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Radiation recovery



  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited March 2013

    Hi Bunkie,

    I am so sorry you are stressed about your biopsy on Wednesday. Did they say what they will give you if it is painful? I am sure they will at least give you lidocaine, and maybe something else to calm your nerves. Wednesday night will be here before you know it, and you'll have this behind you.

    Your Easter dinner sounds delicious. I am the opposite of you right after I come home from a procedure I drink Chardonnay, and pig out on spicy food and gain weight.

    Count me in your pocket Wednesday Hugs, Kate

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200
    edited March 2013

    Hi everyone, I am feeling better after the tooth surgery.

    You guys have really been active here. I hope we can all take tomorrow off and not think of medical stuff for just one day!

    gemini, I am up in Btown all the time for MD appts, going to either MA Gen or B&Ws, we could meet up? I'm going up for a basal cell removal on Tuesday. What fun! I joke that I only know how to get to the different hospitals in the city.

    April, glad you got thru the seeding, has the pain settled down.

    Yes, Janis I am ready for cake balls, when is Kate's pp?

    will post more later, son is home for the holiday. 

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited March 2013

    Hi macatacmv,

    So glad to hear that you are feeling better.

    Not thinking about medical procedures tomorrow is a perfect idea. My lung biopsy is Tuesday morning. Thank God I didn't think about it today, and I am praying I can do that tomorrow, and Monday too. I am at peace with how the procedure will be done. My worry will be waiting for the results. As I believe I have mentioned. I don't want to be called about results, and I won't see my doctor till April 16. So, I need to find a way that I won't worry for those two weeks, which is easier said than done 

    Happy Easter, if you celebrate it. Glad your son is home for the holiday. Enjoy, Kate

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited March 2013

    Hi Kate, I think from what people are saying and a little info on the web, that you should receive some sedation.  Several times I have had procedures or surgery and I ask if I can take xanax before and I have never been told no.  I usually take half before I leave the house and the other half as I arrive.  If there is a delay, I'll take another half...and see how it goes.  It always helped me to relax and smile even though I was still nervous inside.  I hope it goes quickly and you don't have any bad moments.
    Same for you, reason to wait until you are done to take meds....just ask ahead.  No problem with my docs.
    Congrats to those who have just finished rads or who will this week.  It's a great feeling.  Follow your body's needs and sleep or rest as you recover.
    Happy Easter and if you are with family, enjoy this time.
    Hugs & blessings for you,


  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited March 2013

    Hi Joan,

    I think I will be semi-unconscious from Versed during the procedure. If I understand it correctly it is the same medication you get for a colonoscopy. When I had my colonoscopy I didn't feel a thing, see a thing, or remember any of it. I so hope that is the case with this biopsy. So, I should be half asleep for the procedure. If there aren't complications I won't need to take anything,, after the procedure, except Janis' cake balls washed down with a glass of chardonnay.

    Happy Easter to you and your family. I am Jewish so I don't celebrate Easter. I plan on doing some retail therapy tomorrow lol. My favorite mall will be open from 12-6 tomorrow. Hugs, Kate

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited March 2013

    Kate, I hope you don't remember anything! 
    Thanks for the holiday wishes. I think it's great that you will indulge in retail therapy...I find it to be a really effective distraction.
    I am sorry that you have not had your family around through all this...and I hope that when all this unnerving stress is behind you, that you will visit with them soon.

    Am off to sleep finally....will check back in tomorrow.

  • CarolynVM
    CarolynVM Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2013

    Lemon, I'm sorry I didn't see your post sooner.  About midway through my radiation treatments my breast who swollen to the point it felt like it might explode, it was hot, hot, hot and it hurt BAD.  Turned out I had lymphedema.  My RO sent me for treatments three weeks before my rads were done.  I think her fast action has made a big difference for me.  Please consider asking for a referral for LE treatment. 

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited March 2013

    Hi Joan,

    Even though my children and other family members are not here with me physically I am on the phone with my family, and emailing back and forth continuously. I was planning to go home in August, but now I plan on going sooner that that. If I need to have any kind of treatment I plan on going there first, if my doctor will let me. Thanks for your support. Sweet dreams, Kate

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited March 2013

    Happy Easter BC Sisters,

    For those that celebrate I wish you a very happy Easter. Enjoy a day away from medical procedures celebrating with your family and friends. xoxo, Kate

  • Annette47
    Annette47 Member Posts: 108
    edited March 2013

    Hi everyone - 

    Josie123 - I just wanted to say that I completely relate to your feelings about balancing rads, kids, work, and the house.   I too tried to be everything to everybody during treatment and it was exhausting.   Figure out what is a priority and what can wait - ask the kids and hubby to help out more too ... it won't hurt them and they may enjoy feeling like they have a way to help support you.    In retrospect, I wish I had done more of that.

