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Radiation recovery



  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited May 2018

    Just thought I'd mention I'm having a little run-in with pulmonary emboli.  A clot in my calf threw a few little clots into my lungs.  I guess I'll be fine, but it is alarming.  I've been off tamoxifen since the beginning of April, so that's not the culprit, but I do want to mention that over the past few years, I've had at least three episodes of shortness of breath, which, in hindsight, my primary care doc and I believe to have been PE's.  After the first of those events, I had a complete cardiac workup, but not a CT scan, which is how PE's are diagnosed.  Apparently, just a history of any cancer, tamoxifen or no tamoxifen, produces a heightened risk of clotting issues, as also does progression.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited May 2018

    We praying for you Fran. I know waiting is sheer agony. Keep us posted.

    My DH is a pack rat too. He saves everything. Drives me crazy so I just start tossing stuff. I have cleaned out our garage and attics multiple times and then new stuff appears in the garage. Ugh. He wonders why he can’t find anything. I am an OC person but I like things organized. Good luck with your sale! Our neighborhood has a garage sale every year. Good way to get rid of things and make a few bucks plus neighborhood sales draw a lot more people.

    I used to never go to sales - just have them. Now I go and have found bargains mainly for my son and the twins. We also have a website called where you can advertise products. I sold the twins high chairs on that site.

    Fun Memorial Day with DS and the twins. They love their swimming pool. I pushed the slide in the pool and they loved that!


  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited May 2018


  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited May 2018

    A few pics in the pool. They wouldn’t wait for me to put on their swimming suits. They love the water


  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591
    edited May 2018

    thanks for the info Brookside, feel better soon. Hope for no more.

    Thanks Diane. Cute pics!

  • 53nancy
    53nancy Member Posts: 295
    edited May 2018

    Hello everyone. Just dropping in to read what's been happening and to share that I got the results of the scans today and they are clear. I went over to the local clinic so I could have copies of the reports, and itdoesn't seem as if there is anything to worry about. With reference to the bones (I have osteoarthritis throughout my body), one page of the report said that there was no appreciable change in the points where there are sclerotic spots, and another page said there was NO change. So the oncologist is ordering another bone scan (my last one was six months ago and it sounds like she does this on a regular basis), so I am hoping it won't be too long a wait, and then we have to go to Winnipeg to see her after that is done. So, to some extent, my mind is at ease, but I am finding that it is true what others on these forums have stated, and that is that we will ALWAYS be aware that recurrence could come at any time. One product that I have been using for about 15 months is Young Living Sulfurzyme, which is for joint pain, and I can say I have so much less pain than before I started it. This week has been my best in over a year - two full days of yard work, planting flowers, canning, etc. Went for a two mile walk today and hope to get another mile in before bedtime. So - I feel and hope I will continue to do well.

    I think of those of you with ongoing treatments and issues and just want you to know I don't forget you and keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs to all of you.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited June 2018

    Good news Nancy. Thanks for dropping by. That product sounds like a godsend. Glad you are feeling better.

    Unfortunately the fear factor is indeed alive and well for all of us. I told my MO once you are branded with the C word you are always looking over your shoulder. Can’t help it. No matter how optimistic your stats are - and mine are- I still go into panic mode before my annual mammo. I didn’t feel the first one so the fact that I don’t feel anything abnormal doesn’t give me a lot of solace.

    I’m not a Debbi Downer and in fact the polar opposite but I am a worrier. Comes with the territory /DX.

    All we can do is the best we can by having annual mammograms and seeing the doctor if something doesn’t seem normal. My MO told me if I had an issue for more than 2 weeks to see her not my GP.

    Luckily that wasn’t necessary.

    The positive thing is the longer you go without a problem the better outlook you have. I am currently 6 1/2 years out.

    Good luck.


