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February 2012 Chemo



  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    FLDREAMER; whooo hoooo i am with the rest in sending  congrats for oyr daugher's victory! no matter how old they are we worry about our children and this will help all of you!

    firstcall; truly; you are an inspiration here...please go and please follow your body's someone said, even if you walk you are doing it!!!! i would love to follow you thru this  online!

    so- my eyes continue to water/tear up however, i really do feel pretty good - but the waiting for surgery date and what's next and this apt crapola are really getting to me.....met one of the neighbors at 1 am during a dog walk and he is moving out soon also...same type of harassment, etc.... i called yesterday about the house ad that i saw for rent- sounds really wonderful and is higher rent than we can afford without me working however i have confidence that will change soon...gosh i don't wanna get cocky here...anyhow left a message and -yup! waiting! for their return call to see if it's even still available...i think i have found a way to swing the money to move out by end of month...just have to -yea- wait!

    quit my whining cuz i have nothing serious to whine about!

    sun shining and gorgeous out -tho there was frost on the grass at 6 a.m. !

    hugs to all.....

  • ymac16
    ymac16 Member Posts: 85

    Firstcall, I say go for it! The radiation onc I saw at Johns Hopkins told me he had a patient who trained for a marathon while going thru chemo. I had created a bit of a stir because I had asked for my bmx to be held off so I could run my first marathon last October, so he told me this as an encouragement to keep running, though I admittedly haven't quite been able to do.

    Ali, so happy to hear you're doing better!

    My eyebrows and eyelashes have been falling out but I still have a lot left. My eyebrows were rather bushy to begin with so I think I'll still have some left by the time I'm done!

    JenH13, I'm on the no fresh fruits and veggies diet, but only for the first week after my txs. I can eat thick skinned fruits (bananas, oranges, etc) and cooked veggies.

    So, day 3 post tx and I'm actually doing OK. Had major fatigue and nausea day 1 but yesterday I felt good aside from being tired, actually drove myself to get my Nuelasta shot and then went for a walk. Today, very tired and minor nausea but nothing compared to last time. Hoping the good feeling last!

  • AEM47
    AEM47 Member Posts: 177

    Firstcall - should you decide to run the Boston marathon - I will make it a point to be on the sideline cheering you on !!  It starts about 15 minutes down the road from me :-)

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Wow, sounds like pretty good news on all sides! Yay flddrmr, one les worry. Ymac, good you are better this time, Ali and lumps, good foryou to. Good news is great. First call, do what you can, we will folow alongbut lease be careful. You are running with us in your pockts! This tx is better for me so far, no diarrhea at all, also .no constipation, just the right mix, hope it keeps up. Tired though. Went with DH and got Easter dinner so just need to heat it up tomorrow. Hope I have enough energy to do that. Gonna be brave and eat strawberries bough, just will wash them real good. got pineaple s well. Wishing all a hapy Easter or passover , and much love and small SEs,

  • Gayle56
    Gayle56 Member Posts: 111

    Firstcall - I say if you feel up to it go for it, I would love to follow on the computer.


  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Had a nice run (jog) this morning 

    AEM47 - Fun that you might be along the marathon route.  You'll have to tell me how I can spot you.  I'll be the guy at the very back of the pack.  I'm starting at the back,and if I pass anyone, it'll be a miracle.  I can't believe how close our treatment dates are.  I was scheduled to have my 4th T/C on the 19th, but they moved it up to the 18th because my MO will be gone on the 19th. 

    This morning while running, I crossed paths with a running friend, who is an oncology pharmacologist.  We visited for a few, and he asked if  I was still going to Boston.  I told him yes, but this time not to finish, but just to do what I can and have fun.  He said, 'yes your real marathon right now is chemo'. 

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    Good for you Firstcall!  I never could run more than my driveway so I admire those who do it.

    I feel like I am starting my run today as the SE are slowly kicking in.  Back aches, flushed face and extreme fatigue.  Think its time for me to hit the couch and TV for a bit until the kids get home and want mommy :)

    Have a great night all and Happy Easter!

  • AEM47
    AEM47 Member Posts: 177

    Firstcall - I will think of something - maybe one of my dogs...they tend to really stick out in a crowd :-)  I'm amazed that you'd run that race at this point,  I do alot of power walking and jogging and I've noticed my legs muscles feel strange..almost weak.  It doesn't effect my distance, but I notice it takes untill around the 2nd mile before the feeling goes away.  That was never there before.  

    I wish they'd move up my treatment date...see you won that race

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Firstcall - go for it! If it's too much you can always stop running.

    Flddreamer - that is great news. :)

    Ali - ugh, you are killing me, I am a week away from treatment #4! Ugh... I'm tempted to spread Krazy Glue all over my eyebrows... I am afraid to try Latisse, the SE list is a mile long. Good luck with it if you try it though.

