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Radiation recovery



  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited August 2015

    Edwards have you tried crate training for your district pup?

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited August 2015

    Brookside, I cannot believe that happened....must have really been a shock to have your leg just go out like that. I agree with you....arimidex is not usually innocent. Good luck with the tests.

    SAB, I am so happy to hear you had a great evaluation. Maybe you are in the right job after all....but I also think you could get a call. When you were asked why you did not apply to another open position, maybe they were thinking "wish we had this applicant sooner"....As you know, if it is meant to be, it will happen. I like your quote also.

    Sew, how are you doing with your recovery? Have you gotten the doses back down yet? I hope you are feeling stronger.

    Josie, I hope things go smoothly with the new MA. It will be interesting to see how she fits in. I know what you mean about getting up early. I have had a week of work and I still haven't been in by 8. But dept. chairs are back so I have to do better. And wow, your birthday already! I hope it's a good one - you deserve it.

    Redheaded, if you look up Mondor's disease on the computer, maybe you can find out if it's a fit for your discomfort. It is not harmful and it does go away. Most medical workers don't know what it is. I hope your pain is better.

    My sweet little kitty is sick...she has a stuffy nose and is sneezing a lot....a bit lethargic but eating and drinking small amounts. I was so worried but I think she will be OK tomorrow. I will call the vet for remedies and a possible visit. It will be hard to go to work knowing that she isn't feeling well.

    I just lost this post entirely, and somehow got it back. I had better send.

    For the new ladies who have checked in here, I am thinking of you as you go through or finish up treatment.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited August 2015

    Happy Birthday Josie! xo Hopefully the new MA will be your new best buddy and she will "get it."

    Sab, I agree with Joan...if meant to be, it will happen! I am a firm believer in that as I get older and wiser.


    Joan, hope that your sweet baby feels better and that the class fills up and they have to turn them away or run another one to accommodate! You know how people are...last minute all the time.

    Brookside, oh man, that really stinks! I can so relate these days. I use a cane cause I cannot trust my own knee not to buckle. The exemestane made it worse for sure. Hoping that things go ok in the MRI.

    Hugs to all...have to run. Am only working till 10 and then heading for my yearly OB/GYN exam/pap smear. Then off to spend time with my three favorite ladies in the world. My daughter is being an "aunty" today and picking up her nieces this morning, taking them out and then coming to my house with the baby and her sister this afternoon. Can't wait to see my little munchkin! She turned 10 months yesterday! She is grabbing on to furniture and hoisting herself up and holding on and walking already! Mckenzie her older sister has warmed up to me and now calls me "grandma" and it melts me every time! (my son is adopting her from his wife's previous marriage because her own father could care less and my son has been her dad since she was 2!)

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited August 2015

    Happy birthday, Josie. Hoping for a pleasant, drama-free workweek for your birthday. Heck. Pleasant and drama-free for the year (at least!).

    Thank you, April. I am soooo looking forward to the MRI. Just want to find out what the heck is going on. The results will go to the NP I saw last week, as well as my pcp, who was on vacation, the orthopedist and PT I'll see next week, and my onc as well. I'm hoping between all their pointy little heads, they will find some simple and speedy solution. All has been well, but I'm still whiteknuckling the banister on my way downstairs, having thoughts of a lovely condo in an elevator building.

    Yes, the unpredictability of the thing is the catch. Was this a one-and-done event? Do I dare walking normally down the stairs? I'm not thinking of a cane, not yet, as the flat has treated me OK thus far, just terrified I'll forget to sidestep down the stairs and have a repeat.

    You're so good to work a little bit of work into your day! Do enjoy your afternoon, especially the little sunshiney munchkin!

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited August 2015

    Thanks for all the birthday Wishes!! We went out to dinner at Chevy my oldest daughter even attended. It was nice.

    We celebrated all the August birthdays at my in laws house. My two brother in laws birthday was in Aug.

