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February 2012 Chemo



  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    End of the road in sight is a good feeling, gritgirl and Dipad. I am only halfway done. But at least on the downhill side of the mountain LOL. Still have my little problem, crap! LOL. Saw my primary today because of blood sugars, but the only option is insulil on steroids days, and he says with three tx left it might not be worth it, so ee will just watch, works for me .MLB, glad you feel better. I am really hating bananas and rice by now though, *sigh* . I had to renew my prescription for the big D already! LOL . Oh well, much love to all

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    moonflwr912- I'm able to check my labs on line and was concerned when I saw my glucose levels went from 99 to 188 the following day. That is way over the diabetes level. My onc said it was from the steroids and she didn't give me anything. I'll have to keep an eye on this.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    mthrdee - that sounds awful, and scary. I hope you feel better.

    myleftboob - 10 days away from last tx...that's awesome. I'm a little jealous. I hope you do something to celebrate when you are all done...I know I will.

    dipad - That's terrific to be done with the AC! I hope you have minimal SEs and that everything clears out of your system quickly. I'll be doing radiation too, but not for a while yet.

    I hope everyone is feeling okay.

  • AEM47
    AEM47 Member Posts: 177

    Hildy910 - I actually work at the Natick Labs...what a small world we have here :-)  I started out at the Milford Hospital but when I got my diagnosis, Dana Farber in Milford didn't have any surgeons available for 3 weeks - so the OB gave me my choice of hospitals.  The MO & Surgeon I had are from Mass General, but they also operate in Newton Wellesley.  I want to get switched over to Dana Farber in Milford for Rads since it's about 15 minutes from my house. The expense with going into the newton hospital is ridiculous..paying to park???  can't even imagine paying every day for rads.  The RO said she would not have a problem switching me over.  I went to the Boston Dana Farber for my wig...they were fantastic.  I also went to the make-up class at Dana Farber in Milford and I even though Newton/Wellesley is nice, there is a distinct difference in the atmosphere....I prefer Dana Farber's overall reception and attitude - if that makes sense.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Dipad, I am diabetic and my sugars read about 110 fasting (I really try to keep them steady). Except steroids days, my sugar reading is over 350. THat is why I need to keep checking with the docs. But my primary says only four high days, for three more tx, we can just watch it. He wants to.know when I go over 400. Doesn't seem to matter what I eat anyway, even a salad with binager and o makes it jump over 300 on those days, so it is disappointing and discouraging. Oh well, I will survive this too. Ps, does anyone else have trouble correcting these posts? I can never get the cursor where I want it to correct. Just wondering Thx. Much love

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Ah, its just I'm a month ahead of you in all things BC.  You'll get there.  You know I haven't even thought about a celebration.  I suppose all I keep thinking about is getting my life back to normal, working all that good stuff.  Oh yeah and looking forward to hair.  We're also moving in the next couple of months so I'm exited about that too.  I think I'm not letting myself get too excited from a TX perspective because I still don't know if I'm doing RADS.  I'm really, really hoping I don't need too.  I mean I know its my choice at the end of the day, but I still need to meet with the MO to decide once and for all.  THEN I will be more in the mood to celebrate.

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    These steroids are driving my crazy! I fell asleep at 9:30 tonight and woke at midnight. I tossed and turned in bed and had to change my pj's twice from cold sweats. I finally decided get up. I'm not sure hoe I will function at work today. Does anyone have advice on getting to sleep other than sleep aids? I hate to feel overly loopy.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    The only thing that has worked for me is sleep aids

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Other than taking he odd benadryl, nothing really helps me sleep on the steroids.  I haven't been prescribed any sleep aids although the MO said he would if needed. Other than that I stay up as late as I can, say 1:am then hit bed and put something like a documentary on the TV in the bedroom.  I then play catch up on crash day(s).

    Prior to BC as a peri-menopausal woman I was already having a hard time falling asleep so this is nothing new to me.  I just tried not to stress about it and figured if my body was at least resting I was getting some benefit.  I can get by on 5 hours but I know this isn't healthy.

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Good Morning...

    I hope everyone is doing well and having minimal SE.

