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February 2012 Chemo



  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497


    i would suggest ( i read it somewhere on one of these boards) to start the Claritin today- and i would also take it for 7 days.i took it only 5 days and had major major pain this week- i might have had that anyway i just think the claritin put it off a the grand scheme of things; unless there is a drug interaction, it cannot hurt-it's an allergy med....i am not a dr nor do i play one on the internet!


    super huge hugs at you gf!!!!!!!

    i love that firstcall reminds us that we ARE survivors!early on in my research after dx i wondered about that -how do we really KNOW when we become a survivor? when do we earn that right to walk in the survivor walk at relay for life, etc...and i agree-from the moment we are dx and decide to fight this horrible injustice of our lives, we become that survivor!

    joanquilts; i jus tfinished my first year as a student in my associates working toward social work when i was dx. i intend fully to go on toward my masters and want very much to work with elderly patients and to work with caregivers in general. i truly feel that caregivers need something much more than they are given and i am seeing that in my own bc journey with my husband.i have chosen to develop/accept the attitude that God chose to put this bc in my life to help me in my future work; to give me more resources, more spiritual and emotional fortitude. I believe that He knew I had the strength to overcome this and use it to pay forward.

    are ya buying any of that?????? seriously, that is how i feel however there are times when i wonder when is it ok to sit and laugh at God and say ok jokes over,,,let's move on!!!!

    hey- i feel pretty good today and i need to go get a muffler on our truck and pick up prescriptions. hubby had a horrid nite last nite- some other thread- and he really hasn't slept so it's up to me to get er done.

    btw; i keep running fingers thru my's still there...trying to brace myself for what all of you are going thru!

    here's a hug! i think you could ALL use one today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

  • Gayle56
    Gayle56 Member Posts: 111

    Joan   - Good luck today.  I hope you have an easy time.   This is my good week.  I go for #3 next week and I am not looking foward to feeling yucky again.

    Life is very ironic Joan, I really believe this all happens for a reason even  if we don't always see what that reason is.

     Gritgirl -  Can a Bronx girl help the Jersey girl keep your spirits up?  I read your blog also and agree with Joan you have a lot of love around you.  We all are going to have bad days - we just have to take joy in all the good ones. 

    Hugs to everyone!!!

  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154

    gritgirl - the 'stats' said our tumors would be benign.  You can't pay any attention to it, all that matters is how chemo is impacting you and you know that it is killing yours.

     FLDreamer - I'm hoping to hold on til the weekend before buzzing my hair.  It is 3 weeks from the 1st tx tomorrow.  I have lost soooooo much, but evenly and it actually just looks like I've straightened it. The shedding is making me a little nuts, so it is possible I may not make it until Sat.  I have been wearing a lot of hats.  I have the wig ready.  That first day into work is going to be the toughest but once that day is over the anxiety will be over.

     Hope its a good day everyone!

  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154

    gritgirl - the 'stats' said our tumors would be benign.  You can't pay any attention to it, all that matters is how chemo is impacting you and you know that it is killing yours.

     FLDreamer - I'm hoping to hold on til the weekend before buzzing my hair.  It is 3 weeks from the 1st tx tomorrow.  I have lost soooooo much, but evenly and it actually just looks like I've straightened it. The shedding is making me a little nuts, so it is possible I may not make it until Sat.  I have been wearing a lot of hats.  I have the wig ready.  That first day into work is going to be the toughest but once that day is over the anxiety will be over.

     Hope its a good day everyone!

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022


    bronx is in the house!  i'll take any uplift i can. i am originally from wisconsin myself and live in washington, dc.  so know midwesterners can kick butt too. bring it on.

    i also had major trouble with constipation but once i started taking colace every day, all is well.  now i'm having the opposite problem so need to take a break from colace. but i'd rather not be constipated. who knew how bad that could be. uff da as they say in scandinavian midwest circles.  

    all take care on their next chemos. mine is this friday. so one more day of break.

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    Im with you faithhopnluv, the first day into work or to drop the kids off with the wig is what I am more anxious!

