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February 2012 Chemo



  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    My GF had a hysterectomy at 40 and she insisted they leave in her ovaries so she didn't go into automatic menopause.  She did anyway within 6 months.  She's sorry now 10 years later that she didn't have them removed since there's no function left.  She's now going to have it done just to take away any worry.


    Your going to have grumpy days.  Having a couple myself right now, PO'd at everything basically.  Work, friends, DH, money. Havent seen any of my friends since Mid Feb, get the odd text or email "how are you" and "we have to get together" but nothing's come to fruition.  On the positive side this S^%$t is a real eye opener!!!

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    hi all...haven't even turned the computer on for a few days- have been a virtual slug and it's getting old!

    had an incident this afternoon with a neighbor re the dogs(won't go into it but the guy has a very limited vocabulary and his dog was in the wrong!)  in this bldg-have called the landlady who of course is not answering her phone- and next call is the police-  really really want out of here! what DOES constitute a good reason to break a lease???????????

    monday is my last AC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so- surgery will not be for about a month- i know that if i keep my PICC i have to go for weekly flushes( am hoping to convince him that i can do at home)  and i know they will monitor my blood to make sure i am good for surgery- what questions should i be asking my MO on monday??????

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Hi Lumpnyne

    I was wondering where you were.  Here in Ontario we have what's called The Landlord and Tennant Act, not sure about Ohio.  Its where like disputes between landlord and tennant get resolved.  ie evictions etc.  Usually ends up in the favour of the tennant really.  I used to be a landlord one time and let people out of their leases with sufficient notice and for good reason. Tennants are to have peaceful use of the property so you may have a good case if you're being harrassed by someone in the building

    Yay for your last AC on Monday!!!  For me my MX surgery was fine.  One night in hospital and home the next day.  By 5 days after surgery I was able to cook and move around quite well.  I think I had the drains out 10 days later (can't remember honestly) and that gives you even more freedom!.  I would ask how long you should expect to be in the hospital and if any follow up home care is available.  I had a nurse come every 2nd day to change the dressing and have a look at how things were going as far as healing. 

    I can't remember if you're having a LX, MX or BMX though.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    MLB i'm in ohio- we have a landlord tenant thing- it's 42 pages and it basically lays everything out-but it doesn't cover stuff like eadbeat neighbors and incessant dog barking---if we reported something wrong with teh apt that was dangerous and needed fixed -they have 30 days-  that kind of thing.....

    i have thought today of just saying to her- 1) i know you have other properties-do you have something with less caustic neighbors? or a single family  bldg  or 2)  you can see taht we are really not a good fit for this neighborhood- can we just simply get out of our lease? 

    i doubt she will take to either question well!!!!!!

    i must say that when i posted yesterday i expected more trouble last nite- thank goodness there wasn't any-of course, landlady never returned the call either! not surprised!

    i'll have LX and MO won't really be able to answer the hospital stay question but that is tops on my list when i see the surgeon again--from all of my reading it will depend on anesthesia used and if he does an axillary or just a sentinel node......i'm really expecting axillary right now---

     hoping that the quiet of this board (we were on the second page of chemo for pete's sake!) means that you are all out living life! i snuck to the fabric store today--i am sewing and finally had to admit that i can't see the hole in the needle to thread! so i bought needles with larger eyes as well as a needle threader! gosh wonder why i never bought one before!!!!!! it's hell to get old!!!!! ( i HAVE noticed my eyes worse since chemo).

    i'm cooking tonight -so what else is new?--and am making enough for tomorrow so that i can come home and nap after tx......

    hope you are all well.....feel like i'm talking to myself!!!!!!

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    forgot this and i think it's funny:

    in the shower today i noticed that my leg hair is GROWING! what???????????

  • mthrdee
    mthrdee Member Posts: 68

    lumpynme - so funny about the leg hair.....i never completely lost my leg hair or the bunny explosion hair, truth is, the hair on my head is still hanging in there.  the shedding has slowed down almost to a halt, I now have the same receding hairline my dad has LOL, but it is not all falling out.  Strange no???  Now I have something else to think about???What happens when it starts to grow back, do the parts that never fell out look scraggly, do I shave again?  So many questions???

    tomorrow is my Look Good Feel Better, hope that is fun.  Then Tuesday, I am planning on work, going to try and sneak in the "Hunger Games", Wednesday I have dinner planned with the girls ( we call it the last supper before treatment) and then thursday TX #3.  That will make me 75% done.....

