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February 2012 Chemo



  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314

    Thank you for the encouraging posts! I have my BMX March 29 with chemo and maybe rads to follow.  Very nervous.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    lisa i can't help i had a complete hysterectomy at age 46-i'm 58 now...hopefully someone can answer you!

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    This is has been a rough week.  With the family and exhaustion combined. Oy.  I think I got a small cold and that added to my exhaustion.  I took Thursday off from work to rest.  I lost my voice as well.  I don't chat much online, but I sure can't stop talking in person. So it was very hard for me.  Added to that they didn't give me liver readings last week (the doctor decided to take those readings once every other week).  I hold on to those numbers for every bit of hope I can, so didn't have that this week and felt a bit out on a boat in the middle of the water.  I've called and emailed my doctor to ask her to order every week readings. Haven't heard back.  When I go in tomorrow, I'll ask the nurse about the order and then ask that the doctor be called.  All part of my Uppity Cancer Patient ways.  Every little thing helps.

    Met a woman in a wig shop couple weeks ago. Been emailing back and forth with her. Turn out her breast cancer is sarcoma (very, very rare) and she found out yesterday.  I totally understand that feeling of Oh, shit, it's even worse news.  Emailed her last night in response.  I just feel so bad for her.  Luckily stats for her cancer are slightly better than mine but I also told her not to check those stats.  Not good. But I was happy to see that for her.

     Here's to a better week next. One thing that will be a huge help is dealing with my supportive friends instead of my father's interesting familly.

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Unofficial Roster of February 2012 Chemo


    AEM47  Massachusetts FR(2/16) TCx4

    ali68  UK   (1/13)  2nd round FR(2/3)

    Alicea   New Jersey   (starting March)

    annie3310  Chicago   (late January) 

    AussieKate  Australia  (January)

    BelaT  TH(2/23)

    beth1965 Woodstock, Ontario, Canada

    bffmom New York TH(2/16)

    Brandyj26  Le Seuer, MN  FR(2/3)

    bwah  Montreal, Canada  WE(2/22)

    Cherilynn  Arizona  (no chemo)

    christina0001 Missouri  TU(2/13) TCH

    ckk  (December - goes through 2/23)


    dipad  New York  MO(2/27)

    dltnhm  Gurnee, IL  WE(2/22)

    dmorgan41 (January)

    DonnaDS  Casper, WY  TU(1/31)

    doubleAA WE(2/8)

    Ella1998 WE(2/1)

    ewesty  Arizona  FR(2/10)

    faithhopenluv Florida TH(2/2)

    firstcall Seattle, WA  SA(2/18)

    FLDREAMER Illinois

    fredntan Virginia (from October group still chemo Feb/March)

    galena_79  Christchurch, New Zealand MO(2/27)

    Gayle56 New York TU(1/17)

    gigborn Naples, FL  WE(2/8)

    Grace-HK  Hong Kong

    gritgirl Washington, DC FR(2/3) TH (4/20)

    Hildy910 MO(1/30)

    Imlola59 Massachusetts TU(2/28)

    Jag1110 Park View, Iowa  WE(2/22)

    jap62 Leesburg, VA TH(2/23)

    jeanne3  TH(2/15)

    Jeannie57 Mukileto, Washington

    JenH13 Avon, IN  FR(2/3)

    jennywong88  Malaysia  MO(1/30)

    JoanQuilts Edison, New Jersey  FR(2/3)

    JudyP  Massapequa, New York MO (1/30)

    katopet  Australia  WE(2/15)

    khintul  Tulsa, OK TU(3/6) 

    ladyfighter St. Lucie, FL

    lisak7290 Zion, IL  TH(2/23)

    Love74 Calgary, Canada FR(2/17)

    Lumpynme  Elyria, OH MO(2/13) DD AC

    melly1462  WE(2/22)

    mkguitierrez (2nd on TH 2/23)

    Mom2JJ  Great Falls, VA (moving to Leesburg) TH(2/2)

    momof3boys Summit, PA LAST TREATMENT (3/2) !!!!

