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Radiation recovery



  • cowpower
    cowpower Member Posts: 91
    edited January 2013

    Janis, this whole thing just sucks. I am so sorry to hear you go through this, especially since it hurts. Please keep us updated through Elizabeth and I will be thinking of you. (((Hugs)))

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013

    Janis, I'm so sorry you are going through this, especially when you have so much pain. Hopefully each day will bring you closer to becoming pain free. What a way to start the New Year😡. Will be thinking of you.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited January 2013

    Hey Janis, good to hear your "voice". Boy, you sure do it up right, I must say. The whole thing just sounds so painful. I gather that at least for now you don't have to have that sounds good. I hope you have enough baked goodies in the freezer to get you thru this :0). Maybe when you're better, but still under house arrest you can supervise your DH and get him to make one of your delectable concoctions. Just hoping......

    Happy new year's to a wonderful, healing, uneventful year full of hikes, good food, laughter and friends......

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited January 2013

    Oh Janis, it hurts just to read your post.  Feel better.

  • 5LuvBugs
    5LuvBugs Member Posts: 87
    edited January 2013

    Good Morning Girls, before I begin I want to wish Janis a speedy recovery and hope your pain eases and you heal quickly - we never know how much we use our body parts until one is broken....

    My name is Tricia, my Avitar is the picture of a baby with hair that looks like mine (from the chemo hair loss)~~ the Claribell look is what I call it, if your old enough to remember Claribell.  Anyway, I am getting my last round of chemo on Tues, Jan 8 and will begin Radiation around the end of January.  I thought I would jump over to this discussion to meet some new friends and get myself prepared for the next step of this journey.  I hope to pop in and join you girls from time to time and get some good advice - So please tell me what to do to prepare my skin for the big rays.

    I belong to the chemo group and we always have plenty to say - its a fun group as I'm sure you are too.  OK, chat soon.  TriciaSmile

  • cowpower
    cowpower Member Posts: 91
    edited January 2013

    Hi 5luvbugs- oh how I wish my hair was as long as you avitar!

  • Elizabeth1889
    Elizabeth1889 Member Posts: 509
    edited January 2013

    Welcome 5LuvBugs, Good luck with your last round of chemo. The rads experience is different for everyone. I hope yours will be a good one.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited January 2013

    Hi LuvBug.  Best of luck with you last round.  The common advice I've seen for rads over the months seems to be-prepare your skin by moisturizing regularly (preferably with a paraban and phthalate free cream.) Purchase 100% aloe vera to apply after each treatment, and then moisturize several times a day throughout rads and beyond. If you have any skin issues during treatment your RO will intervene with other remedies.

    I have also heard good advice about ingesting additional protein during rads, and of course, honor your body when it needs rest.  I personally found that light walking each morning helped to maintain my energy level. 

    I hope rads will be a non-event for you!

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited January 2013

    Had to wait a few days, but that's OK. Clean mammogram.  Woohoo!

  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Member Posts: 906
    edited January 2013

    SAB...congrats...feels great doesn't it?

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013

    Sab...congrats on the mammo.....I'm going for mine next week and my stomach is in knots just thinking about it.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited January 2013

    Schatzie, I haven't been too nervous in the past, but this time the tech took more views than normal, and returned to my "bad" boob after looking at the film.  It was also the first time I saw an image of all of my frankenstein scars and surgical clips (they usually don't invite me to look.) Then, no results cuz of the holiday, so my imagination ran wild.  But all is well in the end, and I am grateful.

    Scottiee, let us know your good results when you get them!

  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Member Posts: 906
    edited January 2013

    Scottiee...relax it will be fine. You went thru this with Joanne and me so you know the ropes. Keeping good thoughts for you anyways.Wink

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013

    Thanks Susan.....I hate this Fking's true what they say about it being the "gift"

    that just keeps on giving!!!!!

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited January 2013

    Sab....great news on the mammo....woohoo

    Tricia...what a great introduction of yourself. Sab gave great advice to get you thru rads and hopefully you won't have any problems at all. Just check back in with us if you do....we're now a mixed group with some having just finished and some having finished a year and more ago. There are some tricks which can help (like making a "pounce" of cornstarch in a nylon to help with moisture control under the breast if needed) so just let us know. The one thing Cowpower and I both recommend is knitting your way thru the appointments and those times you feel like resting. Congrats on getting to your last round of chemo.

    Hey Janis.....thinking of you. I managed to slip on ice this morning ...yep, in California Bay Area, go figure. Scary but no damage to speak of....

  • cowpower
    cowpower Member Posts: 91
    edited January 2013

    Mostlysew, I just took out my knitting bag before checking in. Gotta get those Christmas sweaters done, lol. Tricia, I wholeheartedly endorse both the knitting and protein angles. I have had some nasty areas from the radiation ( dont let this scare you as I am the QUEEN of skin trouble) and by packing in the protein, I have seen remarkable improvement in a week.

