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February 2012 Chemo



  • Sissydi
    Sissydi Member Posts: 183

    My ps said the same thing....wait some time after rads for my exchange won't be until beginning of next year.....I have a long as fills are done before rads start!

  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154

    Those of you that have had a bmx or mx and having rads, did your RO give you a % that rads would decrease reoccurrence? My onc and 2 breast surgeons have said that with the bmx I wouldnt need rads.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I was given percentages AFTER my MX which was unavoidable really.  I was advised that if I did nothing after my MX my % of reoccurance was 25%, if I did chemo, rads, herceptin, Tamoxifen and Aromisen that went to 5%.  My my calculation each TX gives me an additional 4%.  Hence I am leaning towards no rads.

  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    My ONC and BS also said I wouldn't need rads since I had a BMX. I am thankful because at this point I don't think I could handle rads. Chemo is taking it's toll on my body.

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    My BS and my ONC both said I didnt need rads.. however the radiologist onc said I should.  She said I was a grey area.  When they did my original biopsy there was one node that was suspicious but came back neg. (on my latest mammogram I was able to see the node and it does look odd BUT the chemo hasnt changed it while the rest of my masses have decreased) so the RO isnt 100% convienced its not cancer and we wont know for sure until the surgery.  Plus they found 7 tumors in my right breast the largest 2.2 cm. so she said because there was so many she wants to make sure that nothing is left in the chest wall or the nodes.  I am still not sure how to think on it.. But with the rads I was told my change of reoccurance is less than 2%.

    Heres the thing I am confused on.  When they do the BMX they put in TE? then they fill them ever 2 or so weeks? so if they keep filling them to the size you want. what more recon do you need?  I guess I need to do a lot more research on this

    Awesome news today! I signed up to do the Race for the Cure next weekend. Today my company gave me a check for $1000 for my team for it! So happy :)

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Faithhopenluv,  Yes, I got the complete statistical rundown for each course of treatment. I am in a grey area regarding rads, but since I had one positive node and a fair amount of lymphovascular invasion, the RO sent my profile out to the rest of the ROs for an opinion and they all thought it was a good idea. It reduces my risk of local reoccurance to a very low level and also lowers the chance of metastatsis a bit, but not by much.
    Jen, yes, that is how the  TEs work, but they are just temporary placeholders that stretch out the muscles of your chest wall. Afteer that you can go for implants or some sort of reconstrution involving your own body tissues. TEs arent the most natural feeling things in the world, gotta say. 
  • Jag1110
    Jag1110 Member Posts: 51

    I had my Lumpectomy first and am in chemo now then rads. I'm a triple neg for hormone therapy. My question to all of you doing chemo then surgery, how is that decided? I was just told what I was doing and giving numbers based on if I did chemo or not. I just wondered why some do chemo first then surgery. I originally wanted a mx just to not have it come back but was told the chances are the same when you have rads, found out after surgery that had to have chemo too. I just have a feeling I will be back doing this all over again in a few years, can ya tell I"m not the most positive person on earth? lol

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Hi, Jag1110 mine is stage 3 grade 3 I'm having chemo first so the cancer doesn't spread. Also I have 8 or 9 lymph nodes involved which could then spread to other parts. So yes if you have it as bad as me then you have chemo first. Also you can see how well the chemo is doing before surgery you can't see that if you have surgery first. It also depends on how many lymph nodes and where they are.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I agree with some of the other threads having nasty individuals on them.  I was on one recently where the topic was Tamoxifen since I'll be on that med in the very near future.  One of the girls reported a huge increase in sex drive.  Well this certainly piqued my interest LOL!  We bantered on a couple of posts and she was saying that she actually was happy it calmed down etc etc.  This other gal piped in who had the same and was so friggin rude to me you wouldn't believe it.  I even apologied to her if she took me up wrong,( I was actually speaking to the other poster and addressed her) I didn't bother responding further.  Wasn't there to pick a fight  you know? It was unbelievable!  I've seen it on the alternative boards too.  Man it gets heated there!  I don't dare post anything.  Entertaining if you're not the target I suppose.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I agree with some of the other threads having nasty individuals on them.  I was on one recently where the topic was Tamoxifen since I'll be on that med in the very near future.  One of the girls reported a huge increase in sex drive.  Well this certainly piqued my interest LOL!  We bantered on a couple of posts and she was saying that she actually was happy it calmed down etc etc.  This other gal piped in who had the same and was so friggin rude to me you wouldn't believe it.  I even apologied to her if she took me up wrong,( I was actually speaking to the other poster and addressed her) I didn't bother responding further.  Wasn't there to pick a fight  you know? It was unbelievable!  I've seen it on the alternative boards too.  Man it gets heated there!  I don't dare post anything.  Entertaining if you're not the target I suppose.