    It was a nice steak dinner.Dairy queen icecream cake for birthdays .

    I'm kind of busy getting my son ready for shoo. I will post tonight after work. Yes I have to work on my Birthday

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455
    edited August 2015

    Josie- Belated Birthday wishes. Steak dinner and DQ cake sounds delish.

    Joan-sorry Kitty is under the weather. Hope it's nothing serious.I worry about mine the same way--she's my baby.

    Brookside good luck on your MRI. I have had 3-4 and they never find anything to explain a thing in mine......then they act like it's good news. Mine have all been head/neck.

    April enjoy your special ladies.....sounds wonderful to this single childless only child gal.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited August 2015

    Redheaded, thanks but it's not belated till Tommorow. Today was my actual B day.

    My DH went in with my in laws to get me a new tablet. But it's not a kindle it's a Microsoft. I thought I posted this morning but I never submitted it.Oops. guess I was in a hurry.

    Brookside, good luck on the MRI.

    April, have fun with the baby!!

    Joan, kitties can easily get URI(upper respiratory infections)

    We actually recommend a supplement besides antibiotics,the supplement comes in a paste and is flavored. They really seem to get over it quick.Can't think of the name of the supplement.Sorry I'll let you know if I think of it.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited August 2015

    BTW, my previous post was on my kindle. The new tablet actually talks to me and is really hard to get used to.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited August 2015

    Joan that supplement for kitty is called L-lysine. It comes in a powder or flavored paste.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited August 2015

    SAB - we have tried everything. Totally at a loss what to do. DH banished him outside for a bit away from the others and while it seemed to bother him he's at it again. I am just exhausted from him. He acts up even when I'm in the house so it's not separation anxiety. He has a zillion toys and buffalo bones and DH takes him walking with the other's too. The other baby is much better. He is more lab than pit. He knows he has done something wrong and hangs his head but still does it again anyway.

    I think I'm going to find a trainer or DS is. He is his dog.

    Great birthday celebration Josie!

    April - wish I could see our grandbabies more often. Have fun with yours.

    Joan - hope your kitty feels better.

    All clear at my ONC appt today. Yea! Also found out I am Stage 1B not 2A. She said ONC staged me wrong. Also borderline osteoporsis - she explained 1 no was down from 2 years ago and 2 were up slightly. Age is a factor too. Great nothing good about getting older. Had a 3 hour appt from start to finish there - never taken that long before.

    Busy week prepping for huge rummage sale at the Church. Also going to check out new Bass Pro Shop with friends Thursday. Heard it is really spectacular. None of us are that kind of outdoorsy people but still want to check it out. Big shot in the arm for downtown.


  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited August 2015

    My bad - BS staged me incorrectly not ONC.


  • ImAWinner
    ImAWinner Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2015

    Hello All!

    I am new to this forum but have been finding some good info here. I will be finished RADS on this Wednesday August 26th! 29 treatments to the right breast and 30 treatments to my neck area. Question- My underarm has a serious burn and is peeling now but my entire breast and chest has black spots like a speckled looks horrible. Has anyone else had this effect? I am dark skinned and have never had any type of sun burns, sun spots etc. I can see the new skin under the area that's peeling under the arm but the rest of my breast with these spots don't seem like they will clear up...Very worried about this. Any experience here?

    Thanks in advance

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited August 2015

    hi I'm a Winner,

    Congrats on finishing rads on wed. Doesn't that just feel great knowing the end is in sight? I had skin color changes and also some fairly severe burning, but it will heal and go away. The burns heal's amazing what our bodies can heal once we stop throwing radiation at it. The color changes took quite a bit longer. I sort of looked like a very dirty orange...sort of bumpy skin with dark spots. I seem to recall lots of the dark stuff finally peeling off one day. Part of the dark stuff did stay for several months if memory serves. Just continue to use lots and lots of cream in your radiation field, and be sure to check with your RO about special cream for the burn might need a bit more than just calendula or aloe or whatever you're using. Good luck and welcome to the finished side of rads.....

