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Radiation recovery



  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,981
    edited February 2012

    Ahh the week end - first day I can post....exhausted from work.
    Elizabeth - a good doctor is a rare find, it seems.  I have the worst MO and will see her only once more.  I got a 2nd opinion from a new MO at University hospital and he is wonderful - always focused on what I am saying.  He is so normal and not high on himself like the other MO.
    About the PT stress....when I was doing rads, I met so many ladies who were going through so much....I couldn't get them out of my head.  It really affected me; but I needed to know what all types of cancers are doing to women....some so young; some so wore me down some days.
    Snoops - for me, it did not matter when I had the treatment. About half way through rads, I noticed that at a certain time of day I would "hit the wall" -- lose concentration, want to sleep or do nothing...It didn't matter what time my treatment was - I went at 8 am and 3:30 pm on alternate days.  For me, the my mornings were my best time during rads, and by mid afternoon, I was "done".  Other than that, I had no problems.  Skin healed right up and no breast pain so far.  (finished Jan. 10th)
    Kate, I am glad that you are going to try the IV before any further surgery. My gosh, you have been through enough for a dozen people. All I can say is you are not alone....we are here for you.
    I hope your pain isn't too bad right now.  Hugs and prayers that the antibiotics kicks the infection.
    Mostly Sew - I've got my hula skirt ready - hope I don't wiggle too much in your pocket!  Yes, leave BC behind and feel renewed!
    Janis, when will you find out if you will get treatment or therapy for LE?  I hope you are not too uncomfortable.  You have been through enough
    NIte all,


  • kingjr66
    kingjr66 Member Posts: 406
    edited February 2012

    I have my first week down.  The only side effect I'm having is an alllergic reaction on my skin to the felt marker they are using.  I'm getting a rash and they tell me not to wash it off. 

    My thoughts to all who have it so much worse than my little rash.  Especially Kate.  I am new to all these threads but have read your posts.  What a nightmare you are going through, so sorry.

  • Elizabeth1889
    Elizabeth1889 Member Posts: 509
    edited February 2012

    Joan, I am glad you found another MO.  Isn't is amazing how a good doctor can make all the difference in the world?  My experience with the new RO was bittersweet.  I certainly am sorry that my first RO died, but I cannot help thinking how different my rads experience would have been with the second RO. I work on a suicide hotline where time and again we learn the importance of non judgmental listening--a skill many doctors have yet to learn.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,981
    edited February 2012
    • So true, Elizabeth...your work on the hotline must be very challenging ...
      and non-judgmental listening is what we get here.  There is always someone to absorb our physical and emotional pain any time of day or night. 
  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited February 2012

    I am sti in the hospital.I ha ve  been here since Wednesday. I am using a hospital key board, and nav igatig the internet  via the t v set. It is difficult to operate, so forgiv e my typo's. I am feeling b etter. I was  very ill with a  breast implant infection. At firstmy doc tor was thinking I might require surgery. Now she is saying that if ev erything looks good I won't need it. Iam hoping to go home Monday,  but I don't know yet. Janis thank you for the good wishes.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited February 2012

    hank you   ceeztheday. I am just g etting around to answering some of Wedneday's posts. I ha ve been in the hospital since then,  but I am feelig much  better.

  • Ceeztheday
    Ceeztheday Member Posts: 246
    edited February 2012

    Kate- I am so glad that you are feeling better and I hope that you get out of the hospital soon.

  • Merilee
    Merilee Member Posts: 734
    edited February 2012

    Truebff- I see Dr. Christine Blakney ( D.O.) at the Center for Optimal Health in East lansing. I love her. 517-324-9400

  • lrw333
    lrw333 Member Posts: 142
    edited February 2012

    Kate so sorry your in the hospital. I hope your feeling better and able to go home soon...You have been through so much.   Janice and everyone Thank you for thinking of me. I have been to the emergency room twice with my stomach. Finally see a surgeon Tuesday. This is some evil pain...  Hugs and Prayers, lisa

  • Elizabeth1889
    Elizabeth1889 Member Posts: 509
    edited February 2012

    Irw33, I am sorry that you are in so much pain.  I hope the surgeon will be able to help you quickly. Sending hugs to you.

