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February 2012 Chemo



  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154

    Firstcall - that's great :) I haven't run since my dx, but I actually dreamt about it last night. Maybe you planted the seed?

    Anyone else think there are just way too many shampoo commercials ?!?!

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Spent the morning taking my youngest to the walk in centre for new inhaler as she has had a bad cough. I needed to see a doctor for my thrush and piles and saw a really good looking young guy, why does that always happen. What with taking all the meds this is the out come. The doctor was great and saw my daughter after me or I would have to wait another three hours. He looked at my arm and said it was looking better and I'm trying not to take anymore painkillers as I've had enough of them. I can move it up and down but anything else it hurts like hell.

    Going to work tomorrow to catch up and get out of the house.

    Thanks everyone for kind words and help.


  • jap62
    jap62 Member Posts: 993

    ok I had a neulesta shot on the 24 and yesterday I got some bone pain, and today it is horrible actuly has me crying and I have a high thresold for pain, it is mainly my upper arms, can this actully be from the shot this far out??

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    So glad I'm going through this with others. The information and support from this site has been amazing. I had my 1st tx last Monday. Did o.k. on and off waves of quisiness, fatigue days 3 and 4. I was really bummed this morning. I felt better yesterday and thought this was over till the next tx, but woke up this morning quesy. I know everyone is different, but is there usually a break for a day or two where you feel yourself until the next round of tx starts? Also my mouth is very dry with a bitter taste, suggestions? I've been using the Biotene but not much help. I have another week or two until my hair comes out and would love to dye it one more time. I know it sounds vain but I work and want to look half way decent. Does anyone know if it is safe to dye your hair while on chemo? I haven't read anything about it.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    While the bone pain hit me earlier, I think day 5 - 6 mine was lower back spasms and hurt like a bugger.  I was prescribed Percocet and while not a pill popper I was so glad I had them.  It does eventually go away.  I never took Clariton but will be taking it this week to see if it helps.


    I found that once the back spasms went away, by day 7 I felt better and better each day.  Something that worked for me was Club Soda, both for drinking and rinsing.  Others have said baking soda and water helped.  Biotene was OK, but I just used that at bedtime.  Not sure about the hair dying though.  Mine is coming out steadily and I could have really used a dye job.  Figured whats the point.  I read somewhere here that it makes the hair fall out faster but I don't know how true it is. 

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Hey everyone. I cut my hair this morning before church. Opted for a kind of bob until I cut it again to try something else. I made a tiny video on my iPhone saying I was about to cut it then took pics during of some of the cut hair and then after. It's a little sassy for me. I am going to try on different looks by cutting it perhaps even once a DAY. Husband likes it and thinks it's cute. Someone said it makes me look more like Sally Field to her. Sally Field & Patty Duke. Wow. That's great company so I will embrace it!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Thanks for all the good wishes. I am home now, nephrologist said should get ALL kidney function back. Much love to all.

  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    Glad you are home moonflwr!

    Advice given to me: use biotene 3 times a day everyday no matter what and your mouth will not get sores. I have and so far no problems. I was also told no chemicals on hair once chemo started so I wouldn't chance a color. I imagine it could really irritate so not worth another SE. I just learned that you should take claritin D for bone pain with neulasta not just the regular claritin. I plan on doing this will let you know how it works.

    Hope everyone has a good week!

  • galena_79
    galena_79 Member Posts: 29

    Day 8. Weather here is cold and dreary, but I'm feeling really good. My appetite has returned with a vengeance! I will do some light exercise soon, and this afternoon I will start planning up a photo album. :D Still no hair change.

    Jap62- So sorry you're feeling so crappy! I haven't had the Neulasta shot, so I don't know what it's like. I think people have been recommending Claritin-D to combat the bone ache.

    dipad- My first treatment was last Monday too. Last week wasn't fun, but I'm feeling pretty good now. I have found salt rinses pretty good for my mouth, but might take up Msbelle's recommendation now.

    dltnhm- Work it, girl! I love the idea of trying out lots of hairstyles. :D

  • AEM47
    AEM47 Member Posts: 177

    Diana I'm not on the roster - could add me  Smile  Thanks

  • mthrdee
    mthrdee Member Posts: 68

    I am so distraught about the entire hair thing.  I thought I could get thru it just like I have gotten thru everything else but it is making me so so so sad.  IT is falling out in droves and I can't stand it.  I got my wig, its very nice but I HATE IT!!!  I can't bear going out in public with it.  

    Any suggestions for how to deal with this part??  2nd TX is Thursday and I know it will all be gone by then.  


  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155


    I had/am having the same problem!  SEs have been nothing compared to the stress on my hair.  I too got a beautiful wig but it cant stand to wear it.  Finally the other day I wore a hat because its been sooo windy here and i had terrible visions of chunks of hair flying off my head.  Then the next day for kicks I wore a scarf, both with my hair still showing out the back and side.  Today when I took my shower I was much better about the handfulls of hair coming out. I wore another hat today.  It took me about a week to get to this place and granted I still have some hair its just thinning a lot.  I guess I am just not a wig person but have come to terms with the scarves and hats. Tomorrow will be the big challenge.. going to work with a scarf. I dont know if that helps you or not but please know you have a sister crying and distraught right a long with you!!

    BIG HUGS to you :)

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    gritgirl - line your depends with tape from a lint brush maybe? :)

    ali - glad you are feeling a tiny bit better...I hope tomorrow is even better for you.

    jap - I have no clue if it's from the neulesta shot or not...have you tried taking anything for it? My onc's office recommended starting with advil or tylenol.

    dipad - you should get a break...I started to feel symptoms alleviating at the end of day 7. But days 5 and 6 were the worst. Hang in there...I bet you are almost through the worst of it. As for dry mouth, I just drank constantly...all the time I had to drink, or have hard candies to suck on.

    moonflwr - so glad you are home!!!

