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Radiation recovery



  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited November 2019

    Diane, we went through hand foot and mouth with our kids. No fun. Prayers they get better soon.


  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited November 2019

    She will eventually Josie. It's embarrassing to some women t admit they tolerate an abusive boyfriend but being embarrassed is the least of their worries. I hope they throw the book at him.


  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited November 2019

    Diane, me too!!

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited January 2020

    Happy New Year Sisters!

    Hope everyone is doing okay. It was a tough Christmas without my sister. She so loved to send gifts and always took the time to find the right one. I miss her so. My BIL is hanging in there.

    We had my son and grandsons over for Christmas. Of course they got a million things. Christmas is so much more fun with little ones - at least for me it is.

    One if the twins though - Jackson is really struggling with the back and forth visit with his mother and staying with our son. I babysit them a lot and Jackson has a nasty temper. We discipline him by time out in a chair. Seems to work for us. School is another story. He throws things and disrupts the class. The school is bringing in a child psychologist Thursday to observe him. The other twin, James is excelling and very conversational. I know it’s tough forthem to go through all this at 4 years old. My heart breaks for them. I hope the child psychologist can help us/Jackson.

    I hope 2020 is a better year than 2019.


  • BCSucks1
    BCSucks1 Member Posts: 6
    edited January 2020

    How often are you supposed to see your radiologist after treatment has finished. While I love my doctor she has me coming in every 6 months and I don't see the point (plus I have a high deductible insurance so I have to pay for the visits and the labs). I also see my oncologist every 6 months.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited January 2020

    I stopped seeing my R/O pretty quickly, but continued with BS and Onc. Seven years later, I still see each of them annually (at six-month intervals, of course). The plan is that I'll continue to see my onc for ten years. I think the BS (at this point, his nurse practitioner) will continue to see me immediately after my mammo as long as I continue to be zapped. I am happy with this plan as, with my lumpy breasts, I just do not trust anyone except a breast cancer specialist to do a breast exam. I'd suggest, BCSucks1 that you ask your R/O and maybe your onc why you should, or should not, continue to see your R/O.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited January 2020

    So sorry, Diane, that the one little boy is having such a tough time. He has somewhat similar, but also dissimilar expectations in three homes, plus school and a whole new cast of characters. Yikes! I hope the school can figure out some of the roots of the problem--yes, chances are it's more than just the travel. Have you filled his teacher in on exactly how you do timeouts in your house? Perhaps consistency on some seemingly obscure point will help him better control his emotions/behavior.

    And happy new year, everyone!

  • april1964
    april1964 Member Posts: 153
    edited January 2020

    BCSucks1, I stopped seeing my RO after two years and now only see the BS and MO once a year.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited January 2020

    Thanks Brookside. I know my son and my husband and I use the same discipline but unfortunately the mother is not cooperative. Hopefully the psychologist can help.


  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited January 2020

    I didn’t see my RO at all after my treatments. I stopped seeing my MO after 5 years and like Brookside I see my BS’ 𝐀𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞 after my yearly mammo. I would definitely ask why the frequency of visits.


  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited January 2020

    I was done with treatment March 2018. I go to RO every 6 months, the MO every 4 months. I never see the BS because he retired about 4 months after my surgery.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2020

    Hi, it's been awhile (again)...I see that the thread was quiet over the holidays...I know I was quite busy and still working full time. We did have a good time though.

    Even with working, we managed to get to Colorado to visit my son in his new home again. We traveled to Breckenridge and a day trip to aspen to see the golden foliage. It is my favorite place to visit, especially in fall.
    I will post a photo below...

    In November my family gave me a birthday celebration. Last year (70) I was starting chemo and we canceled the party DH had planned. So this year all the kids came with grandkids...and it was such a happy time. We had dinner out then back to our house for cake and fun. It was a turning point for me because nobody mentioned my illness or how "brave" or "strong" I was just pure fun and celebrating. So I decided to be more positive and not let the uncertainties of cancer take over my life. I'm getting better at it!

    As of January 24th, I am officially retired from full time work!!! I decided to accept one class for part time work as I ease into retirement. I work 5 hours a week, 8am, two days. It started this week. It's going OK. I am still tired at night...but have been very busy this week with medical appointments and paperwork.

