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February 2012 Chemo



  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    today it's hard to read this board seeing ali needing so much care and gritgirl feeling in the dumps! no - you are NOT a statistic!!!

    you are all close in my heart....

    i have some semi good news- my job interview is finally scheduled for monday- i just need to brush up on my keyboarding now!

    and today i am sooooooooooooooooooo sleepy-thinking it's the compazine taht i am taking to counteract the decadron shakies.....

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Lumpynme you go girl!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Ali, you need to call, if you can't, you need to go to the ER . Please do something. Lumpy, congrats and good luck. You can go online and find typing programs for free, to practice. I did that when I was looking. Good luck again.

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    I echo everyone else, Ali.  That just doesnt sound right at all, please see someone soon!!

    sending lots of prayers and well wishes your way!

  • miniwheat
    miniwheat Member Posts: 8

    Hugs Ali

    Hope you're ok.  Lots of prayers your way!

  • Gayle56
    Gayle56 Member Posts: 111

    gritgirl - you have to remove all that negative energy and not listen to what people say. They don't know anything.  You have to stay positive.  I love the tshirt design.


  • Sissydi
    Sissydi Member Posts: 183

    Ali, please check in when you can!

    Gritgirl, people can be so insensitive. I think the worst is giving me the "pity" look. I hate it! Sometimes I wish I hadn't told anybody!

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Sissy i know what you mean. some people seem to feel sorrier for me than i do.

    Ali, let us know you're ok as soon as you can

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Hi everyone, you guys are so great thanks so much. Have got back from seeing the onco and she looked at me and said omg you look terrible. I told her all the side effects and showed her my hands and she looked at my face and said never seen it that bad ever. I told her I was very depressed and she said anyone would be. She was so lovely and was very worried about my face and hands and yes had to have pics for research and file.

    So Taxotere is off the books and I should have chemo next Friday but will wait till the following week and see how I am. I told her I have just started to eat again even though I can't taste. She said I need to get my strength up before more chemo. She said I look like a different person like my daughter said and I could stay like it. My skin is a funny colour and I do look twenty years older.

    So the plan is to go back on FEC for two more and hope it all works as Taxotere would have stopped the cells dividing.

    To be honest I can't do much else and she said Taxotere would finish me off as they say.

    Also because I have general urticaria and solar urticaria - sensitivity to ultravioleta A and visible light I may not be able to have rads.

    Feel very down and hope not having the chemo I should have won't make the cancer come back.

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Ali,  I'm glad you got to see the oncologist, but I'm sorry that the Taxotere had such a bad effect that you had to stop. Isn't it fun when you are such an outlier they have to take pictures? (not!) Did they mention Abraxane at all?  I'm not sure if your SEs are due to the chemo medicine or the solution it is suspended in--if the latter, the Abraxane works for many with reactions to the solution.
    I'm going to try acupuncture tomorrow for the Taxol SEs that are bothering me--I'll let you all know if it was helpful at all.  Also contemplating a stricter diet, but I don't know if I can do that one....
    gritgirl,  Just imagine a giant pitchfork in your head and think, "To hell I pitch you and your sorrier-than-thou attitude." 
    I hate that nonsense.  One lady in my neighborhood (older than I am, overweight, sedentary,) came up to me and asked, 'So how is the patient today?"  and I felt like saying, "healthier than you are, lady."
    Good luck, Lumpy!  
    Jenn, that stinks and I hope everything comes up clear....
  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    hildy, that's great. i love that response.

    ali, there are other, more focused raditions. maybe we all can help you research some alternatives. there's the cyber knife i think. and there are ways to minimize numbers of radiation by putting something into the system to bond to the cancer cells to focus the radiation.

    i'm in the chair right now for my 9th chemo.  9 down, 3 to go. thank god.  hope everyone else is doing ok.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497


  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    Hi everyone,

    Had my 3rd tx on Tuesday and have not had more than 2-3 hours sleep the last few nights because of these steroids. Hot flashes, heart palpitations lack of appetite, the usual SE's. Here I've been feeling so sorry for myself and my heart goes out to all of you that have had such a hard time this week. Hope everyone feels better soon.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    myleftboob - I hope all went well with treatment #3 today.

    JenH - oh that is a punch in the gut! Did your mammo turn out okay???

    gritgirl - negative people are the worst! You are doing great!

    Ali - OMG I am sorry you had such severe SEs, and I'm glad you saw your onc. There are so many treatments we have to do to prevent not despair that you cannot do this one. Right now just focus on feeling better.

    lol @ Hildy!!! Too funny!

    dipad - the hot flashes were killing me this week too. Phew! They have eased up for me and I hope they do for you too, my third treatment was the day before yours.