    Jen - I have read that warning about fresh fruits/veggies but my onc never said a word to me about any sort of dietary restrictions. They are pretty low key where I where I had my second opinion at, if I were getting treatment through them I'm sure I'd have a bunch of things to watch for. The only fresh fruits/veggies I've eaten are lettuce salads, apples and bananas and I haven't had any problems.

    Thirteen days since treatment #3 and feeling pretty good.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Happy Easter Everyone!!

    Had a nice social weekend.  Friday evening was a 20th Anniversary of my friends pub so he rolled back the prices. Had 2 glasses of wine and tons of water before and after.  It was great to see people I haven't seen in forever.  Yesteray we dropped by a freind's place to wish him a happy BD.  I haven't laughed that much in ages.  At one point I thought I would pee my pants and had to run to the bathroom LOL!  Today is off to see Mum then to another friends house to catch the end of the Masters and some BBQ.  This is the first time ever I have gone out socially with my wig too and everyone thought it looked great.  Well of course they would say that right LOL! 

    It felt soooo good to feel soooo normal!

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    FirstCall,  here is a blog of somebody who has indeed run a marathon during chemo, for what it is worth:
    I'm not sure why, but this site won't let me post live links, so you'll have to cut and paste. I apologize!
    I mentioned a while back that we live about a half mile from the marathon route--we generally set up shop right at the Natick/Wellesley line, righthand side--we'll put up a sign for you! 
  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    If anyone else is having sexual issue SEs, the stage IV ladies have a link with all sorts of information and suggestions to try:

    Neither of the oncs I've seen gave me any warning of this... Yell

  • AEM47
    AEM47 Member Posts: 177
    Hildy910  - Where are you at?  I''m in Bellingham and work in Natick.  I actually have my treatments over at Newton Wellesley...small world :-)
  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    AEM47 and Hildy910- it is a small world. I just got back from spending the weekend in Natick. My family lives in Natick and Wesley. Every time i go there I tell my DH that I want to leave Long Island and move there. My sister-in-law owns a jewerly store in Natick. It was a beautiful weekend and all the runners were out.

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    My onc only said to avoid salad bars and eating salad out. She said it was fine to eat it at home but wash it really well. I'm also trying to buy organic fruits and vegatables (even though it costs an arm and a leg). My onc said that most peopel have low Vit D in winter months and many chemo patients can run really low counts. I was reading that lov Vit D can cause muscle aches and there may be lonk to breast cancer and low Vit D. I think the norm is over 30. My count was at a 12. So I wil be taking 50,000 units once a week for 6 weeks.

    firstcall- have fun at the marathon. When is it?

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Oh, crap, Literally! Diarrhea again, even with the cocktail changes. Had to do laundry again. I know, TMI. I go see my primary tomorrow, for high blood sugars. I was hoping tx3 would have been easier *sigh.* oh well, much love to all.

  • Sissydi
    Sissydi Member Posts: 183

    Dipad, where did you read that about vitamin D? I'd like to show it to my doc!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I'm in the same boat as you.  I think I picked up a bug.  Yuck!!

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    I hope everyone had a nice Easter Weekend. 

    mlb and Moonflwr - hopefully this will soon pass.  could be the chemo, or something you've eaten.  Be very careful what you eat until it is doing better.  Just stick with a bland/startchy diet for a couple of days until its better.  

    AEM47 & Hildy - I just think its incredible that we'll have the three of us at the marathon.  I hope to high five both of you.  Why don't the rest of you come too?  I received a call from my MO this morning, he wants to recheck my blood one more time before I go.  My HCT is too low, and my creatinine jumped up a little.  I'm not sure what restrictions he's going to place on me, but I will try to be good.   

    SissiDi - if you page back a few days I posted a bit of Vit D info here.  

    And Hildy, thank you for the link-I really appreciate it.  I sent a message to her, I hope to hear back.  I had tried to find someone who had run a marathon on Chemo, but hadnt found one.  Thank you again.

    the marathon is a week from Today.  The forcast is for Showers (Homecourt Advantage!)  I'll post info on how to follow along online this coming weekend.  Right now I'm thinking I'll likely only be doing about half of it, kinda depending on my blood work this week.  

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Hi, have been shopping with my eldest daughter today she goes back to London tomorrow. I also got another wig which is longer and not as bulky on top. It looks like my old hair the one in the picture of me. I bloody miss my hair but this wig makes me feel like my old self. I have decided to continue with the cooling cap even though I'm very thin on top it just hasn't worked that well for me.

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    sissydi- my onc told me. It cant hurt to have your vit D checked. I think if its really low like mine that you would need supplements

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    MLB and First Call, no bug here, its an SE for me, had it every tx about day 5 or 6 to start. That's how so got dehydrated and renal failure and four days in hospital. Trying to drink enough to counteract it is hard. I don't even bother with the immodium anymore, I go straight to the lomotil. I also needed more iv fluids because of it, so please be careful and stay hydrated. I have been a chemo slug today did nothing but watch tv, well, that and hit the bathroomm! LOL much love to all

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Moonflwr - sorry you aren't feeling well. This stuff hits you so hard!