    Wishing everyone small SEs this week.....hope the nice weather here in NYC continues, makes it so much easier to recover and deal with SE when the weather allows you to sit outside.


  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Lumpynme and mthrdee

    If the landlord EVER calls you back, ask the question.  You have nothing to lose and mabey she'll let you out early.  Play the cancer card if you have to.  My leg hair hasn't grown but the stubble on my head is!!  So far although thinner the eyebrows and lashes are hanging in.  So is the arm peach fuzz. 

    Its likley quite here due to the weather and everyone must be (hopefully) feeling OK.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    myleftboob - OMG you are so right. In the beginning I was getting so many calls and emails from people, I couldn't keep up. Now I just have contact from a you said, it's a real eye opener.

    lumpynme - no advice from me but that is FABULOUS that Monday is your last AC!!! whoa leg hair...that is WEIRD.

    mthrdee - have fun at the LGFG, and the movie. I've heard that The Hunger Games is really good. Did you read the books?

    It's gorgeous here too. I worked today (since I'm taking off tomorrow for treatment #3). When I got home DH and I went for a long walk, and then rode the four-wheeler down the road and back. So much fun! :)

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    1st of 4 Taxols tomorrow. nervous.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Hildy you will do fine, hang in there

  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    Finally getting use to this bald head and will walk around at home with nothing covering and get up this morning with a rash all over it. This is just not fair! Hope it is temporary!

    Praying for you Hildy.

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    The board was relatively quiet today.  I hope that means everyone is doing well. Good luck tomorrow Hildy.  Its a big deal, but approach it with confidence.  You will find a lot of support for whatever you are experiencing here. 

    I'm gearing up for T/C this Thursday.  Kind of the calm before the storm, so to speak.  Tonight I'm staying at the hospital, waiting to deliver a baby.  I have another one due this week as well, I hope she goes into labor before Thursday.   Thursday will be busy, I'm working in the morning, having my chemo in the afternoon, and teaching a class in the evening. 

    I hope everyone is having a nice weekend, and be sure to check in and report, so that we know how you're doing. 

  • Gayle56
    Gayle56 Member Posts: 111

    lumpynme - Good luck today.  Yay for the last AC.

    Mthrdee - NYC looks kinda gray this morning.  I agree the nice weather makes things a bit easier to tolerate.  I promised my daughter if I feel ok later this afternoon I will take her to see The Hunger Games.  I read all 3 books and loved them.  She didn't read the books.

    Tomorrow will be one week past my last TC.  It still is giving me a run for my money.  I am extremely tired, stomach has been very off, aches and pains, etc.  I wasn't able to work at all last week.  I am pushing myself to go in today as I have pretty much used up my sick days for this year and probably for next as well so we will see how that works out. 

    I hope everyone has a good Monday


  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Went to see my surgeon today and she can't feel the lump in my armpit. She is so pleased and said not seen someone do so well to chemo in a very long time. This made me feel a bit better as I'm looking and walking like an 80 yr old lady. Still can't taste or smell and lost so much weight as eating hurts so much. Can't dress myself as my hands are so swollen and sore. My surgeon was shocked at how I was and told me to stop taking the pain killers doc gave me and try another. I now know I will have surgery first wk of June so six was break after chemo is finished.

    Love to everyone


  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022


    That is wonderful.  At least you're getting a pay off for all of your pain.  This is wonderful to hear.  I hope you feel better soon.