    Went to work today, left 90 minutes later because I felt so lousy. No energy, kind of pukey, heart palps...not good. Hoping to feel better tomorrow so I can go in and catch up. I hate to be behind. Napped for 3 hours today. Still feel lousy though. Definitely for treatment #4 I am scheduling more time off of work.

    I feel like the worst wife ever. DH's birthday is Monday and all I have for him is a lousy card I picked up last time I went to Walmart. No gift, no cake...was going to try to do some shopping today but obviously that plan got flushed. Maybe tomorrow...he has been so wonderful to me during all of this, which makes me feel even worse.

    lumpynme - whoo hoo, good luck Monday!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Christina, go online and have it sent overjoyed, or an amazon gift card, all kind of Things there, not just books. Grit, flush the negativity away, I mean, go to the bathroom, say thirty name and, literally flush, such a satifying thing to do! Dipad, feel better soon.Hildy, let us know how the acupuncture works. Ali, glad you went to see onc. There are other chemo combos that work, they will find one for you. Hang in there. To all, much love and small SEs.

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    christina - for DH birthday.... how about an ice cream cake from DQ or 31 flavors?  That and a gift card to Lowes or Home Depot?  Or somewhere he might like.   Just a few thoughts, and trying to keep it simple.  

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    My DH's BD fell in the middle of TX as well.  I had a couple of his friends over and made a fancy steak dinner, got him a card and a couple of lottos.  He totally understood and was fine with it.  Like firstcall said, you can't go wrong with cake and a reno store gift certificate either


    I'm glad you got to see the onc.  If you can't tolerate Taxotere, they will find something that will work to eradicate the nasty buggers that you CAN take.  ((HUGS))


    YAY for the interview!!!

    Well done with #3 and can't wait for 3 weeks time for the final #4.  So dying to ring that bell and do a happy dance.  Never heard it ring once today at all while I was there sad to say.  My meeting is set with the RO for April 26 to discuss rads.  I hope she did as she said in our first meeting as she was to present my case to the Tumor Board for further discussion.  The steroid energy is high so I imagine a good nights sleep will elude me for a couple of days.  Oh well, I'll catch up Monday and Tuesday.

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    mlb--I think we're on the same schedule, I had T/C #3 yesterday.  I'm tired because of my anemia, but I'm not sleepy.  I feel the extra from the steroids, didn't sleep til midnight, and then up wide awake at 4 am.  So, I went out and did 15 miles on the bike, which felt good.  On Call all weekend too, so this should be fun.  

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Yes we are but you will finish one day ahead.  Just think in 3 weeks this part will be over.  I'm tired too but no anemia just lack of sleep, think I got 4 hours total, its the steroids.  What a weekend to be on call, hopefully it will be fairly quite for you.  While I've been walking, I start my workout program at the Wellness Centre next Tuesday.  Its for 10 weeks and I'm told its similar to a Curves workout.  I've been lazy of last so it will be a good springboard into a routine regardless.  I figure this, walking most days and some yoga will do me nothing but good.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Firstcall and MLB, I am jealous. I fell a week behind you two when I was hospitalized. Shucks. I would still have to go longer anyway, though, cause I am TCH x 6 . I still have my third tx to et through next week. FC, I had to have blood transfusions for my anemia, and another round of mag. So you must be doing fine! LOL! Much love to all.

  • ymac16
    ymac16 Member Posts: 85

    Well, it's been over 2 weeks since I posted on here. My 3rd tx on March 15 just knocked me out. I was basically in bed for 3 days - very exhausted, achy, and severe nausea, no energy to do anything, couldn't eat. By Sunday, the nausea finally abated and I was able to eat but I was still extremely tired; for some reason, I was not able to sleep over this entire time nd I'm not even taking steroids. Monday I'm still too weak and tired to go to work but I actually end up having enough energy to go out for a 3 mile walk. By that night, I figure I'm so exhausted and, having taken that long walk, I figure I'll sleep easily, but again, I don't sleep. Tuesday, I'm able to go to work, though I'm still very tired plus my stomach is just feeling funky - I can eat but have no appetite so force myself to eat. Still, no sleep comes that night. Wednesday, my stomach actually feels better but I'm desperate about the sleeping issue - I go for my onco follow up and describe how wretched this tx has gone. The verdict - I over did it in the weeks btw txs 2 and 3! I felt really good after #2 so I threw myself back into work full time, which for me means working way more than 8 hours days (at times 12 hrs or more) at least 3 times per week. I have a very social job so it includes going to dinners and evening receptions, so I did partake in a bit of drinking as well! :) I also was feeling so good and had so much energy, plus the weather in DC was so nice that I decided to go for a run a couple of days bf tx #3. All of that just put me over the edge and wore me out I guess. Anyway, I can't say I really regret it!