    Re sleeping problems on steroids.  Tbere are sleep aids that can be tried.  I personally don't like to take anything I don't have to take.  So when I cant sleep I just rest.  I don't count hours, or worry about it, I just tell myself its time to rest, and my body can take what sleep it will.  Like MLB, I figure I make it up on crash days.  Since I deliver babies, I'm used to going back to sleep on an interupted basis.  Additionally, I have to be able to wake up and think clearly.  BTW...I delivered a baby was a boy 7 lb 8 oz.  All went well.  

    I don't have my final clearance to travel yet, my MO called me Monday and told me he wants another set of blood work before I go, so I'll have that drawn today.  So....5 days until the Boston marathon, and I'm still not sure if I'll be cleared to go.  and 7 days until my final chemo.   If I get my clearance to go, I'll post directions on how to follow me here.  They have electronic mats every 5K and runners wear a computer chip.  Having said that, I will likely try to jog about half of it, and then see how it goes.  

    MLB - isnt your meeting with the RO coming up?  I very interested to hear what that recomendation comes in as.  

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    Hi All,

    For some reason I have been having issues accessing the message board from home. It's fine here at work but at home it tells me its down for maintenance. how odd!

    I am doing well considering I am now 6 days post TX#4. I was worried this one was really going to land me in bed for awhile but I am doing well. Been working every day this week for at least 8 hrs so I guess it's good!  I hope everyone has it as well during their treatment. :)

    Good luck Firstcall! I cant wait to follow you and I wish you luck on your numbers and the race.  I created a team for Race for the Cure here in Indianapolis on April 21st., The fighting Ninjas, after my daughters gymnastics team, plus I am a fighter!!  So far I have almost 30 people on my team and have raised over $900 not including my companys donation which I am not sure what it is yet.  I cant tell you how thrilled I am and touched that so many joined and donated so far.  You never really know who is there until you need them. My little girl(she is 9 yrs old) is going to do the race with me too, her idea! I figure she trains for gymnastics 3 days a week she can probably handle the walk better than me!  Trying to think of something catchy to add to our shirts or something for our team.  nothing too outrageous.  any ideas?

    Moon and Ali I hope you guys are doing well and gritgirl too.. been keeping you in my prayers!

    Next week my appt with the BS to see when my surgery takes place then to meet with the PS the 24th.  Nervous about this part but it's another step forward in the journey.

    wishing everyone a blessed day!!

  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154

    dipad - do you only have the issue on steriod days?  I have mild sleep issues almost every night any more.  I used to fall asleep in seconds, but not it takes awhile and I wake up faily often.  Last night was 12 days post tx and I still tossed about.

    Firstcall - can't wait to follow you!  it is so impressive that you can keep up this pace.

    Anyone seeing a Lymphadema PT?  I'm making an appointment soon.  Aside from still feeling a tightness almost 4 months later I want to talk about exercises and flying precautions.  I know there are some specfic threads out there, but wanted to start here for any input.

  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    Faith- I am seeing one and it has helped a lot. I don't have lymphadema but major tightness and lost some range of motion after surgery. Since we had lymph nodes removed we are at risk of developing lymphadema even years out. My therapy site also offered a free educational class on lymphadema. This was great info and glad I went. I'm a nurse and learned stuff I had never heard of. As far as flying it was reccommended I get a compression sleeve to wear for precaution. She said it was inexpensive and they gave me contact info on who to call. I see a lot of other women at therapy who actually have lymphadema, some severe, and we just need to be educated and careful. I am truly amazed at how much therapy has helped me.

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    I too have sleep issues. I take an ambien every night now. I have tried a few times without and i just wake up several times and cant fall asleep.  Tylenol PM helps me too. I am hoping once everything is done I can go back to not needing it.

    Funny story I had to share!.  I was upstairs at work talking to a friend and co-worker. Another co-worker comes by and is chatting. She goes on about how she loves my new hair color.(its a wig) At first I just said Thank you. Then she proceeded to ask when I got the new color as it looks different than last time and she is touching my hair saying its lovely.  I was worried she was going to touch it and my whole wig fall off!  So I had to tell her thank you, but its not really my hair its a wig. Then the story about why I have a wig as she didnt know at all about my condition.  lol last thing I needed was my wig falling off in the middle of the hallway at work exposing my semi bald head with bits of hair hanging on lol.