    I am less tired than I was last week, thank God, but still forcing myself to rest so I can make it through these last 4 weeks.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    Liar Liar ! feel like my pants are on fire!!!!

    today was chemo #4 -------and i have an appt with BS for 4/12.......after lumpectomy i will go back and have MORE CHEMO! probly Taxol........ok when we discussed it i understood WHY (my lymph node involvement) however; i have to tell you i was truly truly bummed out about it!  after the taxol will be the rads...

    i just need to get a job here folks!!!!! doc and i talked about some options that could be available- like having my tx on friday so i only miss that one day----i need to talk with the HR gal at the company but i still think it will be a no go--i'm gonna try!!!!!!

    i know, patience is a virtue well i don't have any and i know that good things come to those who wait and i  know that there is a reason for everything and i know that i need to focus on me right now---however i also pay the bills around here and i know that i need to be working!!!!!!!!! since i have really been SE free or minimally effected; i need to be working--it's the getting the job part that i am stuck on!

    on another note; my PICC site has been itchy-not just at the site but under any bandaging so they pulled it today--i can get another one put in when i get ready to go back for my next rounds of chemo......

    ok-i have vented-i'll be ok --this is just a tiny speed bump in the scheme of life......i feel good but i am gonna go get comfy and read i think!

    hugs to all!

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Hildy - good luck with your taxol

    msbelle - sorry about the rash. Is it itchy?

    ali - a break sounds good. I hope your SEs subside.

    lumpynme - oh that rots, more chemo! How long will you have to take treatments for?

    I had TCH#3 today. Not happy because they gave me benedryl for no reason. I did need it last time, but I didn't need it the first time, so why assume that I'll need it this time? I was caught off guard and didn't want to have the nurse drag the doctor over, so I just went with it. Now I feel totally exhausted. I will be letting them know that next time, no benedryl. Also mad because the scheduling girl did not schedule me past my next herceptin treatment, because the doctor did not write any more than that down. I was ready to have a meltdown and ask her to get the doctor out here to clarify, but DH was getting nervous so I decided I will just handle it the next time I go in. Plus I have to see the surgeon next week because I have stitches hanging out of my port. Weird.

    I'm still really grumpy...

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    christina--MO did not specify which drug i will have- infusion nurse and i are presuming Taxol due to MO saying every 3 weeks and that i am HER2-  usually when you have Taxol every 3 it is for 4 tx --it is also given in 12 weekly doses....

    i don't blame you for being grumpy if they screwed up withthe benedryl.....grab a hug and go rest!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Christina., I think if you have a reactiion, they always treat as if you will have another one as prevention. Ali, great it is working. Gritgirl, hang in there. Gayle, rest up, you need to let the fatigue win once in a while. Msbelle, I hope the rash is healing. MLB, you are correct, this stuff opens your eyes to who your friends really are. Lumpy, I hope you find a job, and that your other problems resolve fast too. First call, I hope both babies come when they are supposed too!LOL as for me, I am at the infusion room getting fluids and magnesium due to my constant favorite (NOT)SE. But, as that beats the hospital, I am happy with that. To all, much love and small SEs

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    I hope everyone is doing well, and having minimal SE.  

    I did deliver a 10 lb 1oz baby today, after being up all night with her.  Feeling pretty good, and hope to get things done before my next treatment Thursday.   

  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    Christina-yes head is itchy. Looks terrible. Yuk! Benadryl not helping much. Hopefully it will be gone soon.

    Firtscall- I'm impressed. Wish I felt as good as you do and could work. Hope Thursday goes well!

    Moonflwr- hope you are feeling better. I think I am barely staying hydrated. I have a hard time drinking anything. Everything makes me feel bloated and nauseated.

    Hope everyone is having a good week!

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    myleftboob -  Quite envious that you have fuzz growing back on your head--are you excited?  Agood 30% of mine is still up there and I don't know if it'll just start growing again, or if it will fall out and the peach fuzz will replace it. 
     lumpynme - Last AC! YYAY! Isn't it great to be done with that? I hear your indignation on the leg hair--I had to shave as well.
    Gritgirl--how goes it this week?.
    ali-- Such wonderful news about your chemo results.  I'm sorry that it is knocking you on your butt so badly, but very happy to that it's doing the job.
    Firstcall, that was a busy couple of days! Are you able to maintain a consistent running regimen through this? I have found that I had to go on long walks the first week of AC, and could run during the second week.
     I'll have to see how the Taxol shakes out. Thus far I feel great, and had no reaction to the Taxol, but I think I can expect the bone pain and so on to kick in tomorrow? They told me to to just take motrin for that. It's so weird to have had no Emend, or Aloxi or so on--just some Decadron and Benadryl, which did not make me particulary sleepy.  And I don't have anything to take over the next few days other than the Motrin as needed. Feels so odd (but great!) not to have this complicated schedule of meds to take.
    So Springsteen is playing in Boston tonight--first tour of his that I have missed in years; I'm a bit bummed about that, but life's life.
    Hope everybody is doing well! 

