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  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited February 2016

    Such good news! I hope someone will go with her?

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited February 2016

    Brookside, brava for offering to shelter Josie's daughter.

    Josie, along with everything else, you and your DD are going to have to try to rehab that poor pup too. Unbelievable as it may seem, they get totally tramatized by that kind of behavior and end up not trusting anyone, or worse, become aggressive. I wouldn't be surprised if he is cowering in the corner as I write this. Be sure someone is working with that pup to re-establish his trust in people. This picture of him is just so sad. Glad it wasn't your daughter though. And, yes, whoever suggested your DD have the number of a women's abuse shelter is spot on. She needs to memorize that number and call them the next time this happens. They are probably better equipped than you to help your daughter get out of this mess. Just my opinion.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited February 2016

    Thanks Sew and Brookside.That was really nice of you Brookside to offer her refuge in your home.I got to warn you she has the pup and the 100# dog who thinks he's just a pup.

    I think my MIL is going to take Her tommorow. We definitely wouldn't send her by herself.

    My counselor gave me name of someone who works with battered women.We will get some good advice.The guy had the nerve to tell her he wanted his puppy back.Can you believe that. He paid $50 for that puppy and bought it for her as a surprise Valentine's Day gift. He doesn't deserve to have any animals.

    SAB,70 charger thanks too . Again I'm sorry for airing my dirty laundry here. But you ladies are my

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited February 2016

    Sew I agree about the rehab.We will try to get him help

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited February 2016

    Josie - yikes! Please get your DD help...very serious and can't be taken lightly...only escultates

    Joan - mouse! Cute story...87 today and orange

    Nice to hear from y'all...nice to have hindsight. My team has shifted to annual meets...but MO says we will keep meeting every 6 months...blood work, girl exam, Zometa infusion. Fingers crossed no bone loss at next bonescan. Headed to CO end of week & due to close in a week. Checking out selling CA when I get back. Spent this past year praying on how to move forward...find me and honor hubby and bloom.

    Shout out to all!



  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited February 2016

    hi Cindy...girl, I think you are such a survivor, you could bloom anywhere. And that is meant as a serious compliment. This will all be hard for you for some time to come, but I'm so glad to hear that you are moving forward. Colorado is where your sister is? Or some family, I think? Anyway, you rock

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited February 2016

    Cindy we are working on that I'm probably going to text my counselor.

    I'm glad to hear you are feeling like your starting the healing process.I would be so lost if I lost my best friend my husband

  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591
    edited February 2016

    Josie, I will be on pins & needles all day waiting to hear that your daughter laid charges & got restraining order! a step in the right direction.

    Cindy, go girl! Glad to see you healing. Time, take as much as you want/need. You will find your new normal.

    Been sick for going on 3 weeks now, think I might be on the mend, fingers crossed. Stomach & bowel cramps with terrible bloat. Lost weight due to not eating. Back on soft solids now, see how that goes. Had bloodwork done on the weekend, ecg done too. Hopefully no call from Dr office.

    Big hugs to all. Fran

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited February 2016

    OMG Josie I agree with everyone else he is dangerous. I would personally choke him myself for hurting that precious dog and threatening your daughter. Do his parents know any of this? I would be telling them. A restraining order is a good legal move but this guy is a psycho. What POS does that to a defenseless animal? Glad the puppy and your DD are okay. I had a friend who had a boyfriend like that. It took her brother threatening him to get him to stop. It was so scary.

    Oh and me either SAB. Tennessee recently passed a law that imposes stricter penalties for animal abuse which means more jail time and fines and abusers can never own a dog again. About time.

    My Oncologist visit went great today. Yea one more in August and I'm done. 5 years this August. Hard to believe. I am off Tamoxifen too. I know there are no guarantees but still a milestone.

    Babysat the twins Saf night/Sun morning. DH and I are exhausted. They are just precious and we love them but zero to an hour sleep. Told DS next time has to be a few hours and not all night at least until they start talking. Haha.

    Planning for our ND Club booth at our church festival in April. I am in charge of getting it together. Should be fun. Hope it doesn't rain since there is no rain date. They are raffling off a 2016 Honda. Beautiful car. Would love to win it!


  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591
    edited February 2016

    Diane... CELEBRATE!!!!! Good for you, High Five!!!

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited February 2016

    Yes Diane, congrats. Part of me wants to be done w/Tamoxifen but it's kind of scary too.At least no more brain fog.!!

  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591
    edited February 2016

    Josie.. Did your DD lay charges & get RO?

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited February 2016

    Yes she did that today. But if he pleads not guilty she will have to stand up in court as a witness.Apparently they only have a limited amount of time to do this and charge him or the star will come in and take over the case.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited February 2016

    Thanks charger and Josie. I kind of wanted to keep taking tamoxifen as kind of an insurance policy but my ONC said no need to and sometimes it can have the reverse effect. I have dodged a SE of clots and she thinks continuing on is tempting fate. She also reminded me I have a non-aggressive cancer and my Oncotype score was low thankfully.

