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Radiation recovery



  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited September 2015

    SAB, waiting is always difficult....hoping for the best.

    Sew, wow, that's a lot to think about -- but if you are continuing to improve, that is what counts.

    Diane, my DD#2 has an eating disorder since high school. She is 41 now and so thin. She eats very healthy but works out a lot. She also has Crohns so has always had difficulties with food. She ended up in the hospital with an ulcerated colon and later had some removed. When I look at her, I wonder how all her organs can possibly fit inside her tiny frame. She is a great mom and works hard. But she may never get beyond the image of needing to be thinner than everyone.


    70C - glad your DH is OK after those stings. That's shocking. It happened to my Dh while raking - yellow jacket nest.

    I did have my moment of feeling good for speaking out at work. But I still harbor resentment. I choose to let go, but it will take some practice.
    My class is good - only 11 students. My publisher rep gave me free access codes to the e-text and course supplementary website. I am so happy about this as the books are very expensive and I need everyone to be "on the same page" tomorrow night. I was moved to a different course a week ago; and I have a lot of prep work to do.

    My kitty is still congested but her energy level is normal. It could be chronic sinusitis or allergy. We are working to keep her comfy.

    I hope everyone is enjoying these last weeks of summer. I saw the most amazing sunset - the sun appeared huge and bright red-orange.

    We had a nice visit with DS from Chicago and his gf last week end. It was my DH's birthday so we did some fun things.

    DD is sending me tix for the US Open Tennis in NYC for Saturday PM. I hope to get to the beach also this week end. I have no idea who is coming to my house, but I'll be prepared just in case.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited September 2015

    Diane, so glad she is ok!

    I can so relate to poor body image. I have been a yo yo dieter for years. In high school, I had a period of borderline anorexia where I was exercising 5 times a day and I lost 20 lbs I could ill afford to! (I am really short, under 5 feet tall) I went down to 88 lbs because I thought I was "fat!"

    Now, I would kill to LOSE 20 lbs! LOL...actually a lot more than that! I was down almost to goal on WW when I was told I had BC and then the aromasin caused me to gain so much weight back (well that and the fact that I stopped counting points like I was before) and because I gain weight so easily, it really has snowballed.

    So, am now trying to behave by counting points again but it is a daily struggle.

    Anything yet Sab?

    Brookside, did you have your test yet?

    Sew, glad you don't have to use oxygen and that they are weaning you off steroids. I have "situational asthma" from the exemestane the doctor said. Maybe yours is caused by the arimidex?

    Have to at work and we are really slammed this time of year! Hugs to all!

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited September 2015

    Thank you guys for your comments and concern for my DD. She is 5'-6" and weighs less than 100 lbs. I had anorexic issues in HS too. Lived on apples and ginger snaps. A size 1 was too big. I'm short too 5'-2". My weight has been up and down for years.

    I gained weight too April when I started taking Tamoxifen buts it's levelled off thankfully and n fact have lost weight back to close to ideal weight.

    70c - ouch those stings are so painful. I have been stung before by wasps and a bee who was nestled in my front door wreath.

    Good luck with your class Joan.

    Hoping the MIAs will post soon just so we know they are k!


  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited September 2015

    I'm so glad your daughter is OK after the accident. So scary! We never stop worrying, but something like this brings that worry factor--for all of us--right back up to where it was when they were teens. There were certainly advantages to the terrible two's--you could just pick the kid up and plunk it in the playpen. Oh. Showing my age. Now it's the pack 'n play.

    Very, very happy the lungs are behaving, Sew. Now onto the un-steroiding challenge, but thank goodness you were not on it for very long, so hopefully it'll go smoothly, especially if you decrease just a little slower than they actually advise. One of my friends went through reducing a totally different drug. They advised her to cut it in half, then in half again, over the course of a month. Did not work. She reduced it by 1/4, then down to 1/2, then stayed there double the time they advised, and so forth.

    Good luck with the interview, SAB. I hope they love you, and that you love the job too. Perfect fits are very, very lovely.

    Speaking of jobs, how the ambiance at yours, Josie? Hoping no news is good news and that the new MA is smoothly integrated into the group.

    Praying or the pregnant girl, your family and her's (maybe they need it more!)

