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Radiation recovery



  • gemini4
    gemini4 Member Posts: 320
    edited April 2013

    Hey Kate, I'm with everyone else here ... don't listen to the timeframe.  Here's a suggestion for dealing with nausea that I hope won't offend you, so apologies in advance ... is medical marijuana an option for you in your state?  It's known for being very helpful to relieve nausea specifically in chemo patients.  Apparently at the legal dispensaries you can also get edible forms to avoid smoking.  I just watched a show the other day on Discovery (i think that was the channel) about marijuana -- it was very informative.  Melissa Etheridge was featured and she said how it really helped her when she was undergoing chemo for her breast cancer several years ago.

    Again, sorry if I've said something inappropriate, but just thought I'd throw it out there!  Wink

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Hi Diane

    There was talk about an expiration date, because my cancer has spread, and I asked him about how long he thought i would have. To heck with an expirationdate. You and other know someone who have been given a time frame, and lived  much longer. So, I will prove them wrong about an expiration date. Thank you so much for your support. I truly appreciate it. Hugs, Kate

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited April 2013

    Good for you Kate!!You prove them wrong.Don't let the nausea scare you Kate.Your much stronger than you think and They really shouldn't have told you how long they think you will live.No one knows that except God.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited April 2013

    gemini-CA has very liberal medical marijuana laws (big surprise, right?) If I remember correctly my doctor told me that no perscription is needed, only a statement of need from your doctor (my group actually has a form they fill out.)  If your doctor does not want to do so, then there are many doctors, some affiliated with the dispenseries, who will do so if they know your diagnosis. I'm certain that if Kate or anyone else on chemo wanted med marijuana it would be made available, as it should be.  (I guess I'm the controversial one now :-)) FYI my MO told me that inhalables are not a good idea because he has seen some lung infections, and since sugar is a concern for me he recommended drops to be taken under the tongue.  

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited April 2013

    I started my day at work this morning with a memo taped to the lunch room door about cell phone usage and how they are going to crack down on it and lunch breaks how even though we don't get paid for it we have to eat at the lunch room if we want to go outside to get some fresh air we have to clock out for lunch.Sometimes you feel like you belong to the company you work for .some days I feel like a prisoner.I need my vitamin D too!I'm so lucky to have a good job and They really are a good company to work for but it's the employees that abuse the rules or break them that make it difficult for everyone else.I'm sorry just had a rough day I guess.My daughter hasn't been answering her cell phone and I've been trying to reach her all evening.I had a late meeting tonight with a beautiful steak dinner and dessert at this fancy restaurant and I really enjoyed it until I was leaving And I realized my 15yr old Autistic son is still at home with no dinner.The dog is probably still not let out of my bedroom or out to go potty.And the woman my 10 yr old was staying with had tried to call and probably wondering where I was.Needless to say I had a panic attack on the highway on my way home.She had to leave to go get her boyfriend and left my daughter and her daughter both 10 by themselves.I know her sister lives next door but I was stressed.I felt the panic attack conning on so I called my hubby and told him where I was so if I passed out he could send someone.I get home and my dog gets into the leftovers(steak)I am so done with this day and mad at my 18yr old for not coming home to check on her brother or her dog.Thanks for listening you guys just saved me $40

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited April 2013

    Josie, from one Mom to another (((((hug)))))

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited April 2013

    Thanks Sab. Btw Nice pic!!

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited April 2013

    Sorry to anyone who is brave enough to read that previous post.I guess I needed to vent.And Andy my son definitely didn't starve He snacks a lot when he gets home but when I got home the blender was on the kitchen table and plugged in he just couldn't find the lid.Bless his heart I fixed him the smoothie he wanted but also let him help so he could do it next time.

    Gemini how are you it's so nice to hear from you.I haven't started the tamoxifen yet.My nurse at my MO

    Told me to wait a few weeks After Rads I think or was it a few days?I am not to impressed with that office anyway.I had blood work drawn and no one ever called me I waited 3weeks And when I finally reached the nurse she gave me my BRACH results.Duh I got those weeks ago.They acted like they didn't know what test was done.??13 tubes of blood and that's what I get.I thought I had to see her again soon but I don't remember .

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited April 2013

    Goodnight everyone it's 10:35pm and I'm so done.

    Sorry tomorrow I will be more positive.I'm not usually this crabby!