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    Jag- I am triple positive grade 3 and they found multiple masses.  My dr decided that since mine was so aggressive he wanted to do chemo first to make sure it didnt spread (same as Ali).  Since I had so many masses with suspicious nodes(but came back negative) i think the concern was for mico cells they couldnt see so they wanted to start killing it right away.

    I never understood all the reasoning for doing one first then the other.  I think its acceptable to do both but each MO has their preference?

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Funny we never have any fights on here just love and kindness.

    Had my chemo and it went well my cold cap was so cold, can't wait for the last one. If I ever need chemo again I wouldn't have cold cap it hurts too much.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    I think we try hard on this board to understand each other and don't just assume someone is dissing us. We really to hear each other and treat each other with simple respect. Seems to work, LOL. I had Herceptin yesterday, had to have more fluids. Magnesium and potassium. Then hurt my back, took pain pills. Getting better, and woke up this morning with leg weakness. Had to see Dr and get xray. I guess I managed to find another scenic route *sigh* feeling ok with heat pad on back and using came for weakness , they aren't sure if chemo or Herceptin or just bad luck. But then that's been my scenic route since day 1. LOL.

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    I wondered about the chemo/surgery preference, too.  I think in the US they tend to cut first and medicate second unless it's a larger tumor or something like that.  I had an MX b/c I had two small tumors separated by tissue, which made a lumpectomy borderline.. But if I'd had chemo first, maybe they would have shrunk and i could have gone lumpectomy.  Of course I have no idea what I'm talking about about at all, so there you have it.
    Ali, it is good to see you on the boards again!
    Arrgh. bone pain is back.  It's bugging the SNOT out of me. Stupid Taxol. 
  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    thank you everybody for chiming in --i went to goodwill today and bought a practical button down- then picked up a tank top for under it for later! also at walmart got a sports bra that opens in front--i already have one from my friend who fits prosthesis after MX-it has the lil pouches for drains so i'll wear that one to and from hospital..the other sports bras i have go over my head so they'll wait--i do have two pretty comfy bras that are front openers so that will help.i also have some flannels that button down and will raid hubby's closet if i must!

    mthrdee thx for all of your tips!

    i sleep on my right side so am hoping i can sleep in bed but my recliner is comfy and the knob is on the right- my lump is on the left! how convenient!

    today i shopped for the next week- packed in some easy meals (read that pre made frozen stuff)so no one has to work at dinners and bought dog food/cat food and cat litter and made a point to hubs that i won't be able to lift after monday!

    my tests today were EKG and bloodwork- since i had chest xray in feb didn't have to do that. the sweet nurse brought me coffee after the bloodwork !!!!-had many many questions to ask me and i'm all ready- i have to be there at 845 monday -that's a long time to wait with no morning coffee so i know i'll have a headacahe by monday nite- i go through withdrawls! anyhow- the wire will be inserted then the other stuff and surgery- my son wanted to know if i wanted him there- i see no point....

    talked to a wonderful man today about a terrific apt-darn it tho it's not available til september...i wanted to curse him they put a for rent sign out at this place but it's to advertise- the available one is in a diff location and on second floor--anyhow i doubt we'll wait til sept to move outta here but it would be a nice place if we don't find better....this apt i called on is in a wonderful parklike setting and is senior living--he didn't think i qualifoed by phone til i told him i'm 58 and hubbby is 72... it's a 2 BR with wonderful amenities- we'll see how long we can stand it here--i know my tolerance was gone long ago but now i won't be physically able to do the lifting....

    ah well.....