    Yesterday was day 19 for me from TCH treatment #1 and the hair started falling out with a vengence. Little stubble all over, since I shaved it last weekend. Today I can see a couple of tiny bald spots. If I had not shaved my head, I don't think it would be noticeable yet. Frankly I think the anticipation is the worst part and I sort of wish it would all fall out already.

    mthrdee - I thought I was tough too but last night as I was falling asleep, between fretting over hair and treatment #2 coming up on Monday, I think I started to have some anxiety, big time. Felt like I could not breath, and my arms and legs felt tingly. Took an Ativan and 30 minutes later felt better and was able to fall asleep. This stuff is awful. I already pretty much gave up on my wigs. At work I am doing a halo hairpiece with a hat (a LOT of people have given me hats), and otherwise I am just wearing a loose, soft knit hat that covers my head and ears really well (have a couple of those). It's much more comfortable. I'm wearing more eye make-up too.

  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154

    Mthrdee :( I'm sorry, I know it's horrible. It still sucks, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. For me, it was so upsetting that it kept falling out shaving it was a relief. My bf shaved it. He asked me if I was sure I wanted him to, I said it didn't matter now - that question only mattered when I had that first infusion and there is no going back now. I wore the wig to work last week, but take it off as soon as I get home. I wear hats a lot for errands and on the weekends, I may get some double takes but I don't notice. the first time is the hardest, it will get easier from there.

  • Sissydi
    Sissydi Member Posts: 183

    Mthrdee, I know.....I got my wig yesterday, and while I like it, I too am not real excited to wear it in public! Just had my first chemo Monday, so my hair is still in tact, but I still don't know what I'm going to do when it falls out!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    I'm trying to decide when to just shave it off too.  The shedding is making me crazy!  I'm still going to try to hang in for a couple more days I suppose.

  • Sissydi
    Sissydi Member Posts: 183

    I just don't want stubble to hurt.......I wonder if it's easier to just let it clump on out!

  • jap62
    jap62 Member Posts: 993

    well I had made up my mind to shave it on this day.  did not want to wait for it to start on its own.  having clumps come out in my hand is more than I can bear, besides  am almost 3 haircuts behind and my style is gone and it looks like crap to me, hats,scarves and wigs can only iomprove how I look, that's my story and I am sticking to it.  As far as the bone pain I took a claritan and it went away, so I am going to liuve on them, that was the worst pain I have ever encountered, was told not claritan d, d can have issue with the heart

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Hooray for being the brave one!! I didn't bother cutting it at all since the end of Dec. It was a chin length bob but now it just look like I really need a cut and colour.  I would never let it get this bad normally.  I was told the 24 hour Clariton was the one to take?  Can anyone chime it that has taken it??

  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    Someone from another forum posted this about claritin D

  • mthrdee
    mthrdee Member Posts: 68

    hello all - i took the claritan 24 hour plus 1 Aleve twice a day for seven days starting the day before i had my treatment.  I had a small amount of bone pain on Sunday following the Nulesta shot on Friday but by Monday it was much better.  the pain itself was not awful, more annoying then truly painful. Hope this helps.


  • jap62
    jap62 Member Posts: 993

    ok, hair has been shaved, a lot cooler now, maybe that will help me with the hot flashes, my bone pain is now gone after I took claritan, I think I mioght just live on them, it was horrible, I had no bone pain following immd. after shot cause I was taking them, but stoped 3-4 days after, never again

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    I just showered...have weird little spots and wavy lines of no hair amongst all the stubble. There it goes...I almost wish it would all just fall out and be done with. sissy my stubble hasn't hurt at all...every once in a while i get the feeling that my hair is being lightly pulled and I rub that spot and the sensation immediately goes away.

    Haven't needed to shave my underarms in four days! I shaved them anyway tonight. HELLO DENIAL! lol

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    The body hair I won't miss LOL!!

    Hey Lumpy, haven't seen you post in a bit!  Hopefully just too busy to post? 

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Hi all,.just FYI, I am back in ER with a fever

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Moonflwr, my prayers are with you

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Back home with antibiotics

  • kyliet
    kyliet Member Posts: 587

    moonflwr - I hope you feel better soon.

    I got the hairdresser to hairclipper my hair to about 1cm long. It doesn't prickle and when I rub my hands along it in the shower it comes out easily with no pain. All my dark coloured hair has fallen out (day 19) and there is only a light covering of grey left.

    My 11yo says I look like Gollum from Lord of the Rings!!!! Then he said "but you will always be beautiful to me".

    I got a wig but feel like a fraud, so hats, hats and more hats for me. x

  • galena_79
    galena_79 Member Posts: 29

    Hi all, End of Day 8 for me. Spent most of the day like a cat - sleeping and eating. :D Hair still going strong, but I think I'll shave my head around Day 14. Just don't want to deal (physically and emotionally) with clumps falling out.

    mthrdee- (((((hugs))))) It sucks that our hair falls out with chemo. :( Perhaps it will be more empowering for you to take control of the situation, and shave your head now?

    christina- Good luck for treatment #2.

    jap62- Congrats on the shave! And I'm glad the Claritin helped you.

    moonflower- I hope you're feeling better now, and that the antibiotics help!

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    moonflwr912 - Hope that you feel better soon dear one! Thankful you have the antibiotics. So sorry that you are going through this. It must have been frightening to have to go to the ER with everything else that is going on. Hugs!!!

    Everyone - updated roster  :-)  Let me know if I missed anything.

    Hugs and hugs and hugs going out to you all!!!