.. i know yer knees have to be hurting BIG time!!! ive so enjoyed tsking this trip "with" you, and for being a small part of it........3jays

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Ahh Chrissy, you have touched us all. Blessings on you and all in your house. You have brightened my life with the light of yours.


  • lwd
    lwd Member Posts: 234


    I've been thinking about you.  So happy you're home safe and sound.  Get your feet up, have a drink, and RELAX.  You have pushed yourself for six weeks, which is amazing in itself.  Now, just take it easy and ease back into your schedule. 

    And then you can edit those hundreds or thousands of photos you took, and enjoy the memories.  You've created wonderful memories for all of us, too.  The joy you've brought to so many is amazing.  I agree with LostCreek - you've brightened my life.

    Thank you, and much love,


  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    And just how good did that 1st night in your own bed feel after 6 weeks, Chrissy?

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Eph, I can't quite remember how it felt because I hit the pillow and I was out like a light and don't remember much until twelve hours I do remember the feeling of waking in my own bed and it was pure bliss!!!  I slept in many bed and all were comfy but as you know, there is none like your own.

    I have been asked by quite a few to continue this thread and show you some of where I live.  I'm happy to do this if you would like and I would start with my house, garden and town.  Just let me know if you would like this as well.

    You all say I have touched your lives in some way but always remember that you have touched mine also.  This is a very big world but it's by reaching out to each other that we make it so much smaller.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Chrissy, I would love to see your home and environs.  I enjoyed following your journey so very much and only wished you had gotten to our part of the country.  If I didn't have such a fear of flying I would have come to meet you.

  • samsue
    samsue Member Posts: 599

    Chrissy thank you for taking us along on your adventure. It was absolutely captivating.... would love to have more pictures of your trip along with your home and gardens. Glad you were able to rest and recoup.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849

    Chrissy, I'm in! would love to see your historical town and your DH's shop.  So glad you got some good rest.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590

    Yes, Yes, Yes, Chrissy! Would LOVE to see pics of your home, town, etc.!!!! (((hugs)))


  • Scuba_duchess
    Scuba_duchess Member Posts: 435

    Chrissy, think it's going to be unanimous, no one wants the journey to stop on the shores of Australia. Please take us on the journey through your wonderful homeland! Can't wait for more.



  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007

    Chrissy Keep the thread going.Love to see more photos of your home, family, and life.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,930

    Great idea! Keep the pictures coming.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    See, I am not the only one that want the journey to continue.  Lots of love coming you way.

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    I am with the majority, Chrissy! Would love to see your gardens (will give me some ideas for next year) & your homeland.


  • debbie6122
    debbie6122 Member Posts: 2,935

    Me as well, would love to see lots more pictures!

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Dehinitely keep it going. I love reading this thread especially since it's so international. So many people from so many places brought toegether by Chrissy.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004

    Chrissy, it  is unanimous , we all want more! 

    1- I loved when you gave me that tour of your land on google earth and was most interested in what you told me...had no idea that there were copper minds in Oz and would love to learn more about your land

     2- Was sad when your six week journey ended and thrilled to knowiy will continue. You take such awesome photos

    BRING IT ON! You have made my day again today!!!!!! Love you.....more more more,YAY!!