    Good luck to all those getting treatment today.  I have #2 tomorrow and nervous as to how its going to effect me.  I hope all those with SEs right now feel better soon!!!

    Cancer sucks.. plain and simple. But each day we keep fighting is one day closer to getting through this!  WE CAN DO THIS!!

    Love to you all!!

  • melly1462
    melly1462 Member Posts: 20

    Thank you ladies, I'd be lost without this site.

    And reading all the personal blogs is a huge thing for me.  I'm now following gritgirl.  Her spirit and wit makes me smile.  

    Have a great day ladies, I'm about to vacuum!!

  • Jag1110
    Jag1110 Member Posts: 51

    Thanks to all for your well wishes. I didn't sleep much last night dozed on and off but with my insomnia and steroids I new that would happen. Melly - I was told by an oncology nurse that had bc to take Claritan 2 days before and after the shot but Lumpynme said she had pain come back so I think I will extend mine to 7 days, doc said it's ok can't hurt anything. Can anyone tell me by what day out from tx that you start to feel a little better till the next round? Sometimes the doc are a little vague in their answers. Well off to my first torture session. :(

  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154
    Jag1110  -- good luck today!  I think the drs and nurses are vague because everyone reacts differently and even each treatment might not be the same.  for me day 3 was my toughest day.
  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I'm day 6 out from the 1st TX (counting that day too).  I started to feel more normal yesterday afternoon and even better this morning.  I'm hoping my energy keeps increasing a bit everyday.  You're right though, everyone reacts differently and from what I read here every TX can be different too

    I just realized that while having my coffee typing here, that DH has an 80's radio channel while he's working on the basement and I was dancing a bit in my chair LOL!.   So I must be feeling a little better.


    You know your're not a statistic, stop reading that stuff!!


    I think your placement is exactly where you're supposed to be.  As a patient there's not one person that I have dealt with that has gone through it personally and while I wouldn't wish this on anyone, I would think that your clients find your input invaluable.


    Thanks for that!


    You're going to be fine!  After your housework, try to relax a bit.  I know it's hard, particulalry on the steroids, but try.   agree with you about this site, I too would be lost with without it.  Just being able to vent, ask questions is priceless.


    Except for here, no one has mentioned the clariten to me at all.  I think I might give it a shot next time though.  While my lower back seemed to take the brunt of the bone pain, I think I got off light.  The nurse did mention that the pain tends to settle in areas that you may experience pain with say from an old injury or perhaps its an area that just does normally.  Totally fits with me.  I have a malformed tailbone with an extra "cocyx" that has given me grief since I was a kid.  Everything sits off kilter, like a house on a bad foundation LOL!  So this makes sense.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Gritgirl, (((hugs))) stattistics and damn statistics....... go by you. not anyone else.  Hang in there

     Melly - good luck with #1 tx.   

    I feel tummy muscles I never knew I had. feel wrecked with the vomiting.  All done, now, but still diarrhea.  I will have to call and see if they want me to take anything else.  I have to pick up my fluid level before tomorrow, but I was very light on fluids last nite- coudnt keep it down.  On the other hand, I slept 5 hours in a row, most Ive had!  LOL  course, woke up trying to puke, but hey- took a campazine and waited it out, managed not to after all.  so I guess a good nite!  LOL I got up and took a shower, got dressed and am ready for a nap at 1100.  hows that for a hard day. sigh. To all - much love and small SEs

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Ah Moonflwr912

    I hope you feel better, that totally sucks.  How are you supposed to stay hydrated if you can't keep anything down?  Perhaps some ginger tea or gingeral ale?  Anyone else have any suggestions?

  • kyliet
    kyliet Member Posts: 587

    hi everyone, I am in Australia.  I have been avidly reading your posts, getting lots of tips.  I am Day 8 past FEC no1.  It has been very up and down.

