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February 2012 Chemo



  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Christina, do you have these blood test every time you go or is it first time. We don't do blood work because they say they give false readings many times. They only use them for stage 4 whatever cancer you have.

    You will be ok, please let us know asap as we will all be worried for you.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Hildy i'm so happy for your DH getting a job. Xx

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Chirstina----Many many things can increase your liver enzymes.  Checking it out with the ultrasound is the right thing to do.  But remember, you've had chemo, you're on medications now, you eat.  Its time to be attentive, but don't jump to bad conclusions. 

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Thanks everyone, it is reassuring to hear that other things can effect the liver. I feel totally fine, or at least I did. Ever since they told me I had to have the ultrasound, my whole midsection feels bloated and uncomfortable. I'm psyching myself out! 

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Christina. The nurse practitioner, who I call Hitler in Heels, asked me all these intense questions last time I was there, asking if I was felt bloated, etc. I asked why she was asking, and she said these were symptoms of cancer. Of course, since then I've been thinking I feel bloated in the pelvic region, a symptom of ovarian cancer. Totally normal to do that.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    ((((((Christina))))))) deep breath, I will be praying and in your pocket tomorrow. I know how I felt with the ultrasound for the Lump just a couple of months ago. Nothing but B9....... That's the goal Lady!!!!!!!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Nice to see you popped by.  You've been a busy lady and great news on DH's job!  Im sure its a great releif for both of you.


    Hitler on Heels LOL!


    Thinking of  you today

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    our local Relay for Life is Friday- i am not sure that i really feel like attending--i'm sure that there are those from my work who expect it as i am one of the token survivors....

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Christina. Any word?

    Margo. I don't do walks or runs. I try to send donations to groups directly and focus on research in metastatic breast cancer or support services like this site. I've actually heard stories of stage iv folks not being welcome in the survivor lap.

    I had an MRI of the lumbar spine today. Follow up from a previous scan. Since Hitler in Heels asked me about symptoms of ovarian cancer, I keep thinking my symptoms are that now. If the bloated feeling and lower back pain don't stop in a week, I'll call the oncologist.

    My life is about cancer. I'm so tired of it. At points I just don't care. Not like I can control this.

    High point of today was woman at radiology center bitching about 50 extra bucks for 3D mammogram. I finally said, "I have stage iv breast cancer. Pay the extra 50 bucks. The earlier you can find it, the better." She stopped complaining at that point. I am like a buoy of breast cancer disaster.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    lol Susan I don't know if you meant to be funny or not, but you made me chuckle with your "buoy of breast cancer disaster." Some people sure need a reality check...

    I had my ultrasound this morning. No one has called me just yet. The onc's office is usually pretty prompt with things. I figure I will give them until Friday, I don't want to be worrying about the unknown all weekend. I am actually rather proud of myself. I work for the healthcare system that did my ultrasound and I have electronic access to my own medical record. I could have easily pulled up the radiologist's report and the imaging, but I managed to resist. Every time I do that, I get upset (sometimes for good reason, and sometimes not as of course I don't know what a lot of it means!). So I am being good and waiting for the doctor's office to call...

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Christina, it could be something like the Radonk is on a vacation day! And if its not someone in surgery, they wait for him to come in, rather than call him in. So hang in there, good thoughts.

    Grit, yep, you DO know just what to say to put it in perspective. LOL

    I don't blame you for not wanting it to be cancer, cancer, cancer! ( and yes, I hear it in the Marcia, Marcia,Marcia! Tone of voice) LOL But with the bloating and Hitler in heels in your mind, is be worried to. Prayers all around. Much love.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Today they told me i have Lymphedema so need to see someone. To say i'm pissed off doesn't come close. I don't want to wear a sleeve so i will stamp my feet and cry.

    Christina, how are things?

    Someone is going on a date on saturday!!!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Ali, at least enjoy the date! Sorry about the LE. There is a thread on the boards where they will understand and give you help. I think it is the grrr I hate lymphedema board.

    Christina, heard anything?

    And Grit, any news ?

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Haha i'm not going on a date!!!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Oh, that was for MLB! LOL

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Ha Ha! No date happened.  I didn't hear from him coming up to the weekend so I made other plans and sent him a message to that affect.  Turns out he had a family vacay planned and claims to not have realized.  Typical asshole I guess LOL!  Feck em.  There are two strikes against him anyway, he's Irish (so am I) and from my home town.  Have dated from both gene pools in the past and wasn't sucessful.  Nothing lost.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Ali, that stinks!!! Yell

    I have not heard anything yet. I did my pre-registration over the phone for my DIEP and I have to call my onc's office tomorrow to ask them to send my bloodwork to my PS's office so I don't have to have more bloodwork done. So I figure then I can ask if someone can let me know if the ultrasound of my liver area came out okay. I do feel much better about it though, I googled fatty liver for quite a while yesterday and convinced myself that that's what I have. Laughing OR maybe I took too much tylenol when my joints were bothering me so much several weeks ago.

    I will say, since this liver thing, I am not really worried about whatever it is growing in my uterus... this stuff makes me crazy!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Friggin LE.  BC the gift that keeps on giving.  I guess its not so bad wearing a sleeve in the winter and I don't blame you for being pissed.


