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February 2012 Chemo



  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    jap62, if you pinch your nose closed during the port flush, you don't get that weird taste and smell.  works like a charm. :-)

  • jap62
    jap62 Member Posts: 993

    thx gritgirl, hope I remember, LOL

  • JudyP
    JudyP Member Posts: 35

    So sorry that so many of you are having bad SE.  I'm on day 3 after my 2nd chemo and although I don't feel great, I'm not too bad.  Not much appetite, but no nausea.  Tired and achy, sleeping is on and off.  My mouth is starting that sore, swollen stuff again.

    I had back spasms last time and my onc said it was the Neulasta working.  Alternating heating pad, ice, and taking pain meds helped.

    I still have hair, but it is very thin.  I am wearing hats or scarves as the hair is everywhere if I don't.

    My onc told me in the beginning to call with any bad SE as they have meds and can adjust  meds for many things.  If you are having a lot of pain or nausea and vomiting, call your doc right away.  They are there to help you and hopefully they can.


  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    You know that old saying "you can't pick  your family".  Unfortunatley you an't fix narcisism.  Its obvious it wouldn't matter what the delimma was, your Dad unfortunately would act the same.  I know in my family they talk about "family being everything".  Um yeah. I love my family but I've been surpised by the majority of them and not it a good way throughout this so far.  The absolute worst one is my DH's only brother.  He's not speaking to him because we asked his Mom to inform that side of the family for us because of the warp speed at which things were happening and everything that had to be accomplished inside of a week prior to my MX.   He called  him after my surgery, before X Mas, XMas Day and New Years to wish him the best of the season.  Not a single return call. 

    I could go on and on  and list examples but it would take up way too much of my time.  I'll be filing those in the back of my mind.  My friends though, well I can't say enough, well at least most of them. 

    Someone posted on facebook yesterday and it sums it up perfectly.  In a nutshell it said "if you can't be there during my struggles, you won't be there during my success's".  My new mantra.

  • Jag1110
    Jag1110 Member Posts: 51

    Hey, everyone, hope your all doing as well as can be expected anyway. I'm on my 3rd day from treatment and still no nausea just a little shakey today. I haven't had much sleep in 3 days and I take Ambien 10mg and Clonazapam 1mg to sleep anyway for my insomnia and I get about 3 hours straight then doze off and on if I'm lucky. The bags are growing under my eyes, but all in all that's the least of my problems. I'm going to try to get on the treadmill today since I haven't done anything since surgery 7 weeks ago and then fight with the insurance company all day. I may have to go somewhere else for my treatment, I'm hoping that doesn't happen, what a hassle.

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Good for you for setting limits with your father--it's so hard to take charge of a parent/child relationship and make the healthy changes you need for yourself. I'm 49 and still want to please my father and mother, and probably always will.

    Jag,  Just what you need--insurance hassles. It's not like you don't have anything else going on, right?  That stinks, pure and simple. 

    So I missed something--we are not supposed to have our cats around us? What is the thinking on that one? 

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    I appreciate everyone's support.

    I think if you have cats, you're not supposed to change the litter. I have dogs and live alone, so I am the lone poop picker upper. I just wash my hands very well.

    I'm reading Love, Medicine, and Miracles. He suggest drawing yourself and use whatever colors you want. I also saw Eni's fabulous work so I tried it myself. I drew myself at chemo. I was surprised how positive it came out. Lots of peaceful colors and of course I drew my book, my water and my fuzzy socks. I call the iv machine and drip my Tommy gun of cancer killing love so the pole was green

    Today is chemo day. Don't like the side effects but chemo I like. It's saving me. Just need to remember my ativan and lidocaine cream for my port today. That makes it easier. Not saying I love this but I do love the healing. That makes the other stuff easier to deal with.

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    Thanks for the info. I'll be starting chemo on Monday. I'm glad to hear that your well enough to keep busy. I cant wait to start chemo so I can count down the days that it ends.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    Hi all,

    Our apologies for not providing this info earlier in the month for you! Check out some great information from the main site on Chemotherapy, including what to expect, types of chemo meds, and side effect management.

    Hope you find this helpful!

    --Your Mods

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Mods, just a bit late in the month- LOL! 

    Diapad, good luck on Monday- I felt the same way- until you start you can't finish, and I want to finish!  LOL

     Grit girl((((hugs)))) even though you did the right thing, its not easy.  and when you poop scoop- maybe a face mask? 

    Hildy, I make my DD empty my cat's now.  And as for them getting near me, tell that to them when they are on my tummy while I am sleeping and relaxing in the warmth. 