  • RunFree16
    RunFree16 Member Posts: 649
    edited April 2013

    Kate, wow, I echo what everyone else has said, but you are being so brave about your chemo and diagnosis and leg and everything, I'm in awe.  I can see you are really good at drawing positivity from others, and that's a gift not only from others, but in you.  I wish you courage, easy chemo, slim leg, no nausea, and years of laughing right back at that scary guess from your doctor. 

    April, you are really doing it!  I'm so impressed (and a wee bit jealous).  I'm glad you felt better today.  Eight hours of sleep, what a concept.

    I did my last full-field zap today, 23/30.  Now 7 boosts.  So far I've really been lucky, skin in good shape, fatigue not significant, nothing too bad.  The boost will include my nipple--they tried to draw the boost field to avoid it, but the tumor site was too close.  They've warned me this part might be harder.  But at least I'm going into it in good shape.  I'm still enjoying my rides from so many different people, really breaks up the grind.  And it has FINALLY gotten warm and spring-like here.  A different kind of boost! 

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Good Morning! Today is #'s 7 and 8/10 and then DONE. Someone asked me a few pages ago (can't remember who) if I am having partial breast rads and the answer is yes. I am pretty much having 10 BIG boosts of 3.85 Centigrays each. for a total of 38.5 for the week. Normal full breast rads come in around 50-60 in 33 tx's, depending on how many centigrays the RO decides your tumor needs for your boosts. I get a whole week's worth each day of my trmt cause I go twice a day. There are varying protocols for whole breast rads too. I think Lemon had 16 trmts of whole breast and others have had 20 of whole breast. I am the crazy one getting enough radiation to microwave a few bags of popcorn each day.

    Today, breast a little pink(very little) but not too bad. Definitely feels like sunburn. Not bad sunburn, not even moderate but mild. My understanding is that I will not feel the effects until AFTER I am done...not looking forward to that. A bit of fatigue, but sleeping more helps that.

    What I am going to brag about cause I think I am rocking it, is that I QUIT SMOKING! I am on day 5 without a cigarette and the worst of the withdrawl is behind me. I was a 40+ year smoker and this was finally the best incentive to do it. I promised myself I would not go to radiation trmt a smoker cause that seems so insane to me. Quitting was on my list of to-do's and I was going to tackle it this year anyway since I lost all that weight and was on a health kick with exercise etc plus eating right. Now, my hand was forced, but I feel amazing!

    My smoking cessation counselor had me blow into a thing that measures carbon monoxide. The first time it was 25ppm. The second time (after tapering back) was 20ppm. Yesterday, it was 2ppm (normal is 1-6ppm in a metro area due to pollution etc and Yale is in a metro area so that is their criteria for a non-smoker) and she was really proud of me. Not easy by any stretch, but it was time for sure. I am feeling good about that.

    Anyway, that is all the news that's fit to print (Edward R. Murrow? - can't remember) and now heading into the shower as I am having #7 and 8 today plus working 4 hours in between. Feeling pretty ok today - only a little draggy.

    Have a wonderful day and Kate, special hugs to you!

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited April 2013

    Kate - I am with everyone else on here about an expiration date. To be honest a Dr can not give you 3 years or 5. It is up to the man above. We all know we could go tomorrow OR in 20 years. My dad passed away at 94. He had bladder cancer for years...lots of years. When he finally died it was not the bladder cancer that got him. I was watching Joel Osteen a couple weeks ago and even he was talking about his terminal mom that was given no hope 20 years ago. So I say to you IGNORE that stuff.

    As far as the nausea I know it can be awful. Get some ginger gum and ginger ale. Also get some of that kids stuff to stay hydrated....the stuff they give kids for hydration. I used it during rads a few times. Find ginger anything and some soups and crackers. If that is all you can do then so be it. Whatever you can get down and keep down. On the subject of being alone I know too well what that can bring. Find some good movies, magazines etc to read and watch when you get in the zone. I call it the zone because that is when the mind goes to bad places and I find it is worst because you are alone. When I get in the zone I call a friend or find something to do. We are all in your pocket.

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited April 2013

    April - CONGRATS on stopping smoking. Yeah!!!!

    I have to say during rads I had some issues BUT the aftermath was the worst and I am still going through it. Nothing you can not handle but that fatigue is the worst. I have still been having problems with staying hydrated no matter how much I drink and my skin is so dry and I look so old. This will pass I am told. 

