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February 2012 Chemo



  • Mom2JJ
    Mom2JJ Member Posts: 38

    youngkl, did you Mom get anti-nausea drugs in her premeds? Did they include Emend? Call the MO again and insist on something else. She should NOT be experiencing nausea that badly. If she is taking steroids, they may be causing the nausea. I threw up as soon as the steroids hit my iv and I was nauseated the next three days while taking oral steroids. As soon as the steroids stopped, the nausea stopped.

    Try to hydrate her and as soon as she is up to it, get her moving with a short walk. She needs to detox to get rid of the stuff -- drinking flavored waters really helps with the detox.

    I hope some of this information helps you Mom. Tell her to hang on.

  • Mom2JJ
    Mom2JJ Member Posts: 38

    Gritgirl, I PM'd you.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    I am afraid to blow my nose. Big bunch of blood scab came out - i know, gross. My doc recommnded saline rinse which i use, but gross. And i am up and down all night. Only 2 more months of this. I hope to never go through this again

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Nosebleeds 101 - The best thing to do for a nose bleed is simple pressure to stop the bleeding.  Most people put something in the nose.  The problem with that is that when you take it out it knocks the clot off and it bleeds again.  I often have patients who are prone to nose bleeds keep a swimming nose clip on hand, 90% of the time nose bleeds are in the area that would be compressed by this kind of clamp (A bobby pin on the outside of the nose would work).  

    Another little trick.  Afrin Nasal spray will usually stop a nose bleed.  it constricts the blood vessels which stops bleeding.  

    Dont put things in the nose, it just keeps the bleeding area open and bleeding.  A little saline mist is ok, if dryness is a problem. 

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    mthrdee - Seems like I get a new side effect every day or two. It's like every day is an (unpleasant) surprise.

    Galena - sorry you are feeling so lousy. I kind of raised my eyebrows yesterday when I read you had your education appointment after getting your port put in. I know I feel really out of it (at best) after general anesthesia. Take it easy, rest and take in lots of fluids...anesthesia is nasty (but wonderful) stuff.

    Youngkl - I hope she has other things besides Ativan to take for nausea. I have zofran (ondansetron) and compazine and they are wonderful. I can only speak for myself but I felt very depressed over the weekend, worrying that I would never feel better from my chemo, and then Monday night I started to feel better (a week later). My energy level is much improved at this point. Tell her, there is light at the end of the tunnel! Rest, take fluids as able, whatever works.

  • BelaT
    BelaT Member Posts: 44

    I am going for AC today. at 10 am cried all morning and still crying. Cant help. I hate this damn cancer


  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Bela:  We all hate this damn cancer, including your cancer. I'll hate it a bunch for you. And then I'll imagine the AC getting in there and shooting all those damn cancer cells away. Pow! Pow! Pow! Cancer cells dead.

     Firstcall, I'm off to buy Afrin. Thanks for the tip.  Two things I've never experienced before in my life and now have the joy of experiencing, nose bleeds and constipations. Zippity doo da!

  • melly1462
    melly1462 Member Posts: 20

    Treatment #1 in the books.  I was there approximately 4 1/2 hours.  Slept thru the Herceptin.  I had assumed since the treatment is referred to as "TCH" I would be given the infusions in that order but was actully the opposite.  Was observed closely during the "T" portion. 

    Infusion room small (5 chairs).  Me and 4 males, older and seemed to be infusion room vets.  Needless to say, no "bonding"!!  Others drifted in and out, getting ports flushed or shots.  

    SE's: tired, heartburn/indigestion, gas that won't pass.  Took anti-nausea med before bed for "just in case."  Neulasta this afternoon.  NOT looking forward.

    The worst part so far?  When the nurse withdrew blood from my port.  It hurt but I'm also a needle weinie, known as a "bad stick."  I now have a script for some numbing cream to use next time.  

    Cry, and then cry some more BelaT.  Some days I'm okay being a 'Pink Warrior', other days not so much.  

    Sending warm hugs to all of you.  

  • jap62
    jap62 Member Posts: 993

    well today is my first day for TX,1 is the magic time.  Not as freaked out as I thought I would be, prayers are working.

    So sorry7 to hear all who are having bad SE's, my prayers are with you.

    If using a saline rinse in nose, use distilled water, one can get sick & death can occur from bacteria in tap water.