    I read back all your posts...
    My RO appointments did not last very long; maybe a year. I had to do a co-pay but they were mostly covered. After 5 years I was discharged from medical oncology and I felt pretty abandoned. I could see the NP but there would be no blood work. I did not see the point. I do the mammos and was seeing a gyn for regular checkups. Since my 2nd cancer, my new onco writes the mammo orders.

    I had a few months of not feeling so well; but am slowly doing better. I had an appointment Dec. 11th and my blood work was good and markers were still low. I am so grateful to continue in remission. I hope it lasts a long time; especially since I am working part time.

    Brookside, I cannot believe the challenges you face in your heirloom home! I hope you are keeping warm and that there will be solutions to update the house.

    Sew, I hope you are resettled at home...and that you continue to have sweet remembrances of your dear mom. Your needlework is just beautiful!

    Josie, I am glad to hear you have found a place...Your granddaughters are beautiful. I am glad you will be near your mom. I hope you enjoy your surprise deserve it...but I know it can be stressful. My DH bought me a car once, told me he ordered it, then said to me, "now how will we pay for this?" I was mad...but it all worked out in the end. I hope your younger daughter does find some help to restore her self-worth and help her make a plan for herself that does not depend on anyone else. She is lucky to have your support.

    Diane, I am sure the holidays were so hard without your sister. I cannot imagine what you are going through. You are right to be firm with your grandson. I am pretty sure he knows your home is a safe place and that you are consistent with expectations; but that you love him so much. It is interesting to see how different the boys are. It's painful to watch a child trying to find his way through tough situations.

    My grandson and his girlfriend of 6 years just got engaged. I hope I will be healthy a long time so I can enjoy their wedding. My son in Colorado and his partner of 11 years decided to marry on New Years Eve. They hope to have a family party this year. So many good things happening...I have to stay positive!
    Love and hugs to everyone are each so special to me.
    I made these photos much smaller but when I posted they just got gigantic!


  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited February 2020

    Beautiful pics Joan - thanks for sharing. I love to read your posts. So newsy and fun to read. Sounds like you had a fun birthday.

    I'm glad you are retired. It's time. Hope the healing continues.

    Yes it was beyond difficult during the holidays. I think I'm still in denial and a state of shock. She was my go to person for so long. I feel lost without her so I know it's really tough for my BIL.

    So busy with the twins babysitting and helping my son decorate his house. Their mother has more drama going on so they have seen her in weeks. So tough on the little guys. They need stability in their lives. They are with my husband and me alot. We love having them but gotta admit I'm exhausted!

    Our group has been MIA. Hope everyone is okay.


  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited February 2020


    Great pics so glad you enjoyed your trip and your birthday. I am so happy your feeling ok and all is well.

    Hello everyone else. Sorry I didn’t address everyone personally but my battery is almost dead on my phone.

    I had my mammogram Friday. It was perfect and they talked me into new genetic testing It’s a expanded newer version of the BRACCA that I did at first diagnosis. It’s hopefully covered by my insurance or I may tell them forget it.

    My nephew/godson is getting married May17 and although he lives in North Carolina the wedding will be in Danielson, Ct and the reception is in Sturbridge,MA. We plan on flying in on Friday 5/15 and leaving Monday 5/18. I’m excited but none of muny kids were invited so it will be just hubby and I.Wouldnt that be. Ppl if I could meet up with some of you up East?

    My oldest DD just broke up with her baby daddy/boyfriend. My Grandbabies are a little confused but he sure did some rotten stuff to her things /clothes and took her other things holding them hostage till she signed over both their vehicles to him. He is such a rotten SOB. And she didn’t feel safe living there anymore so she is now living with her grandmother since we aren’t living there anymore. Unfortunately we can’t prevent him from seeing the babies so we have to hold our tongue when he’s around.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited March 2020

    Hi everyone,

    The wedding sounds like fun Josie. I’ve never been to Connecticut but would love to go sometime.

    I’m glad your DD broke up with her loser boyfriend. I know it’s hard to be civil to him but you are doing that just for the kids sake. I feel eye same way about the baby momma for the twins. She’s not a rotten person but she is selfish and irresponsible. I worry when the twins are with her which has been rare lately luckily. She’s so not focused. They deserve better. My son is such a good dad but I know he’s on overload. Right now I’m picking up the slack. I love them but they do wear me out.