    BTW- I slept for 5 hours straight last nite - with the Ambien-  Dont' even know how that will play out with the steroids for next Tx.  LOL.

     To all, much love and small SEs

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    grtgirl-susan...your dad and my dad must be brothers. you did the right thing by setting boundaries.i don't like having this cancer but i agree that the chemo is healing and it DOES make the other stuff easier!

    i am learning to set them(boundaries) even here at home; there are still days that i wish that i lived alone.however; i brought him back into my life and i cannot bring myself to send him away.

    firstcall..wishing you would feel better.

    today was first PCP appt to get established. he prescribed a low dosage anti depressant- i have history and he didn't think it would hurt-me neither! OH! i lost a pound!!!!!! has to be cuz it was a different scale!!!! my BP was up tho.

    went to NIA exercise group at my cancer ctr- had fun-realized how totally uncoordinated i really am!

    cold and windy and i am so ready for spring!  i didn't wash my hair today-afraid to! and the weather- so it was weird wondering if my hair  was going to blow away! today is day 12- it seems thinner but i am not finding it anywhere...

    i'm in a mood to cook so i picked up some veggies and stuff to make a big pan of veggie lasagna with a white sauce- will eat that a nite or two and freeze some for later. and i'll bake banana muffins tonite or tomorrow.

    nothing profound to say. sending hugs....

  • melly1462
    melly1462 Member Posts: 20

    2nd day out from first treatment and feeling like crap.  ZERO energy, no appetite, feeling basically numb all over.  Managed a bowl of oatmeal, sleeve of saltines, and jello.  It gets better....right??

  • jap62
    jap62 Member Posts: 993
    had my tx yesturday, sleep like crap, it intensified my hot flashes, was told it was the steriods, so should be better tonight, so of course I am tired.  Ate oatmeal, soup and going for pizza tonight at a church meeting.  Went and got my 9000 dollar shot!!!!!!???????  unbelievable they can charge that much, the good news is the drug company will pick up what insurance doesn't.   gritgirl, the comment about the cats was not to stay away from them, but that they lay on us and we don't want to disturb them, but must when we have to pee for the thousand time
  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    I am still waiting ifor it to get better- but I guess it does.  I am counting on it.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    melly1462, jap62,moonflwr912;

    it WILL get better-probly just about in time for the NEXT tx but it will!

    hang in and let it good to yourselves, be the slug but it WILL get better!!! like susan's healing you!

    drink fluids, pee, sleep when you can...

    here's an extra hug!

  • jap62
    jap62 Member Posts: 993

    i had a melt down tonight in a large group, oh well

  • annie3310
    annie3310 Member Posts: 22

    I'm at day three after my third AC and feeling a little worse than I did at the same stage after earlier treatments. Lack of sleep from the steroids is the same, but an earlier visit of what I call the 'chemo sick,' feeling. Not nauseous, but very off feeling, like a very hard to describe malaise that makes me unwilling or unable to do much. The scary part for me is that this will get worse once the steroid crash comes. My MO suggested I take one more steroid pill the day after they would normally end, in order to minimize the crash a bit. I will, but the chemo sick will still be there.

    I suppose at the third treatment I'm experiencing some of the cumulative effect. I'm just feeling less resilient all around. So of course this is when things start becoming busier with my real estate practice. I feel guilty that I absolutely don't want to work. At all.


  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Hey All

    Well I got out of the house today so that was fun!  Picked up my old friend to come with me to my wig fitting.  What a hoot.  So  picked one out that best suits me but I'm going to have my hair guy trim it up a bit.  Way nicer than my own hair LOL!  I'm like white, Irish backgound, the wig lady is Jamaican and my friend is from St. Vincents, so Indian but British LOL!  They are all pushing me to get a red wig because I have freckles.  Never been a redhead in my life, more like light brown. I win!!  So it should be in mid next week.  Still have all my hair, grey roots and all and I get an invite to a party a week from today.  Praying it hangs on til then.  It was windy here too and was wondering now much might have blown off.    Then lunch at a fish and chips place, sooo good. Then food shopping. I realized that this was the first time I left the house for more than a store run in a week.

    Bad news is I had a BIG argument with my sister.  Long story short I'm in the Financial Services Industry, fully commisioned.  She decided to take her business to a total stranger in light of my illness.  Informed her I had a mastecomy not a lobotamy and she got a shitty deal. BIG TIME!  Just love family when they say "if there's anything I can do?".  Well how about letting me make a living, not looking for handouts or loans.  Pissed, cost me about $4K in commission but cost her alot more.  Made me cry to think of all of the dough I have saved over the years  AND the heart to heart I had with her a couple of weeks ago about my fear of not being able to earn a living in light of the time commitment of this whole deal.  GOES RIGHT BACK TO "CAN'T PICK YOUR FAMILY".   I don't get disabilty payments, I have to eat what I kill even if I'm sick.  Here I am trying keep my nose above water yet she had the nerve to promo her hubbys business to me.. KISS MY ASS!

