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February 2012 Chemo



  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154
    dltnhm you crack me up :)  did you get your crocheted hat online?  Has anyone else found a great selection?  i really should have paid attention better when my great grandmother tried to teach me as a kid!
  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    Hi new friends! I am new to this site. Dx in Jan had double mastect with reconstruction and just had my first round of chemo last week. I feel terrible! Hate how this chemo has knocked me down. Wish I could fast forward a year. Hope to feel better soon but looks like just in time to loose my hair. My head is itchy. Is this a sign it is close? I never complain and you are the first to hear my complaints. I think I am just due a pity party for myself so I can move forward!

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Yesterday was my bad day.  Tuesdays generally are. I am so exhausted on Tuesdays (chemo is on Fridays) that I will often go into the dumps physically and emotionally.

    Yesterday I was dealing with the after affects of my father's visit and then my half sister took offense over email at something I said (I was joking), so she said, "I thought people who were terminally ill were nicer."  That set me off to crying.

    My half sister has some cognitive issues but frankly, she hasn't been taught limits about what to say and not say. So once I calmed down, I told her how to have better handled that situation and that saying that to anyone, even the meanest person, was cruel and mean.  If her parents won't teach her limits, I will, at least when it comes to dealing with me.  If she attempts to do that again, I will walk away. She is sadly a mean and spiteful child (she is 30 and coddled by her parents).

    The result is I've begun to think about wearing a button that says "Nope. Don't plan on dying. But thank for asking."  Ay.  Tuesdays are bad days sometimes made worst by idiots.

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    Welcome MSbelle!

    You are allowed to complain here and of course I have had my fair share of pity parties too!  We understand and support you good and bad days!

    Since we are a little similar being triple positive I am sure I might be asking you questions too.  I was chemo first and surgery in June, so I might pick your brain when it comes closer on best things i can do to prepare.

    My head is a bit itchy and im losing my hair.  Some say it hurts, or feels uncomfortable.  Each person is different and I think the meds effect us differently too.  I am on TCH which isnt fun but then again none of this is.. except all the fun people we meet here!

    Have a great day everyone!!

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    gritgirl - thats terrible!! how in the world could anyone say that to someone!  I would have smacked her upside the head then she could see how "nice" I am!

    I am so sorry your family is being such ... poopyheads for lack of a better word that my brain can think of right now.

    Now its time to show them even more what you are made of... stupid sister.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    jen, this is just my father and his kids. i'm going to avoid them. everyone is else has been fantastic.  having cancer certainly clarify things for me. i don't have time for mean and/or selfish people.  i got so angry about this after a bit, i wanted to go down where this young lady lives and beat the bejeebies out of her.  instead, i worked on letting it go by just saying my piece.

    and i agree, we complain away here, when we need to.  this whole thing has good and bad days built in.  the bad days can be very bad and i am so grateful for you all during both kind of days.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    OMG, gritgirl. Next time, reply since I am NOT terminal, I can be as mean as I like. Wow. (((((Hugs)))))

    Hello msbelle. Crab away, at least one of us on here will be able to take it, and you can return the favor when needed. It's how we get through. I pulled out handfuls of hair yesterday, today not so much, so who knows. It feels real dry, not hurting, but that could change ad day 14 gets closer. I have my next Herceptin tomorrow, and then next week is the big one for me. They just approved my disability, so I should finally be getting a check, yay for money. I actually had exactly $20 bucks in my acct as of yesterday. Oh well. Until I go back to work it will be slim pickins, but DH will have to step up! And, so far, he actually has. So, as usual in life, a mixed bag! LOL. Much love and small SEs.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022
    Moonflwr, Cash is good.  :-)  Money mouth
  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    just a few things to mention- Woke up last night at 2:30AM and was up for the day. Can't wait for the steroids to end. If my family wasn't sleeping I swear I would have been vacuuming. Got pulled over by a cop this morning on my way to work for using my cell phone (i was actually activating my bluetooth). I decided to try my cancer card and told him I was calling my doctor because I am feeling so ill from my chemo. His response: driver's license and reg. After he gave me the ticket he didn't even ask if I was ok or have a nice day. Still having heartburn and a wave or two of quisiness but not too bad. I swear the ginger tea and ginger chews really help. Hope all you ladies are doing well. 

