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February 2012 Chemo



  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Thanks Gritgirl. I will check it out tonight or in the morning :0)

  • jap62
    jap62 Member Posts: 993

    yes gritgirl, I live in exile here on earth, that was just too funny of a response from my hubby

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    It was a perfect response from your hubby

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    He better say that!  Don't want him waving bye-bye after all!  LOL

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    galena - hope you are feeling better than earlier. I am still working but the week after treatment was ROUGH. I basically did 4-6 hour days and only worked about 30-50% of the time I was actually at work.

    msbelle - Welcome! Welcome! An itchy head could be a symptom of hair loss but a week after chemo would be really fast to start experiencing hair loss it seems. I don't know, everyone is so different.

    gritgirl - personally I think I would have punched your half-sister in the face for saying something like that. No offense to you. Stay away from those people who suck you emotionally dry.

    moonflwr - hooray, glad you got approved! :)

    teacup - love what you did with the oranges! that is awesome!

    sissydi - :( hope you feel better.

    firstcall - I know what you mean, my boss brought up yesterday that maybe he and everyone at work should shave their heads to support me, and I was like, are you NUTS!?! why would anyone want to look like this on purpose?!? And I certainly don't want to look at a bunch of bald-headed coworkers! The sentiment is nice though I suppose.

    mthrdee - I am worried about treatment #2 as well, but it does feel better to know what to expect.

    jap62 - sorry for your side effects, it is awful to not be able to sleep.

    Well this may be TMI but is there such a thing as TMI here? Today is day #16 from treatment #1 (TCH) and my pubic hair started coming out in the shower. After I washed, about 25% - 30% was gone. It was gross to have little hairs everywhere, and a little disturbing to know that my hair was starting to come out (I had my head shaved last Saturday but all my stubble is still there). Anyway so I shaved it all off, I don't want little hairs falling out all over me all night tonight and all day tomorrow! Other than that I feel pretty good right now.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Hello, all! Up at 4:40 am again. Didn't want to take a pill, I probably will tomorrow. Take care. Too tired to answer everyone today, or maybe just too lazy. Much love.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Good Morning Everyone


    I know its gets old real fast taking so many pills.  Yesterday was the only day I took nothing more than colace.  Believe it or not only assisted by a not cup of cocoa before bed  I actually had 9 hours of sleep since I think I was DX December 8.  I might have stayed there too only I have an appointment later this morning.


    One of the posters on another thread cracked me up when she said she went to use the bathroom one day and it was like a bunny exploded in her underwear LOL!!  That hair loss I'm acttually looking forward too.  Day 14 here and while the hair is hanging in, its definately thinner.  Going to wear a hat out today so's not to temp the hair Gods and have it blow off my head.

  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    Amen JAP62. I have had the same thoughts. Just keep telling myself I have to run the race set before me because God has this!

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155


    I was up at 420 too bad this thing doesnt have chat on it we could have talked!

    Christina, me too.. and just like MLB its not bothering me one bit. And i havent had to shave my legs in over a week.  So i guess there is something good coming of this.

    It appears that I have a cold now.. stupid congestion and runny nose.  At first I thought it was just the runny nose from the Herceptin but I am blowing my nose all the time now and super congested at night.  I sleep with a kleenex clutched in my hand for those random night time wakes with snot running down my face.

    Question for all of you.  2 nights now i havent taken anything for sleep and 2 nights now I havent been able to fall asleep until about 1 am and wake up at 4.  Is it safe to take the ambian every night? I am not taking any other meds right now as I am in an off week from TX.  Thoughts?

    Sending sunbeams to everyone today for a good day!

  • jap62
    jap62 Member Posts: 993

    Jen h13 they have a chat room, I go there but no one is ever there

  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    JenH13: I can't imagine your doctor having a problem with you taking ambien every night especially during chemo. I'm a nurse and have lots of patients who take every night and have for years. The only thing I have noted is after long term use it does not seem to work as well. You may want to try Benadryl instead. It will not only help you sleep but help with that congestion/runny nose. My doctor gave me lorazepam to help me rest and deal with the nausea. I took it the night before my first treatment and rested well. I know our bodies cant heal if we aren't rested. Hope you feel better and get some rest!

  • Sissydi
    Sissydi Member Posts: 183

    MsBelle, what did your doc give you for nausea besides lorazepam ? Mine gave me compazine, but it didn't seem to help. I do have lorazepam though, but it seems like I need more than just that.