    Kate, Get well soon. 

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited February 2012

    I am still just answering Wednesday"s posts so please  bear with me. G igil thank you so much for your  concern. I am still in the hspital, bu t I am doing  bett er.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited February 2012

    ust finished reading Friday's posts. Thank you Stephn. I am still in the hospital,  but I am feeling  better.

  • truebff
    truebff Member Posts: 322
    edited February 2012

    Merilee, Thnak you. I may check that out!!

    Kate, Oh you poor baby! Don't worry about answering emails and posts - just take care. You have been through so much and you are a real trooper. Just R+R.  Much Love your way.

  • Ceeztheday
    Ceeztheday Member Posts: 246
    edited February 2012

    Kate- I agree with true. Don't worry about answering posts until you feel better. Just relax and heal and know that we all are thinking of you. Hugs.

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited February 2012

    Kate and IRW33 Hope you both will be feeling better soon. Take care.

  • stephN
    stephN Member Posts: 133
    edited February 2012

    Oh Kate!  You have really been through it, honey!  Hope you are able to go home tomorrow and get a decent night's rest.

    kingjr, your RO should be able to give you a cream for that rash, a kind of steroid cream to run on.  Several of us in our group had a rash and had similar creams prescribed.

    Lisa, I'm so, so sorry you are still having a hard time.  I really hope they get that straightened out ASAP. 


  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,981
    edited February 2012

    king, I hope the coming week will be an easy one for you.  Did you have tattoos?  I did not have to have marker until boosts.  I had tatoos and they would just make a dot each day.  I could wash.  Even if it faded a little, they just redrew it.  Maybe they can use something else on you.
    Kate, here's to getting back home and staying well.  Let's hope you've beaten the infection beast.
    Peace, rest and hugs to all who are facing challenges this week.


  • Merilee
    Merilee Member Posts: 734
    edited February 2012

    Lisa- Here is wishing you a solution that is simple and easy on you.-Hugs

    Kate-Oh my goodness this has been a long road for you. How are you holding up inside? I bet you can't wait to get home and get in your own bed. Maybe you would be interested in something to boost your immune system. Another member recommended Coriolus mushroom for me when I discovered my counts were still low. It has worked great for me. Best wishes.

  • kingjr66
    kingjr66 Member Posts: 406
    edited February 2012

    Stehn: thanks on tip for steroid cream.  Seeing RO today and will ask.

    Joan:  yes, did get 2 tats but some techs still mark me.  They told me to not wash it off but with rash have to.  Also, tat/mark under arm is further back, not quite under the arm, and I can't reach it to wash the ink off.  Is there still such a thing as ink poisoning?  I remember as a young girl my mother saying something to this effect, unless it was her little fib of getting me to stop writing answers on my hands and arms for that pop quiz the teachers always sprung on you.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited February 2012

    I hope that those of you struggling right now will feel better soon.  A special hug for you've been through the wringer. 

  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 920
    edited February 2012

    kingjr66 my tats in a couple of spots were too light, so they had to write on me now and again.  I didn't run into trouble until the boosts.  they put an ink x on me and covered it with a piece of tape.  They told me to leave the tape in place, unless it bothered me.  in the middle of the night, that piece of tape was so itchy, it almost drove me wild.  I pulled it off in the dark and that was followed by the most excruciating pain I had experienced thus far.  I soon discovered that pulling that tape off also removed about a 1/4 inch diameter piece of skin in a perfect circle.  That small area hurt worse than anything I had experienced throughout surgery and radiation.  I eventually used the aquafor on it continuously and it healed.  I really felt like things were not good with my body at that point.  Thank goodness it healed.