    You are at the home stretch. Whoo hoo!!!

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited April 2013

    RunFree - You know I have to say the boosts were not as bad for me as the regular rads. Maybe you will get that lucky. No matter what you are almost done. Yeah!!!

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited April 2013

    April, congrats on the quitting smoking!!What a great accomplishment.I'm glad you doing well.Your almost done.

    RunFree,congrats on being almost done!!The boosts weren't bad for me and my nipple was within inches of my incision.Hope it goes well for you.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited April 2013

    Bunkie yes, your skin should improve a great deal.  It takes time but you are doing all the right things. 

    Josie so sorry for you bad day yesterday.  We all have crabby days and really, you had a rough day and needed to vent.  You came to the right place for that.  I hope today is much better,  Spring in the air is cheering all by itself.  Enjoy that sun and warmer weather.

    April.....LAST day!  You did it, and on top of that quit smoking too.  Way to go!  It takes awhile for the habit to break.  Just the social aspect of smoking and the routines.  You can do this!  I quit smoking 3.5 years ago, and have not cheated once.  My DH was raised on a tobacco farm, need I say more?  He quit a year after I did and it was such a relief for me.....he has emphysema. 

    Who else is finishing up?  Love and hugs to all of you brave sistas!

    Today I am officially Arimidex free, but it is temporary.  If the joint pain is linked to it then I will switch to a different AI.  I won't go off for long, just a short time.  I intend to fulfill the entire five years, it just may not be on Arimidex.  :)

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited April 2013

    April, I am on the run here but wanted to just say Well Done!  DH and I both quit a long time ago and it's a happy outcome.

    Josie, Vent as needed Smile 

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited April 2013

    April,  WAY TO GO!  It's hard to quit, but you're doing it!  Your lungs will feel better and better, you'll feel prouder and prouder and so you should!  When I quit, I took my cigarette money and bought myself presents.....little things....felt good.  Wait till you dream about smoking and wake up feeling guilty momentarily, that was an interesting experience for me.....

    Josie, geeze girl, the only way to maintain a positive attitude is to vent once in a while.  We're here to listen.  Much safer than venting on hubby or the kids...they have the habit of looking really hurt!  And none of us even remember (another good thing about cancer).

    Janis,  I'm glad you're taking a break from the AI for a bit.  I think it will help tremendously, at least I've got my fingers crossed.

    Bunkie, isn't that old lady leather skin feeling weird?  I think that happens to remind us to keep moisturizing.  It does go away, I promise

    Run Free, I'm so glad you're doing so well,'re in the home're almost there....

    For those gals finishing up and afraid to start tamoxifin or one of the AI's, don't hesitate.  this is insurance.  You've worked this hard to be cancer free, and the med will keep you that way.  Be glad you've got the option of taking one of them, some women don't even get the option.  Yes, they can cause side effects for some people.  sometimes even debilitating ones.  But there are thousands upon thousands of women who don't get any side effects, or if they do they're minor. And if you get a bad SE, you can change meds.  So, think positive.  Face it like it's another pill to swallow and don't dwell on it.  Just live happily cancer free knowing you're doing all you can to continue to keep this blasted disease at bay.  (from Mother Hen who takes an AI, and while I have a few funny se's, I really can't blame them on the AI, I'm afraid they might just be the process of aging  Surprised)

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited April 2013

    Sew you hit the nail on the head with your post regarding the meds.  Insurance is right.  I will only be taking a break from the Arimidex for now.  My NP said if my joint pain lessens then we can attribute that to Arimidex and then switch to something that agrees with me better.  I absolutely will not stay off an AI for long.  It is just that I still have 3.5 years to go and may need to switch.  It is not uncommon to have SE's that are bothersome, but easy enough to change meds.  Trial and error.  I want the extra insurance from the AI.  Even if I still have SE's I would rather deal with those, than BC again.  That is a no brainer for me.  :)

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited April 2013

    Test on pic posting we will see


  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited April 2013

    Sew, I'll be your poster Tamoxifen side effects to speak of, just regular getting older with arthritis stuff. My MO is talking about making the switch to an AI soon, and I hope that whatever I take next is as trouble free.

    Steel cut oats on the stove--I'm being a good girl today.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Hello ladies!

