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February 2012 Chemo



  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    gritgirl - keeping you in my thoughts and prayers for good scans next week. I hope your treatment goes smoothly today.

    I'm so happy for everyone who has completed chemo. There is light at the end of the tunnel!

    MLB - no rads, that sounds great! One less thing to do! Hope chemo goes easy for you today.

    I'm on day 5 from treatment #4. Tired. Lots of hot flashes. More nausea than ever last night. The Zoladex and Compazine did not make it go away like normal, which frightened me, but it also did not progress from mildly uncomfortable. I'm taking Carafate for my stomach and so far I have not had the stomach pain and diarrhea that I normally get, but this weekend will be the real test. My lashes and brows are definitely thinning but it's not overly noticeable yet.

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    Congrats to everyone this week! Yes there is light at the end of the tunnel. I'll be finished with my last tx beginning of June. Than I guess its on to rads!

  • Gayle56
    Gayle56 Member Posts: 111

    I went for my simulation today.  Uneventful except that when I laid down on the table my vertigo kicked in and I was spinning.  She said she couldn't raise my head any higher because everything was all set from last week so if I keep my head turned to the right the spinning stops.  I start on Monday and didn't get really any special instructions, just a printout with some dos and donts.  She said I will meet with the nurse next week.  They were a bit annoyed that I needed a late in the day appointment but they will have to get over it.  The facility is only open until 4:30.   I would think most people work so I don't understand why they don't have evening hours.  

     I have computer issues so I have been reading most messages on my nook but it is a pain to write a long response on that.  Hopefully that issue will be resolved on Sunday when the guy comes to look at my computer.


  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    gayle if i ever get "the job" i'll be needing late in the day rads hours as well and am afraid that i will feel the same resistance you do! sorry for the vertigo--will it be a problem during each session?

    hoping all have a great weekend!

    today had a pain clinic appt with hubby- i swear that is a racquet! or should i say racket? anyhow- i really think it is overrated and he goes back in two weeks for a shot-it's been over 6 weeks since his referral....meantime nothing else offered to help...okay-i'm done bitching...but my main thing was i just don't feel well today....nothing wrong just not well...

    anyhow- wishing for minimal SE's for everyone and so glad so many are done with this venture!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    I hope everyone is feeling better. I went to the chiropractor today for my back. Relief. I am glad I went, I feel so much better. Feeling pretty good after my Herceptin too. Hope the SEs for everyone else are small. Much love.

  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    Anyone else having a high resting heart rate? My new normal is between 100-110. I'm usually around 88- pre-chemo.

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    Getting ready for my first "race" tomorrow for Race for the Cure. So surprised by all the friends and family joining me even my 9yr old daughter. Can't wait to old her hand as we finish. Send us lots of sunshine and warmth for its going to be cold.

    Hope everyone is feeling well. Many sunbeams for you all!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I've never been to a pain clinic.  I do visit my chiropractor whom I just love he's such a doll. What I love about him and I've been to others in the past is that he doesn't pressure me to come, only when I need to and I can usually get an appointment the next day if I need it. Not that I am, but he's a holistic rational thinker too.  I mentioned in prior posts that he's the one that told me all about LE too when no one else in the medical profession did until I brought it up. Although I have to say I have heard that not alot is taught on the subject apparently in med school.  He also studied in the US and is adept at the "activator method" which is less jarring that the old twist and crack which I don't like.  I respond very well to it and sought him out for this reason.  My old GP wasn't a beleiver in any Chiropractic and even though she was a great doctor in her field, she didn't respect them.  I suffer from really mild scoliosis which was only diagnosed at age 28, always had issues with my neck and back since I was a kid but it was only seen on xray, no posture issues but it explained alot.

    I said to her "hey have I every asked you for a muscle relaxant or pain meds for this?", she did agree that I never had in the 18 years I saw her LOL!  Like I said I really liked her too but she had to give up her practice due to a brain tumor 4 years ago. Funny enough during my last physical she said next year we'll start you having mammograms because of my dense breasts.  Of course she had closed up by then and I was having a hard time finding a new primary care physician that I clicked with and that was taking on new patients (typical for Ontario).  I went to a clinic for anything chronic and to have my BP monitored for 4 years until I found my new doc only last summer. 


    Good luck on the run tommorow, sounds like alot of fun especially since your daugher is running with you.  Gave me goosebumps.


    I will have to check my resting heartbeat, only check during exercise really so I don't know.

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Final Chemo was Wed. 
    I worked Thur and Fri and by Fri Evening my chemo was doing what chemo does.  I was pretty tired by the time I was driving home, and spent the night on the sofa by the pellet stove.  Slug time. Hopefully this part will lighten up by Monday. 

    Ali - How is your armpit pain doing?  And how is your daughters ankle?  Is she able to run?  Will she be able to run the marathon?

    Christina - Nausea is the pits.  Be very careful what you put in your tummy when you're having so much trouble with nausea. I hope it passes soon.