    Josie - I know your DD is afraid to square off against the psycho in court but if she doesn't he won't be held responsible for his psychotic behavior. My friend had to eventually do that. The judge threw the book at him. I bet your DH wanted to beat him to a pulp. Mine def would have. My DD has an X-husband like this guy. She is constantly calling the police or fighting him in court. They have a child together so they have to communicateso at least your DD doesn't have that on top of everything else.

    Freezing here and raining. Spring can't come soon enough.


  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited February 2016

    I know Diane,I thank God for that every day.You know If there was a baby involved it would be even worse.

    I'm sorry your DD is going through that too

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited February 2016

    Diane, we are on the same path - 5 years in August for me too. I see the ONC twice yearly and a mammo. BS has discharged me to her NP for "survivorship". The appointment with the NP last year kind of was a waste of time because she just wanted to talk to me about life management. I don't think I need that.

    Josie, what a terrifying moment for your DD. Sometimes in an attempt to erase or rationalize the bad memory, it is tempting to just move on without addressing it. It will take a lot of strength for your DD to follow through. This puppy gift seemed like a deliberate attempt to stay connected with your DD. In some ways it's too bad she accepted the dog. But now it would not be good to give the puppy to him. I hope he keeps his distance. Angry people make me nervous. Any way she can get around without him picking her up?
    Sending hugs and prayers to you for this difficult situation.
    How is the rest of the family dealing with this? Yes, change the security codes.

    Cindy, I cannot think of a better place to heal, honor your dear husband, and find new direction for your soul than Colorado. The beauty, fine air, and outdoor adventures will keep you filled with things to do. It is a second home to me and I hope you find happiness there

    I started this FRiday and am sending Saturday morning. The week end goes so fast when I'm working.

  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591
    edited February 2016

    Well crap! Don't know whether to laugh or cry. But I know you all will enjoy the story. So 2 weeks ago my neighbor boarded up under his mobile home to keep cats out. So this long haired black cat shows up here. No worry , start feeding it. a week goes by, it shows up with a bunch of it's fur missing on it's head. Looks burned, cats crawl into car motors to keep warm in our winter & get burned. So I start looking for a rescue to help this poor thing. Everyone is full. No help. hubby see kitty says looks fine, I see it yesterday & think gee her fur is kinda shabby looking from the day before. And her injured area is now weeping from infection. Tonight the light bulb went on,,,duh... I think I have 2 black cats here! 1injured & I can't find help for it & 1 that is ok. Enjoy!

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited February 2016

    Joan - what's a NP? West Clinic where I see my Oncologist and now my BS too for mammo, have plans to organize a survivors group. I am already part of a group at Church so not sure I will join. Will you be on meds after August?

    That is too funny Charger. Thanks for rescuing them.

    Gotta tell you guys a story. Actually it's a scam. This Sgt from the Warrants Division calls Friday morning asking for our son. Of course I am freaked out. He says that my son missed a court date for grand jury duty. I said no way because he loves at home and I always get the mail plus he just served last year. He goes on to say my son can post $400 but it's not a fine he says and DS will get it back once he appears in court and the judge dismisses his case.

    Okay I was suspicious because why would the police call and tell you they have a warrant? They just serve them but texted son at his job and told him to call this sergeant. DS can't receive calls at his job. I did call the number the guy called me from and of course he answered. DS had presence of mind to call the Warrants Division and they told him it was a scam. The Sheriff's office said it is despicable how many people they have duped. They want my son to talk to a detective and share his story with the media. Apparently this scam aired a few months ago but we apparently missed it. Unbelievable how low some people will sink for a buck.

    Hope all our buddies who haven't checked in lately are okay.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2016

    I screen all our calls--I usually ignore any displaying “Unknown Caller,” “800 Service” (though a few of those--like from my insurance company--are legit), the name of a city or town in which I know nobody, and any unfamiliar area codes. Last year we got such a call, and I let my answering machine take it. A man with a heavy Indian/Pakistani accent informed us in extremely broken syntax that he was "from Internal Revenue Office” and our son owed several thousand dollars--and if he did not call back immediately to make payment arrangements U.S. Marshals would come and arrest him. What was hilarious was that our son never even MADE that much money, much less owed that much in taxes.

    Another time, when my late 90-y-o f-i-l lived with us, I was out shopping when he called my cell in a panic. “You better get home--the police are after you for making a false statement and owing them money! If you don’t pay they’re coming to arrest you!” I chalked it up to pre-dementia paranoid delusion--and then I asked, “Dad, what was this 'false statement' they’re accusing me of making and what kind of ‘money’ are we talking about?” He replied, “He says you promised to pay him, they sent a form and you never sent it back!” Then it dawned on me. “Dad, was this the IL Fraternal Order of Police?” He replied excitedly, “Yes! A Sgt. from there said you owe them money!” I gently explained that these clowns call every year to nag people into buying window stickers that prove they donated to some widows & orphans fund, or Benevolent Assoc. to send poor kids to see the circus, and they don’t leave you alone unless you either pledge or ask them to send you donation materials. Once the guy even threatened that “if you don’t have that sticker, I can’t guarantee you won’t get parking or traffic tickets.” In this case, to get Sgt. Whatshisname off my back, I'd told him to send me pledge materials. “But you promised to pay and you didn’t, and now they’re coming to get you!” Dad insisted. I had to explain that first of all, a charitable pledge is not an enforceable contract; second, even if it were a contract or promise to pay, it’s oral and not worth the paper it isn’t printed on; third, even if it were enforceable, it would be a civil, not a criminal matter and police would be powerless to arrest anyone; and finally, I never pledged or even mentioned a specific dollar amount. I told him it was as close to a scam as it gets without being flat-out illegal extortion. Here’s the kicker: Dad, rest his soul, had a Master’s degree from NYU and was a retired vice-president of a major Wall St. bank. If someone that well-educated and expert in finance could be duped like that, is it any wonder that so many average elderly people fall victim to such intimidation as well as scams?