    Janis, tomorrow is my last day. By the way, it seems that if Arimidex gives you grief, Aromasin might not. Femara is closest to Arimidex in makeup and Aromasin has a steroidal component that the other two don't (according to my MO who only likes Aromasin for DCIS which is what I have and actually prefers tamoxifen but since I am worried about SE's from Tamox, if I have any she will give me Aromasin and may even start me on that she said) so hoping that whatever you get next doesn't give you so much grief. Sheesh, the cure is so much worse than the disease much of the Did you find out about the lump? Hoping all is well!

    Sab, so glad to hear that you are doing well on tamoxifen.

    Sew, thanks for the Way to Go. I am having the toughest day so far today but I did not give in and smoke. I am so done with it. A friend of mine asked me why I quit the same week that I was going through such stress with rads and why didn't I wait till later. My reason was that I could NOT justify going through radiation to zap cancer cells while still smoking when they KNOW it causes cancer. How insane is that? I know that some people can't do both, but I sure as heck am going to. I know I am strong so I just have to hang tough.

    Runfree, almost done! Now on to boosts and then FREE! So happy for you!

    Josie, so glad that you are having a better day than you did yesterday. I agree with Sew...venting is exactly why we are give and GET support.

    Bunkie, I have found that Eucerin is working well and so far no leather but who knows. My skin has aged recently it seems although most people tell me I look like I am in my 40's instead of 58 so I will believe them even if they are blowing smoke up my butt..LOL

    Kate, hope you are seemed a little down and so hust wanted to send you a hug Kiss

    Ok, 8/10 done today! Woohooooooo! Doing the happy dance! Tomorrow, I get to ring the gong and hug some rad techs and the receptionist Tiffany who I adore.Wink She BAKES for the patients...not kidding. Yesterday she made chocolate chip cookie bars and today, she made banana bread...says it relaxes her to bake and since she loves all the rads patients like they are her babies (she has said that even though she is at least 20 years younger than me) she loves to make them stuff! She keeps candy in her drawer for the little ones (which makes me so sad to see the babies Cry) and she always keeps locker key #3 in her drawer for me and gives it to me in the morning cause I told her it was my Mom's birthday and I feel like she is watching over me when I use that locker and so she SAVES it for me every single day since Monday morning! She is getting a very large Cadbury milk choc bar from me tomorrow cause that is her favorite.

    Ok, enough chat.. DH bought a rotisserie chicken and so gonna make some veggies and some rice and dinner is served. Eating early tonight and gonna veg out and watch the results on American Idol. I think Kree is going home I am sad to say. They are all really talented, but Kree had a rough night with the judges. Ok enough about AI (funny how that means something totally different to me these days as in Aromatase Inhibitor)

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited April 2013

    Hi y'all!

    April - congrats no smokin and yes zappin! Wow what a week! Go warrior!

    RunFree- yeah, boosts home stretch to saving the girl! Fatigue seems to come with the pink of wishes:)

    Josie- hope today is a good day...vent...breathe have a cake ball and lol! My brother had all the nieces and nephews move the water fight inside with a hose...what was he thinking...3 hoses couldn't save him from the wrath of his sisters LOL!

    Janis- glad you are on vacation from AI. Hope it helps and brings needed relief:)

    Bunkie- moisturize...I use olive oil...silly but it works...ha

    Sew- thanks for the ongoing encouragement and food!

    SAB- workin on the pic...think it requires more than a iPad to make it work. Will wait until I have a glamor shot...ha:)

    Kate- sending calm healing thoughts your way. Hoping all your appointments go well this week. Designing you a fierce warrior hat for battle!

    Today was #3 boost! Friday and then Monday I will be happy dancing in my sparkle shinny golden heels! Time to update the nail polish to fushia warrior with glitter:)

    (((Hugs))) to all



  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Hi Josie,

    I haven't posted since last night, because my computer mouse broke down, and too late to go out and buy another one. I am so addicted I was lost without being online. I ran out to staples, and bought a new one this morning. I was busy shopping with a friend today, so this is my first chance to post.

    Thank you so much for your support. It is especially wonderful, because you take time to post for me when you have issues of your own. I will prove them wrong about an expiration date. I am a fighter, and I will fight with everything I've got to kick ugly cancer in the butt.

    I am so glad you vented. I know how much venting can help. You go ahead and vent any time you like.

    I am so sorry that your son has autism, and that you had to worry so much, and about the woman you left him with. Sorry you had to be upset after a great dinner. Go out for dinner again soon when you can have a carefree time. You so much deserve a treat.