  • Jag1110
    Jag1110 Member Posts: 51

    JenH- I've had insomnia for over 15 years and have tried a lot of different over the coubter and prescribed meds. Started with some natural stuff Alteril or Melatonin, it doesn't do a lot but helps some, Benedryl does help make you drowsy, won't keep you asleep. I went to a sleep specialist last year and now take Ambien 10mg and 1mg clonazapam and I used to get about 4 straight hours which is good for me but after the steroids I'm down to 2 hrs. I have been on and off Ambien of some type cr or regular for years. It's true drugs quit working after a while and need to change to something else, while I hate having to take something to sleep these drugs don't seem to leave me 'drugged out' in the morning and not sleeping makes you a little crazy after awhile and takes years off your life so that's why I chose the sleep aids, hope this helps. :)


  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    Sissydi: he also gave me compazine, I haven't tried it yet but thinking about it today. My stomach still not right. I am 1 week post chemo and feel like I have a stomach virus. YUK!! Just called doctors office. I think I just need some mylanta or something. Tired of taking all these drugs that knock me out and make me feel loopy!

  • Gayle56
    Gayle56 Member Posts: 111

    Number 3 is really knocking me on my behind.  I haven't been able to go to work since Tuesday.  I am so exhausted and achy.  Yesterday some nausea and stomach pains.  Stomach is a bit better today but no appetite at all.    After reading posts I know my SE's could be much worse so I am not complaining.

    msbelle - about a week after my first TX my head started to itch and when the itching lessened my scalp got very sore and that is when the hair started to go.  Cutting it short relieved the scalp soreness.  Once most of it fell out my scalp stopped bothering me.  I haven't been able to bring myself to shave my head, whatever strands are hanging in I am keeping.  

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    Msbelle; those of us who are taking claritin find that we need to take it the day before the shot as well as about 7 days after- i took it only 5 last round and day 6 was pure hell in my lower back (where i had history of back problems) ---so this time i am working on 7 days-

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    i have very little head hair left- the lower regions went last week tho there are stragglers- leg and pit hair are hanging on.

    Jap62...;i wondered at one point about not doing the chemo etc- however-we don't get do-overs so i really chose life! i'm hoping that is your choice as well! i have too much to do still.....

    my dog is causing horrible sleep patterns here- i'm working on adjusting that for her- she is getting older- am thinking i ned to lift her water and food dishes after 6 pm.

    i feel good actually-did conk out i the chair last nite at 8 pm til hubby woke me at 11 to go to bed!

    my granddaughter is ocming to visit today and i have a lunch date tomorrow with my son so today i must shower...get the cruddies off! 

    i think i need to practice with my scarves....

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Hi everyone, got up today and Hoovered the house with one hand. My right arm is still very painfull and I called the onco and asked to see her tomorrow. I just can't see anymore blood being taken from this arm let alone chemo. I'm still taking the antibiotics for another five days. I have been taking two lots four times a day. When I take the tablets and my pain killers it is very painfull in my throat and tum. I am so fed up with pain and tablets also I have decided to have a line put in if my arm doesn't get better. I'm going on Taxotere next any advice.

  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154

    Firstcall - I don't think I would cut your hair any shorter, the really short stubble is more trouble than it s worth. I think for those of us w longer hair, we can't even see what's staying or going because it's all together. If I were you, Id let it go and see

    Dlthnhm - I'm a native pop girl, love that you have everyone covered w the lingo.

    Ali - I would ask about a port, it is worth it.

    I have 3 ACs down now!!! Wooooohooooo!

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    christina0001 - you know a few years ago when a lady who attends church with us went through treatment, all of the women wore hats or scarves to church as a show of support.  

     faithhopenluv - I appreciate your thoughts.  I think I will just wait and see what happens. You're right, no point rushing it.  

    So call me crazy you guys, but I'm thinking of running a long run this weekend.  I am two weeks out from my treatment, and one week before the next, and I'm feeling pretty good.  The YMCA has a marathon this weekend, and I'm thinking of running whatever I can of it.  Everyone I've mentioned it to so far thinks thats crazy, but what else is new.... 

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    Ali I am with Faithhopenluv.. ask about a port.  I have one and its been great for blood tests and infusions. I never feel anything with the numbing cream they give me.  Its super easy.

    I'm with the pop lingo too!  I've been told its a midwest thing.. in the south.. coke and up north its soda. lol

    Firstcall, I agree.. I had long hair and cut it shorter because to me seeing all that long hair would have been harder then seeing my short hair.  I couldnt cut my hair all the way off im just going to let it keep thinning for now.  In the end you have to do what makes you the most comfortable. Some people like to know they control it some that doesnt matter.