    But, I basically felt like shit for 1 1/2 weeks. I got a prescription for Ambien during my 1 week follow up but that didn't even work at first. The day after my follow op, I felt like crap again and had to leave work early; couldn't eat again that day. 9 days after the tx, I finally slept thru the night. I'm still having to take the Ambien to sleep thru and I'm 15 days post tx. :(. My brain has been pretty scrambled so, while I have been following this thread, I just couldn't get it together to concentrate long enough to post anything.

    Things started to look up this past Tuesday - my stomach was finally starting to feel normal. Plus, I got good news about my son - he had been suspected to have either Lyme disease or rheumatic fever so has been on antibiotics for a couple weeks. Tuesday we got confirmation that it's not Lyme but a previous bout of strep throat was not treated properly so was causing the rheumatic fever - the antibiotic had worked its magic and the doctor declared him cured; happy news! Wednesday, I was feeling pretty much back to normal - aside from still being tired, I finally had an appetite again and I was eating well, so another happy day.

    But then tragedy struck again Wednesday evening as we got news that my father-in-law passed away. I just so happened to be talking to my SIL when my BIL (DHs brother) said his mom just called with the news. I then had to break the news to my DH. Put him on a plane Thursday morn to Michigan to go help his mom and brother His other brother was on vacation in France with his daughters - he's divorced and kind of nutty so no one knew how to contact him. I've kept in touch with his ex-wife so I called her, got a contact number for him and ended up having to break the news to him. Then, last night I had the wonderful task of telling my children as well. Tomorrow we fly to Michigan to attend the services over the weekend.

    I'm a complete emotional wreck right now - it seems there are just endless bad things happening to me and my family. I don't know how much more I can take! We get back from MI on Tuesday and my next tx is Thursday; I'm sure I'll be completely drained by then so I'm so not looking forward to how bad the after effects will be!

    I know I'll get through all this but it's so overbearing right now. I see how bad things are for many of you so I know I can't really complain but I'm just so down right now. I hope things improve for those of you with really bad SEs, especially you Ali!! (BTW, I'm on FEC x6 as I had a horrible reaction to Taxotere too.) For those of you lucky ones with minimal SEs, may that continue for you. And for those of you who are done or almost there - CONGRATS!

    Sorry I wrote a book tonight!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I'm sorry to hear about your your FIL, my condolences to you and your family. Its hard not to overdo things when you feel good during TX, but boy does it catch up with you.  Good thing your son is now correctly diagnosed, that must be a load off.  Take it easy on yourself and hopefully that Ambien will kick in for you.

    I'm still on steroid high for another day and a half so lots to accomplish before Monday hits because if the last 2 TX are the same, I'll be doing nothing but sleeping Monday to Tuesday.  Got 4 hours last night so I supposed I should at least gratefull for that. 

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I'm not counting my chickens though about being done after #4.  A lady I've befriended at the chemo centre thought she was ringing that bell yesterday and found out they want her to do two more TX.  She was so upset because she has purchased a condo in Barbado's prior to DX.  Of course getting down there was derailed so she made plans to go for a couple of weeks between TX and RADS. Flights booked everything.  I felt so bad for her but it can happen (right Margo?).  So yesterday I realized that until I actually am ringing that bell it might not be over.  I know my DX is different, but you just never know.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    ymac, i am so sorry to hear about your father in law.  it's apparently your turn in the barrel.  i'm hoping to get out of the barrel. my mom died in 2008, my sister died just a year ago, and one of my best friends died just a couple months after that.  my sympathies with your family, what a sad time.

    myleftboob, i dread the idea of more chemo but it might happen. i plan on doing a cruise after all is done, but won't book it until after i have all of it scheduled and i'll be buying trip insurance.  cancer throws plans out the window.

    today is a steroid day so won't get the crash until tomorrow.  i'll do what my body tells me to do, rest.  

    i also shaved my head entirely down using one of those close cut trimmers.  i have a tiny bit of stubble but want to be able to take my scarf off if it's in the 80's and humid.  anything is hot on my head at that point.  it is weird seeing my tan line for my head. that part of my body has never seen sun, ever. so i have to remember to use sun screen.

    hope all are recovering well.

    ali, are you feeling any better. sounds like you had a hell of an allergic reaction.

