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February 2012 Chemo



  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    MLB, when is your colonoscopy?

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Moonflwr. glad it was benign.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Tomorrow at 10:30 am

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Oh, got thrown off, cause here in the States its a holiday. Good luck hope it goes easy and everything is clear.

    Thx go all for your prayers about my ring shaped skin thingie of undetermined origin! God, its fun to say that stupid thing, LOL.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    We had our Canada Day celebrations July 1 which was great this year because it fell on a Monday.

    Happy 4th of July to my American Friends!

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Thanks for the support and encouragement ladies! I really do appreciate it! I am feeling much better mentally. 

    well Margo, if you are going to have auditory hallucinations, you could do worse than Jimmy Hendrix. ;)

    Ali I can't imagine having to hear stats like that. I was diagnosed at stage II and I am so nervous about getting through the next 5 years, and I am not facing the numbers that you are looking at. Stupid numbers... 

    moonflwr - hooray!!! What wonderful news!!!!!!! I mean, I'm sorry you have what you have, but so glad it is not cancerous.

    MLB - good luck tomorrow, hope all goes well.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Ali, so when they tested whatever it is and confirmed it was benign, it was okay to just leave it be without further surgical intervention? Is that right?

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Yes thats right because they had taken a biopsy of the the lining of the womb. This is the second time i've had this. Last time was three months before i got cancer. No follow ups and just have to look for signs myself. Bleeding and any lumps. I have to stay on Tamoxifen for ten years so i will be asking for yearly screening. Most people who get the cancer in the womb the lining is 11 plus so i'm not too worried only being 6.3.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497


    mlb; with ya in your pocket!


  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    The procedure went really well.  2 small polyps removed I watched the whole thing. The worst is the fasting and the nasty stuff I hady to drink yesterday evening for prep and of course no coffee this morning.  I don't have to go back for 5 years pending the biopsy of the polyps.  Glad to have it done with.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    MLB, yay! Ali, glad you are ok with your numbers. Christina, so glad you are feeling better. Lumps, Jimmy Hendrix? Does anyone know who he is anymore? LOL. Here's some oldie news, New Kids on the Block just played at Summerfest last night. Summerfest is one of the oldest and one of the biggest music festivals in the US. We get some big names, and tickets are much cheaper than normal shows. But it is crowded, I haven't gone in years. I just can't walk that much. Name pretty much any style and musician, and I'm pretty sure they played here. Usually get a million people through out the festival. and, yes, its the festival where they arrested George Carlin for doing his "seven things you can't say on tv" joke. And yes, the joke was changed to end with " or in Milwaukee"! And, yes I am dating myself! I was actually at Summerfest back in the Seventies...... LOL. Well hope everyone is enjoying the holiday! And to all that I missed, like Grit, firstcall, dltnham, Much love.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Sounds like a good time!  George Carlin LOL!  I have a story about the 7 words you can't say.  My sister snuck his album in the house because she knew our parents wouldn't have approved.  Anyway here we think our folks are out and we were playing it any had it memorized in pretty quick order. (I still can quote it verbatum)  My Dad bursts through the door, takes the album off the record player and breaks it right over his knee LOL! 

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    my mother actually listened to and loved the 7 things before i did!carlin was awesome! just saw him in "with 6 you get eggroll"-do you remember that???- doris day and brian keith!

    i am so glad that today is friday...

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    moonflower - summerfest sounds awesome! MLB you made me lol, I can just picture an angry dad breaking the album! Glad the colonoscopy went well.

    Ali thanks for the info. Hopefully I will just need to get a biopsy and then maybe they will leave me alone.

    Was going to stain my deck this weekend with my husband, but he has a lot to do and I just can't mentally get into it now. Going to wait until next weekend. 

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    My Dad was most passive person on the planet but totally hated foul language.  Only ever saw him lose his temper a handful of times during his lifetime and boy was he mad!  He was disgusted that his two teenage daughters were happily reciting the 7 words LOL!  We used to play Cheech and Chong in our room and he never really gave it a listen mind you.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Sounds like you and your sister were quite the rebels! Laughing

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    LOL, guess we all had that in common! LOL so funny.

    Went to my DH parents farm. I knew a lot of family was going to be there. Yep! LOL. But fun. Looking forward to those who can make it coming in August. Told my DH, were not doing much cooking, we are on break! LOL

    Much love to all.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    i'm waiting for company this morning- a gal from work and her SO. we don't entertain much anymore cuz of michael being a grump and my kids don't like him - and the house is small- anyhow- they are coming to meet michael cuz both guys are talkers and i have an odd job for the guy to maybe do- he is in biz for self doing remodels etc so i hope he doesn't charge too much.they don't really have friends outside of work and we sure don't so we'll see what transpires.....

    i made a crock pot casserole of eggs cheese hashbrowns and sausage and i am starved! hope it tastes good as it smells! need to go start a new pot of coffee.

    they won't stay really long as they have a task at home in mind for today - after they leave i think i'm going back to bed- not sleeping well at all lately.

    lots on my mind and really not wanting to "talk"....feel like running away ...hawaii is calling me....


  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Hope it went ok, lumps. That casserole sounds great.