    Sorry too that employees at your company abuse rules, and it makes it difficult for you.

    I wish you only the best, and I am always here for you to give you support.



  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited April 2013

    Well today was a much better day!Thanks everybody for understanding.I felt incredibly guilty after that post last night.I didn't mean to unload on you all.Everybody has problems of their own and I didn't mean to take the stage.

    BUNKIE I know what you mean about the skin.It's like someone gave me a spray tan that won't wash off.It's dark brown or pigmented where it used to be red and and the skin feels kind of leathery.

    I have a question I read a post on another thread where the lady was trying to decide whether or not to do Rads at all and someone posted that she wouldn't because her diagnosis was Dcis and she

    should save the Breast in case she ever had a worse diagnosis like invasive since you can only do Rads once.Really??No one told me that.Why?

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Hi Sab,

    Maybe I could get medical marijuana, but I won't do it. Just so you know I really am not in pain, thank God, except when my leg was so badly swollen. Now I have issues, and it is mild discomfort, and tylenol takes away the discomfort. So I am blessed that I don't have pain. My doctor says that chemo will take away the discomfort issues I have, and even the leg swelling. Of course chemo will cause other issues low blood count, anemia etc etc., but my doctor and I will deal with it when it comes up. I want to fight cancer following my doctors orders exactly, and I know he would not approve of medical marijuana. Keep in mind I know you were not suggesting that I take it, and all you were doing was mentioning that if I wanted it I might be able to get it. I just wanted to let you know my reasons for not wanting it. Still haven't had time to try and post photos with the info you gave me. I appreciate your help, and I will try it when I have time.



  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited April 2013

    Thanks Kate and everyone else for the support.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Hi Runfree,

    You are so supportive, and I truly appreciate it. I love all of your wishes for me, especially years of laughing right back at the scary guess from my doctor.

    Your last regular zap yeah! congrats! I am glad you are doing well. I pray the boosts go easily for you. I can't wait for your boosts to end so we can have a party for you. Do you drink wine? I will supply it. I can't cook or bake worth a darn lol.



  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited April 2013

    Well Kate, never use a shotgun when a slingshot will do!  I stick to ibuprofen myself so far, but I never rule anything out! I think marijuana came up because it is supposed to help with nausea, but ginger might do just fine.

    Josie, unfortunately I have heard that as well about rads, but ask your MO.  There was a reason they suggested rads--and I hope you NEVER need to have it again and this will all be an academic discussion.  As for venting, please vent because that means each of us can vent when we have a particularly trying day too!  My younger dd is on the spectrum, and I have some of those days as well, though fewer than I used too.  (Quick, knock wood!)

    April, what a cool receptionist.  I love hearing about people with caring hearts like her.  I will never meet her, but hope she gets all the good things she deserves!

    Janis, how long before you know if it was the AI?

    Back to reading senior English papers now.  It is my volunteer work with dd's school.  I love seeing the growth in the kids from the beginning of the year to now.  These guys are ready to move on!

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Hi April,

    Congrats are almost in order 8/10 yeah. I can't wait for your party tomorrow. I will supply the wine. I am so glad you are doing well so far, and I will pray that it remains that way.

    CONGRATULATIONS on quitting smoking. Just so you know I was a long time smoker too, and quit 2 and a half years ago, 6 months before I got breast cancer. Quitting was one of the hardest things I have ever done. I quit with nicotrol inhaler, and it took about 6 weeks. I had difficult days too, but I would not give in. I bit on pretzels instead. I had finally decided it was time, and thank God I haven't smoked in 2 and a half years.I know you can do it, and I am so proud of you for doing it now when the stress is on.

    Just so you know I am a big American Idol fan too, and I love Kree. I agree that she was the worst last night, but I think she is a better singer than Amber, and I so much hope Amber goes home instead. From the beginning I wanted a Candace and Kree finale, but it sure looks like a Candace, and Angie finale now.

    Thank you so much for the hug. I was a little down yesterday. Friends, family, and all my wonderful bc sisters like you said so many wonderful thigs and words of encouragemnt that today I feel great and so positive once again.

    Glad your hubby bought chicken, Enjoy, and enjoy American Idol too. I can't wait to see it at 8 pt. I also can't wait to tell you congrats when your treatments are over