  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited June 2018

    Well, a silver lining of the clots to my lung thing was that the chest x-ray and CT scan they ordered showed no mets to lungs, upper spine, or ribs.  All these tests are a double-edged sword, aren't they?  Good to know all is well, but, until the all-clear report is out, terrifying to consider other possibilities.  I'm worried about one of my friends who is currently refusing a CT scan to get a better look at something on her lung x-ray.  

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited June 2018

    Good news Brookside. I know you are so relieved.

    Why won’t your friend have the CT scan done? Scared? I’m sure. I would be too but if you don’t check it out they can’t fix it.

    We all deal with these fears every day. Every ache and pain is worrisome it will morph into the C word.

    Btw I had a chest X-ray done last year and lung nodules showed up all over the place. The PA freaked and told me to go back to the cancer center where I had treatment. I told her I’d wait on the radiologist report. She said he would agree with her. He didn’t. Chest X-ray was normal. Scar tissue and people who live in my section of the country were plagued with these from a bird virus would you believe?

    Hope your friend changes her mind but if she doesn’t it’s her call. It’s s risk but it’s her risk.

    A lady at my nail salon said the doctors saw something on her mammo but wanted to monitor it for 6 months. It’s very small. The doctor wanted her to start taking Tamoxifen now as a preventative measure. She refused. I’ve never heard of them doing that. They don’t know at this point whether it’s cancer or not. She’s young too.


  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited June 2018

    My friend has COPD and was sent back for an extra view on her routine chest x-ray; the doc wants a CT to get a better understanding of that spot.  She's terrified that it might be cancer and does not want to face the possibility.  I think she'll agree once she's had a chance to process.  I hope.

    A weird finding in my CT is a calcification consistent with TB, of all things.  In the back of my mind, of course, is whether the ER guy listed history of breast cancer on the form for the radiologist.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited June 2018
    I bet she is terrified. Bless her heart. Sometimes when you are dealing with serious medical issues already adding yet another one is just more than you can take. My mother had COPD in her later years and had routine chest X-rays. She suffered so with chronic sinus infections too.

    TB? Seriously? You gotta wonder about doctors sometimes. Mine ordered a port prior to my lumpectomy surgery. I didn’t need it I wasn’t having chemo. My BS assumed I would because of a micromet in my SN. Oncotype test score was low so MO prescribed Rads. He never double checked b4 my surgery. Glad I did. So we have to be our own advocates and check and double check. Scary.

  • 53nancy
    53nancy Member Posts: 295
    edited June 2018

    Hello everyone. Diane, I too am a worrier; my good news today, though, is that I got a call this morning and my bone scan is tomorrow! No waiting! The CT scan results I got last week basically said no changes in the bones, and I am told this is just a six month follow up, and I am so thankful that my oncologist is keeping an eye on things. Went for my three month blood work this morning and, lo and behold, it is no longer an automatic thing. From now on, I have to go see the doctor to get a requisition for the blood work, then made another appointment to get results. For five years, I've gone every three months without problem; I have to wonder if it is part of the changes that are coming in our health care system.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited June 2018

    Good news Nancy. So happy for you.

    It sounds like just the beginning of changes coming in our health care system. I don’t mind extra paperwork as long as the end result is the same.

    Idk what people do who don’t have health insurance. My DH just had several basil cell growths removed. It cost almost $2k and we have insurance but a high deductible. I think his company insurance plan is a good one but also one that reallypays off substantially once you reach your deductible.

    Keep us posted.


  • 53nancy
    53nancy Member Posts: 295
    edited June 2018

    Diane, I hope your husband comes through and heals without problems. I had many suggestions from people about trying to get help down in the U.S. but we could never begin to afford it; things may take a long time to get done here, but it is covered by health care. We do have to pay a deductible this year of $1200 but after that our meds are covered. It is a small amount to pay compared to the cost of health care, but we can handle it. Have great week and take care.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited June 2018

    Thank you and you too Nancy. He is doing fine.


  • 53nancy
    53nancy Member Posts: 295
    edited June 2018

    Hello everyone. Hope you are having a good day. Just wanted to share with you that I had my bone scan yesterday and the results are already in, and it is CLEAR! I feel like celebrating! :) Six month follow up on June 18, but now I don't have to face it expecting bad news.