    My MO said nothing about taking med for nausea before my treatment, hope I don't end up praying at the porcelain alter!  I am getting laundry done today and thats about all that needs to be done, cleaned the litter box for the last time and I a m hoping if I start to feel bad it will be day 4, have plans Friday-Sunday.  Go figure, it's going to be sunny and 63 and I'll be stuck insideFrown

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    jap62, good luck today.  they'll be putting anti-nausea meds in your iv so no worries there. but i always carry compazine and some candied ginger just in case.  you'll do fine.  it'll be a long day and our prayers and thoughts are with you. :-)


  • melly1462
    melly1462 Member Posts: 20

    @jap62:  I just read your tagline.  I bookmarked Psalm 23 in my little "God's Words of Life for Women" and read it over and over as the drip started.  It gave me comfort and helped shake off the anxiety.

     Echoing what Susan said.

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Gritgirl. You are in my heart. Echoing all of what others have spoken. Statistics do not tell the whole story. They are a picture of 'someone' that ultimately is compiled from the data. Doesn't mean I ignore them .... I think we're alike in that way. Knowledge is power. But there is lots of knowledge out there about survivors whose course of life does not follow any statistical norm.

    Jap62. Praying for your first good day. My body was attempting to get a head ache before I walked in the door and my nurse said 'by all means take something now before we get started'. I had three drugs infused for nausea before my A&C. And I have two scripts for nausea here at home (or is it three) one is the steroid. Also have a stool softener/laxative ... Took one yesterday evening in anticipation. Since I've been eating iron hand over fist. I need a little help. But I also am going after that naturally with prune juice (gag) and pears (love) but not all at once. Don't want to swing wide the other way.

    Bela. Unlike baseball, there is crying in cancer. Had a good cry last night about it. You hang in there honey and know you have a wall of support here that are thinking about you, loving you across the miles, and are not shocked, surprised, or anything else hat you can throw our way. Hugs!

    Youngki. Welcome and hope you can find lots of NGO and support for your mom here. I concur that you and she check and double check about anti nausea drugs. From all that I read and more importantly that my onc and nurse told me. ... I should not be throwing up non-stop or feeling sick for a week or so. That's why thy have so many more drugs now in the regimen. Watch what she eats however and be cognizant of other flu bugs and such going around. Just never know what might be adding to the cocktail. Mom2JJ actually listed sme meds in her post.

    Mthrdee. How about the side effects? Sorry you are picking up new ones along the way. I started with the biotene rinse as a precaution. Have no idea how it will work. I have a habit of chewing on the inside of my cheeks so that has to stop. During my cry last nite my nose was running but I was sniffing and hocking it all up and spitting. I told my husband I wasn't ready for a nosebleed too. You are right. Chemo just keeps on giving!

    Hair ladies: Oh the Hair ... Sorry about the clumps but glad for you that you cut it short first. I have to decide on a plan soon. Hair is naturally curly so the shorter I go the wilder, kinkier, and bushier it gets. Not my idea of a favorite look. Still toying with the halo idea but that def means cutting more not less right now.

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420
    Notes from the front lines: 1st chemo yesterday 2/22 afternoon

    Packed a rolling suitcase with stuff for all eventualities. LOL I am a much better packer usually so next time I will have it consolidated. Thankful I had my soft blanket, my notebook with all my dividers, all my meds and OTC to run past with my nurse, munches for my husband & I. Did not need any reading material. Too busy getting more education from Abbie, my nurse.

    Honestly told my son that I had fun there yesterday. Everyone is so nice and have great senses of humour as well. We laughed a lot. I know I am fortunate with all of that. My slim power port worked great. I had coated it with numbing cream on our way down and covered with the clear 3M barrier. I didn't feel a thing when she out it in. The 'rooms' are in a horseshoe type configuration around the outside walls so everyone gets a window. They are partitioned and there are curtains to pull to the central hall and nurse area ... So you can be as private as you'd like. We were taken to a bigger one that had two visitor chairs as well as the recliner for me. It was great. The bathrooms are close by and the kitchen too.

    I was drinking water like a wild woman. 72 ounces + I had 24 on the way down. Then Abbie said shed infused me with a liter. She told me to back off a bit ;-) actually she said "STOP" you have more than enough for the time being. So.... My A urine looked like a very pale pink lemonade. How could it have not?

    Going home in rush hour taffic on the interstate we have about a 40 minute drive. I was reading some Feb messages and texts and responding. It dawned on me that I was getting that "reading in the car" sick feeling. I know better so I stopped doing that. It seemed to back off a bit then. Once home I was feeling tired but a friend brought dinner over and I was reenergized. And here's where I made a HUGE mistake. There were skin-on, lumpy (on purpose) mashed potatoes and broccoli and though I passed on the Cajun turkey breast and anana cake, I ate taters and broccoli. Oh my .... About an our later I was awash in nausea that got progressively worse. I had the 'if only I would throw up I would feel so much better" feeling, but ... I didn't want to 'lose' any of the drugs that I was taking ... Like the anti nausea pill, and then my antidepressants, etc.