    I had heaps of trouble with drinking fluids and I discovered if I have four pop top drink bottles with different coloured cordials next to me, I can then seem to manage lots of small sips of alternate flavours, without wanting to heave. xx

  • Jag1110
    Jag1110 Member Posts: 51

    First treatment done, no problems, just a little tired from lack of sleep I think. Most of my problems continue to be fighting with insurance and $50 copays every time I walk through the door. The social worker at the clinic is trying to help with that, otherwise that's like

    $200 every 3 weeks. I wonder if there going to charge me everyday for radiation too.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Glad your TX was uneventful.  I gather co-pays are like deductables?  Sorry from Canada and we pay deductibles for some things but no treatment related visits.  I hope you're able to get that sorted out.  That's going to get expensive!


    Welcome.  i suppose whatever gets the fluids into you whether you trick yourself or not is what's important.

  • mthrdee
    mthrdee Member Posts: 68

    hi all 

    Fingers crossed but I seem to be settling into the upswing week.  Can't say I am my old self but no pain and that means everything.  

    As for the Claritan I started the day of my first TX ( which was last Thursday (2/16) and will continue taking it until Friday.  From what friends tell me the longer you continue it the better it is.  

    Firstcall - quick Dr question.....the colace, I know it is over the counter but is it okay to jsut take it 2x day forever?? I started it the day before TX and I am still taking it??  Is there such a thing as too much?  

    nice to meet you Melly - wishing you good luck.  Just keep checking in here, these are the best people in the world for keeping your spirits up.

    Gritgirl - No one is the same as anyone else and statistics are nameless counts, what happens to one person in no way guarantees anothers outcome.  Half this battle is believing in yourself and your ability to overcome.  Think positive. Reread all you have written in these pages, and you will notice a positive force in yourself.  

    Moonflower and MLB - how are my cohorts handling everything??  I know I am feeling better but this tired feeling is a B***H!!!!! 

    Lumpy - you are just so funny....nothing seems to knock you down for long.

    To all the rest....hugs and kisses to you all too.  My brain can only remember one page at a time and I feel bad when I leave anyone out.

    (((HUGS))) to all - off for my pre-dinner nap ;0)

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Katopet, nice to meet you. I may try various other flavors at once. Might help. JAG, glad it went well. MLB, I got to buy some gingerale. I stopped vomiting, but sill face the other problem. Oh well. Mthrdre, just a few bumps on my way. Having Herceptain tomorrow we will see how that goes. More fun. Much love and small SEs

  • ymac16
    ymac16 Member Posts: 85

    Hi everyone!  Its been a while since I posted but I have been trying to keep up with the board.  Hugs to all who are having a rough go of it and great news for those who are at the "good" stage. BTW, for those suffering from constipation, I recommend drinking Smooth Move laxative tea (you can get it at Whole Foods) - one cup at night before bedtime cleans you out the next morning!  I had already bought some and used in when my onco nurse recommended it as well.  

    Gritgirl, I'll chime in with all the others - don't pay attention to all those stats, they're just numbers and they're not you.  I have a friend who has gone through this too and she said she didn't look at any of that stuff because she didn't want to think about it AND it may not be the same for her so she didn't bother.  I think that's great advice - stay positive!!!

    I had been feeling pretty good over the last week and 1/2 until I had the port put in last Thursday.  The pain was more than expected plus I started feeling a bit under the weather.  My throat had been a bit sore since then but yesterday, it started getting worse, I got really tired and started feeling a bit queasy.  This morning, I woke up with a raging headeache and sore throat, nausea, a cough, and feeling very tired.  My second tx is tomorrow so I was worried that I wouldn't be able to go through with it.  Called the onco nurse and she said that it sounded like the flu or strep throat; but, we could go forward with the tx anyway, it will just take longer for me to get over whatever virus I have.  I'm actually glad about that because I don't want to fall behind in my treatments!  Then, on top of this, my hair pretty much all fell out when I took my shower - there are still come clumps left and it looks pretty scary!  Not sure what to do about it right now - have a friend who will buzz it all the way but she can't do it until Friday!!  I'm not going with a wig so just kept a hat on all da; guess that's the way to go until either Friday or til its all gone on its own.  Surprisingly, I didn't cry at all.  My decision to cut it super short last week turned out to be a wise one - I got my crying out right before that and now, instead of seeing long, curly locks coming out, its just short clumps coming out and its more tolerable.