    Joan, do voice that resentment. For me, that's the best way to get it vented and gone. Alternatively, you can start planning a super retirement. About the new class--nice that it's only eleven, but I'm guessing you had to bump your friend? Bitter victory.

    Yes, April, I have my MRI results. Kindly excuse the lengthy response, but here goes: I have some age-appropriate changes in my lumbar spine, but no clear nerve impingement. I saw my PT yesterday, and she thinks the problem is my iliotibial band (muscle running from hip to knee). She says the reason I lost feeling in my leg was that my body knew something was in the wrong position and just shut down. So it can happen again. Joy. A couple of hours later, I saw an ortho who says one of the areas on my hip that the radiologist referred to as a "narrowing" of the space between the ball and socket is actually bone on bone and I'm ready for a hip replacement. The MRI showed one disc is kind of bulging and I he wants me to see a physiologist (MD specializing in rehab and spine and other stuff that I thought orthos did) who will inject cortizone into that space to determine if my pain is from spine or that lovely bone on bone.

    Oh, yes, the pain. For the past year, if I got into a particular position, I received a zing in my hip. For the past two weeks, I get pain if I get into any of a number of position, or try to walk with a long stride. I'm afraid to do anything. The ortho asked how far I could walk before the event. I replied a couple of miles. He asked how far I can walk now. I quibbled and quibbled. He said, "So you can't walk at all?" Yeah, I guess.

    Now, here's the problem. Before I started arimidex (April Fool's Day 2013), my onc asked me about arthritic symptoms and I had none. I remember wiggling my fingers and mentioning that, when I'm under a lot of stress, I have stiffness there, but that day there was none. It's only a little over two years later and here I am on the verge of a hip replacement, with a lot of arthritis throughout my body (mostly that I'm only aware of because of a bone scan last year). I know my onc is very clear that arimidex does not cause arthritis, but maybe loss of estrogen does?

    Also, a year ago, I had tendonitis in my left hamstring, this spring in my right Achilles tendon, and, a couple of months ago, a trigger thumb. Sometimes I get weird cramps or stiffness in my legs. Is the arimidex causing these tendon and muscle issues? Will they get worse?

    I do not have heart disease, diabetes, COPD, high blood pressure, high chlorestorol, or several other problematic conditions (although I do have some less threatening issues ) and, if bc does not return, I could be around for another 20 or 30 years. Is it worth continuing arimidex for a 7% risk reduction?

    Friday, I see my PT again, then my PCP. In a couple of weeks, my annual with my onc.

    i'll probably post this quandry somewhere else as well, but, meanwhile, anyone have any input on the AI/joint issue? Just like with my bc diagnosis, I'm kind of having a hard time believing this is really me.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited September 2015

    Wow, Brookside, it sure does sound like the Aromosin is a potential contributor to the arthritis issues. I haven't experienced arthritis issues, but I do definitely have osteoporosis issues from the Arimidex. Could any of your joint issues be osteoporosis related? I did have one Dr. tell me that even our brains need estrogen (I was having word loss issues) so I'd believe anything about what a lack of estrogen causes. It is a quandary when it appears the drug that's potentially protecting us is also potentially causing premature aging. Oh, and yes, I'm going to reduce slowly on this steroid. The trick seems to be to wean off it but not so fast that it flares up again. Onward and upward........

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited September 2015

    Brookside, if you had none of the arthritic issues before beginning the AI, you can almost bet dollars to donuts (what does that saying mean anyway? LOL) that it is caused by the lowering of estrogen in your body. Any pre-existing arthritis (like I had) can worsen from the drug as well. (and boy did it EVER!)

    Another thing is that many people find they get tendon issues and muscles issues as well. Cramps and stiffness are often part of this too. Ugh! The lousy thing is I have pretty much all of them except major bone loss (thankfully so far anyway) as I only had an 8% loss in my right hip consistent with aging per my MO.

    As for the other side effects, the brain fog is the worst (Sew, your memory issues are very common on the AI drugs due to the loss of estrogen which keeps our minds young and limber) for me as I count on my once very quick and fairly intelligent brain at work every single day! I bet my IQ dropped a few points since starting exemestane..LOL

    Anyway, I am wondering the same thing as you. Is the small percentage it will help me worth it? Not sure but am thinking no.

    Hugs to you!