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Sorry the the family issues.  Open mouth insert food family disease.  I really like Moonflwr's repoone though.


    Yay for $$$$  cha ching


    The copy probably though you were BS'ing him.  You should fight it in traffic court, probably at least get the fine reduced.  Go sans wig, you may have better luck with the judge.

    My wig lady just called, my wig's on back order!!  She's hoping it will be in next Tuesday.  Hope the hair hangs in til then.  Yikes! 

  • Jag1110
    Jag1110 Member Posts: 51

    DIana, I wish I had some of your energy,lol. I had my week follow up after my first tx today, had a meltdown on the way and continued in the doc office for know reason, I felt like such an idiot. They were really nice though.

  • Teacup2012
    Teacup2012 Member Posts: 11

    I just wanted to let you all know I survived the maiden voyage to work with the wig!  I just took a Xanax (which I usually reserve for treatment days) and dug my heels in and off I went!  My son was in Florida over the weekend and brought me back a 10 pound sack of oranges, so I took 5 oranges, drew a smiley face on them, added 3 whisps of hair, and I gave one to each of the women I work with directly in my department, saying it was a self portrait and the orange had more hair than I did.  That seemed to break the ice and we were not left with an elephant in the room.  Other people just commented on my cute haircut.  So even though I'm still not 100% comfortable, it wasn't as horrible as I had thought it would be. (but I couldn't wait to get it off and into a nice cozy turban!)

    Halfway through my day I received a text message (picture) of my son, who is 25, with a shiney bald head!  I wanted to cry, but realize it is his way of offering me support. 

    I also got a surprise period today.  I'm 52 and have been somewhat irregular the last 9 months or I guess this may be the last one.....

    I cried over all of the pet loss and ill pet stories.  I have a sweet dog that I got after my divorce 5 years ago and honestly can't imagine losing her.  I am so sorry for you that have suffered the loss of your pet especially as you fight to beat this beast! 

    Keep Fighting!

  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    Thanks for the welcome everyone :) I already feel better since my meltdown this morning. Reading all your comments help. JENH13- I am also getting TCH. I'll be here for those questions anytime. I have a question for anyone with tissue expanders....I am suppose to go tomorrow for my first saline injection. I feel so tight and and uncomfortable and don't feel ready for more. I have a feeling doctor won't agree and will encourage me to do it anyway. Did anyone feel the same? I hate to add more discomfort. I called them last week and asked if they left gauze, bricks, oranges or something in there. Maybe I'm just a baby. I have always claimed to have a high tolerance to pain but.....

  • Sissydi
    Sissydi Member Posts: 183

    Sorry to whine here, but day three now really SUCKS........I feel like I'm taking a pharmacy load of pills to deal with these gi issues! Compazine and Ativan and emend, and it's barely holding vomiting at bay...yuck! :(

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    It had to said and I was determined to say it. My ex, a graphic artist, helped me create the t-shirts I was talking about for the Uppity Cancer Patient. Pass it on. I was thinking this stuff and Frank helped put it into graphics. Plus, 25% of the profits go to the American Cancer Society.

    Uppity is the word. :-)

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Just checking in.  Im feeling pretty good this week.  Waiting for the hair to start falling out, shouldnt be long.  One of my patients (female) even offered to shave her head as a show of support. I said please dont!  Yesterday I went to my MOs office for an appointment.  There were 4 patients in the waiting room waiting for the various docs there. Three of them were my patients!  So much for sneaking quietly in  and out. My blood tests were good, and I'm very happy about that.  Kind of the calm between storms here.  I read with interest everyones hair experiences.  Trying to decide if I should cut it shorter or just wait to see what happends.  Its probably 1 1/2 inches now. 

  • Jag1110
    Jag1110 Member Posts: 51

    Gritgrl - I checked out the T-shirt website, they are awesome. I definitely have to get a few!

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    my dog had me up at 4:45 this morning-she DID poo so that made it ok but...have to tell a funny! i sleep with a CPAP; when she couldn't wake me immediately(i wanted to be sure she was really wanting out) she got up on the bed next to the CPAP table and stared at it like..."i know i can shut that off like the cat does and she'll wake up"-it was cute! i guess ya had to be there!

    my steroids only seem to make me crankier than i normally can bursts of energy in this house!

    what hair i have left hurts.

    it was 60+ in northern ohio-felt wonderful!!!

    somewhere back a few pages someone asked about each of our tx dates- i have my #3 on march 12 and #4 on march 26 soon will my lumpectomy be scheduled after that?

    ok- that was my check in.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    i'm sorry-maybe i shouldn't be telling a dog story in light of what everyone has gone thru this week. i have lost my share and this dog gave me a horrible scare this past weekend... my heart goes out to each of you who have furbabies or have lost them.....