  • abigail48
    abigail48 Member Posts: 337
    edited February 2016

    awhile back I got one of those emails ( I next to neveru se the landline & 5 minutes a week at most on a cell) that I'd won several million dollarsas I recall from a will from a person with my last name ( which is a married name) in england If I'd just respond with a token dollar amount I'd get the legacy. I told my sister I'd share it with her/

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited February 2016

    Diane, "NP" is nurse practitioner. She can do exams, prescribe meds, and refer if I have a problem. I am not very comfortable with her so far; but I am grateful that the BS declared me "NED" several years ago.
    I will probably take the Femara for a little while longer. I missed a good number of doses / weeks from time to time when SEs got bad. I wonder if I'll ever go "back" to who I was before the Femara.

    Fran, by now you probably have looked closely at the kitties to see if they are different. Are you feeding them? It sounds like you are the new home.

    Sandy, I have also learned to screen calls. Some are so "convincing" but I am not easily fooled. I just wonder how many elderly good citizens think that there is really something happening to them that must be fixed.
    I was recently fooled by an email to my regular email account. There was a link and it asked me to log in. ---Right in the middle of an email. I did click it and put in my name and PW. I was on my iPhone. I immediately realized it was a scam and changed my password on a different computer immediately. I get "phishing" emails at work frequently and they look so legitimate. But if it asks for your password or SS#, or if there is a live link in the email, it is not legitimate.

    It's a complex world with a lot of information coming at us all the time. Just be cautious!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited February 2016

    Amen to the phishing scams! My Mom fell for one a few years ago and thought she was going to jail because she did not pay the "fine" she was told she owed. I was so glad she decided to live in fear rather than pay the money they left on the voice mail message..LOL Poor thing. I finally got it through her head that it was a scam and she did not owe anyone anything.

    I am relegated to the NP now too more BS after this appointment...sigh. Guess that means progress!

    Fran, thanks for taking care of the kitty cats.


    gotta run as usual as I am at work and my 12 decided to come early! xoxo

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited February 2016

    All you guys with your BS visits. I saw mine once since my second surgery at 1 1/2 years out as there were some "lump issues" (scaring of course). I just see the oncologist 2x a year and starting last year it alternates with the Cancer Survivor doctor. Mammos are out to 1/year too finally. I should get off the arimidex in November as that will be my 5 year mark for the drug. We're all progressing nicely apparently.

  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 977
    edited February 2016

    I think it is interesting how different areas do different things. I see the BS once a year. He schedules the mammogram. The MO twice a year. The RO will see me one more time in June. I have not had an MRI, no pet scans. Anything else goes to my Internal Medicine Dr. that I see twice a year.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited March 2016

    Joan - thanks. I will be seeing one too in May. That's progress so I'm cool with it. I like her.

    It seems every time we turn around there is a new scam. I've heard about the computer one and the IRS one. We have caller ID but when this phantom officer called I didn't look at it. My family have all had our debit card accounts "stolen" so we live in a state of suspicion unfortunately. DH and I were involved in the data breach from IRS. They managed to hack into our PayPal account for a few hundred dollars. PayPal did not do diligence in verifying the email address which was not ours. They have since tightened their security measures. They needed to.

    Off to vote.


  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited March 2016

    Sew, what's a cancer survivor doctor?

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited March 2016

    you know Brookside, it's a really poor title for a really great arm of cancer treatment. This doctor handles the daily living, future outlook, mental stresses and everything else to do with living with and getting thru cancer. She sets up dietician classes, support groups, lectures etc which we are able to partake of as we want. My medical group started this a few years ago and the woman who has the job is just great. I actually like dealing with both doctors.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited March 2016

    Okay you guys need some prayers - yes again. I think I may need a pipeline to the Vatican.

    I mentioned a few weeks ago that a lady, her name is Tammy, had her tumor marker tests and the numbers had gone from 30 to 90. Her ONC said she would be retested in 2 weeks. That was yesterday. Unfortunately the numbers came backeven higher so she has to have a pet scan tomorrow@9:30. She is scared to death and we are all scared for her and praying for her.



  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited March 2016

    ok, Diane, I've got Tammy on my list and I'm so sorry to hear this

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2016

    Speaking of scams, I just got an e-mail from the cousin-in-law of a Nigerian prince-in-exile who promised to cheaply sell me pills from Canada that would lower my mortgage interest rate by eight inches.....