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Radiation recovery



  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited August 2017

    Wow congrats Josie! She's 6 months already? How old is Maisie? She and you will have your hands full! I know the twins keep me hopping and exhausted but they are so worth it. Maisie is just precious.

    She sure shouldn't be ashamed at all. My brother and I were11 months apart. My mother had 4 little ones at one time.

    Babies are a blessing.


  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591
    edited August 2017

    Thanks for the update Josie! u r going to be busy for sure.

    I'm kitty sitting this week for my daughter, 6 cats in the house, 1 is super alpha male. He does not like the fact that I am challenging him for top spot. He guards the stairs & hallways so nothing can get past him. Gave him a time out yesterday so the others could relax a bit.

    Have got to pick cherries today, tons still on the trees, freezer will be full, so shopping for another small one as peas are coming in & then there is the rest of it all. Busy busy here. But so worth it come winter time.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited August 2017

    Good for you Fran. I'm not near that industrious.,


  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited August 2017

    Fran, have fun with the kitties!

    Diane, I have my hands full already but you have definitely got me beat with the twins.

    My boss just dropped a bomb on us today. He was offered a new position and would be able to work from home. He starts the end of October. We will know what he is doing with the practice by Monday.

    In other words I need to get on the ball finding a new job ASAP. I asked him for a letter of reference. He agreed.

    1. edwards750
      edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
      edited August 2017

      Oh Josie so sorry. At least he is given you a few months heads up and a reference. Working remote - nice for him.

      Does your daughter know what the sex of the new baby is?


    2. 70charger
      70charger Member Posts: 591
      edited August 2017

      I am Josie.

      Everything happens for a reason so this means your next job might be a better fit.

      friends came out tonight to pick some fruit. Their 1 yr old dog ran out on the road & was hit hard by a truck pulling a trailer. He did not make it. We are all in shock. Their kids are devastated as they were playing with him. I feel so bad for them.

    3. edwards750
      edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
      edited August 2017

      OMG Fran how horrible. Poor baby. I know they are heartbroken.


    4. josie123
      josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
      edited August 2017

      That's terrible Fran. How horrifying for the family.

      Diane, my daughter tied to find out the sex July 10 but the baby was not cooperating so she will try this Wednesday at her next appointment.

    5. edwards750
      edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
      edited August 2017

      Babysat the twins this weekend. We are in trouble with the little escape artists. They can now get out of their pack n plays which is bad enough but they can also open the doors to the room where they sleep in them as well. The room is upstairs.

      Needless to say it was utter chaos in that room because it's where all of our paperwork is stored in folders, etc, I almost had a coronary when I looked up and there they were. They have mastered going up and down the stairs but they could still fall and there is tile at the bottom of the stairs.

      So time for Plan B. There are doorknobs that are childproof. We are getting them asap and moving them to our son's old bedroom. Short of putting them in restraints or a straight jacket that is our only alternative.

      The bed in that bedroom is too high for them just yet. I bought Paw Patrol beds for their birthday but they are going to son's house. The pack n plays are his until the beds are ordered.

      We enjoyed having them. They are changing almost daily. I can't believe they will b 2 next month.

      Pics of husband with the little darlings and one of my precious fur baby.


    6. edwards750
      edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
      edited August 2017



    7. josie123
      josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
      edited August 2017

      Diane, they are so big!!I can't believe how they have grown.

      Sarah was talking about putting Maisie in a toddler bed. I told her she's too young she's never going to be able to keep her in bed or even in her room.

    8. 70charger
      70charger Member Posts: 591
      edited August 2017

      Nice pic Diane. Double trouble for sure.

      busy day yesterday, picked beans, cleaned, blanched & put in freezer. Got more cherries done, burned branches from storm. Still have that big ass tree down in my front yard. Mowed lawn etc. Never ends. Took Robaxacet as soon as I got up this morning lol.

    9. edwards750
      edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
      edited August 2017

      They are growing up so fast Josie. They have started talking but not sure what language it is. Haha. I think Maisie is too young for a toddler bed too.

      You make me feel like such a slacker Fran. Who is going to remove that tree for you? My DH is going to cut down the pine trees in our backyard sooner or later. I hate those trees. Pine needles everywhere. They aretall but he cut down the 50 ft pin oak so I'm sure he can handle them too except they back up to my neighbors yards.

      DS has a birthday next Monday. I bought end tables and lamps for his house - all on sale thankfully. Also bought him an Amazon gift card. Went a little overboard so Christmas will be not as generous. Twins birthday is next month and my sister's and my daughter's. Lots of birthdays at one time. So broke.

      Jackson, one of the twins, had a scary accident. Actually Sophie, son's X and the boys mother, her 4 year old pushed him out of her SUV onto the parking lot. She wanted to get out first. GFF was scared to death. Fortunately he is okay except for scrapes and bruises but thank God he wasn't seriously hurt.

      As for Sophie she would be in solitary if I had anything to say about it. Her Mom screamed at her which I'm sure had zero impact on her. My son was furious as you would expect. Sophie is a cute spoiled undisciplined brat. I loved her because she is their sister but she is so out of control. She is supposed to go to pre-school. She won't get away with some of her stunts there. Part of the problem is no male influence. My son was the only father she has known. Sad.


    10. 6cats
      6cats Member Posts: 199
      edited August 2017

      I am over 3mos post last rads. My breast is still large and engorged. Wondering when it will return to normal size . Ideas?

    11. 70charger
      70charger Member Posts: 591
      edited August 2017

      6cats, mine took 6-8 months. Still swells occasionally from trunkal lymphedema.