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited August 2015

    Welcome, ImAWinner. you must be so happy to have the finish line in sight! I did not happen to have similar skin issues, but what I did do was to ask to see the nurse and/or rads onc before treatment every time I had a concern. As i'm really wimpy, I asked to be seen a lot. It might be they have a particular salve for you, or might think it wise to give you a day off, even though it will move your end date down a bit. I know it's a tough time, but thank goodness, you're almost done. As far as I'm concerned, radiation is a really icky thing and recovery starts way before our end dates. Do let us know how you are doing.

    Edwards, let me gently mention that I do not know any loving dog parent who does not crate his or her, or his and her, dog/s or blockade them in the kitchen or bath. Some dogs only need to be crated during puppy time; some for ever. You will be doing your (his) pups a tremendous favor by protecting them from their doggie instincts and removing temptation. Yes, they will object at first, but their nature is to den and they will grow to feel secure in their crates, or be very happy in the kitchen. Do think of them as small children who know the rules, but do not have the maturity to make, "good decisions," and must be in their cribs or their rooms when you are, for instance, in the shower.

    I know you probably feel like you'd be sending the pups to jail, but, really, it's just good parenting.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited August 2015

    Thanks Brookside we started out confining them to the kitchen and in fact they have been confined elsewhere as well. We have a huge backyard and they spend a lot of time there. The other puppy - they are now over a year old - doesn't destroy things anymore. Our resident Dennis the Menace knows he is in trouble and does it anyway. The daddy dog - 5 years old mostly lab - went through this phase but "matured" rather quickly so we didn't have these issues when he got older.

    I love all of them dearly so gotta resolve this. More stress I don't need right now.


  • ImAWinner
    ImAWinner Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2015

    MostlySew! You have describes exactly the way my breast looks, like a "dirty orange" lol. Well this certainly gives me hope to know that the spots/discoloration will go away in time. The really burnt area is peeling off daily so Im not so worried about that part.

    Tomorrow is my LAST DAY and I am sooo excited. I took off work on Thursday so that I wont have to wake up in the morning or leave out the house at all. I cant wait to get back to normal life!

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited August 2015

    Welcome to the "orange" club, Imawinner. And congrats on tomorrow. Great idea to take Thursday off too, you deserve it. Let that skin on your boob resolve naturally as you don't want the damaged skin to go away until your new skin is ready. I don't know if you've read back in this thread, but just as a warning, some weeks/months after rads finished quite a few of us ended up going thru a sort of grieving process over this whole cancer thing. Just don't be surprised if you end up a bit depressed, or introspective, or even re-evaluating what things in your life are important because that too seems to be normal. I always term it the " end of innocence" phase. And come visit with us often....

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited August 2015

    Awfully quiet here! I hope everyone is busy having a wild weekend!

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited September 2015

    SAB - hope they are too. August is both a sad and joyful month for me. DH and DS and oldest granddaughter have birthdays but it's also the anniversary of one of my brother's death caused by a drunk driver. Another brother who died suddenly would have celebrated his birthday yesterday. God I miss them.

    Also daughter was involved in horrible car accident. She hit a tree. Totalled car. Concussion and broken wrist. Very nearly went over a 500 ft drop. Lives on Lookout Mtn in Chattanooga. OMG so scary.

    Rummage sale at church last Sat was a success. Leftovers were given to Catholic charities and Salvation Army. It was exhausting given we filled up a gym with stuff. Good deals though.

    The countdown is on. Drs want her to make it to Sept 5 which wound be 34 weeks.

    Babysat my special needs nephew this afternoon. Such a sweetie and so big like over 6 feet.

    On the plus side college football is finally here. Yea! Love it and my Irish!


  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited September 2015

    Diane, I have a dear brother and can only imagine the pain and sense of loss. A big hug to you. Was your daughter's car accident recent? OMG it sounds as though she had a guardian angel. I'm so glad her injuries are not worse. September 5th is around the corner, and it sounds as though you are ready for some happy!