    In the end I did have a good cry, talked to my coach out in Yakima, WA. She's 5 years post chemo - different cancer, snuggled with my husband on the couch as best I could, rinsed with biotene imagining it would send me into immedIte vomit mode (but it didn't), prayed and read devotions, ad then SLEPT.

    I feel so much better now. Still woke with a tad of queasiness but I was due for my prochloraperazine. I ate a few wheat thin crackers and some slivers of pear. And now it's time to take the dexamethasone (decadron) steroid.

    Hugs to everyone.

    Co ments and suggestions especially welcome. So many of you are ahead of me.
  • momof3boys
    momof3boys Member Posts: 63

    Grit girl- there are some ladies on the dec and Jan threads that found putting a humidifier in their bedroom at night helped with the nose bleed and bloody mucus discharge issues. Just be sure it it cleaned very well.

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    Hi ladies

    I'm writing while sitting for my 2nd treatment. Loving my new iPad to keep me busy!

    So sorry for all those with SE right now. I felt mine were different each day too! One day horrid mus le aches. The next upset stomach, a week later mouth sores. Each day was a new adventure wondering what I would have. After about a week and a half out most went away except a little tiredness but my energy levels came back and except for the runny nose and dryness I felt much better. I hope it's as easy for everyone else and it goes the same for me this time around.

    Just got my labs back and all my numbers are good. They are starting me on the neurasthenic shot tomorrow. Dreading it from all the things I've read on here about the pain. P,us I'm like Melly I'm a needle weenie that's why I got the port plus I have bad rolling veins. Luckily it's a one shot shot. Hoping it goes well.

    Youngkl, so sorry to hear. It will get better. It like many others for me day .

    3-7 were my worst and it got better from there. I did have anti neuasa in my drip and the dr gave me some mess but haven't had to take too many yet. Crosses fingers. Call the dr that's what they are there to help with any worries or things that don't seem right.

    Melly the numbing cream is the best thing! I feel. Nothing when they stick me each week. I put it on and put some cling wrap over it about 30mins before. Makes it solo much easier.

    Dltnhm I have found my infusion treatments fun too as crazy as it sounds. The nurses and I laugh and I sometimes bring a friend with me which makes it all that much better. I even went out and bought an iPad so I can keep up on here and FB. I tend to journal some during my long ones. I am cautious on what I eat over the next few days..stomach doesn't all want what I want. But drink lots which sounds like you are. Like others day 3 is when it hit me the worst.. Sleep lots and listen to your body. You will do great!

    I'm sorry if I forgot anyone. Short term memory lol.

    Hugs to all especially getting treatment with me today! One step closer to being done!!

  • Sissydi
    Sissydi Member Posts: 183

    Wow, all of you have been so helpful recounting your experiences for us later starters. My first tx is Monday....I've have gleaned so much from all of you. And I thank you for posting, even in when your feeling yucky! I am a nurse, and even I am nervous!

  • mthrdee
    mthrdee Member Posts: 68

    Happy day - actually doing a little dance.  Okay it is exactly one week since first TX and dare I admit it....I feel good.  I won't lie and say I feel like my oldself completely, but truth is other then the stuffy nose, funny tongue and being a little tired, today is the first honest to goodness good day.  However this cancer can't fool me......I know what happens when you let your guard down LOL.  Bang, those SEs come right back.  So I am going to lunch with my girlfriend, going to do some light housecleaning and then rest.  I won't push it but I am going to enjoy this good day.  

    Dltnhm Melly Jap62 and Bella - so glad you got thru the first - no idea if they get easier but the first one has to be the toughest from an anxiety point of view.  

     Youngkl - I would be ringing the phone of the hook for my moms Onc.  One thing my onc said to me is that if I was really sick after chemo, something is wrong.  With everything they have available to throw at naseau now, there is no reason for anyone to suffer with vomiting.  I think the key is staying on top of it.  The slightest sign on queasiness and pop, in goes the pill.

     Firstcall - you are the best - the nosebleed info in so helpful.  I know the stuffy nose seems so ridiculous to complain about but it does make me crazy and I am going to try what you suggested and keep my fingers crossed.

    (((Hugs))) to all - off to enjoy my 'good" day.  One last comment - I have been reading thru all the posts here and other topics and in reference to the Claritan, the key seems to be taking it for a minimum of 6/7 days - any less that bone pain sneaks in,

  • JoanQuilts
    JoanQuilts Member Posts: 265

    Mrthdee - I am wondering why you are getting chemo when you have a diagnosis of DCIS?  Can you please clarify? Thanks.