    SAB and Scottie, you are the brave ones that had to go first. I have a followup with my MO next week and then mammo/ bs follow up later in the month. My knees are knocking already. Ativan, anyone? At least I can relieve the stress by yelling at my son for procrastinating on his college applications.;)

  • Joanne_53
    Joanne_53 Member Posts: 714
    edited January 2013

    Scottiee listen to the wise schatzi ... Everything will be ok.

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited January 2013

    For some reason my fatigue is worst 6 weeks out than it was during rads. I am a tired mess everyday.

  • Elizabeth1889
    Elizabeth1889 Member Posts: 509
    edited January 2013

    Hi SAB, Congratulations on the good results of your mammogram.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited January 2013

    Bunkie, I don't think the fatigue is that strange at 6 weeks out. Your body is still fighting to get back to health. You're probably doing more now too. There's also a point where you have to mentally deal with all you've been thru, and get over the incredible stress of the past year. I think you're ok....just keep up with the protein.....good luck...P.S. I still have fatigue days 1 year out of rads, but not nearly as bad nor very often...

  • Joanne_53
    Joanne_53 Member Posts: 714
    edited January 2013

    I had fatigue for quite awhile after ... I also was "winded".  Remember that the radiation is hitting your lungs ..... I am good now but it did take a lot out of me. 

  • knitterkjv
    knitterkjv Member Posts: 5
    edited January 2013

    Cowpower..Yes, I am an avid knitted which helped me during chemo. I also spin and have recently started weaving. Knitting was difficult because my fingers became very sore and peeled. I now just developed some weird rash on my chest. Don't know where that came from. I am noticing more tiredness. I do appreciate all your feedback as this is new to me.

  • cowpower
    cowpower Member Posts: 91
    edited January 2013

    Knitterjv, I love to spin too, although I was never very good at it and it has been a while. It is on my list for this year. I do have a fleece, but have to send it out to be carded, as I am fairly certain carding is a no no for lymphedema... did your fingers hurt and peel from the taxotere? I ended up having to give it up for taxol due to a toxic skin burn on my hands. It is some strong stuff!

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited January 2013

    MostlySew & Joanne 53 - Thanks I am actually two months out on the 13th but I guess I expect too much. Just seems I get winded and tired after only a couple of hours. I just rest.

    My RO said my body was done radiating right after I finished but I wonder how long it takes to get your immune system working better. I am getting cabin fever hiding from people. How long before you were able to relax around people. I feel like a bubble girl.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013

    Bunkie......I finished rads at the end of May, but I was still working as a teacher so I was

    still around lots of people, but these were people I was comfortable with. I couldn't wait to get home and as you said, hide from the rest of the world. I am slowly coming out of this.

    My advice is to take baby steps. My first steps were going around my neighborhood,

    shopping at my local stores and talking with the shopkeepers I know. My first real big step was a get together with a bunch of lovely women I met here. I think I'm at the point now, if someone offered me a trip to Hawaii, for example, Imwould

    It will happen.....just a little patience is required.

  • knitterkjv
    knitterkjv Member Posts: 5
    edited January 2013

    Cowpower..I guess my peeling fingers must have been from the Taxotere. This rash on my chest is from the radiation accordingto oncol. My breast is getting red and feels hard. Is this normal? Did you use aloe? Someone suggested it. I hats carding but would rather work with processed fleece and roving. You might not be far from me..I'm just outside of Buffalo.

  • Joanne_53
    Joanne_53 Member Posts: 714
    edited January 2013

    If you can get some cream called Glaxol base that would be great. It is in a tub and very thick. It was recommended by the RO's nurse. Slather it on but not for 2 hours prior to,your appt. my breast is still hard and heavy ... And I finished rads in May. Where outside buffalo are you?


  • cowpower
    cowpower Member Posts: 91
    edited January 2013

    Knitter, I am in the Albany area, and have sister in Syracuse, so sort of " halfway" to Buffalo. I dont have a breast on the rads side, so I dont know about the hardness. I did get some rash. I am stll usung aquaphor and saline soaks and my skin is improving.

    Bunkie, I know what you mean. I didnt have a choice to hunker in because my kids still need me to drive them everywhere and I have to go to all their events, etc. But it sure was a struggle to leave home base some days. I think Scottie is right about the baby steps. As for getting tired and winded, my onc said expect eight months to a year gradually improving. Seems like a long time....

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited January 2013

    Thanks I really need to just relax and stop waiting to be fixed. You know what I mean. My face looks so pale to me but my bloodwork is normal. I guess there is no way to come through this experience and not feel and look different. I used to get such compliments on how young I looked. I see an old woman now...haha. My skin on my face seems much drier amd saggy.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013

    Bunkie ....Inhave the same problem face is so pale and dry and got extremely

    thin, which just accentuated all my used to say I looked younger than my given age and that was kind of nice, I have to admit....not any longer😠 I too have aged, but considering what we have been surprises there. Give it time ...I don't know your age, but if you are young enough (no hope for me...too old) your skin will gain back its moisture for a more youthful look, I'm sure 😎.