  • Gayle56
    Gayle56 Member Posts: 111

    I read in one of my pamphlets that you aren't suppose to change the cat litter.  I have indoor cats so I do it wearing rubber gloves.


  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Mylefyboob, what a schmucky thing for her to do. There are financial assistance programs out there.for cancer patients.

    Jap62, do you feel better?

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    jap62 .. How are you doing? Meltdowns can be part of this and unfortunately sometimes things happen when we least expect them to.  How are you dear one.

    Myleftboob - sounds like that old "family" rearing it's head and not at an opportunte time for you at all. So sorry that they did not consult you further to see that you would be able to take care of their financial work and that would end up as a plus plus for both of you. I know it stinks. Let it all out on here and unload big time. Then breathe and say "family" for some reason that always helps me! Feel a big hug!  Glad you were able to go out shopping and have fun with your girlfriend and the wig lady!

    my SE have really been pretty slim so far as all things go. Once I got past that first evening and stopped eating crazy and decided to cut out the Claritin for a bit, I've been fine.

    Thursday I went to the leadership portion of my Community Bible Study which lasts from 11:15- 2:30 pm. Husband drove me down and girlfriend drove me home afterwards. Then I rested on the couch and went to my son, Ryan's, jazz band concert. Only went to the portion that he played in and a the next two groups and then went and sat in the lobby area of the hs while we waited for the end of the concert. I slept like a baby last night too.

    I had PT scheduled for this morning at 7:00 am (about a 45 minute drive from here at that time of day on a good day) We had snow and even though the snow plows had been out a bit, our cul de sac and side street were still needing attention. I was a bit fatigued so decided to cancel the appointment and ask for an opening later if anyone else cancelled. Alas, that did not occur but that's okay. Used my friend's SHARK steamer to have at the shower floor and that did a pretty good job on the marks down there.

    Then I was talking and texting to a friend and told her I felt really tired. So I lay my head down and slept from 11:30 - 2:45 pm this afternoon. I really needed that sleep! Just basically vegged out at home the rest of the day. Helped a bit by ordering the PIZZA so husband could pick it up on his way home. YUM! It tasted divine and I did NOT overdo it. Keeping up with meds and paperwork and thankyou notes and such.

    Would like the bm to kick in  ... after all my stool softener and laxatives and pears, I would expect a bit more action. I am not uncomfortable ... but come on ... something's gotta give! LOL! Husband quotes someone that says "copulation is overrated. defecation is underrated." It is humor that hits the spot most times. But definitely not something that we ascribe to ;-)

    Looking forward to getting out and walking/running at the mall tomorrow. The snow on the ground will keep me from venturing out in the neighborhood unless there is major melting from somewhere.

    Love you beautiful ladies!

    gritgirl -- You are one feisty gal and I am so glad you are here and that you started this portion of the community boards. Don't ever forget that you had a huge hand in bringing us all together. Feel a giant HUG!!



  • galena_79
    galena_79 Member Posts: 29

    Myleftboob - your wig sounds awesome.  :D  But I'm sorry to hear about your sister.  :(

    I don't qualify for sickness benefit because my husband works.  Doesn't seem to matter that we were used to paying bills with two incomes!

    I won't be working until September at the earliest, but I have no idea how we'll get through.  At least all of my hospital care is free / government provided... it's everything else we have to pay for.

    Jap62 - I hope it was a 'good' meltdown, and that you feel better now.  (((hugs))) 

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Thanks Girls

    It did feel good to unload here.  Thank God for this board.  I swear one if I get one more email from la famiglia saying "if there's anything we can do" I'm going to reload LOL!!  Ahh that felt good LOL! I think what bothers me the most is that they don't value my expertise yet friends and strangers do.  I mentioned over Christmas to one of my brothers (who's a friggin millionaire BTW) when speaking about market conditions his reponse? "oh you still do that?".  Deep breathing right now!


    I love your husbands requote.  It's so true!!  I think gritgirl said it best that the best things in life were a good  meal, a good sleep and a good BM.