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    my tumor was only 2 + cm but i have the lymph involvement so i think -tho they wanted to shrink the lump -my chemo first then surgery was more so it didn't spread any further...

    i think that we respect each other well on this board...i feel at home with you all...and that you understand me even when i whine or ramble- on some of the boards i feel like i talk to myself!

    jen-yay on the $1000!!!! that's wonderful to have the support for your team!!!!!

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    yep! i love the people here.  We just "get" each other and never seems to be any negative towards one another. :)

    Ok another question.  for after the BMX.. what size bra do you buy? Going from a D to nothing.. i dont know what to do.

    Sorry I am so talkative and full of questions today.. one would think I was on steriods(which I am not!) lol Thanks for your patience with me.

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    I agree with the sentiment here.  This is a supportive board/group, and I really appreciate that.  We are not here to judge each other, and we come from a pretty wide cross section.  I think thats great.  As far as surgery or chemo first, I think the answer is not always the same, often for the reasons stated above.  I have to say, for me there was some talk about chemo vs surgery first, and I personally really wanted this thing gone.  Of course, I have no plans for any kind of reconstruction, etc, and I felt that surgery may well be curative in my case.  So I think I kind of cut the conversation short and told my surgeon to go ahead and get started.  I was in surgery within a couple of days.  As far as how to sleep....I'm a side sleeper, and I found that what worked best for me was an overstuffed chair with a footstool, and about a dozen pillows that I could put where needed.  All of this was set up in front of my pellet stove (it was January) and this worked pretty well.  A regular bed only worked for a couple of hours.  I would start in bed, and then move to my chair after a couple of hours.  

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Jen, I wore a softee for a while, then in the hospital, they gave two ameona camisoles to wear. They were comfortable after my four drains came out. They have elastic around the.chest and pockets to hold the puffs. I still wear , you can step into them, and they feel good. I am stuck halfway thru reconstruction, ie, one boobette and a cavern on the left due to a TE removal, so it works for me . I wear the softer cami for nite wear. Check of your team gives you a cami, mine came from them.

  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154

    Thanks for the feedback! For me, I feel like they took every node they could find. It's my left side, so rads would be over my heart (which AC can be hard on), and it increases the risk of LE. I think I'll know more after the BMX. If it is found anywhere else then, I'll pursue rads.

    Jen - my reconstruction is a little different. I won't have TEs - but phases of fat grafting. After the BMX I'll have slight mounds. After the 2nd, an A, then the third will bring me to a small B. they essentially take lipo fat from various areas of my body, purify it and then re-inject it very slowly.

    I agree, there are some really nasty threads out there. I think there are some that have anger boiling to get out. Hard to blame them of course - but they find it easier to lash out at strangers that they will never meet. I doubt it helps manage the anger, but everyone handles it differently

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Trying to catch up, haven't been on in a couple of days. For those who were asking, I would love if we could continue this after chemo onto the topic of radiation. I will be having another lumpectomy + radiation after chemo is done, I guess in June sometime. I am a little worried about juggling daily radiation + work + school but I guess I will just do what I have to do, and it'll get done. 

    dipad - I am also on intermittent FMLA. I love my boss and my job, but I knew I'd have to miss a lot of work and I felt more secure applying for it and knowing that then legally no one could hassle me about taking so much time off or calling in sick if/when I needed to. My DH and I also rely on my job for our medical insurance. I am fortunate that I can generally work at my own pace at work; if I am not feeling well I can just stay in my office and do paperwork and such.

    lumpynme - I was able to get a pull-down shirt on after my lumpectomy without trouble (well, the nurse helped me), but I would recommend a button down shirt just to make life easier. Have comfortable, supportive but not tight bras to wear. I did not know this and ended up having to wear the same two bras over and over again for the first week or so afterwards. Not the end of the world but if I'd known I'd have bought another bra or two. Keeping my fingers crossed that you get an offer for that job.

    gritgirl - good luck with the onc on Monday.