    Thought that visual might give some of you a giggle :)

  • AEM47
    AEM47 Member Posts: 177

    Dipad - what time are you taking your steroids?  My MO said take them at 8:00am and again at 4:00pm.   I actually set the alarm for 8:00 those days, pop the steroid and go right back to sleep (I'm at home for during chemo).  I make sure I take the 4:00 one as close to 4 as I can.  So far, that has worked for me and has not interrupted my sleep.  You might be on the same schedule, but I thought I'd throw it out there.. but maybe timing has something to do with being able to get a decent night sleep?

  • AEM47
    AEM47 Member Posts: 177

    OMG what an IDIOT I am, I just looked at the prescription of steroids and I've only been taking one pill 2xs  a day instead of 2 pills 2xs a day - no wonder I'm not having an issue

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    AEM47- OMG that's funny. If your doing ok with no nausea you might be able to stay on what you  have. I was taking Decadron 4mg. 2tabs daily. I am so sensitive to the steroids so the onc reduced it to 1tab 1x daily. It's a little better than before. I do take it early but stil can't sleep. But since the decrease my face is not as flushed and my heart isn't racing. I'm looking forward to my chemo slug weekend.

    Jenh13- I know how you feel with the wig thing. My problem is I decided to get another wig a little shorter and alternate at work. I think this is really screwing up my co-workers LOL!

    Faithhopenluv- I only have sleep issues on steroid nights. Otherwise I sleep like a baby 8-9 hours night. So going to work on 2-3 hours sleep is so crueling. Thank god I dont have a physically demanding job.

    Msbelle- I had what they call cording of my left arm. It was from my lymph node dissection. It affected my range of motion and was always tight. I saw a pysical therapist that my onc recommended. She deals with alot of woman with breast cancer. I saw her two times a week and I improved by 90% in a matter of weeks. Just make sure whoever you go to has experience with this. I had alot of lymph nodes removed on left side and am always worried about Lymphodema. Some of the things I was told was to not have manicures, no blood pressure or needles on the affected arm, be careful of cuts and scrapes, dont wear your watch tight on that arm and not to lift over 5lbs.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022
    WHAT! No manicures!  Here's to hoping they leave my lymph nodes alone.  I gots to have me my manicure.  Laughing
  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    There is a special certification physical therapist can get for lymphadema/breast cancer. My therapist is certified. Anyone who has to see one make sure they are. I dont have cording either but they monitor and measure me. Some info that surprised was to never get sunburned on that side and to wear bug spray so I don't get a bite. I ordered avon skin so soft to start wearing since summer coming. NC is terrible for Mosquitos.

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    msbelle-that's right I forgot about the sunburn. Wow never thought about mosquitos.

    Gritgirl- you can still have pedicures! I think pedicures are harder to give yourself.

    I haven't had any manicures or pedicuares while on chemo. Onc said no good in case of infection.

    I've never been to a spa but once this is over i'm heading out for a weekend spa retreat.

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    msbelle- does skin so soft repel mosquitos?

  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    Yes they say it does and it does not smell as bad as bug spray.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Mosquitos love me, and skin so soft does work to keep ygm away, but it has to be the original type. Smells pretty good, and no bad chemicals . And, no,.I don't sell Avon, LOL

  • gigborn
    gigborn Member Posts: 11

    Hello everyone.

    Even though I don't post often, I want all of you to know that your information has been so very helpful.  Just finished TX #4 today.  This was the second time they had to lower the meds due to the effects on my numbers.  We also added fluids IV every Friday to try to ward off dehydration that was so bad last time.    Feels good to be on the down side of the hill we all climbed.   My granddaughter is dancing at the National College Dance Competition in Daytona this weekend.   I just didn't dare to make the trip this year but will be following her on ESPN when they film.  My port was a bleeder today after they removed the plug.    Good thing I was wearing black.  They had to go back and redress with lots of pressure.    Having a rough time with my employer so looking to meet with another company tomorrow. Finished my taxes last night so think I am prepared for the next 10 days.  They seem to be the worst for me.