    Dipad - Several of us are finishing chemo presently, and Isee that you are on til June.  Well we
    are in this together.  I'll be rooting for you.  Really feeling my chemo presently, but its such a nice thing to wrap it up.

    Gayle - Vertigo could be a real challenge with rads,especially since you have to be in a certain position for the rads.  Hope it passes. 

    Gritgirl- Its nice that your responding to the chemo.  How did it go yesterday?

    Jen - good luck with the run today.  Don't worry about the weather, it will be fun no matter what, and a special time with your daughter.    I was going to mention about the low blood pressure you were talking about - most people don't have trouble with symptoms from low blood pressure unless their systolic (the first number) is below 90 or so. 

    MLB- Isn't it nice to be at this point.  Sounds like no rads for you too.  I'm still waiting to hear the ROs input on it.

    Moonflwr - glad your back is feeling better. 

    Msbelle- it sounds like your resting pulse was a little high before chemo.  I think a little rise with
    chemo is normal.  My resting pulse was 47 pre chemo and now is closer to 60.  I have a very low pulse because I run a lot. I would guess that your pulse will come back to your normal when you get your treatment behind you. 

    Mthrdee- How are you feeling.  Nice to ring the bell, but it still takes

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    My resting pulse is typically low too but.the steroids have knocked.blood pressure and other things out of whack. but then there's pure anxiety. when i saw my oncologist on Monday and my hr was 111. i was anxious.

    even if i have to do more chemo, Im acting like this is my last chemo and Im happy

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Gayle and lumpy - I'm worried about scheduling rads too. The center opens at 7am but to be honest, I am NOT a morning person. It's a miracle if I can get to work close to 8am when I am scheduled to be in. Plus by the time I am doing rads, the summer semester will have started and I'll have night class twice a week; not helpful for getting up early. I don't think the center is open very late, I think 4:30pm or 5pm as well. I think I am going to have to do rads around 7:30am or so and just go to work late. At least I could stay at work late and make up the time. I'm assuming I'll feel well enough afterwards to go to work; my mom keeps telling me that after chemo, rads are a breeze...

  • Gayle56
    Gayle56 Member Posts: 111

    lumpynme - the vertigo might be a problem if turning my head to the side doesn't stop the spinning.  I guess I will take it one day at a time.


  • Gayle56
    Gayle56 Member Posts: 111

    christina001 -  the place I go to opens at 7:30.  They told me last week they wouldn't have any early morning appointments available until some time later in May.  Since I start work at 8:00 going after work is easier for me.

     firstcall - the last chemo will probably knock you out more than the other three so give in to it and rest up over the weekend.

     Jen - hope the run went well today.


  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Gayle  yes this one has me doing the slug thing for sure.  I did go for a 6 mile run on Thursday while I still has a little energy left.  Now I have two toenails which look like they are going to bite the dust.  I guess timing is everything. 

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    I'm definatly finding that I'm alot more tired from this last round too. In bed last night at 9 but was up at 4:30.  Had another 2 hour nap this afternoon.  But not ill at all so that's good. Nails are hanging in, a little more brittle than normalbut no lifting so far. I don't run though!!!  I kind of resemble Forest Gump when running, not a good look.

    firstcall I will keep you posted on how the meeting goes with the RO.

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    Hi Everyone,

    I hope those who had treatment this week are feeling ok and getting plenty of rest!

    I confirmed today that I am sooooo not a morning person.  We got downtown by 7 am and it was COLD with the windchill it was 36 and cloudy.  That was the worst part just being so cold.  There was the survivor parade and then other activities with the race starting around 9.  It was a lot of walking around between parking and then going through everything to even get to the starting line.  I ended up walking the 1mile as I was just so cold and tired by that point. About 10 of my friends and my 9 yr old daughter did do the 5K while about 15 of us including my husband, mom, aunt, family friend, my best friend from high school, her sisters and kids, 5 co workers, and parents and coach from my daughters gymnastics team walked the 1 mile.  There were about 26K people there including survivors up to 50 and 30 years.  It was the biggest sea of pink I have ever seen!  Although I did come home and take a 2 hr nap and still tired lol.  I look forward to doing it again next year when I actually WILL be all finished and working towards my 50+ yr survivor too!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful and WARM night :)

  • 7of9
    7of9 Member Posts: 474

    Moonflwr: how is your back? I have 19 more days to go, 2 more treatments and dealing with upper/mid back pain on and off the last 3 or 4 weeks...right around last AC chemo before starting this damn Taxol. I get so worried it's bone mets...I hate this f*@#$(* disease...crying in tears while bathing my 2 year old. He is so happy and peaceful I get the darkest thoughts sometimes....not fair! I hope to get past surgery June 1st and focus on new boobs, expansion pains and life after hell...