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited September 2015

    Sab, my friend, I think you're going to have to call the Dr. to get the results of that MRI. It's probably the type of thing they don't like to post on their website. Just sayin' ... and this wait is driving me crazy, I can't imagine what it's doing to you!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited September 2015

    Sorry i have been AWOL. Hi everyone, I haven't been able to read everything yet and it will take awhile before I can catch up. I hope everyone is doing well. You have all been on my mind so much. My friends, you all mean so much to me and I hope I haven't let you down.

    I have been having terrible, awful bouts of insomnia. I also have a good size selection of sleep meds. Ativan for anxiety. Muscle relaxers for that neck....on and on. Last Friday morning I recall about 3:00 AM, after yet another awful sleepless night, taking a sleeping pill. I woke up over 24 hours later in the hospital and it was like waking up in the midst of a Stephen King novel. I don't want to go over all the details now, I am exhausted. It has been such a terrifying time...ambulance trip of course, DH could not rouse me....not sure what i took though which is scary. Drug test showed no narcotics or other drugs that would tell. Apparently had a CT scan, no memory of any of this. Two horrible days in the hospital and now home, trying to figure it all out. Took every pill bottle in this house of all those meds and disposed of hundreds of pills. They auto refill every month and pile up. I have to see my PCP in two weeks. Cannot sleep of course, 4 hours in 4 days just trying to deal with the horror and scare of it all. Cancelled all those scripts too! Physically I am fine but emotionally not so much. Lots of confusion and embarrassment and general sadness and fear. I probably am not making much sense, sorry ladies. I have to figure out how to sleep without being terrified of it now. I am really upset. It happens easier than we realize. I nearly died. I can't wrap my head around this now, and my poor DH, from what neighbors said he was such a mess. Losing that much time I truly went down the rabbit hole, but my journey was not so fun..........


    Thanks all for understanding. You always do! I promise I will try to write a more coherent synopsis when I have finally slept. always.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited September 2015

    Geeze, Janis, what a complete scare! And your poor hubby. It will take awhile to get over this I'm sure. I expect it was a combination of lots of things that just all added up and as a result you slept and slept and slept. I wonder what's causing the insomnia? Generally I don't have it, except on this steroid and then only after 3am, so I have no suggestions for answers. You'll be glad to know that you're completely coherent so no worries on that score. Take care, my friend....

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited September 2015

    Janis, I'm so sorry you had an ordeal. And no memory of. That's very scary. will say some prayers for you. Maybe it was the combination of the wrong meds. Relax and try not to worry. Develop a routine nightly which helps improve sleep patterns.I'm a big chicken when it comes to sleep meds including even something as simple as tylenol PM. Part of your feeling is due to maybe stopping the meds too quickly. It seems the more you take sleep meds the more you need them. I am no expert. Just trying to help.

    Brookside, I do believe AI s can cause the arthritis and muscle cramps.My Tamoxofin causes hip pain and leg cramps.Although the hip pain was there before I was diagnosed with BC and it was diagnosed as Bursitis. But I do seem stiff after sitting for a while. That's what my Orthopedic DR said too. The band from my hip to my knee was causing my Bursitis. But Physical therapy helped .

    April scary that the loss of Estrogen can effect our brains. Know wonder I feel like a idiot sometimes. I can't even explain how dumb it makes me feel sometimes.

    I've been extremely tired lately. Sorry I haven't had the energy to post much lately.I have been reading the posts though. I think it's due to the new school year and me being forced out of my bed by 6:30 am Every morning.

    I know I'm such a baby. But I will get used to the new schedule soon.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited September 2015

    What a scary, scary thing, Janis, especially with no idea of exactly how it happened. I'm really glad you're back home, but why, oh why, are you waiting two very long weeks to see your pcp? You need him now, for reassurance, if for no other reason. I'd have been banging down his door on day two. Why day two? On day one, it would take a tsunami to get me out of my cherished home.

    I know you know this, but there is one level of sleep where we think we're awake, but actually, we're asleep but aware. Maybe you are experiencing this sleep level bullying the regular sleep out of the way? I assume they recommended (maybe already performed) a sleep study?

    So glad you're home, and I hope you will keep us posted.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited September 2015

    So sorry Janis. I can't imagine just how frightened you and your DH were. I agree I would see my dr asap.