    Yesterday, summerfest had, Tim McGraw, Rick Springfield, Nelly, Luella and the Sun. That was just two stages, there's about twenty more. If you guys ever make it up this way, Summerfest is not a bad time. Of course, if you don't like big crowds, there are lots of smaller fests over the summer. Festa Italiana. Polish fest, Greek Fest, Indian Summer, Feista Mexicana, Bastille Days, those are the bigger ones, then you break it down to church, city, neighborhood festivals, there is always somewhere to go! LOL. My hometown, Port Washington, is host to Fish Day. Yes,the largest one day outdoor fish fry. LOL what are the big celebrations around you guys?

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    My sister and I were certainly the rebels of the family.  There's 6 kids and with my 3 brothers being the oldest.  Of course they were allowed to come and go as they pleased where as my older sister was totally restricted being a girl.  She wanted to be treated the same way and caught a ton of grief over curfews etc.  and rebelled big time.  It was the 70's and my parents were really old school.  She's 5 years older than me so I kind of learned about alot stuff quite young. My parents relaxed a bit with me so I had more freedom.  Although with that being said my sister was more easily led than I was and they realized that. I was also way more honest, even told them the bad stuff.  One night I didn't come home all night because i was at the hospital with a friend that OD'd.  (I didn't participate) but I had to tell her parents and the doctors what she took.  When I got home in the wee hours my folks were waiting up and freaking out so I just told them the truth.  They were like "Um Ok you better get to bed now".  My sister would have told some huge epic tale to cover it up so at least with me they got the truth.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    MLB. I get that from you. Straight shooter. My folks were old fashioned too, my dad even told me what a waste it was that I was going to school ( I went to a small local college, paying my own way working part time)hat I was wasting it, cause all I was gonna do was get married. Sigh. But, that means you became strong, which you obviously needed! LOL Much love.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    That's how it was back in the day and for our parents, you became and adult, got married, had kids and their job was done. My Mom went to work in the 70's because my folks wanted to buy a house.  They had immigrated to Canada from Ireland 12 years prior.  She also got her driver's license in her mid 40's so I guess at that point she discovered Women's Lib LOL!  None of my aunts drove, worked, wore jeans but she did and it was a great source of pride for her.

    She was a tough cookie and the family disiplinarian.  She always said that a man shouldn't be the spanker in the family because they were too physically strong LOL!  But she did tell each of my brothers when they were getting married that if she ever caught wind of them abusing their wives, they would be dealing with her and that they were never too old for her to kick their ass LOL!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Now I know where you get your no nonsense strength from! LOL

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Hey Everybody, 

    Just a quick drive-by hello, I'm sorry! Life got hectic--husband got a job offer back at his old company (YAY!) start date of July 15th. 

    Well, looked at the schedule and realized that last week was the only time we could go on a family vacation, got a last minute reservastion at a beach house in South Carolina, packed up the family, got my parents a flight too, and off we went. My nieces joined us, and my sister and her husband for a few days, and we were able to have a small memorial services for my father in law while we were there.   

    But now I'm totally behind on work, eek!  

    Glad to hear about benign results. Christina and Ali, I think I am in the same boat as you are when it comes to uterine stuff.  The "H" word has been raised here, too. I'm sick of surgeries, however. 

    Lower back bothering me, it's probably the uterine thing, but at the back of my head I keep worrying about mets, so need to check in with onc. If it ain't one thing its another!

    My recon looks great on the non-rads side, and the rads side looks okay, but certainly not normal. it's a little annoying to be honest. I'll re-assess in a few years to see if things like that Brava process has gotten simpler. I'm trying to avoide DIEP or similar, but may not be able to. 

    Much love to all! 

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    hildy glad that you checked in--YAY for hubby!!!! and a vaca squeezed in!

    lower back could be the uterine stuff butbe careful--and weigh your options- it really isn't a bad thing having the H if you are done using the're still a wonderful woman!!!

    company came and went- was ok but not exciting- could tell michael was nervous... then my son came by on his motorcycle with his 7 year old- gosh it scares me...but was wonderful to see them!!!

    back to work today-learning new stuff as things are changing at work..good things i guess...

    poured rain when i got off at 5- at work -but not so much at home...

    well- rambling- there was someting important that i wanted to run by you but goodness only knows what it long can we blame chemo brain????

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    It will come to you LOL!  Its is absolutly pouring rain here, lots of flooding all over.  Almost like Calgary was a week or more ago.   My planters look like they're drowning.  I'm sure the farmers are worried,too much rain isn't a good thing either.  The only bright spot is that the humidity has lifted.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449


    Onc's office called yesterday and I have to get an ultrasound of my "right upper quadrant" Wednesday morning because some of my bloodwork from last week showed abnormal liver levels. Please tell me that this can be caused by something other than liver mets... I am sick to my stomach.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Christina. Many things can throw off liver levels. Taking certain meds, herbal supplements, etc.

    Have you been feeling nauseous? Do you pain in your upper right quadrant? Those were my symptoms. The liver levels actually didn't go awry until several months after I had symptoms.

    I am very careful about my meds, green tea (that can affect liver readings), and any herbal supplements, just to avoid false readings.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Hang in there honey.  We'll all be in your pocket on Wednesday.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    christina-yes many things can throw liver levels off...