  • lemon68
    lemon68 Member Posts: 301
    edited March 2013

    Carolyn, thank you I hadnt even thought of that. I had the seroma after the SNB and it my underarm is really swollen. Looks like a roll of baby fat there. Not painful but not good. I see RO on Tuesday, he is a dud but I will see if I can get a referral. Appreciate the info.

    Hope everyone is enjoying a peaceful day whether you celebrate the holiday or not.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited March 2013

    Happy Easter to those who celebrate.  I hope it is a good day for all.

    macatacmv, I am glad to hear that you are doing well after your dental surgery.  I made plenty of cake balls and you should be able to eat them, they are pretty soft.  I'll bring lots with me to Kate's party and more on Wednesday to Bunkie's.  I hope nobody minds leftovers, they keep for a very long time. 

    I am thinking of you ladies with your upcoming procedures.  Pockets ought to be pretty full by now!  :)

    Take good care evderyone, enjoy the day. 

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2013

    Bunke, you drop weight that easily? Wow! Would say "lucky you" but that would not be true since losing can be just as frustrating as gaining.

    To everyone else, Happy Easter. Just got home from the casino and I won 900 big ones! Woohooo. Went for free nights (MGM Grand at Foxwoods) and did not think about cancer more than a handful of times.

    My Easter is May 5th (am Greek Orthodox) this year so was not sinning by gambling on Easter or Good Friday..LOL

    Kate, still praying for you and Bunkie too!

    Josie, almost there girl! Hang in there!!!!!!!

    Gonna go take a nap. That gambling stuff is tiring Wink

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited March 2013

    Hi Janis and April,

    Janis thanks so much for your support. My pockets are full, but not as full as April's with that $900 win lol

    April I am so jealous I love to gamble, but haven't in a long time. I love blackjack and poker. How about you?  Glad you enjoyed, and didn't think about medical procedures. Gambling is great therapy. Thanks so much for your support Hugs, Kate

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2013

    Hi Kate,

    Won the money on a slot machine and playing roulette. Since we live less than an hour away and the casinos are not doing well, they offer free nights all the time at this gorgeous relatively new hotel (5 years old) and so we occasionally take them up on it. Since my BD is April 8th, we decided why not.

    FYI, the slot I won on is "Wheel of Fortune" and I hit 500 big ones last minute, almost at check out time so only thought I was comign home with 400...score! LOL

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited March 2013

    Hi all.  I won't try to comment on all the stuff that's going on...I've been away for quite a few pages now!  I just want to pass out hugs to those who need them, and make an rsvp in Kate and Bunkie's pockets for their procedures this week.

    I've been with family for Passover; it was great to see them.  I wish everyone a Happy Passover and Easter.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited March 2013

    Hi Sab,

    So glad that you enjoyed passover with your family. I am counting on you to be in my pocket Tuesday. I am going to walk to the facility to get my biopsy. It is only four and a half blocks from where I live. I may have trouble walking there because my pockets will be so weighed down. Hugs, Kate

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2013

    Kate, we will CARRY you if we have to! We are coming to that pocket party, so no worries. I will carry the wine since I can't be trusted with all of the cake balls Surprised

    Sab, glad you had a nice Passover with your family. Family is everything!

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited March 2013

    So cute April. I can't be trusted with the chardonnay lol. You are so right family is everything

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited March 2013

    Hi y'all

    Nice to have family time...spring time!!! And pocket parties:)))

    I'll call for the we can relax & enjoy our wine&cake balls...maybe cruise down to the beach and enjoy the ocean spray & sunshine!

    Happy Easter! Happy Passover! (((Hugs)))


  • Andrea623
    Andrea623 Member Posts: 572
    edited April 2013

    Got a question; when are we done with the RO? I finished rads in December, saw her for a follow up in January, and she wanted to see me again in 6 months. I didn't really care for her, and was wondering why I'd need to see her again. I'd like to skip it!