    I have leg cramps in one leg too Josie. Only at night. Pretty active during the day. Hard to comprehend why it's happening now with Tamox 4 years out. Get the early morning schedule too. I'm a morning person but even I get exhausted losing an hour of sleep.

    Carpets are getting cleaned today. So gross. Def replacing it with hardwood flooring as soon as siding is done. Thankfully DH can do it. So expensive.

    Talked to DD last night. Recovering from accident but lots of ongoing issues with custody case. Her life is one big drama after another.

    Got some FB pics from guys on the bus trip to Notre Dame. They said it was too quiet w/o me. Haha I bet. Miss going. Go Irish tomorrow - beat Texas.

    Still on baby watch!

    Have a good weekend everyone.


  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited September 2015

    Thanks everyone. Brookside, I go to a community health clinic and it is to say the least difficult to be seen. i did talk to them about the urgency to be seen but was told this is his first available. It is hard to explain how this works. I did see my pain management specialist Monday and he was very supportive. i can't imagine a sleep study, but have no idea what might be next. I have suffered from insomnia since childhood. Very distressing. This was different I think, not sure.

    I find this entire week I have only been able to sleep 1-2 hours and between 5-7 AM only. Up all night. Poor DH is exhausted too. Have tried sleeping on couch, spare bedroom, all to no avail. For now it eludes me and I am feeling really lousy right now. long before a body gives out? I have forgotten how to sleep it seems. My body refuses to relax. I am really frustrated. Tried hot tea, hot showers, baths. My brain won't shut down..

    Thanks everyone for all the concern. I know all of your lives go on and appreciate you thinking of me!


  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited September 2015
    For crying out loud, you were unresponsive. What's with these two-weeks-later guys?

    Janis, I don't know how urgently you want to be seen sooner, but if you do, here are a couple of my pushy New York suggestions: My clinic has a call center. When you reach them, they tell you when the computer says your doc will be available. It's black and white, no wiggle room. One of their up-tight reps actually will insist that there is no other recourse. On the other hand, if I ask to be put through to my doctor's vry own nurse, which they do only very reluctantly, she can squeeze me in. Maybe your nurse has similar power? Or you could try calling your doctor on the phone, or sending an email, or just show up and beg to be seen by someone. I did the telephone begging thing with this leg/hip thing and was seen the very same day by an absolutely lovely nurse practitioner. Today, I saw the two-weeks-later doc, who mostly made nice, soothing sounds, but sometimes that's all we need.

    Also, I got my flu shot and learned there is a new pnemonia vaccination that we all should be getting soon.

    Maybe the pain management doc can get you in sooner?

    P.S. Was the hospital any help at all with the sleep issue?
  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited September 2015

    Asking to speak to your dr's nurse worked for me a few times 2 Brookside. Like skipping all those options on a phone menu and just press 0. Sometimes that works too. I would def try it Janis. Keep us posted.


  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited September 2015

    I apologize for removing my posts but feel for the time being it is for the best. This being a public forum I feel I shared more information than I should have. I do appreciate your input, honestly, but I think I need to be done. This is far too complex to try to explain, I shouldn't have started!

    I hope everyone has a wonderful Labor Day weekend. Big plans for anyone?

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited September 2015

    Oh Janis sweetie I don't know what you took down but I respect your right to privacy on this public forum. Just know that I care and that I'm thinking of you today.

    Friday FINALLY got the all clear from Monday's MRI! Thank heavens I didn't have to wait through long weekend. They called it changes in scar tissue (I read it on my phone, just scanning to the bottom line so I don't know details) All I know if it is B9, nothing to worry about and as a bonus they did both breasts so I know that I'm completely clear.

    Thank you all for your concern and support. It means so much.

    I hope someone out there has great plans for the weekend. Ours are pretty quiet.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited September 2015

    Sab, that's GREAT news. I was beginning to get worried but now we can all have a drink to celebrate the all clear and the long weekend

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited September 2015

    That's great SAB!!

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited September 2015

    Awesome SAB!

    We had big plans for this weekend with our trip to Notre Dame but since the babies could be born at any time we decided to cancel the trip. DS is obviously scared and anxious. Our place is with him of course. Brother invited us for a bque Sunday but we begged off. My family is unaware of the impending births as of now and intend to keep it that way until they are born. We will dine out Sunday night at least.

    Have a nice weekend and holiday everyone!