    12. MostlySew
      MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
      edited August 2017

      6cats Mine didn't go away until I had PT for truncal Lymphadema... which really helped, along with a compression bra. Now it's generally fine (5 years out) and don't need the special bra anymore. Talk with your RO or MO to get a referral for PT. Make sure they know how to do this type PT because some don't. Do you really have 6 cats? We're down to 2 which seems a bit strange to me. I expect more strays/rescue's will move in soon.

    13. marijen
      marijen Member Posts: 2,181
      edited August 2017

      You need LE physical therapy and massage. The longer your breast is engorged the harder it will be to get it back to normal. It may not take that many appointments to make a big difference. I also used a sun tan lotion with avobenzene in it (NO-AD) and it took the redness away. The swelling has toxic lymphatic debris in it and keeps your lymph system from draining normally. The swelling can cause pain. The breast tissue is damaged by the toxic lymph. But you need to find a specialist. Ask around your area for a very good good lymphedemist who does massage. Isn't your RO following up on you?

    14. dancingelizabeth
      dancingelizabeth Member Posts: 305
      edited August 2017

      I finished rads the end of last year.... The area is still sort-of swollen and tender (when pressed on). And, until recently, had redness. I took the advice of the helpful ladies here - and used SPF 50 sunscreen and the redness (and, even the part that was tan) - is GONE. But, before that - had x 3 ultrasounds and multiple MO appointments.

      I'm still wondering when the stupid swollenness and tenderness will go away!!! But, glad there's no more redness and skin looks less tan. (just weird having one tan area next too very pale/white skin!)


    15. marijen
      marijen Member Posts: 2,181
      edited August 2017

      I told my MO about the spf working within hours and she wasn't the least bit interested. This is the one dr. I like. Glad it worked for you too! Scared

    16. dancingelizabeth
      dancingelizabeth Member Posts: 305
      edited August 2017

      LOL Marijen!!! - My MO - looked at me like I have 3 heads when I told her that!!!

    17. marijen
      marijen Member Posts: 2,181
      edited August 2017

      I think they are brainwashed not to believe a word we say

    18. dancingelizabeth
      dancingelizabeth Member Posts: 305
      edited August 2017

      YES - seriously!!! I don't understand - is why they wouldn't stop and consider what we're saying!!! I mean - the sunscreen goes on and the redness goes - away!!! Nothing else besides keeping it covered up under more than one piece of clothing was making it go away!!! Its CRAZY!!!

    19. marijen
      marijen Member Posts: 2,181
      edited August 2017

      One time my MO didn't believe me about trigger finger and carpal tunnel from AIs. So last time I brought her a 20 page article about AI and arthralgia and mentioned I didn't think she believed me. I wore a brace for six months and could hardly use my right hand. I know she didn't appreciate that either. She put in her notes that I brought "some papers" from the Internet. We have to look out for ourselves

    20. bravepoint
      bravepoint Member Posts: 232
      edited August 2017


      Do you have a link to the article mentioning carpal tunnel?



    21. marijen
      marijen Member Posts: 2,181
      edited August 2017

      Here you go bravepoint

      If you go to the references at the end you can click on pubmed studies about carpal tunnel too.

      There is a relationship between carpal tunnel and biophosphonates tooI see.

    22. edwards750
      edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
      edited August 2017

      We so need to be our own advocates. Some doctors are so egotistical they immediately dismiss any opinions other than from their own kind.

      I took my BS to task when he told me a micromet that was discovered in my SN would get me chemo. I told him that decision would be made by myself and my MO. He was a good doctor but his bedside manner needed work. Thankfully his staff was awesome.

      Marijen - I'm sure when you brought that article to your doctor she looked at it like you were questioning her expertise/opinion. Good for you though if nothing else she knew you did your homework.


    23. marijen
      marijen Member Posts: 2,181
      edited August 2017

      Yes it's really hard when you're so pretty they think you're stupid. Maybe she'll be more careful now. And if I get no recurrence I won't be seeing her that much anymore. SillyHeart

    24. 70charger
      70charger Member Posts: 591
      edited August 2017

      I now have 52 bags of veggies in the freezer, that's 1 serving a week for a year. Lots more peas & beans to come, plus the carrots , corn & broccoli yet to do. Robaxacet is no longer touching my back pain. I have had lower back arthritis for close to 30 yrs along with sciatica pain. I know I have been hard on my body, but it is all I know how to be. Told hubby the other day " Anyone ever says to u Oh your wife doesn't work, must be nice! to punch them in the face". Need to rest but can't when I know there is work to be done. Been up since 3:30 this morn as I know I need to pick peas again today. been picking every 2nd day for the last 2 weeks. Hand is swollen with lymphedema from repetitive motion of picking & shelling. Might have to go for massage. Hate that winter is coming, Too much fall work to be done. I want a vaca. sorry for the pity party, just needed to vent. Oh & hubby got the info for his companies xmas party this year. they are going to the CFR!!! (Canadian Finals Rodeo) F*&K REALLY!!!!!!!!! Hubby gags at the smell of cow & horse sh*t, let alone try to eat a meal amongst it. Take Care Ladies. Fran

    25. edwards750
      edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
      edited August 2017
      Fran - you are a busy lady. Seriously I'm tired from just reading all you do. I can relate to to the wife doesn't work big so far no one has said that to him or me. I'm really busy too but not the back breaking chores you have to do. I handle everything on the home front except remodel jobs and edging. I do cut the grass, water the yard and flowers, all housecleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, 90% of cooking, manage the bills and on and on. I buy DH's clothes and pick them out for work because he hates to and has zero ability to match them. I take care of the dog almost totally and all service appointments. And to think I used to do all this and work outside the home too. Now I do more babysitting mostly the twins. So I dare anyone to say anything.

      Take care of yourself.

    26. edwards750
      edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
      edited August 2017

      Oh and I need a vacation too. Vent away.