  • miniwheat
    miniwheat Member Posts: 8

    Ali:  Very happy to hear you got to your Doc. 

    gritgirl:  The sunscreen is really a must.  I've read that your skin in general(not just your head) is hyper sensitive to the sun.  Slop it on thick!

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    moonflr....well we may finish a week ahead of you, its not over yet.  I've been sneaking my day up a little. First treatment was on Sat, second on Fri and third on Thurs.  Next one is scheduled for Thurs Apr 19.  But I have to stay on track with my blood counts and chemistries, and my hematocrit does nothing but go down.  Was 32 just before my last treatment  Havent needed a transfusion - yet-

    Ymac - sounds like a difficult time, for sure.  I'm glad you checked in.  This is the time to simplify, and avoid taking on new commitments. 

    I worry about those in our group who have posted but arent posting presently.  I don't want to bug anyone, but please check in and just let us know how you are doing. 

    mlb - I agree, staying active is very important.  I have continued to exercise faithfully.  Sometimes its hard to get started, but I always feel better afterwards. 

    I'm scheduled to run the Boston Marathon in two weeks.  Crazy, huh.  Seems like mission impossible at this point, but when I signed up  I had no idea what life had in store for me.  I do plan to go there, because they have a great sports medicine conference the days before the marathon that I want to attend.  And I get the T Shirt at the expo number pick up.  You have to finish to get the medal.  I think I will run part of it.  I think I could probably do half of it.  My oldest son (who is a physical therapist) is very against me running.  I told him I wasnt planning to run the whole thing, and he said, ' don't know how to stop running a marathon'.  So....i'm thinking I will jog, not run, the Boston Marathon.  If I can make it to the half way mark by three hours, I might consider going on.  I have tried to keep my life as normal as possible.  I think I'll go out for a run today and see how it goes. 

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    Ymac, I am so very sorry for the loss for you and your family.  my prayers are with you all.  I am glad your son is doing better in his health, that means you are next to start feeling better too.  I am thinking positively for you and hope the body will follow my lead.

    Firstcall- You are amazing but becareful you dont overdo it!  The body needs its rest too. /Hopefully your on-call weekend is uneventful.

    Ali- I hope you start feeling better soon!  I know there are several different chemo combinations that work and lots of people cant deal with Taxotere so I am sure you will find the right one for you!

    Sorry if I missed anyone!

    Well the good thoughts and prayers must of worked.  The mamogram showed no new growth and showed a decrease in size of the masses previously known.  A couple she couldnt even see any more only knew it by the tumor marker. ( The original MRI showed 7 tumors on my right side, the original biopsy was on 2). So in her judgement the chemo is working the way its supposed to!  This is a huge relief.  I cant imagine going through all this and it not working.  This Thurs will be my 4th TX of TCH.. counting down to #6!

    Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. Much appreciated!

    I hope everyone feels a bit better today either physically or emotionally or both! Wishing everyone a little sunbeam in their life.


  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    JenH13, so happy for you,  hope you feel better in yourself.

    Ymac, you have lots to deal with make sure you don't get too down like me.

    Firstcall, will you stop putting us to shame and feeling like slobs haha.

    Everyone else you are doing so well and we will laugh about this in a few months saying how brave we all were.

    Today i feel better only pain i have is in hands and face so having a good day. I'm going to have my garden made over soon so that will be good for me. Yesterday DH made me a fab meal which i could eat so i must be getting better.

    Love to everyone

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    ok....Its Saturday.  Tomorrow is April 1st!  What do you do for April Fools day?  This is a good chance to lighten it up a little and have a little fun.  I've tried a variety of things over the years.  One year I set my office scale so that it weighed everyone exactly 10 lbs over their weight.  That way my assistant could record the weight properly but it was just enough to get a reaction.  I had to give that one up, it was too hard on some people.  Another time I made some chocolate covered cotton balls for the break room.  But the best one of all is the string thing.  This is totally harmless and totally fun.  I dress with a light colored long sleeve shirt and tie, ie light yellow or tan.  Then I take a bright red string, a few feet in length.  Using a needle I thread the string through my sleeve, leaving about 8 inches of bright red thread lying on my sleeve, with a few feet of the red thread hidden inside the sleeve.  Then I go about my day.  You would not believe how many people will pick that string off of my arm.  Including total strangers!  And are they suprised when the string that they are pulling on doesnt have an end, and just keeps coming and coming. They don't know what they have done. Of course I give them a shocked look  to add to the effect, and shortly thereafter we both have a good laugh. I dare you to give it a try!

  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    That is funny firstcall and some great ideas. I may have to try one. I have my 3rd round Tuesday so not enough time for anyone to plan revenge. Haha

    I hope this will be a good week for all of us! ((hugs)) to all