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Radiation recovery



  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited March 2013

    Good luck tomorrow Kate.I'll be praying for you!!

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited March 2013

    Thank you so much Josie. Your support is everything

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2013

    I will be praying hard for you today Kate! Hugs!!!

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited March 2013

    Thank you so much April. Your and the other bc sisters support is so much helping me get through this. It is very touching that although everyone has problems they are taking time, out of their busy lives, to give me support. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. I only slept 4 hours last night. It is 4 am here now, and I got up for the day at 2:30 am. I have two doctors appointments today. The first with my medical oncologist the second with my friend, plastic surgeon, who did my breast reconstruction. After that I am going to my favorite donut shop, and play on my laptop. A young Cambodian woman runs the donut shop, and she is a delight. It so much relaxes me to go there.

  • Deyla7641
    Deyla7641 Member Posts: 53
    edited March 2013

    Good luck with everything today Kate! I will keep you in my prayers!-Deyla

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited March 2013

    Thank you so much Deyla I appreciate your support

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited March 2013

    Good luck today Kate,  I hope everything goes well!  We've got your back!

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited March 2013

    Thank you Janis, I so much appreciate your support

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited March 2013

    Kate - oh my there's barely any elbow room left in your pockets...better grab a larger bag...cause all your appointment buddies are here! (((HUGS))) & prayers we are here for you!

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited March 2013

    Hi RMlulu,

    What a cute way to talk about the wonderful support I have been getting and will be getting from my wonderful bc sisters. I am very touched Hugs, Kate

  • ridergirl
    ridergirl Member Posts: 94
    edited March 2013

    macatacmv thanks for asking, I don't see an RO again unless i need more rads, my original RO has taken ill and is currently not available, and has been replaced by one that I saw once before my rads, and another that I saw at the end of rads who said we don't need to see you anymore unless you need us, and if so your MO knows where to find us. Soooo...I see my MO next week and will ask her about it, did show it to my chemo nurse on Wed and she was at least able to assure me its not infected etc.  The itching is gone from it now but it's still a big discoloured spot like a port-wine birth mark.  Hope thats not going to be permanent!!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited March 2013

    BC sistas ROCK!  Laughing

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited March 2013

    I agree with you Janis bc sisters do rock. I saw my medical oncologist today. He said he really won't know much until after the bladder, and lung biopsy. I asked him if this is related to bc, and he said he doesn't know yet. That it is possible that cancer cells traveled outside my breast. He told me to stay off of the internet researching these cancers, and to stay positive and take one day at a time. I only got three hours sleep last night, but I think I can sleep better tonight taking his advice. He is scheduling appointments for me at St Johns hospital, and with doctors affiliated with St Johns, so I am happy about that. I am seeing a urologist Monday. I am not sure if its just for a consultation, and he will do the biopsy another day, or if he will do the biopsy Monday. The hospital is going to call me to schedule the lung biopsy for next week too. My doctor will be on vacation The week of April 1, so I won't get biopsy results till the week of April 8. I told him I did not want to find out over the phone. I told him I have a cold, and running a fever of 100 both Wed. and Thurs nights. Tonight my temperature is normal. He does not know if the fever is related to the tumors or not. To be very honest if the results of my biopsy's are grim I don't want to know it. I told him I don't want to know the gory details. If he has positive news to let me know that. Otherwise to just let me know a treatment plan. I must stay positive. I have beautiful children, and grandchildren that I must stay strong for. Doing this all alone is difficult in itself. So I will remain positive, and take one day at a time. I had severely high blood pressure approximately 6 months ago, and went to er with blood pressure of 220 over 110. I have eliminated salty foods from my diet, and for the past three months my bp has been 117 over 71. When my doctor called, and told me i had a bladder tumor my bp soared. Today at his office it wasn't good either at 186/99. So I need to relax and take one day at a time. BC sister I honestly can't thank you enough. When I am out and about during the day I am ok emotionally. When I come home at night is when all the worry sets in, and your support is so helpful for me. I am sorry it has been all about me the last couple of days. I thank you so much for your support. Hugs, kate

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited March 2013


    Omg, I'm so sorry to hear all this. I've been gone on a woman's outing with friends this week and just got back. This is just shocking. Don't feel bad about not wanting bad news, we each have to deal with this in our own way, and whatever way we can get thru it. So...just think of us and all our good wishes, and thoughts and hugs and know we're there for you. I like the idea of carrying a stone in your pocket as a sort of "touch stone" to remember her all the good things in your life and to help keep you grounded. The donut shop sounds great too. Good luck,

    Sab....I'd love to go to Alameda in June, if for no other reason than meeting you. Running isn't my style, but bet they have a walking version! I'll look in to it!