    I hope you're MO calls you tomorrow.  I don't know how you didn't peak though.


    Good on ya for saying what you said to that woman.  I was having a discussion with a friend yesterday that is about to have a mammogram soon.  She had a suspicious lump removed a couple of years ago and although B9 she goes every year.  The hospital in her town is part of what they call here "trilliums", 3 hospitals grouped together by location and certain ones have certain specialties. Anyhow they don't have any digital imaging mammography machines.  I told her to get a referral to the hospital I was screened at.  The reason I know this is because I asked why I couldn't have had my mammo's at Georgetown Hospital and the tech told me.  Scary some places still use the film imaging.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    sending big hugs-not going to tonite's Relay-just not wanting son sends me this txt saying how proud he is of me and etc as a survivor and to have fun..i just can't do it/

    went to primary-doubled dose of depression meds with "option to add something"and advice to see counselor..

    i think i need a vaca...

    grit- gosh i love you!

    ali -that is my fear too- wear the sleeve

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Lumpy. Screw the walk. Good for you. Hope the counseling helps.

    Hitler in Heels called. Said the MRI show spot was stable. I said, bitch, please. That spot was never cancer but an injury on the tail bone. Well, didn't say it that way, but she agreed. Chick needs communication training, and I want at least one thing in my body that doesn't have cancer.

    I need a button that says that. Bitch, please.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    I'm not a big supporter of the walks/runs/wearing of the pink myself.  I likely already told this story but a year ago I go into my local Shoppers Drug Mart and parked out front is the big pink bus.  Of course it's all about the BC cause "Run for the Cure" and sponsered by one of the largest Canadian Banks. So I pick up my Tamox prescription and sundry purchases and the gal at the cash tells me how I should really check out the bus because they're trying to create awareness.  As I'm standing there in my wig sweating due to the heat, all I could says was "Oh I'm aware".  To me it's just corporate do gooding.  Mabey it seems cynical but when I hear about Stage IV people not being welcome in the final lap my blood boils.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Too funny.  The guy I was supposed to have the date with just messaged me to say call me when you have some free time! LMFAO

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Mlb. I love how the chick at the drug counter didn't know that tamoxifen was for breast cancer.

    And too funny about the guy. Texting you. How sweet. I told one guy I dated that I wanted to be treated like the main course, not like a snack bag of chips. You deserve better, mlb. That's for sure.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    we all shoud be the main course...not the snack bag, not the dessert mint!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Love that, being the main course.  Gawd do guys still think that messaging someone at 2 in the morning is perfectly acceptable? I know I've been out of the dating loop for a long time but. I didn't even respond, nothing I'll be pursuing for sure.

    I'm off to a pig roast/birthday party tonight for a GF's 50th that her BF is throwing her. Unfortunatley the ex has been invited but if we managed to live together for the last 6 months of our relationship and not kill eachother I'm sure we can handle an evening.  There will be alot of people there so I'm not too bothered.  I won't be drinking in case the tension gets high and I can split.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    MLB, enjoy! I went to our block party tonite, fun. Too bad DH couldn't make it. He got stuck working this weekend. He was looking forward to it too. It's one of the chances to see all the guys in the neighborhood. And, he wanted to go, which is different than past years. Much love to all.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Had a great time.  Ex was there and everytime I turned around he was there.  Was kind of annoying LOL!  Still the same selfish dude, here I'm asking how him Mom is etc. and all he can talk about his himself

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    MLB, glad you had fun and didn't let him bother you! LOL. Just reinforces why you are not together now, LOL.

    Hey, you'd think that for $500 grand, my "perm" (chemo curls) would last, huh. LOL. Nope, last haircut knocked them all out. Sad, I liked them. I could get a real perm, but, more chemicals on my head doesn't sound like fun! I really liked them, they hid the real thin places..... Much love to all.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Susan, this is for you!

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Well it has been an emotional weekend for me. I did call onc's office on Friday to find out the results of my ultrasound. No one called me back, which is just as well because I had my licensure exam Saturday and I did not want bad news right before my test. I took the test and I passed!!! So happy!!! That night, DH and I went out with another couple, our dearest friends, for dinner. We had a great time, ended up going out for drinks and played pool for a while. Had not had a late night out like that in quite some time! Found out this morning that 30 minutes after we dropped our friends off at home, they found out two of their (adult) children were in a serious car accident. Unfortunately, one passed away, and the other remains in critical condition. We made a big pot of chicken noodle and brought it to them this afternoon. They are coping about as well as anyone can in such a situation, but it has really been a heartbreaking day. Cry

    Tomorrow I need to call the hospital where I am getting recon surgery at, and tell them my insurance company told me last week that they have not yet authorized my surgery because they have not received clinical information from the hospital. Not good! but fixable. And I will call onc's office again and be a little more demanding this time around. Wednesday I have my appointment about whatever is going on with my uterus. Although after worrying about scans of my liver and surrounding area, my uterus does not seem so important anymore!

    Hope everyone has had a good weekend.