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited April 2013

    Hi Andrea623- sorry you did not care for your RO:(. Do you have a 6 mo follow up with BS? If so ask ...mine work BS may suggest who can check how your breast responded to the's important ... This site has good info on rads ...but don't miss follow up ... Did you get a copy of you rad tx for your file? You will want this in your files

    Take are and congrats on rad completed:)))


  • Cindyl
    Cindyl Member Posts: 498
    edited April 2013

    Andrea623 I believe it varies from practice to practice.  At the practice I go to the MO "manages" the patients who had chemo and the RO manages those of us who had no chemo (even though I see the MO to because I take Tamoxifen.)  "Management" includes ordering and reviewing Mammograms and any other tests deemed needed. I see the RO every 6 months, the MO every 6 months with the RO in Feb and August and the MO in May and November. I also see the BS once a year.  I'm told that visits will gradually stretch out, but ...

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited April 2013

    Annette,thanks for the advice.I did get the living room cleaned for Easter but my kitchen just wasn't up to par for me.But we still had our Easter and enjoyed every minute of it.The kids got way too much candy as usual and still did the egg hunt.My oldest daughter even went to church with us which almost made up for the fact that DH had to work and missed mass.Luckily he joined us for the rest of the festivities he just came in the tow truck.

    April congrats on the winnings!

    BUNKIE I hope you are having a better day and try and put it in the hands of the Lord.I remember being so freaked out before my first Lumpectomy and finally someone was talking to me about it and how she would pray for me and I all the sudden had a feeling of calm come over me and I knew it would all be ok.

    Kate are you planning on getting a ride home after you biopsy?Surely your not going to walk 4 blocks home after the biopsy are you?

    I hope everyone had a blessed day.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Hi Josie,

    I am so glad you enjoyed Easter with your family.

    I am one who loves to be resilient. After two lumpectomies I was drinking Chardonnay when I came home and never took a pain pill. After my breast cancer biopsy I went out for a margarita lol. As it stands now I am planning to walk 4 blocks home after the biopsy. It makes me feel like i have control over something, so I hope I can do it. If not I will call someone to pick me up.

    xoxo Kate

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Off I go to my CT scan/simulation/mapping/tattooing session today. Wish me luck! I just want this stuff to start and end already. Have a great day ladies.

    Kate, I am thinking you should probably plan a ride home at least. Versed can stay in the body for a while and I am thinking they won't release you home without someone with you!

    Have a great day ladies!

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    April, Good luck with your ct scan/simulation etc. I will be thinking about you, and hoping it is not aggravating and over with fast. I asked the place, that I am getting the biopsy done, if they require that I get a rid home, and they said they suggest it, but it is not required. I researched needle lung biopsies on the net, and some that had it said they had Versed, but it wasn't enough to put them to sleep. They said it was just enough to relax. If I feel groggy I will get a ride home. Count me in your pocket today.

    Bunkie, I am thinking about you and hope you enjoyed your Easter dinner. Thursday will be here before you know it and both our procedures will be over with YEAH!



  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    OMG I need to make an emergency trip to My MO's office at 2 today. I was on the phone with the imaging place that I am having the biopsy done, and I noticed that my right leg is completely swollen from top to bottom. He told me to call my doctor's office. My doctor is out of town, but I am going to see his nurse practioner at 2. I hope this doesn't prolong having the lung biopsy done. I want to get it out of the way tomorrow.

    The radiologist said that I will be up for the biopsy tomorrow. I will get lidocaine to numb the area, and versed to relax me, but I will not be asleep. He was extremely nice, and said I shouldn't experience much pain.

    Now I am scared about what this leg swelling is. I will post a message sometime today when I know what is going on.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    (((Kate))) Oh honey, this is not what you needed at all! Did you bump your leg and not know it? Sometimes if I do that, mine swells a little, but not top to bottom! Hoping it is not anything serious! HUGE hugs! Please let us know what is going on!

    Well ladies, my CT/simulation/mapping/tattooing is done! I begin the rads on 4/22. I will have them twice a day, once at 7am or 7:30 and the second treatment at 1:00pm or 1:30. This really made it real and I had a good cry on the way home. Even if I am only going for one week, I am still scared of the SE's! I am so glad I have this thread with all of your collective knowledge!

    Now we need our Kate to get healthy and good news! Praying hard for all of you my sisters. xo

  • Waitingforthenextstep
    Waitingforthenextstep Member Posts: 124
    edited April 2013

    Kate- Do you have any little cut or scratch on your swollen leg?  I know cellulitis can cause your leg to swell.  It is an infection from the cut.  Just a thought.