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    7of9 went to chiropractor and it feels good. Had to go back today, but it helped again. I walk funny because of my knees and it takes a toll.on my back.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Sorry if I'm asking  you to repeat yourself but are you taking the Neulasta or Neupagen (spelling?) shot.  That can cause bone pain.  I also have back issues and I know it did for me.  Took Clariton 24 and it worked well.  Also from sitting around too much.  I know when I do some excersise I feel alot better.  I know its hard not going to that dark place. Call your MO on Monday and let them know whats going on with you.  That's what they're are there for. 

  • 7of9
    7of9 Member Posts: 474

    Yes, that was last Friday though....hmmm. I do feel better moving. Today didn't do so much, yesterday was 78 and beautiful, thank you Cleveland weather, today high was upper 40s and rain. Ok. I forgot about the Claritin too....will try that. Thanks for the pep talk. My Onc said last time he feels this is working and no it's not spreading since my clean scans end of Jan I went right on chemo the following week. I am going to join Bally's again but am waiting til off of chemo only because I thinkg sweaty crowded gym might not be good for immune system right now. Then again...only 18 more days....then vacation, then surgery.

     Trying to remind myself I'm so blessed, not because I have any guarantees, but I have the chance to put this thing behind me (for the most part) and get on with reconstruction and hopefully a healthier future. Thank you so much friends...

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    My really bad back pain kicked in days 5 - 6. I was living on percs for days.  I took the Clariton 24 for the next 3TX and it made a huge difference.  It could totally be it. My Mo's nurse said if I were to have pain it would likely settle in an area I had issues with in the past so it was true to form. I double checked with my MO too and he was fine with it.  I take one pill one day before the shot then for a total of 5.

  • JudyP
    JudyP Member Posts: 35

    Congrats to all of you who have finished your chemo!!!!!  I go tomorrow am for #5 of 6.  Can't wait to finish. 

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    I'm on the exact same schedule as you, but I'm going in for my 7th of 8. So your last day must be May 7th as well.....
    So Taxol tomorrow, and I'm meeting with the RO on Tuesday.  I wish I had a list of questions to ask, but I don't even know where to start. Has anybody met with an RO yet? WHat's it like?  
  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Judy and Hildy - I'll be cheering for both of you to finish.  Ive been on the sofa since Fri evening, and just now starting to feel a little better.  Better is a relative term.  lots of aches, and not able to do much, but I am doing better than yesterday.  and it is so nice to know that I'm not looking at this again anytime soon.  I look forward to each of you finishing as well.    I have met with the RO.  It was a regular consultation.  It involves the RO going over everything, all tests, all results, all treatments, a physical exam, and then making a recommendation.  In my case I went in with a preconceived notion that I would not have Radiation.  This was because I felt I had already taken an aggresive surgical and medical approach and my son (who is a RO) felt that it wasnt indicated.  Having said that, we dont all have the same situation, and that is why you need to have your individual case reviewed.  I'm pretty sure that between surgery, chemo and rads, chemo is that hardest.  You're almost done with the hardest part

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Felt well enough today to go to my (step)grandson's first birthday party. My stomach hurt off and on but it was totally worth it. So glad that going through all this did not steal this important day from me and the family.

  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154

    There is milk at the grocery store that expires 5/12 - 2 days after my last tx. That feels great!!!

  • AEM47
    AEM47 Member Posts: 177

    faithhopenluv - how funny how we look at things now.

    Well I finally had my first trip to ER - for all things..constipation.  Go figure, made it all the way thru chemo and I end up in tears in the ER for constipaition...I could honestly say yesterday that I thought chemo was a cake walk compared to yesterday's wasn't labor. 

    6 hours in there before any sucess.  I really thought I was doing everything right, veggies, liquids, etc.  The doctor couldn't say what caused it to that extreme, but said it just could have been a combination of everything.  It's amazing to feel great one day and get knocked down so hard without warning.  I guess we just can't take anything for granted yet ! 

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    That totally sucks, it must have been very painful.  No we're not over the worst yet,  your right about that. I know for me this is the worst I have felt up to this TX.

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    aem- thats an awful thing to have to go through....

    mlb - since I'm just a little ahead of you, I want you to know that I am finally seeing some improvement compared to yesterday.  This treatment has been hard.  I am so glad to get past it. 

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    AEM- so sorry you felt so bad! I hope you feel better.

    Firstcall and MLB i hope you feel better soon!

    I have had an RO appt. I went in thinking I would not need rads due to what my MO and BS told me. I was in for a shock when the RO really sugested I did have it. She said I was in a grey area and because I have one lymph node that looks really suspicious even though the biopsy came back negative and because they found 7 tumors in one breast.  She said she really wants to make sure to get it all. In the beginning I was devestated but am not resigned to it now and know I will be doing everything to beat this horrible disease.

    I have my 5th out of 6 tx on Thurs. I have to say this is the most I have dreaded chemo. Dreading it for the days that follow and the SE.  here's hoping we all have small SE effect as we race towards the finish line.

    Have a good night all!