    We are taking the twins to Disney on Ice Sunday. Tickets aren’t cheap but it’s a great show. We took our son when he was little and he loved it. He was a monster Mickey Mouse fan just like James - one of my grandsons.

    My BIL is doing okay but still obviously depressed and upset about my sister. Me too. I miss her so much.


  • Topgun1052
    Topgun1052 Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2020

    Hello. I just need to talk to someone. I was diagnosed with DCIS I am to have a month of radiation treatments. I am scared because everything I read say that I am going to have fatique and I live by myself. I have decided not to have hormone therapy because I had a PE in my lung and I am over 67. I am scared. I am having a hard time believing that this is happening. Has anyone of you delayed radiation or did you just go and do it. Please help Carolyn

  • flashlight
    flashlight Member Posts: 311
    edited March 2020

    Topgun1052, Last year I was 68 going through radiation. Many people have different degrees of fatigue. For me it hit me around week 3. I found it took me a little longer to shower and get ready in the morning and I would nap in the afternoon. I would prepare by freezing some meals and stocking up. Also you can ask to be scheduled during the best time of the day for you. They like to keep early morning and late afternoon times available for those who work. I drove myself most of the time. It is important that you stay hydrated. Just in case, if there is a day you need a ride is there a neighbor or a friend you can call? The radiation appointment doesn't take long, unless it is the day you see the doctor, you are in and out. Good luck to can do this.

  • Cricketdog
    Cricketdog Member Posts: 48
    edited March 2020

    Topgun - I recently received radiation treatment and was not fatigued much at all. It honestly did not affect me until near the end when I took a nap on the couch one Saturday. I had condensed treatment with 4 boosts at the end. Going straight into chemo two days later was difficult but the radiation itself was not too bad. Hoping your experience is a good one!

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited March 2020

    Topdog, do please sit down and chat with your radiation oncologist and also your medical oncologist about the lifestyle effects of rads. The two of them will best be able to explain how fatigue might affect you. Very few of us had severe problems and most managed to get to work.

    Because of the blood clots, you cannot have tamoxifen, which is not prescribed for us post-menopausal ladies anyway. There is a nice gathering of other drugs that you can (and probably should) take. Your onc will help you with that. Oh, and never forget to consult your primary care provider when the specialists offer concerning advice.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited March 2020

    Joan, so very nice to hear that you are doing well and have retired. i have a sneaking suspicion that you'll find yourself taking on one class, or maybe a volunteer thingy at a school or library or wherever. Is your daughter still in CT? In Wilton, the schools are closed now and yesterday was my son's first day working at home. I did speak with him beforehand, and he seemed quite anxious about trying to get anything done (mostly telephone calls) with two little ones around. His wife already works from home, so I'm interested in learning how they manage to work out whose turn it is to referee kids, cat, and puppy.

    My NYC son's office closed yesterday, so he's at home too, but their schools are open. Son #3 (actually, he's #2, the middle one) is married to a school nurse, so if their schools close, they'll be fine. Not particularly happy, but fine.

    Josie, I am so proud of your DD. I hope she sticks with her decision. Do have fun at the wedding. Much as I'd love to, I doubt I'll be able to meet you, but will continue to meditate on it.

    I'm working for a few weeks, as I do every tax season. We've been told to stay home if we are worried about contagion. Because all the client info is on our own servers, I don't think we can accomplish anything outside the office.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited March 2020

    Topgun, sounds like you already got good advice.I too suffered fatigue from radiation and one time found myself at the back of the grocery store and suddenly the fatigue set in . It felt like someone had just put a 20 # weight around each of my legs. I made it to the checkout and after some great advice I realized that the fatigue is only temporary and it passes. Rest when you can but also remember that light exercise is good during radiation. Just a simple walk helps. Talk to your Doc about it and any other concerns. Also remember not everyone has fatigue .


  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited March 2020


    Hope you enjoy the Disney on ice. They have been canceling so many big events and even sporting events due to the whole Coronavirus thing I hope your Disney on ice thing isn’t cancelled.