    Will be back later to catch up.

  • nonomimi5
    nonomimi5 Member Posts: 184
    edited June 2018


    That's great news! Congrats and hope you go celebrate today!

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited June 2018



  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited June 2018

    Such good news, Nancy!  So nice to know that every single bone is perfectly healthy!    

  • 53nancy
    53nancy Member Posts: 295
    edited June 2018

    BrooksideVT, hopefully! The report does say that, though there is no evidence of metastases, it could still be there. I choose to believe that isn't at this time. So am feeling so relieved and gung ho to forge ahead.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited June 2018

    I would feel the same way Nancy. Stay positive!


  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited June 2018

    It's my understanding that bone scans are pretty definitive as to what's going on.  I'm guessing that they're saying they can't see microscopic stuff.

  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591
    edited June 2018

    Happy Dance for Nancy!

  • 53nancy
    53nancy Member Posts: 295
    edited June 2018

    Thank you BrooksideVT and 70Charger. I would think the statement about metastasis MIGHT be present is a given in every report; that way, no one can say they weren’t made aware of the possibility, no matter how distant. I have had a great day. Bought more flowers and planted them today. A year ago I couldn’t do that. My bones are aching tonight but it’s because I’ve been going at things steadily instead of in bits and pieces. I feel so good. Thanks for your support and encouragement

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited June 2018

    Nancy - so happy for you! Bet your garden looks great!


  • Hope62
    Hope62 Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2018

    just finished radiation and after 4 days my armpit is killing me. Up to last day of radiation my skin was doing well but now purplish red and burning. Any suggestions as to how I can find relief. Am using Glaxol Base cream as suggested radiologist and staying out of su

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited June 2018

    Congrats Hope62.... let the final healing begin! Your skin will undergo many changes in the next several months, and my best recommendation for you is Calendula Cream by Boiron. Get the cream, not the oil, nor the "burn", nor the ointment, but the cream. Amazon sells it as do several whole food/health type stores. Good luck and heal well.

  • 53nancy
    53nancy Member Posts: 295
    edited June 2018

    Hope62, I sympathize so much. I still have some armpit pain, and I finished radiation six months ago. Hope your healing goes well. For skin issues, I found calendula ointment helped me the most. I had to fight the RO to be able to use it, as he recommended only Glaxol Base and Lubriderm.

    Diane, after a week of really cold and rainy weather, we are in to the hot days and the peonies are in full bloom. We have deep pink and white with shades of yellow and light pink. Irises are done, and the lillies should be blooming soon. We actually have a small veggie garden this year and the zucchini has a bloom so we are looking forward to zucchini; we had none last year and it was a disappointment because my husband won't eat any other jam but zucchini.

    Saw the oncologist yesterday and there appears to be no evidence of cancer. Tumor markers are slightly down but not sure if is enough to make her happy. Will have to wait to hear from her.

    Now we are headed off again for a few days, with two funerals to go to this week (plus one yesterday), so I probably won't be on until we get back on Saturday. Take care everyone and I hope your days go well. Hugs.

  • nonomimi5
    nonomimi5 Member Posts: 184
    edited June 2018

    Hope62- Congrats! I met with my RO today b/c I will finish my rads tomorrow. She said my skin will continue to feel like sunburn and told me to get LMX Topical Anesthetic Cream for burning pain if I need to. It is sold on Amazon and it has Lidocaine

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited June 2018

    Hope62, I'm sure you know this, but it is pretty normal that your skin continues to, well, maybe "ripen" for a short time after finishing rads.  Your RO (or whichever RO is on call tomorrow) will be able to make a recommendation specific to you.   You may need to stop by so they can see your skin, but they really do expect a certain percentage of us to have post-treatment issues.  There is always an RO on call because so many of us need to be seen either between weekly appointments or after treatment stops.