    Well, on to tx #2 tomorrow!  

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    mthrdee - regarding the colace.  Its simply a stool softener.  Its not a laxative, and its really not a medication.  It doesnt absorb into your body, it just goes through and keeps your stool a little softer.  So don't think of it like a medication.  You can take it once or twice daily as long as you need to.  

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Feeling pretty good, can't complain really.  My crash day was Monday and I started feeling better yesterday afternoon.  If I had to put a % on it I would say I'm about 85% which I think is pretty damn good.  Eating small but blandish meals (with that statementI just stuffed the last peice Cadburys Fruit and Nut in my gob) , drinking lots of water and sleeping about 6 straight through the night.  I didn't even nap today!  I can only hope it goes this well for the next 3 TX, but time will tell.


    Sorry you're feeling ill.  I'm sure you'll be given liquids during your infusion tomorrow so that might help.  I'm sure you're happy you don't have a delay in your TX.  I will take your suggestion re the tea.  If I had to complain about something that would be it.  Even though I'm taking colace AND Sennacot, it's just not really doing what I need it to.  I'm about a week behind you on the hair thing.  Getting fitted for a wig on Friday and will get it clipped once it starts coming out in clumps.  My hair's not as curly as yours, but its about the same length per the pic you've posted.

  • DonnaDS
    DonnaDS Member Posts: 23

    Gritgirl   We are all sending positive vibes your way.  We all care about you.  Please dont let stats bring you down.  Who are these stats?  Wish I could send a good laugh your way, you have made me laugh more than once and it really made me feel better.  Hang in  there

     FYI  Anyone needing a "smooth move"  the tea is available at Walmart for around $4.00

    I am on day 2 of tx#2 and feeling great, much better than tx#1.  Still no headach.  Got Neulasta shot today.  Hopefully few aches ahead

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    i had heard the same about pain (re the Neulasta and MLB's comment to me) that the pain will "settle" where you maybe have been injured in past or have a weakness..and my lower back has history-as well as i have an extra vertabrea or something down there...

    i had started the claritin the nite of my tx and stopped after 5 days-dunno why and will not stop there with next tx--i figure it can't hurt!

    today i did pick up the scrip for pain meds and also refilled my decadron for next tx (monday next)--the nurse is def trying to make sure i don't become addicted or something-the pain meds have 10 pills in there! anyhow- i have a safety net justincase now! hope not to have to use any!

    so today i picked up my "halo" and a hat and some whatdoyoucallthem..wig liners from my daughter-she ordered them thru TLC-very quick! and she tells me that her stepmom -a nurse-said that many bc patients she knows never lost their hair--i'm thinking maybe they are on diff cocktail??? so i just smiled-godforbid i should say something neg about step mom (who actually is a friend to me)

    ran errands, scored some new jammie bottoms, wore one of my pair of new big earrings-durn things make noise everytime i turn my head! anyhow- pretty good day but def tired by the time i got home.

    no evidence of hair loss but it "looks" thinner!

    oh! bought my lil umbrellas today! i am ready for monday's tx!!!!!!!!!

    have a better nite everybody!

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    lumpynme - I get so mad (irrational I know) when people talk about chemo patients who don't lose their hair. I assume they are on a totally different chemo med...I have had two oncologists assure me that I will absolutely lose my hair taking the TCH.

    Hello social workers/social work students! I am an MSW student myself; scheduled to graduate spring 2013. How cool that there are other sw's here!

    I am getting worried that I may be having a mild allergic reaction. I was a little itchy yesterday, and today I am a little more itchy. Sunday I developed a weird red itchy area on my inner left arm. I saw my onc on Monday for my herceptin, and he said it's probably related to the steroids. But now this port site is a little extra pink and itchy, my SLN site has a long pink area extending from it and is mildly itchy, and I have three areas on my right thigh that are light pink and itchy. My face is also red, peeling and itchy, that started Monday night. I guess if all this is still going on tomorrow I had better call my onc's office in the morning?