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    3rd AC treatment tommorrow. Ugh! It felt so good to feel good for a few days. The brightside one more treatment of AC after this. Hope all have a good night.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Is actualy left over stubble that seems to be growing.  Have to wonder if TX#3 will take it out completely though.  We'll see.  I have no idea what happens after were done mind you.


    That totally blows that you need more chemo when you thought you were done.  Especially in light of the new job.  Heres hoping they will be accomadating for you.  I had to turn down a job right before surgery.  If you can beleive it, it was at Weight Watchers.  I was so looking forward to it too.

    Ali, well at least you know your not going through all this BS for nothing.

    Sorry if I missed anyone.  Just finished a 5 hour online relicensing course and PASSED.  Was really worried about chemo brain I have to tell ya.  Just made copious notes and it was all good.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    trying to drink drink drink...they scheduled me to come in Thursday for a bag of fluids but if I can keep drinking well, I am going to cancel it.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Congrats on passing your licensing exam MLB, Dipad, good luck tomorrow. MLB, hope your hair does whatever you want it too. (Couldn't bring myself to hope it f,alls out! LOL ) Hildy, did you try Claritan for none pain, it works for me, and I think lots of others . You need to take it day before and about 5 days after. First Call, sO feel for the patient, my second daughter was 10 lbs 4 oz and 22 in long! she is almost six foot tall and runs marathons now, LOL

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Well, delivery went well, and now I have another patient in labor.  I guess I'll just spend the week at the hospital this week.  Thats ok, I wanted to get both of these patients delivered before my treatment thursday, and it looks like I will.  This one is progressing more rapidly than the last, and its her second, so I think it will move along.  I have always done my own deliveries, whether I'm on call or not, and I don't want to miss one just because of chemo.  I have another who came in with premature labor, and I have her on medications to keep her from laboring, and they seem to be working.  I'm hoping I can hold her off for a couple more weeks.  Is there a full moon? 

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    LOL, first call . Hope you make Thursdays tx!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Sounds like firstcall is in for a hat trick!!

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    MLB- Grats on passing!!

    Firstcall- thats wonderful about the baby! I hope the next one is accomodating to you as well. Tell the mother to go for a jog or a really bumpy car ride :)

    Ali- I am glad its working well for you but I sure hope you feel better soon.

    Christina- sorry about the sleepiness but another treatment in the books!

    Hildy- I hope you continue to feel good!

    Sorry if I missed anyone!  I havent been on for the past few days because I have been really busy.  I feel pretty good other than not much of an appetite. Thursday night I went to my first support group(did I write about this already? If i did i apologize) I started out feeling really uncomfortable.  There were 13 of us but they seemed to know each other and most were a good 15+ yrs older than I am.  I have been pretty strong througout the whole ordeal without much crying other than the first week.  With the 2 kids in the house, I am used to being the strong one. So when it was my turn, I started to tell my story and completely out of my control I started to cry and I couldnt stop!  They were all so very supportive and some of them took me in their arms like I was their daughter. It was a good yet sad experience for me.

    Other than that doing really well. I went for a walk the past 2 nights too and didnt even feel too wiped out when I got home!.  I also had a wild hair last week and I created a team for our local Race for the Cure in April.  So far I already have 6 others on my team and several more who are going to join me. Its 2 weeks from a tx so I usually feel ok then. I am very excited to be a part of this. I am going to walk in the Survivor Parade in the am and then do the walk.... and hopefully finish!  They are expecting over 38,000 participates in Indy!  Now time to start raising some money for my team!

    My sister is also coming to visit me on Thurs.  She is going to help me clean the house and then on Friday we are scrapbooking!

    Wishing everyone many days of feeling good! and nights of deep sleep :)