    Moonflower912  Port Washington, WI TH(2/16) TCHx6

    Msbelle WE(2/22)

    mthrdee New York  TH(2/16) 4xTC (4/19) to be last

    Myleftboob Canada FR(2/17)

    Neli Virginia

    rachelvk New Jersey (December - through March)

    SherylR TH(2/2)

    Sissydi Fleming Island, FL

    Teacup59 Mount Pleasant, MI (2nd on FR 2/24)


    wrennest East Greenwich, Rhode Island WE(2/1)

    ymac16 Washington, DC TH(2/2)

    1st, I would not hurt anyone here for the world, so please let me know if I somehow missed you and you would like to be included. Since I can edit this post, I can make corrections, add information, and add survivors. If your listing is missing your location or your start date, it's because I failed at finding the information, so please let me know and I will add it :-)

    I pray that I did not miss anyone. There were a few posters who have popped on in order to share support but they are past chemotherapy - some for years - so I hope that it is all right that I did not put them on the roster. Of course they are survivors like we are, but they are not going through treatment right now.

    I already knew that this is such an interesting LOT of folks, but it was great to look back through the posts and get to know each of you all over again. Just don't quiz me on who's who! LOL. (Husband just came downstairs to find out why I was still awake).

    We are well-represented with certain areas of the world and particular parts of the United States being REALLY well-represented here. For example, please note all the survivors who are from around or within the 'beltway' ... Washington DC and Virginia!

    Hugs to all of you. I'm gonna get a few winks, hopefully get in a run, and then off to Physical Therapy!



  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Diana, Wow. thanks for doing that. that's incredible.  I'd say you are the official group secretary. :-)

  • kyliet
    kyliet Member Posts: 587

    Thanks Diana for the roster, it is good to have support through this cruddy time.

    It is flooding everywhere around us in Australia and the weather has turned cold. Day 14 out from chemo 1 and my hair started falling out. I look like I have mange (wombats and kangaroos get it, their hair falls out in patches just like mine). Can't believe how cold it is with no hair, mine has always been long.

    Hate all this, hugs to all, Kylie x

  • Gayle56
    Gayle56 Member Posts: 111

    Thanks for doing that Diana  -  my start date was 1/17 if you want to add it


  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    DIANA, THANK YOU IT IS A MARVELOUS LIST. When you have time, please add TCH x6 2-16. Please get some sleep though. Don't let yourself get run down. Much love

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    diana!!! what a doll !!!

    my start date was 2/13 if you feel like editing! i'm on DD AC at this time.

    i , too, was quite surprised as this group evolved with so many in the DC area....i frequent the Ohio thread but there i no one geographically within 75-100 miles of me...good thing? bad thing?


  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    gritgirl: sorry to see the news of your new friend.

    as to you, missy--you will be much better without the influences of your father-i, too, have one whom i am disassociated with by choice and right now, during my tx, would be the worst time for him to try to surface in my life! move forward sister!!!!!!! 

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

     i agree, missy. when i dealt with my dad recently it was another hurtful experience and i realized having more of those hurtful experiences would jeopardize my health. my emotionally deficient father isn't worth my life.

    and no worries about all the DC folks. We're too tired to get together so it's all talking here. Smile

    My start date is 2/3, end date 4/20 and I'm on Taxol and Herceptin.  May this time go quickly. Was planning one vacation after treatment but that fell through. So now trying to plan a cruise to Bermuda leaving Baltimore for the Fall. Anyone is welcome to hop on to this trip.  Prices are cheap,  and the Bermuda trip is sooooo relaxing.  Maybe a day at sea and 3 days docked in beautiful Bermuda with its gorgeous beaches, lovely scenery, and lots to see.  Sigh. Can't wait.

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Thankyou Diana!  What an impressive list.  Its longer than I realized.  The list itself speaks volumes. 

    Every day this week I have had patients in who are breast cancer survivors and doing well.  We can do this!

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    i have never cruised- would be relaxing- i am too poor to pay attention however! so i will live thru your cruise.....

  • mthrdee
    mthrdee Member Posts: 68

    Diana - 

    You are the best - makes it so easy to keep track of everyone now.  If you feel like editing please update my start date to 2/16 and 4 x TC and last treatment is 4/19.  Thanks

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Thanks for that.  Wow, I knew there were alot on this thread, I thnk I counted 51! 