    Rider, I'm glad you got some info from your nurse. I don't know anything about late burns, but it sort of sounds like rads damage to me after the fact. There's a great article here on BCO which was written by a dr about how radiation works on our bodies. I believe it's at the very beginning of the radiation topic, right after the moderator messages. That was full of information which might be helpful to you. Good luck and let us know how you're doing.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited March 2013

    Kate I am sorry about the blood pressure problems but it is not a surprise with all the stress.  Of course that would make the pressure soar.  I hope that gets better very soon.  Just know that even though nobody is physically there, you are not at all alone.  You are right about children and grandchildren.  They love you and need you, and don't forget all your BC sistas!  We are rallying for you always.  I know it is not the same, but you have many friends here.  So many of us have faced many challenges but without fail we are here to cheer.  It is okay to be about you right now, you have a lot going on.  You have access to great doctors and hospitals and that has to help ease your mind.  Nevr give up hope.  You know this group won't!  Hugs.......I hope you can sleep tonight.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited March 2013 DH made oatmeal peanut butter chocolate chip cookies for my return.....doesn't match your delectable desserts....but then again they're here and yours aren't! Glad to hear your arm is finally healed. Don't like the sound of auto immune disease though. However, if that helps them treat your pain issues, that would be great....

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited March 2013

    Kate, OK, April 8th.  We're just going to hunker down here in your pocket for a nice long stay. I have some nice Passover cake I can bring to share.

    Sew that would be a kick.  For me, June is my dx month--it will be 2 years.  It is also my birthday month. 55.  It seems like a good time to run my very first 5k.  I'm training, and hit my distance yesterday (though it will be a "sunset run" at the pace I'm going now!) I have always enjoyed walking, but after bc I started walking nearly every day, then hiking and now running. 

    Ridergirl, I have a "stain" too.  My MO told me that I should treat it by turning down the lighting. Ha ha (not.) I hope yours is as inconsequential, and that it doesn't bother you.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited March 2013

    Hi Janis,

    Your post is very touching. There is no way I can forget about you and my other bc sisters. For my children and grandchildren I want to be strong, and not discuss all my worries. For my bc sisters I should be stronger too, but unfortunately I am not. My bc sisters are there for me at night, when others are not, and I can share my worries. I thank you and my other bc sisters for letting me talk about my fears, when I don't want to scare my children with them. I can feel your support and my bc sisters support. It means everything to me, and i thank God for it. Hugs, Kate

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited March 2013

    Thank you so much Sew. Passover cake will be great. i so hope you and Sab can get together Hugs, Late

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited March 2013

    Kate, don't worry about being strong for us.  We all met because we have cancer.  You can vent anytime you want to.  I know that you want to be strong for your family but remember they love you too.  I am glad you came back and began posting again.  We are here for you always!  I hate seeing you have to face this but there still can be a positive outcome.  I noticed you are I were diagnosed just 2 weeks apart.  Many of us here started way back when.  I love that the new members are equally supportive.  We have lots of pocket parties ahead!

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited March 2013

    Kate so sorry and totally agree with justme that you dont have to have your gameface on for us. This is the one place all of us can come and vent and not feel guilty about doing it or worrying our loved ones with our fears. I belong to a breast cancer group at our church and they all say while boards like this are helpful it is better to stay off of them. I told them it has been my lifeline. We all know we dont feel comfortable peppering our doctors with questions, and thats even if you can get them on the phone, or even talking to friends or family because even though they love you they dont want to hear about what is going on for a myriad of reasons not the least of which is fear too. I am the world's worst for waiting. I have zero patience so to have to wait more than 24 hours for anything is torture. It is no surprise your bp is up. Good grief anxiety will drive it through the roof. I have very low bp which rarely breaks 100/60 so when I am afraid and stressed of course it goes up. Perfectly understandable. I also am the same way about getting the dire news over the phone. I did when I was dx with bc. I was home by myself at the time. I didnt fall apart though but that was mainly because I was already braced for the dx. Still I had a friend whose dr called her at work of all places to tell her she had bc. How insensitive can you get? I know there is no easy way to tell someone bad news but there certainly is room for improvement when they do. I am not a dr but I wonder too if your cold/fever is having an impact in any way. This forum is a godsend to a lot of us. In the early going and even now I always feel I can come here and compare notes and fears. Keep the faith; our prayers are with you. diane

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2013

    Good morning! Just wanted to check in and say that I am still thinking of you Kate..and praying that your biopsies come back as benign which as I said before has happened many many times. Oncologists have to think the worst because that is what they do. But, when all is said and done, I have read many posts that say the lung nodules etc turned out to be benign. Hang on to the hope sweetie.

    Somewhere on these threads I read the best saying attributed to Michael J. Fox the actor. It goes something like this.

    "No use worrying until you know for sure because if it turns out to be something, you will have lived it twice"

    I know that is not the exact saying, I paraphrased, but hopefully you can relate to it a little bit. I know it is easier said than done.