    Saw my MO today and he was ok with me doing the ambien every night.  Glad to hear but always want to make sure.  Was a bit annoyed today as he was running over an hour late. so my 5 mins appt with him took 1hr 20 mins and 1 hr and 15 was waiting.  My husband had to get back to work so I did the appt and treatment by myself.  I was proud of me as I am soooo not a person who does things by herself like that.  1) i usually forget what the dr said or remember it differently and 2) i just get anxious and bored if im alone that long. lol

    One thing I asked him was would they do any tests or anything to see if the treatment is working.  Now since I felt my lump, he said after the 4th treatment he will do an exam but no other tests as the chemo I am on TCH is going to work.  I like how he is so sure but... what do your dr's do?

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Push for he port.  Bad enough you have to deal with the expected SE's nevery mind being in pain like that.


    I love that you want to do a long run.  I say go for it and go as far as you are able to!  However far it is will be an accomplishment!  Its crazy in a good way.


    In Canada we say Pop too.  If someone was to order soda they'd get seltzer/soda water.

  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    I went to doctor today for my first tissue expander infusion. I knew before I got there it was not a good idea since I am still so sore and tight. Doctor agreed and is sending me to physical therapy. Has anyone had to do this? They tell me I will feel like a new woman in a week. I sure hope they are right.

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    Well then they do it right in Canada MLB!

    I dont know Msbelle but please keep us updated!  I have chemo first then surgery.  Hope you feel better soon!!

    Prayers and hugs to Moonflwr too!

  • jap62
    jap62 Member Posts: 993

    lumpy I am going to continue, it was just on of those passing thought s that always seems to come up.  I took my claratin 2 days before tx and 4-5 days after shot had no pain.

    so has anyone lost hair on legs & underarms??  I sure hope it happens 

  • galena_79
    galena_79 Member Posts: 29

    Day 5 post Tx#1, and my gastric system's a little better. I managed a little BM this morning, and then ate a small breakfast, and I'm only feeling mildly nauseated. Even though I'm glad to have drugs to keep my SE's under control, it's not easy to swallow anything. :(

    Msbelle- Welcome to the club none of us wanted to join. Sorry to hear you're feeling rubbish, but feel free to complain away. My head hasn't started itching yet, but I'm sure that it will be a sign of loss to follow.

    gritgirl- Boohoo for Tuesdays! Sounds like you're taking control of the situation with your half sister, which is good. No point putting up with mean spirited selfishness. Also, I really like the uppity t-shirts. :D

    sissydi- How are you doing today? I hope you got your gastric issues under control. Day 3 was horrible for me too. :(

    firstcall- Glad you're feeling good. :D So funny that the patients in the waiting room were your patients too. Such a unique perspective. Good luck with your run this weekend!

    christina0001- I had a chuckle at your 'TMI' post, but don't actually find it TMI! I was wondering how long it would take for other hair to fall out. Looking forward to not shaving my legs.

    ali68- So sorry to hear about your arm, and all the dreaded pills.

    faithhopenluv- Congrats! You've done so well!

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    I was having laser hair removal on underarms. I told lady that I would lose that hair, grow it back and come back to her to get rid of it for good

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    i broke down and shaved the legs and pits today; showered but didn't have the nerve to wash what lil bit of hair is left! clean jammies and a bandana with wisps of bang still hanging on! ; my granddaughter brought flowers and a card and we had a wonderful visit! she is suffering depression and starts a mild scrip tomorrow.she is one of my true reasons for living!!!!!!!

    firstcall: i'm reading about the stubble when folks shave before losing their hair and i am glad that i chose just to cut it to the run; go for it if you are up to it! just use all of the common sense that you possess!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    I have a get together tommorow night with some old co-workers that I'm really looking forward to.  Praying the hair hangs in for a couple more days.


    What a nice visit from your Grandaughter


    No such thing as TMI here LOL!

  • lisak7290
    lisak7290 Member Posts: 103

    Ladies I do have a question for you all..I am having the  taxotere and cytoxan cocktail and I was wondering about menopause..I am 39 and was wondering if any of you ladies have had this cocktail

    have started having symptoms  yet?  About how soon after you started chemo did the symptoms start?

     I was told this cocktail could cause me to go into it but just wanted to ask all of you.