    You can breathe now without the extra emotional baggage brought on by your Dad's and family.  While Burmuda sounds lovely, cruising hasn't grabbed me yet.  Have a bit of fear of open water, nearly drowned when I was a kid. Not to say there aren't millions of people that love it though.  I'm thinking of taking myself down to my GF's place in Tempe, Arizona for my 50th in October

    She's coming up in June and I know she'll be begging me to come down.  I would love to see the Grande Canyon and Sedona.  I've been to Vegas but that's it.

    I'm sorry to hear about your friend.  My cousin recently told me about her aunt in Ireland that was recently DX'd.  I know her DH from Facebook.  I reached out with a message and told her to please, please visit this site.  I really hope she does.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    BTW ladies, my Avatar is my pussycat lying on my leg with his arm wrapped around me.  I know its a bit dark.  Love him!

  • jap62
    jap62 Member Posts: 993
    myleftboob, what is his name? my avatar is of my girls, love all kitties, such a freak I am for those fur ballsCool
  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154

    Diana this is great! I am in FL - waiting to welcome FLDreamer when she gets here.

    Gritgirl - you are a not a stat, and your hope and faith is in your heart not your liver levels. It might make you feel better, but what counts is inside you and those around you that are positively, sincerely believing that chemo is working and will see you thru.

  • Jag1110
    Jag1110 Member Posts: 51

    Diana - great list but if  you make changes I am from Iowa (not Louisiana) not far from you about 3 hours actually I was there shopping at the wonderful outlet mall last year, not that I wouldn't mind being a southern bell! I might try to copy the list as I have a hard time remembering peoples name when I want to respond, not being rude just have a crappy memory. Lisa as far as menopause I was told I could go into that also and may stay that way (I'm 52) or I could start up again when tx is over, I just keep hearing it's different for everyone so I guess it is. Your young so who knows, mine I hope goes away forever :)

  • Love74
    Love74 Member Posts: 60

    Diana - my start date was Feb 17...TCHx6...from Calgary, Canada.  Thanks for list...great work!

  • momof3boys
    momof3boys Member Posts: 63

    Just wanted to let you all know, before I take a nap before my boys come home from school......I had my last TC treatment this am!!!! Yay! Now where's my hair?

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    His name is Furby.  Looked just like one of those when we got him when he ws 6 weeks old 13 years ago!  Too bad your's weren't easier to see!  What are there names?


    Wow, that has to be the best feeling ever!!!  Keep us posted on the hair growth please.  Day 14 and mine is still hanging in.  Definatley a bit thinner but its not hurting or anything.  Terrified to wash it or get caught in a stiff breeze though LOL!  Still have hair everywhere else too!!  My luck I'll have none on my head but still have it everywhere else.  Body hair is my nemesis!!

  • momof3boys
    momof3boys Member Posts: 63

    Ok I will let you know. I did not shave my head. Hairdresser said with 4 TC's I might not lose it all, and might have "starter hair" after treatment ends. I cut it into a pixie style before chemo, and it's definitely very thin now.

  • Gayle56
    Gayle56 Member Posts: 111

    Momof3boys - Congrats for finishing.  Hope your SE's are mild.  You are lucky you did not lose all of your hair.  I still have a few wisps on the top of my head but that is about it.

  • momof3boys
    momof3boys Member Posts: 63

    Oh I lost a lot. I wouldn't go out without a hat or a wig. Definitely look like a chemo patient, just thought maybe it will give me a head start!

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    so....everyone says the hair goes on about day 14... today is day 13....the suspense....

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Well first call, day 14 for me, just brushed my hair to go out, yep its happening.  Noticed quite a few hairs on the brush, way more that normal!

  • momof3boys
    momof3boys Member Posts: 63

    My hair loss started very slowly about day 18 out from first tx. I wore no hat or wig to 2tx.... Then it was a free for all!

    First call: you better just tell us you're losing your hair even if you're not!!!! :-)

  • jap62
    jap62 Member Posts: 993


    Minnie,15 sydney 5  today minnie went AWOL, first time since tx I almost puked the little shit jumped the deck found her a few houses down in the woods,scared,,,she is grounded!!  Now I have to supervise her when she wants to hang out on the deck

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    have you ever sat in the stall in the ladies at walmart and LOL'd???? i had an exploding bunny episode today and couldn't help but laugh!