    MLB - :( Don't know why your friend is being such a bummer, unless maybe the whole cancer thing is just too scary for her...but still a friend should be there for you no matter what.

    Ali - my dad has not contacted me even ONE TIME through my chemo. I don't know about your mom, but I think he is just in total denial and is pretending nothing is happening. Still it is very hurtful.

    Jag - When they found my lump they removed it instead of doing a biopsy, and found it was cancer (obviously). And the tumor did not have clear margins. My surgeon recommended more surgery to remove the rest of the cancer, then chemo, but I met with two oncs and both recommended chemo first, then surgery. They said this was the best way to get it all. That's been my experience.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I had no problems sleeping in a bed after my MX but fortunatley for me I can sleep any old way.  It likley took about 3 weeks befoe I could lay comfortably on my left side. 


    I didn't get anything to wear at the hospital but about a week after surgery I went to a local mastectomy clinc and bought a surgical type camisole and another camisole that I could wear under anything.  They came with lightweat foobs and I found them great.  You won't be able to wear a proper mastectomy bra with a silicome foob until at least 6 weeks post op.  At  first it felt a little strange and heavy but know I barely even feel it and no one can tell its a foob at all.

    As far as the order of TX whether it be surgery first, chemo first.  I'm pretty sure its specfic to anyones DX.  With me the DCIS was so extensive (3/4 of the breast) that it only made sense to have a MX.  The actual tumors (2) were centrally located.  It was a week between meeting the surgeon and the actual surgery so it was fast.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    BTW had a great time last night.  Great food, great company, lots of laughs.  Those two missed out, not me. I'm sorry if they can't deal with the tough stuff but this is life as far as I'm concerned.  I've been there for them though life's trials but it's very interesting to me so see how they've handled this.  Very interesting.

  • Jag1110
    Jag1110 Member Posts: 51

    Thanks for all your responses on the surgery/chemo. Everybody has such different stories. I guess I'm just trying to understand as much as I can so I know what's going on. Sometimes family members ask me things and I really don't know the answers and I have read a lot of books, attend groups and such but I think some of this is just way over my head. It sounds like a lot of the drugs you all take are different than mine, is anyone on TAC? I also worry about the rads affecting my heart since it is my left brest area where the cancer was and 2 nodes and worry that they don't check anywhere else for cancer.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Ok, I had to do it. I just bought depends. I got tired of not quite making it to the toilet and cleaning it all up and doing laundry. Do so have to say it feels like giving up and I am crying.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Aww Moonflwr

    I'm so sad that your crying.  (((((HUGS)))))).  Don't give up honey this too will pass.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    I am total pee in my pants since this started. i wear poise pads now. I'm getting back to doing my kegels. ain't no shame in peeing your pants. the price i pay for drinking my water. :-). hang in there.

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    moonflwr....chances are you will be able to get past this side effect.  Let me add this.  Most women have some trouble with urinary incontinence.  I'm not sure its something that is commonly talked about between women, but it is true.  The female anatomy is just a set up for it.  So its not suprising that chemo would put you over the edge, but I think its also reasonable to think that you can return to your pre chemo baseline of urinary function.  All organ systems are affected by this, and this is something that should improve.  Hang in there. 

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    ok....I would like some advice from my friends here.....

    I'm in Boston, have been attending a great medical conference, and I've picked up my number for the Boston Marathon which is on Monday.  My plan has been to run half of it, and maybe a little more if I can.  And then secretely I think about trying to finish it.  Now the forecast is for a very hot day ie 85ish on Marathon Day.  I signed up for this marathon in Oct, before I knew what these months had in store for me.  Because of the forecasted hot day, they have offered to let runners with medical issues defer to next year.  I spoke directly with the chief medical officer of the marathon who is encouraging me to defer because of the heat and my chemo.  I have my final chemo scheduled for the 18th- 2 days after the marathon. I run or do I defer?    Thoughts?  

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Thx everyone, if it were just pee..... I know TMI! LOL Just had a bad minute there. I'm ok now, it is what it is.