    Please come here and vent whenever. I know that fear is very lonely and that no one understands like others who have BC or any cancer! This is my second cancer in that I had cervical cancer almost 35 years ago!

    Hugs and love to you. We are here!!

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited March 2013

    Hi Janis,

    Thanks again. Allowing me to vent will be wonderful. I do remember that we were diagnosed around the same time. Yeah I actually slept 7 hours last night. Bc sister support is helping me to try and remain calm and get some rest. Hugs, Kate

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited March 2013

    Kate - Ok we are just going to all be strong with you. I kept checking for an update and now I have one. He is right about staying off  the Internet looking up stuff. I did that when I first got my autoimmune disease and it made me crazy. I did it with BC too till I started on this site and found it to be so helpful. Now with the thyroid stuff I am not going to look at all.

    You are so lucky to have children and grand-kids. I am alone also but without that support and parents now gone. Cherish the times you are around them. We make choices early in life and they come back to help or bite us. I forgot to have kids, ended up divorced and an only child. You will be fine. Sounds like you have a great dr and health care team. Keep us posted for sure. Funny I just met you on this site and already feel like I have known you for years.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited March 2013

    Hi Diane,

    OMG so well stated. It is wonderful not to have to show my gameface, and to be able to tell you and my other bc sisters how I am feeling. These bc boards are my lifeline too. They were when I was originally dx with bc and they are now too. I am so grateful to have your support and my other bc sisters. This is the 8th day of my cold, and it is getting better. I see the urologist Monday, and I will ask him if he thinks a cold/fever has anything to do with bladder and lung tumors. Being called at work to be told you have bc is outrageous. You are so right this forum is a godsend. Thank you for taking the time to post such a wonderful message for me. Hugs, Kate

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited March 2013

    Hi April,

    Thank you so much for your support. When I first heard about my new tumors I fell apart. Yesterday after seeing my doctor I have remained as strong and positive as I can. When I had bc I was resilient, and I am going to try and be with this too. I feel hopeful, and you and my other bc sisters are helping me with it. I love the quote from Michael J. Fox. It is so true. I am so sorry that you have to endure cancer two times in your lifetime. Hugs, Kate

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited March 2013

    Hi Bunkie,

    I am glad that you are not going to check out your thyroid stuff online. We are not doctors, and every case is different. When we are scared we have checked those sites and thought we had the worst diagnosis of all, when in fact we did not have it.

    You are right that I am lucky to have a son, daughter, 4 granddaughters and a grandson. I like you have parents who are deceased and I am an only child too. MY family lives in Chciago suburbs, and I live in Santa Monica, Ca. It is difficult for my children to come here right now, because their children are in school. After the biopsys when I discuss a treatment plan with my doctor I am going to see if he will let me take a quick trip to Chicago to see my family, before I start any kind of treatment. I am so sorry that you are alone. I am here for you along with the other bc sisters as well. I do have a great doctor and health care team. Last night my doctor emailed me with a very nice message.

    What a sweet thing to say about feeling that you've known me for years. You are a doll and I so much appreciate your support. Hugs, Kate

  • Waitingforthenextstep
    Waitingforthenextstep Member Posts: 124
    edited March 2013


                   I know what you mean.  I have stopped asking for the details of all my tests etc.  Last time I saw my MO I just asked if my blood test was ok.  I just don't want to deal with it anymore.  Sometimes the answers make for more questions.  What I don't need to know won't hurt me.  

  • VickieHall777
    VickieHall777 Member Posts: 33
    edited March 2013

    Hi Lady's,

    I guess it is time for me to introduce myself as I have been reading this board voraciously since my diagnosis last September. As all of you have said, this community has been one of my lifelines during this journey called BC. I have been praying for each of you during the last 6 months and have gleaned so much knowledge, information and inspiration from you all. I am blessed to have found you all. My last rad treatment was in January and I am healing pretty well. I did not have many external skin issues, but mine seemed to be more internal as I don't think my internal work with alloderm attached to muscle tissue was allowed to heal long enough before rads began. Having said that, things are going well. I am back at work. I am a certified pharmacy technician specializing in compounding (making custom meds...and NO NOT anything like the Mass. Debaucl ) I still have some issues with being tired, but a good long sleep helps wonderfully.

    Kate, I am especially praying for you as I cannot imagine walking this path alone! You are such a strong woman and it is an honor to ride in your pockets as you take this additional road. I am praying for wisdom, strength and power, along with peace in the midst of this storm.

    I hope that in the coming days I can be one of the encouragers on this list and also share as my journey continues.

    BTW, my wonderful husband and I have 7 sons and 13 grandchildren, so I can certainly relate to all the Nana's amoung us!

    Love to you all,


  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited March 2013

    Hi Waiting for the nest step,

    I agree. The one question I have is how a 4mm tumor stage 1 grade 1 without lymp node involvement has cause more tumors. Have a nice weekend