  • mthrdee
    mthrdee Member Posts: 68

    so here is the the SE keep changing and new ones pop up at any time following the TX.  I am 7 days from TX ( i am counting the day of) and my mouth is developing sores and a weird feeling.  If this normal??  I will call the onc's office tomorrow but just wondering if this is normal??  Gotta tell you this is one hell of a disease.  It is truly the gift that keeps on giving!!!!

    anyway not such a bad day for us all by the sound of it, here's hoping it continues to be smooth sailing.


  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Hey mthrdee

    I was just wondering that myself.  After thinking I would have to go buy some of that "tea", well let's just say I don't think I'll be needing that at this time if you get my drift.  Now the nosebleeds too.   I guess the TX just keeps working and working.  Although I think it may have something to do with the chemo attacking regenerating cells, ie gi tract, nasal passages, hair, tongue.  My nurse did mention it.  I think these particular areas regenerate quickly.  Perhaps firstcall could give us an opinion in that realm?

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Mouth sores are one symptom. I was told to gargle with biotene or water with baking soda in it

  • galena_79
    galena_79 Member Posts: 29

    Hi all

    Sorry, I haven't read the recent posts.  Just came on to vent because I'm feeling really sorry for myself.

    I got my port installed today, under general anaesthetic.  It took the anaesthetist several tries to get the IV line in, which didn't please me at all!  (And makes me glad to have a port now.)

    The surgery took an hour and a half, and I woke up feeling reasonably okay.  Just a bit sore.

    Unfortunately I went into surgery quite late, so I didn't get to go to my Oncology education appointment.

    I stayed at the hospital for a couple of hours, and managed to eat a little lunch.  It wasn't until I got home that the vomiting started. :-(

    First it was every half hour... then after a while it dropped down to every hour.  So I took a couple of the domperidone tablets that I was prescribed for when I start chemo.  It's been an hour and a half now, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed.  I still feel queasy, and probably dehydrated now... and like I say... I'm feeling rather sorry for myself.

    My lovely husband has brewed me a pot of ginger tea, and he's gone out now to buy me some chicken soup/broth.  Hopefully those things help and I can get some sleep tonight.

    Tell me that it's worth me going through all this!?!? 

  • youngkl
    youngkl Member Posts: 1

    Hi to all of you.  I have been reading these posts for a few weeks now.  My mom was dx with triple neg. breast cancer three weeks ago and just finished her first chemo.  She is doing chemo before surgery.  She was so afraid of the chemo- her own mom died of cancer when i was 3 and she was incredibly ill from the treatments.  I was so hoping that she would be like many of you who had very little nausea, but it's day two and she is very, very ill.  I called the doc for her and got another scrip-ativan this time- but it still hasn't helped a ton.  For those of you who had CINV despite the drugs, did you find that each day got a little bit better?  She is very depressed by this and I'm worried she will give up.  I don't know how to put the fight in her.  Thank you for your posts and I hope you don't mind my intrusion into this group.  My mom isn't too much of a techie, though I have told her I will get her registered and show her this group of people that are all enduring chemo at the same time she is.  Thx in advance for anything you are willing to share.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Galena, living is worth going through this. I also throw up with general anethesia. I had my port put in under conscious sedation. I find that easier to recover from. The hubby sounds wonderful

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I wonder if you've had a reaction to the anastesia?  I don't remember feeling ill at all from my port placement and the procedure only took about 30 minutes.  I was only give a local mind you with a sedative.  Hope you feel better.


    You're poor Mom ;(.  Was she prescribed Zofran or anything else to prevent nausea?  These should be taken in anticipation vs waiting until you're feeling awful, sometimes it's harder to control once it kick's in.  While everyone react's differently, for me day 3 was the worst but really mild compared to you Mom.  Tell her once she's feeling better it won't be so terrifying.  I'm sure alot of it has to do with the experience of losing her own Mom at such a young age too.  Sometimes the old remedies can help alot too, ginger tea or gingeral and might help with getting some fluids into her.  Dehydration itself will make everything worse.  Please keep us posted and let her know we're here for her (and you).