    Had a good, long talk with my onc P.A. about my vagina today. This whole chemo/cancer experience is sure something special.

  • mthrdee
    mthrdee Member Posts: 68

    Hello all

    Well had a little hiccup in the road this weekend.  Started Friday evening with a very itchy right eye, thought it might just be some mascara that got in my eye and was irratating it.  Boy was I wrong.  Woke up Sat morning and was covered in large itchy red hives.  Took myself to the Er and ended up staying for a little over 24 hours of IV treatments.  Seems I had an extreme allergic reaction to the taxotere and had to do Benadryl, Pepcid and steroids.  I am continuing that cocktail of meds until I see the onc this Friday.  Praying that it won't affect the FINAL TX I am supposed to have on the 19th.  So I now truly look hair, red watery eyes, sneezing and general malise.  Oh I am also now a very pale white color in my face and the eyes are sunken in, which looks strange as the rest of my face is all puffy from the steroids.  Hmmm have I mentioned how cancer is the gift that just keeps on giving.  

    Quick question...I am looking to get some more of these chemo beanies that I have, I remember someone posting a webiste ( may have been A-fighter) about a website to get them at.  I have used chemobeanies in the past but this was another website where I think they were a little cheaper.  If anyone rememebrs or was the person who posted could you give me the website again. Thanks

    Firstcall - I think you are absolutley amazing.  I can't even go up and down stairs as fast as I used to and just 2 days a week at work sems to suck the life out of me.  I think it is brillant that you are going to do the marathon and even if you ony make it 1 mile it will be a great accomplishment.  you know that everyone of us on this board will be cheering you on.  Cant wait to get the link to follow along.

    (((Hugs))) to all 

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Hi everybody,
    Long Easter weekend got very busy--I hosted Easter dinner as  I didn't want my mother running around, which was very fun but also very hectic.
    Second Taxol treatment was yesterday--they are having me take Decadron today and tomorrow, as well as Imeprazole (Prilosec?) which I hope will minimize the heartburn and bone pain issues.
    Meanwhile, today I feel great so I may as well enjoy it.
     Hope all those with the trots have cleared things up with meds a bit!   
    AEM47 and Dipad, 
    It is a small world!  I live right on the Natick/Wellesley line, so am in both towns quite a lot. Kids do karate in Natick, school in Wellesley, hence I run around both towns a lot.
    Dipad, your sister in law's story isn't Southwick's by any chance is it?  Just a shot in the dark.
    AEM47, We go to Newton-Wellesley for most of our doctor stuff--pediatricians, OB, etc;  
    I go to Dana Farber for treatment b/c its really only a 30 minute drive from our house during non-commuter times, so I figured why not. But Newton-Wellesley has that brand-new cancer center that I have heard very good things of. How are you liking it?  I tried to go to a yoga class there, but the guardian of the door wouldn't let me in b/c I was five minutes late (b/c the parking sucks, as I'm sure you know.)  
     I may do my rads there--up in the air on that one....
    Oh and I hear you on the weak muscle feeling--it's just aggravating... 
  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Good Morning All


    Thanks for the tip yesterday.  Not sure if it was a bug or something I ate but I followed your advise.  Toast, bananas, simply prepared fish and rice.  Oh yes and lots of fluids.  Feeling so much better.  Got 6 solid (hours of sleep LOL) up at 7.  Even have laundry in already and going to excercise class for 2pm today.  10 day countdown is now on for my last TX!!!  YAY!!!!!!

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    Hildy910- Yes you are right Southwick Jewelers. Do you know Randee? I think her kids may also do karate in Natick. I know she does. She is a big karate buff. I actually noticed that cancer center at Newton-Wesley when driving by. Looks impressive. I heard Dana Farber is also an amzing place to go. I live on Long Island and go to Memorial Sloan. 

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    O.K. just finished my last round of AC today. Yahoo! Hope it doesn't kick my butt this week. I already have dry mouth and that weird taste when eating foods. And its only been 6 hours since treatment! Oh and I also have to look forward to my steroid high for the next three nights. 3 hours sleep and I'm off and running. Isn't it amazing how we didn't think we were all this tough? 

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022


    Congratulations! That must be a relief.

    I have two more weeks to go. Can't wait for this to be over.  Enjoy getting back to normal. :-)


  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    Wow that's great only two more weeks. You've been through so much now you can see some light at the end of tunnel. I have four rounds of Taxol yet and hopefully will be done beginning of June. Than its on to see the radiation onc. Not sure if most women do the radiation. Another thing to look into in.