    Kate, so glad things are improving.  You are in my thoughts and prayers.  I hope you will soon be home in your own bed and resting easy. 

  • anniebear
    anniebear Member Posts: 11
    edited February 2012

    I used lots of Eucerin cream and even though I'm very fair - I did well and I think that's partly why - LOTS of Eucerin cream.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited February 2012

    whoe ver said not to worry a bout answering poats, and to ust worry     a bout takig care of mself  ga ve good ad vi ce. Just kow that  I so much  appreciate  all of the support, and I will answer posts when I can. I  am still in the hospital,  but  I am feeling better. I stil ha ve  swellig, drainage, and some pain. My doc tors are taking a day  by   day     approa ch to see if the infection will totally    clear  up, so  they   won't  h VE TO DO SURGERY. Sorry ab o ut the   typo's.I am ha ving a prob lem with the hospital's keyboard.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited February 2012

    Man, Kate, I sure hope the food is at least edible in the hospital. Please don't think you need to thank each of as they say and just get better. What a thing you've been thru, I was hoping you'd be home today. I am glad though that they don't seem to be willing to let you go until this is resolved. And, I think the hospital keyboard is quite creative in the way it works. The messages are quite fun to decipher......unlike this iPad I use which sort of does its own thing and I forget to check it!

    Take care everyone......

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited February 2012

    Ok, everyone, I've got a weird thing which is probably just old age, but could be from radiation. I'm 3 months out of radiation, and haven't shaved my legs.....afraid of nicks, and I just were long pants. So here I am in Maui (yes, I had to throw that in) and I see that the hair about midway down my calf is not growing at all. It's as bare as my underarm. I know they did t radiate me there, but do you think the grays or rads or something moved around? Like the gal with the fungus on her toes? It's just so silly. Plus that whole area (mid-shin to ankles) feeles likes its burned....but isn't. I was in the sun, but had sunscreen on and the skin isn't red nor tan nor anything.

    Anyone else finding hairless parts? Or have I just outlived the hair on my lower legs?


  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited February 2012

    Thank you  Ceeztheday,irw,and Eliza beth. Irw I hope you feel  better soon. I am feeling  b etter this e venng. I am in a  very   nice hospital. Pri vate   roms that  are     only 2 years old, and the food isn't bad. Although it is nice, I  ha ve c ab  in fe ver, and hope to get out soon.

  • Ceeztheday
    Ceeztheday Member Posts: 246
    edited February 2012

    Kate- So glad that you are feeling better! Hope you're home soon.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,981
    edited February 2012

    King - LOL ink that brings back a memory....we all feared it.  I don't think it's a concern...
    Gigi - Putting tape on damaged skin is just torturous.  I could see them telling you to wear gauze over it or something....for boosts I had a b-i-g marker circle drawn around the boost area.  Some days it just faded, but was always visible enough for them to redraw it.  It isn't really that hard for them to do.   I was never told not to wash - just to not use soap or lotion over the markings. 
    Mostly Sew, have a wonderful time in Maui, and thank for keeping in touch!  How about a weather report to make us even more jealous.....
    I remember feeling quite hair-less during rads - and still find hair growth on arms, legs to be sort of slow or "no" seems that I forget about hair and then when I have a dr. appointment I notice some long straggly hair that just showed up.  I don't know what it growth on head seems normal.  Let me know if you figure it out....
    and watch the sun exposure.  Gotta protect the irradiated skin and surrounding area. 
    Hey, I am shocked when I add up the radiation dose and convert it to millirems....I took a radiation course last year and we calculated our annual average dose....rads is exponentially higher than anything that occurs in a "normal" year.....
    I feel I didn't have a choice though, so I won't worry unless I need to.
    Nite all, and Happy Valentines Day to all.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,981
    edited February 2012
  • Merilee
    Merilee Member Posts: 734
    edited February 2012

    Mostly sue- I also have very sparse body hair now. No so true for the thick mop growing on my head.