    I was called back for a second interview, but for the other job they have open. I'm waiting for her assistant to call me and schedule it. Go figure!

    MRI was today. They offered music and I stupidly said yes, instead of opting for ear plugs. Couldn't hear a note, the machine was so loud! Results by tomorrow evening.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited September 2015

    Diane, I'm so sorry for your loss. I have three older brothers. My oldest brother will be 57yrs old this March but not in very good health. Very heavy and has already been through both knees replaced.I worry about him.

    I'm shocked to hear of your daughter's accident.I'm happy she will be ok.

    SAB, Glad your MRI went well.Keep us posted on your results.

    I'm very tired. So I'll check back in the morning.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited September 2015

    I missed a week...was reading back and then there were four days with no posts? Is that a first? Glad I can catch up though!

    SAB, I'm glad the MRi is over. I would want earphones with music piped in and while they were at it, I'd want an IV drip to lightly sleep until it is over. But, you toughed it out and you are out of the tank. Hoping for uneventful results for you.
    Is the second position something you are interested in? Is it same or similar to the other? If it is right for you, you will know. Hoping for the best.
    Josie, I'm happy to hear you had a good birthday celebration.
    My DH's birthday was 8/28 and my DS and gf came from Chicago. We played golf and dined out and went to the beach over the week end. He left this morning.

    Brookside when is the MRi? I know you want answers, but I hope thing are pretty uneventful.
    mAWinner, congratulations on finishing rads. I have to say I did not miss that daily trek. I did, however, kind of "crash" for a few weeks after working through rads. I took sick time over my winter break from classes. I barely went out or got out of my comfy clothes. I healed quickly, but I had an itchy red bumpy rash that resolved; but I was left with brown spots that now have faded. Remember in the years to come to use sun block over these areas. for

    Diane, I am happy to hear of your good results from your appointment. Yay!
    It has been four years from my surgery date (my official "cancer free" date) on 8/29. I had my surgery in NYC the day after hurricane Irene shut down New York. I had to travel a few days ahead to a hotel due to the mayor closing all the bridges and tunnels. It was Dh's birthday and i remember dining in a little bistro by candlelight as the power was out. It is becoming a distant memory and I am grateful for the four years.

    April, I think we are overdue for some pix of your grandaughter who is growing so quickly!

    Sew, I hope you are feeling stronger each day and that you are working through lowering the meds.

    I took kitty to the vet and she has sinusitis. Lungs clear, no fever. She was so congested she couldn't catch her breath sometimes. She may have an infection or chronic condition. I have no history on her so I don't know. She has more energy and is eating and playing. But her congestion persists.
    Josie, I forgot to ask the vet about the Lysine. I will look into it. Thanks!

    Today I had my meeting with 4 guys (2 chairs, 2 colleagues) at work. I will save that for another post; but I feel very relieved of the stress. I was "coached" by a dear friend who has been through a divorce and family court and has learned how to "stick to the facts" and leave emotion out of the negotiations. She was right. I have learned so much.

    Classes have begun, and I will be doing my 12 hour days again. I don't know how I do it, and for how much longer I will or can do it. But for now, I have to do the overtime teaching.

    Janis, Gigil, and others who are taking a break, please pop in to say hi.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited September 2015

    Thanks SAB and Josie. I had 5 brothers. Now there are 3. I have 1 sister. Hope your brother can get healthy Josie.

    Good luck on the job SAB. I had a MRI once. The tech's talked to me except at the very end. I am beyond claustraphobic(so) so I started saying Hail Marys and then I let them have it. Hope the resukts are good.

    Apparently she had the accident last Tuesday. I'm just now hearing about it. She is painfully thin and undernourished. Lecture her constantly but to no avail. No surprise there. Relieved she is k of course. Talking to her today. Have to schedule calls because she works and has a 4 year old and 2 young daughters 12 and 13 and one n college. Dr n ER told her she had no potassium in her system. Scary. Hopefully it's a wake up call. She is under extreme stress and its taking its toll on her.