    I'll be glued to the TV with all the college football games today and Monday esp my Irish tonight! Go Irish!


  • Sunshinesprite
    Sunshinesprite Member Posts: 5
    edited September 2015

    Hello Ladies. I am very happy to be able to say I have finished my Rads as of yesterday!!! Yay.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited September 2015

    Welcome Sunshinesprite......You've passed a real milestone in your healing from Breast Cancer, although you may still feel a bit like a deer caught in the headlights! From now on out though, your body will be able to recoup, heal and just get better and better without being blasted with more radiation or chemo drugs. We chat about everything here, from the after effects of BC treatment, including healing, emotions, follow-up treatments and just generally the gamuts of life. So welcome to the group.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited September 2015

    Well, that is certainly great news, Sunshine! If your post-rads experience is at all like mine, you might be surprised at how quickly your skin returns to normal. With the daily grind behind you, it's back to real life, but do not worry if there are surprising struggles. I leaned on my RO and her NP for quite some time. They do expect you to return with questions and issues, so do not hesitate to lean on them. Or on us, here in this thread.

    Wishing you well, and looking forward to hearing how you are doing.

  • dragonista17
    dragonista17 Member Posts: 4
    edited September 2015

    Congrats, Sunshine!

    I'm about 3 weeks post-rads. Looking forward to learning a lot reading this thread. The summer rads group were great, but I guess it's ever onward, now into recovery. Isn't this site wonderful?

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited September 2015

    SAB, thank you. Big congrats on the clear MRI! What a huge relief to get the results before the long weekend. Now I hope you can enjoy it! I am so happy for your good news. :)

    Welcome to both Sunshine and Dragon.......congrats for getting rads behind you. Wishing you both smooth sailing ahead. This is a wonderful site and any questions you have are usually promptly answered which is so nice.

    Diane hoping to hear soon about the safe delivery of those babies. Hope your teams win!

  • dragonista17
    dragonista17 Member Posts: 4
    edited September 2015

    Thanks, Justme:) It's good to be on this side, isn't it, although the bumps keep coming. Will be taking a much needed vacation shortly. I'll probably sleep through half of it, but I don't care. OK, I care, but I'll take it:)

    Wishing everyone a good holiday weekend. Someone recently said to me, "Everyday is a holiday." I liked that.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited September 2015

    Sunshine and Dragon, congrats! Remember to take care of yourself now, while your body recovers. Keep drinking plenty of fluids, use cream (calendula was my favorite after rads) and eat protein. Rest if you can, the fatigue will slowly give way.

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited September 2015

    Hi Yall!

    Sorry MIA! A,ways thinking of to play catchup

    SAB - yippee on good MRI...ugh the wait!

    Brookside - 👍on yours too!

    Sunshine and Dragon - welcome congrats! Lots of good advice here

    Diane - hook em! Here hee! Hope all goes well with the twins...praying

    Josie - hope the job is going better

    Joan - class in weekend...enjoy family...recharge!

    Sew & Janis - pocket parties & cakeballs please

    Finally got contractors out...hubby's home improvements done! Listing appointment Monday...time for a new adventure. Here until mid Nov then off to Rancho Mirage. And then the great unknown...

    Shout out to all



  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited September 2015

    Thanks Janis. Yes my Irish won big yesterday! Yea only first game but what a great start to the season. Friends were posting on FB from the game. I know it was fun. Winning always is.

    Babies watch ongoing.

    Cindy - so glad to hear from you. Your shorthand is impressive! ND did hook those horns last night. Still felt bad for Texas HC. A good guy; just needs time to get recruits. Babies momma needed to make it at least to 34 weeks. That was yesterday. The longer she can go the better for them of course. I know you are so glad the repairs are done.

    Welcome Sunshine and Dragon and congrats on finishing Rads. This is a great group to chat with.

    Have a great holiday everyone!


  • dragonista17
    dragonista17 Member Posts: 4
    edited September 2015

    Thanks for the reminder, I forget to drink enough. Eh I'm exhausted and forget a LOT of things! The fatigue is just beginning to lift a little, I'll take what I can get. I was told it would be slow going for me due to a co-existing issue so trying to be patient. Today I have a glimpse of what i feels like to be me again, so this is encouraging. Reading here about getting beyond this is also encouraging.