  • Hello I am new here.  Getting ready to leave for my 2nd cycle of TC.  I hope this goes better than last time.  I had several SE - mouth sores the biggest.  Got the Miracle mouth rinse already so I am prepared for that.  

    The support on here seems incredible and it is nice to join such a wonderful group.

  • mthrdee
    mthrdee Member Posts: 68

    Hi Joan - My boob story is a little round about.  I was originally diagnosed with cancer in my right breast in October.  Surgeon insisted on MRI and then found cancer in the left breast.  Then started the nerve wracking decision as to whether to do lumpectomy or mastectomy.  After much soul searching and 3 different opinions I went with the double lumpectomy.  The pathology report came back with DCIS in the right ( showed agressiveness but not moved to lymph nodes) and LCIS with some DCIS in left breast.  Did oncotype on both tumors and the left side came in at "0" and the right side came in at "27".  When the onc and I discussed it we came to the agreement based on my age (47), coupled by I did lumpectomy, it was in both breasts and one side was more agressive then the other we decided on chemo.  

    For me, I need to feel that I am throwing everythign I have at my body in hopes that I will never see this evil disease again, however if I do, I want to feel that the I've done all I can to help with my prevention.  

    Not sure if everyone will agree or not, and don't really care as only I have to deal with it.  So that is my story to my chemo decision.

    Ooops, sorry that last line sounds harsh and it is not meant to come out that way.


  • Gayle56
    Gayle56 Member Posts: 111

    Bela , jap62, Jenh13 -  Good luck today.  I have actually been feeling pretty good this week.  It is the calm before the storm, tx #3 coming up on Tuesday.  Today I am very tired and achy but that could just be me.  I have been off this week so I have caught up on some rest and some things in my house. 


  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Hello, all, doing Herceptin #2. Going well. Still have diarrhea, working on that, but no vomiting. Yay. To everyone in a chair today, good luck, small SEs .

  • BelaT
    BelaT Member Posts: 44

    Gayle, Thanks hun. Home now and waitng to see if this stupid SE will come or not at all , wishfull thinking:)

    jap62 and jehn13,

    good luck :)



  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Ok so this is a new one.  Woke up feeling pretty good, still not in need of any smooth move tea's if you understand, but its not dire, likely just erred to much on the sennacot etc.  I'm using the bathroom and my lower back start's spasming like crazy.  Walk around a bit, feels better, do some yoga stretching.  Nope, its like a spasm every 2 seconds.  Never experienced anything like it before in my life.  I'm now icing it 10 minutes on/off.  Took a pain pill.  Holy crap this hurts!

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022


    I had that. My back spasmed during the first chemo.  And then it spasmed after.  I used Advil and heating pads to chill it out and then did yoga.  Tell your doc. They might have to give you more benadryl next time. That's what they did for me. Upped it from 25 to 50 mg.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I could understand if it happened during TX but its 6 days later!!?  That totally caught me off guard.  The icing has helped, not spasming right now.  In the past my chiropractor always said ice vs heat as heat will tend to inflame the area.  Feels good at the time though I know.  Going to my first actual Yoga class on Monday at the local Wellness centre.  I know I've been sitting around far too much since surgery, got lazy, not that I was an athlete before or anything but always on the go type.  I will mention it to the doc for sure.

  • Love74
    Love74 Member Posts: 60

    Hey everyone!  For those of you who don't like the taste of prune juice...Knudsens Black Cherry juice works really well...and its pretty yummy!

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    3 rd chemo tomorrow and pooing my pants because I don't want to have the pain in my arm. Have had a small glass of wine which I haven't had since Christmas I'm that bad. I just know I'm going to have terrible backache again.

    I've had enough of chemo now and I'm hoping I don't need all eight.

    Hope everyone is ok and doing well.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    ali68, what is the pain in your arm from?  do you have an anti anxiety med to take before?  the nurses told me to take mine because i freaked when the port didn't work last time.  i love my anti-anxiety med.  i also can't forget to put the lidocaine cream on my port spot. forgot last time.

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

     Youngjtkl,  definitely find out what they are giving your mom for anti-nausea during infusion,  I have both Emend and Aloxi via IV before the chemo meds, and I think it makes an enormous difference. Mthrdee is right,  there are great meds to control nausea and your mom doesn't have to feel like that.  
    My main problem is mouth sores--they tend to pop up around day 7 and are quite annoying. Both Biotene and the baking soda wash have not helped, unfortunately.
    So we are on winter vacation this week, and I went skiing today. It felt so, so, wonderful to be out and about doing somethiong that I love. I took it easy, but it was just nice to be able to do something with my family. They've been going all week, I just figured one day was good as my plastic surgeon didn't want me going at all. I don't generally fall, so I figured it was worth the risk. And it was!