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Love the t shirts!  Especially the F bomb one LOL!  Will be ordering!

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Lumpynme, I love the dog story. :-)

  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    From what I have read it appears that claritin the day before neulasta inj will decrease bone/joint pain??I anticipate having this inj next time and Im stressed about it. Don't want anymore SE!! Is this right??

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Hello all.  Lumpy- don't worry about sharing good dog tales- I think it can help.  Even if you are missing a furbaby recently.  Happy memories are good.  I just found out that the little boy who was killed at the RR crossing was my ex bosses grandson.  He LOVED that little boy.  I don't know how he will survive without him.  Prayers for the family of Joey Kramer, 11, please.  Kind a puts it all im perspective though.  Helped me for sure. 

    BUT, I WANT UPPITY T shirts!  Yes, I am going to order some too!

  • mthrdee
    mthrdee Member Posts: 68

    hello all  - 

    just stopping in to say hello, having a pretty good day, but it is one week till the 2nd TX and getting a little rattled just thinking about it.  However it will be easier just knowing what some of the SEs feel like and I will take steps in advance to keep them at bay or lessen them if possible.

    So here is the review

    Claritan - start morning of chemo and keep taking 1 per day for 1 week

    Prilosec - start morning of chemo and keep it going until that heartburn is kicked to the curb

    Constipation drugs -start day before and keep going as needed.

    Ambien - start same day as steroids and each night for the 3 nights ( this allowed me to sleep with the steroids.)

    Steroids - 1st pill of the day at 7am and 2nd pill no later then 4pm - seemed to also help with sleeping

    Now for my funny water story......last time I told myself that I needed to aim for completion of the large jug of Poland Spring the day before, day of and day after.  In addition, I drank at least 2 more 12oz bottles each day that I keep in the car.  Never very bright with measurements I thought this would be a little over a gallon of water each day.  I was shocked that I needed to constantly be at the bathroom as I always had to go.  Today, for the first time I am looking at the Poland Spring jug and realize it is 128 oz - WOW no wonder my system seemed so flushed out - my insides must have seemed like a roaring river to those chemo drugs LOL.

    As some have said in the past I think that the water and walking everyday that I could helped alot in flushing the drugs out of my system  ---- I am going to try and stick to the program again.

    Last update - my schedule for TX are March 8, 29 and last one.....April 19th.  when you look at it written down, it seems doable.

    Wishing everyone small SEs and a peaceful nights sleep!!


  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Just placed an order go gritgirl!

  • mthrdee
    mthrdee Member Posts: 68

    and I almost forgot....I will also be bringing my pretty little drink umbrella with me for TX 2 and all the others too!!

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Help. Direct me to the t-shirts. I missed that post.

    No steroids I am one week out from treatment #1. I blame it on the Orange Crush someone brought over last week. It just appealed to me in a good memory little girl kind of way. So I poured myself a giant glass. Probably 18-20 ounces and drank it with dinner last night. Haven't been drinking pop/soda/Coke much in the last years so I believe my mind was sugar shocked. LOL

    Good. Is it with my breast surgeon today. Next time will be in 6 mos. physical Therapist massaged and stretched all those cordings in my left arm. None of them snapped or popped. Drat! But it feels so much better and is better now. PT is very very good to me!

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022
  • jap62
    jap62 Member Posts: 993

    1 week out from 1st tx, bloodwork looks good.  They can't tell me why I am hungry all the time or why at times I can't sleep.  I am not on steriods, guess it could be worse.  I told my husband I should have opted out of chemo and let cancer take its course, he said what he said and I told him this is not home,earth is temporary and I am passing through on my way to glory, he said,'May God be glorified in my exile'  this is my new mantra

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Jap62: by exile do you mean time living on earth? I think we need you here with us. You can do a lot more good on earth. Stay exiled then. It'll do your body and our souls good. :-)