    Firstcall -  good luck -  you are amazing and so happy you joined this board. What a wealth of information you have provided.

    Does anyone have ideas on when hair starts growing back after Chemo?    I still have stubble that I can pull out -  My daughter laughed when I told her I used scoth tape to get the fallout.

    Wishing everyone a great next week.    You are all very much appreciated.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    myleftboob - thanks for the words of encouragement!!!

    lol @ AEM47!!!

    dipad I have some trouble sleeping the first week of chemo...wasn't sure if it was from steroids or nerves. I just try to go to bed early, and I put in a movie that I've seen before and enjoy. Usually about halfway through I get sleepy, turn it off and fall asleep. I wonder if a glass of wine would be safe and appropriate. Enjoy your spa retreat, sounds wonderful!

    JenH - thanks for posting about treatment #4, mine is Monday and I am a little worried about it. lol @ the wig story, I would totally freak if someone tried to touch my "doll hair" (that's what I think of it as for some reason).

    gigborn - hope you have a speedy and smooth recovery from #4.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Hey, gigborn, I use duct tape to get the fuzzes out LOL. I wish I knew how everyone can work, I know I can't. With the big D , when I am not running, I am so very sore and tired. Much love to all.

  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    I used a lint roller brush on my head. Never lost all my stubble and now it is growing. I've had 3 tx so far. Moonflwr I can't work either. I don't know how anyone else is. I wish I felt good enough to try. Feel like I hit the pause button on life. Oh yea, I don't sell Avon either. LOL

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    I dont know how soon it grows back after chemo, I think my friend said it took a couple of months to get started but then it took off fast! Thick and beautiful hair came in.  I am all for that!!  She did say that it was after she was finished with treatment when she lost her eyelashes and eyebrowns though.  I guess we will have to wait and see and everyone let us know your results :)

    I am envious of those who dont have to work.  I fear I might lose my job if I didnt.(although I know there is some law protecting me I am sure)  I think I use it as a way to "be normal"  I was shocked at how much I was able to work this week, the past 3 days I put in just under 30 hrs BUT I have a desk job too. I dont have to do much but sit at my computer all day.  I work every day but Thursday which is my treatment day.  I admire Firstcall who is still delivery babies.  That requires real thought and skill and at all hours!  If you asked me to work between 8pm-8am i wouldnt make it. 

    Besides thats my mommy time where I am with the kids and trying to be a normal mom.  Last night the kids saw me for the first time without a cap on.  My daughter thought i still looked beautiful with no hair and my son told me it kinda freaked him out but in a "cool way" lol kids.. you have to love them and their minds.

    Heading in today for labs and  herceptin treatment. Hoping for some good numbers and a nap!

    Many sunbeams and happy days for everyone! Much love,


  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    kids....yes they tell it like it is....

    One of my preschool granddaughters looked at me and used to look normal, but now you look different...Quickly her older, wiser sister quieted her down....I thought I would die laughing.   I love them. 

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Yes, out of the mouths of babes, they are hilarious sometimes.

    On another note, my 84 year old mother has been really hard of hearing of late and totally in denial about it.  Its her phone, we talk too low, the TV sound must be going.  She finally says OK I'll get my hearing checked.  Her big issue is having to wear a hearing aid!!  Anyway my brother takes her to her doctor and low and behold, her ears are totally packed with earwax.  So compacted that the Dr. couldn't srynge them.  She has to have drops and then she'll try again.  This doctor and I have had words in the past, she prefers my brother or SIL go with my Mom LOL!.  I personally think she's burnt out but I digress.  Primary care physicans are hard to come by in Ontario and new ones won't take you on unless you have a really good reason so we're kind of stuck with her.  This is the same Dr. that had my Mom on a water pill for hypertension, my Mom ended up so weak from super low sodium it almost killed her, she was in the hospital for a month a couple of years ago.  The Geriatric specialist took a strip off her on the phone.  I could go on but my rant for the day is what doctor with a patient that has declining hearing loss NEVER look in their ears!!???    She's been a patient of hers for 15 years!!  The good news is I guess is that this will help her with her hearing problem hopefully.


    My appointment with the RO is April 26!  I am very interested also in what her recommendation is as well.  I'll definatley keep you posted.