    Hope your family stay safe in NY. They even have closed a couple colleges in St Louis and I think we only have 7 confirmed cases here. The hospital I work for is actually set up a drive thru testing facility in a parking lot for people that have been screened over the phone and referred to the drive thru due to their symptoms. And the shelves of our stores are very scarce on supplies. I understand you are busy during this tax season. I hope to meet you sometime though.


  • cassiecanada
    cassiecanada Member Posts: 101
    edited March 2020

    Hi Topgun-

    I am 64 and had radiation for 3 weeks-( a year ago)

    dont be scared- I remember the fear

    as if it were yesterday - so i understand.

    Altho all women are different, I had

    minimal side effects and carried on with

    my normal routine-I say this only becsuse

    its important to know that some experiences

    may be bad, while others are quite positive

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited March 2020

    It did get cancelled Josie. Not surprised but sure disappointed. We are like everyone else almost on lockdown. Grocery store and a few other places I have to go and taking care of my 2 grandsons is about it for me. My DH’s whole office is going remote. Our bishop has suspended all church services and functions.

    This is a scary time for everyone but we will get through this with faith and God’s help.

    Stay safe everyone.


  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited March 2020

    Hi, Josie and Diane. Grocery stores here look just like everywhere else--toilet paper, meat, canned soup are disappearing. Went to the supermarket on Saturday and saw lots of overloaded carts. Overheard someone who said her mother works at the grocery store and had never seen it like this in 20 years.

    All three of my grandkids' schools are closed--NY, CT, and VT, and two of my three sons are working from home. In another time, I'd drive down and help with the kids and their online school programs, or have them up here, but none of us wants to take a chance of infecting anyone else. have takeout only. Here in VT, very little is open. Even the ski areas are closed. It being mud season, they aren't making any money anyway, so they're probably not too upset, but it is a real shock to us locals. Same goes for restaurants, etc., but a lot of seasonal workers are being laid off earlier than they expected.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited March 2020

    It's really tough here too. Until yesterday we had 2 confirmed cases - now we have 10. The mayor has ordered all dine in restaurants closed but drive through is allowed. I feel for those servers. They depended on tips, etc. I know a lot of people are experiencing financial hardships as a result. Even our church. No masses or fish fry's, etc so they are losing $ from them.

    My DH has another place on his arm removed yesterday. He has it done frequently because he framed houses to pay his way through college. Fortunately not melanoma. I was a sun worshiper when I was younger. No one said how dangerous all that sun exposure was.

    We are going to have the twins for a few hours today. DS is consulting a lawyer about filing for full custody of his boys. I think given all that's happened with their mother and the support of their school and CPS he will get it this time.

    Stay safe everyone. Storming the heavens with prayers for an end to this.


  • mom2bill
    mom2bill Member Posts: 8,003
    edited March 2020
    Top gun

    I am 64 years old and finished my radiation therapy 3 days ago. It really was not as bad as I had anticipated. I do get tired quicker than I usually do, however it has not been overwhelming. I have been taking short walks, even when I don't particularly feel like it, and I have found that to be helpful. Good luck. You can do it!
  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Member Posts: 1,946
    edited March 2020


    I had the long course of radiation starting in late October 2018, when I was 68. The first two weeks were hard because I was still recovering from an unrelated, more invasive surgery on the same side. After that, I felt fine. My mother had breast cancer when she was 85 and living alone. She had the long course (33 sessions) and drove herself to the treatments in another town every day. She was a little tired, but still functioned just fine.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited March 2020

    There are no Masses here either, Diane. Never, never have I heard of such a thing. A priest from NJ is coming up this weekend and will offer Mass at a local house of prayer, just for a few people, but I don't think it would be wise to go. I've stopped working (retired except for tax prep during tax season), will go in today when nobody else is around and finish my own taxes.

    Ladies, I also was surprised at how well I survived rads. Physically, it was nothing like I'd feared. It seems I had blown the experience up into the big, bad wolf, much the way I imagined him when I was a child learning about the three little pigs. Physically, I did fine. My (somewhat) irrational fear, however, left me with a bit of PTSD that knocked me out for a few months post-radiation. Today, I am very lah de dah about the whole thing, even, at my recent mammo, about the possibility of a somewhat suspicious (to me, not to the radiologist) lump.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited March 2020,

    Here is a link for daily mass