    Thank you Joan. 12 hour days? Yikes! Don't know how you do it. I can barely manage half that time. Poor little kitty. I know you are worried about the congestion but at least she is eating and playing.

    My DH is worried about the senior partner at his office. Mark is in his late 60s. Very active and always been on the thin side but lately he has dropped a lot of weight and hair is thinning more. That could just be age related but the drastic weight loss is worrisome. We all know what it can mean. I pray it's not.


  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited September 2015

    Just popping in to see if you have any results yet, Sab. Fingers crossed......Smile

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited September 2015

    Thanks Sew and Josie. Just checked and results are not yet posted. Sew how is it going with the meds?

    Joan, I hope kitty is OK, but you're the one I'm most worried about! I hope you take care of yourself with your crazy schedule.

    Diane, you must be frightfully worried about your girl. Is she thin on purpose or just too busy to take care of herself? I hope she listens to you.

    So, Imawinner, what did you do on your first day of freedom? I think I slept in--my appointments were early, early morning.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited September 2015

    Ok, fingers crossed a bit longer Sab.

    I did see the pulmonologist today and my CT scan from last week looks really good. Now I just need to figure out how to get off this drug. I do have a moon face and will be happy to get rid of that I must say. Apparently I qualify for oxygen according to Medicare rules, but we aren't going there. I will be tested more thoroughly for sleep apnea though which is the only time that my oxygen levels plummet now. I did find out that I have asthma and also COPD now which I've never had before but it's not debilitating so I'm doing pretty good.

    Joan, sounds like your conference or sit down talk was a good thing. Also sounds like your class is a go so you're back to your busy schedule. Take care of that cute kitty..she'll probably bounce right back

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited September 2015

    I hate when a post disappears. Dang.

    Thanks SAB. I am concerned about her. I hope the Dr puts the fear of God in her because she hears what I say but doesn't listen. She has always been obsessive about her weight. Now it is really serious and she has young children.

    Hope you and Sew get good test results. Btw my mother had COPD late in life but wasn't debilitating for her. She didn't have to carry oxygen around.


  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited September 2015

    Diane, thank heavens she's OK after the accident...but if she's depriving herself she probably could use some help other than a physical doctor. My dd the elder had eating issues (among other things) and they said it was about control. I don't know if it's gotten to that point or if you think she would accept help. My daughter came out the other side with help, and doesn't own a scale now.

    Sew, what a long road to health, and it sounds like you've gotten some unhappy surprises. I'm glad to hear that you are not at the stage where you think oxygen is needed, and I hope you'll learn something from the sleep test! Apnea is sneaky, and can look like all kinds of things!

    9:30 here and no results posted from the MRI, so I guess they won't be up tonight after all. I did get my final interview slot though. Two weeks from now...plenty of time to stress :-) I mean prepare!

    Joan, I have to agree that it sounds like you took a huge step forward and I hope that is the case with these gentlemen at work!

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited September 2015

    Who is missing? Bunkie? Janice? Charger? RunFree out there? BigD? Cindy? If you're peeking in, hellooooooo!

  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591
    edited September 2015

    Back at you SAB! Everything crossed for good results. Glad everyone is busy & in reasonably good health.

    This weekend we are installing all those kitchen cabinets that I worked at for 2 months! Can't wait!

    Should have permit next week for new shop. Hard to find contractors for cement pad. Can't start til that is in place. Busy, busy.

    DH dug up underground wasp nest 2 days ago. We did not know it was there. They got him about 8 times. Now we have to figure out how to get rid of the open pieces. Could have been a lot worse.

    This summer heat has me inside a lot. My RDD has flared back up with the heat let alone going in the sun. I've had it for 8 months now. It was starting to fade then summer heat came. Hugs to all