    RE the kitty litter.  If I had to clean it I suppose I would wear gloves and a face mask.  Thankfully this has been designated a DH job along with the garbage

  • mthrdee
    mthrdee Member Posts: 68

    so here is my jerk of the week story.....last night my group of friends had free tickets to a comedy club and I decided to go along.  I was finally feeling good and thought it would be a respite from cancer.  I had a ball, i was laughing so hard i wasn't sure if the tears in my eyes were from laughing or chemo.  after the show we decide to stop at the local bar and grill for something to eat and a drink (ok coke for me, but hey with that umbrella in it it looked good LOL).  So here we are having a great time, laughing and Im feeling good and one of the girls says....its such a shame that this is all going to end and you are going to be so miserably sick soon.  Now silly me thinks maybe she doesn't realize i started chemo already and I said, don't worry, I started the chemo last week and hopefully I will continue to have mostly days like this.  She turned around and you won''re going to get really sick, the first one is the easy one

    Can you friggin imagine.....are you nuts???????Why would you ever say that to someone.

    I really wanted to say......why did you have cancer in a past life and know how my body will handle it.  UNREAL - some people just dont think!!!!!

    Ok, vent to enjoy another day of beautiful weather.  Lets see how th walking goes today.

    (((HUGS))) to all

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Oh, those stupid sayings from doinkers. One woman at work told me "oh, I knew someone with breast cancer. They gave her one year but she lived seven." She then went on to describe every horrible cancer death she'd ever experienced. I was like a deer in the headlights.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Hello all1  Oh MY! sounds like some family and friends ARENT! Jus are not there! *sigh*  So sorry MLB, and mythrdee and gritgirl.  ugh.  When I was in the hospital after my BMX- one of my friends came over and brought me a pink hat, (with ribbon, mittins with same and a cup with same..... and said youre a survivor now ( and you could just hear the thought behind it - who knows for how long.....)  LOL.  Like I needed reminder of my BC when I was in pain from the bmx.  So Fun!  LOL

    For those with constipation, I feel for you, but I am STILL battling the other way!  makes 8 days now, ugs.  I will need a new bottle of immodium soon. ugh.Yesterday I had a half of banana, a coulple of crackers and a bowl of chicken soup.  didn't help.  Although the soup was good. 

    MLB- pooh on your sister ( I could actually DO that for you LOL)  And you wig sounds great.  My hair feels like straw even after conditioner, wonder if that means anything.  

    Much love to all and small SEs

  • gigborn
    gigborn Member Posts: 11

    Hi everyone,

     2 weeks since TX.  Week three and I feel almost normal except the hair is flying all over the house.   Grandchildren are down and they can wait to have the head shaving party before they head home next week.  Finally am eating everything in site.  It all tastes so good.

    Myleft boob -   I know how you feel about your work.   I am in the mortgage industry and I also need to make living.  I hear friends say - I don't want to bother you now that I know you aren't feeling great.  Don't they know that I would feel a lot better not worrying about keeping my job.

    I am hoping #2 will be easier mentally since I will have some idea of what I might expect for SE.

    I really appreciate this board.  It has helped me set my expectation and know that we will all be happy campers at the end.  Thanks to each of you for your honesty and support for everyone.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    What ever happend to "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything?"  Something I have used my whole life..  I'll put money on the fact that your other friends were absolutley mortified at her comment and likely told her so too.  Next time, say exactly what came to your mind.  She deserved it with both barrels.  Hmm, why am I using so many gun analogies today LOL!

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Bring on the guns. I'll get the ammo. People just don't think. Patsy Clairmiont says there's a reason your cupped hand fits perfectly over your open mouth. Those folks need to put it there before a sound escapes across their lips.

    Moonflower. Sorry about the loose bowels. I sent my husband for Immodium the night I had my first chemo because I didn't want to get caught either way. I wanted the liquid. He came home with the pills. He went back for the liquid. LOL. Walgreens is literally around the corner from us so no biggie. Have you tried peanut butter and cheese? Silly questions I am sure.

    Mthrdee. I am serious about the ammo. I agree the other gals were probably mortified but one of them should have told her to put a sock in it. What is it with everyone wanting to make your (our) cancer about every cancer story they have ever read or heard about. I get weary of being asked "have you talked to so and so. She had breast cancer you know? Or did you know ....? Don't they know we are whole people who have more going on in and around us then just cancer? Okay. Now I am ranting.

    Hugs everyone!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I'm a mortgage agent too!  Small world.  Starting to get a bit fed up with it though.  Between the rules we are given vs bank branches and the lack of client loyalty.  I've been approached by a former boss am really considering getting back into the equipment leasing business as their credit and collections guru.  She and a few others are in early stage start up mode and it will fit nicely with recovery.   Did that for years prior.  Might just do this part time


    Love love love the poo comment.  Made my day LOL!