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February 2012 Chemo



  • Sissydi
    Sissydi Member Posts: 183

    It's in my stomach mostly..... Like a big bubble is in there!

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Lumpynme - good luck tomorrow!

    Sissydi - I am doing TCH but my stomach hurts so bad every time. I am taking protonix 2x day, as well as the nausea meds PRN. My onc's PA gave me Carafate to try this time around.

    My eyelashes are lower lashes are getting spread thin. Not really noticeable to anyone but me yet.

    Treatment #4 tomorrow!

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    mlb-a cpap is a machine for sleep apnea--continuos positive airway pressure....i've used it since 2004....

    thank you everybody! 

  • AEM47
    AEM47 Member Posts: 177

    Firstcall - as hard as that was..I think you made the right decision.  It would be very hard to be this close to finishing treatment and have it postponed....I can relate to that since my final is the following day.  85-90 degrees is a killer temperature even for the most physically fit.

    And you've got to keep in mind... even tho you deferred - you will make it to a finish line this week !!

  • Gayle56
    Gayle56 Member Posts: 111

    Firstcall -  I think you made a good decision on this. 

    Lumpynme - Will be thinking of you tomorrow.  Surgery was definitely easier than the chemo.

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    Lumpy- Good luck today! Yes Surgery was so much easier. When you get home you may want to see about purchasing a bed pillow rest. It was a godsend! I got it at Bed Bath & Beyond. About $25.00. It allows to lie comfortablly on an incline.

    firstcall- Glad you deferred. Now you have something to look forward to next year!

    Sissydi- I'm on AC and have been taking Prilosec as well as occasional Mylanta. Heartburn and constipation my biggest complaint. Drink lots of water and avoid acidic food.

  • Sissydi
    Sissydi Member Posts: 183

    Thanks Dipad! The onc upped my Prilosec to twice a day, plus Gasx, plus Zantac! Phew!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I love that sentiment about firstcall being at the finish line this week!


    Got it. My friend has one and she says she can't sleep without it!  We were away for a weekend and she forgot a part of it at home and was bummed, so was her DH because of the snoring. Thinking about you today.  Let us know how you're doing when you feel up to it.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Lumpy you are in my thoughts today.

  • mthrdee
    mthrdee Member Posts: 68

    lumpy - saying a prayer that you had an easy surgery and a quick recovery!!!

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Had treatment #4 today. Last two treatments, they gave me benedryl and it made me feel so tired and lousy, so I complained about it and they cut the dose in half to 2.5 and I felt fine afterwards. Very nice. :) I'm so glad to have four treatments done. Can't imagine how good it will feel to have 5 out of 6 done.

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    yay Christina.  nice to mark another off the list. 

    and good luck Lumpy.  May you recover quickly 

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Thanks firstcall.

    I almost forgot. At my appointment today they mentioned my labs show that I am anemic. But the PA did not seem too worried about it. I have definitely been eating less meat over the past 2-3 weeks. Just does not appeal to me. Do you think I should pick up an iron supplement?

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Christina, well the iron would help if it were iron deficiency anemia.  But your anemia (like mine) is likely related to the effect of the chemo on your bone marrow, and iron won't help that.  Do you know what your HCT was?  

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Christina, I needed a transfusion after my previous treatment. My white blood count is good due to nueslasta, but my rbc is low. Good luck, I hope you don't need a transfusion

  • amylynn0427
    amylynn0427 Member Posts: 2

    Hello Everyone, Amy here...

    I have be somewhat of a fly on the wall and have tried to find answers reading all of your posts but I can't find what I'm looking for tonight.  You guys are chatty!  LOL  So happy to see all the support and I'm hoping to get a little myself.

    I had treatment #5 last Thursday.  My first 4 were AIC.  This time it is Taxatere.  Overall I think it was easier, but I had a spell yesterday with shortness of breath. This is also the first time I've taken Decadron.  I didn't like it AT ALL!  Has anyone else had side effects from the decadron and had to stop taking it? If so, what other side effects from the Taxatere might I expect if I don't take it? (I believe the purpose of the decadron is to releave taxatere effects)

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Hi amylynn

    The only SE I had from Decadron was that I couldn't sleep really and was kind of jittery like I drank way way to much coffee. It does help with nausea and I beleive allergic reaction to Taxotere.  There are other pre meds though if you are reacting to Decadron.  Speak to your MO to be sure.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Yes we are a chatty bunch.  Great bunch on this thread, one of my favourites.


    Hope you're doing OK.  Thinking about you!

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    I finished my AC adn will be starting Taxol next week. I am worried about what the onc called a possible infusion reaction. Shortness of breath and pain. I'm also worried about the increased steroids and benadry that they will be giving me that day. I'm highly senstive to medications and the decadron that I took at hoem for the two days after chemo kept me up all night. It also gave me heart palpitations and night sweats. The nurse said they give you alot of steroids during infusion in case you have a reaction but you dont need to take any at home. I'm really nervous about this . Anyone else on Taxol that can tell me how it was?

  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154

    Dipad - I've had 2 DD taxols.  I haven't had any shortness of breath, but I have had some aches.  It's only lasted for a couple days, but hasn't been consistent between treatments.  The first time it was on days 3-6, this time it started on day 6 (last night) but the pain wasn't as bad as the first.  The first time I had some minor allergic type reactions.  My feet were itchy, and there was a patch on my arm that was itchy and bumpy.  That went away after a few days and didn't return on this 2nd does.  I'm having restless sleep issues and lots of hot flashes.  I wasn't sure if that was Taxol or my ovaries revolting, but they have lasted the full 14 days between doses.

    I am only getting an IV steroid at the time of infusion, nothing before or after.  I am getting Benedryl and an anti-naseua (not sure which one).  The benedryl makes me sleepy, but otherwise its been ok.

    Now for the POSITIVE, this weekend was pretty much like any other weekend.  I was able to eat and do everything like I normally would.  No stomach yuck, no funky taste in my mouth, no real tiredness. And the time in between seemed to completely fly because of the limited SEs. I hope it goes as well for you. They will go very slowly with the drip, and it will take a lot longer than with the AC.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Hi everyone, day four of FEC no more Taxotere (thank you) have been in bed two days with terrible sweating but no pain. Have no lashes or eyebrows so look like death but at least I only have one more to go. I have booked a scan on 23rd may to see how my lumps have done and booked my surgery for 19th June.

    Firstcall my daughter who is doing a marathon in a month has been to hospital with a twisted ankle so she may not be able to run either.

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    faith- thanks for the info. I feel a little more relieved. Glad you are feeling good. We really appreciate those good days. No yucky taste and having an appetite is a perfect day!

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    honeys: i'm home!

    very glad that i didn't bother taking the laptop to the hospital ! i wasn't worth a bean last nite! very little pain, thank God and good drugs; just discomfort and then the dry heaves this morning-no fun!

    got home today by 10:30 am and have just been a slug -and soon will be again but i wanted to check in!

    the wire insertion procedure and the IV placement in my hand hurt worse than the rest of me! i did come home with a drain and i go to see surgeon on thursday...whether it comes out then or not we shall see. i DO have some soreness in the back of my arm and in the pit area but nothing really worth talking about...last nite my "wing" was sore more than anything and the hospital bed was anything but pleasant!

    do any of you remember me telling you about the gal who thought my surgeon was horrid? well- i was right- it was her--the surgeon's bedside manor was nothing like she described- 

    anyhow- i need to read and catch up but wanted to say hey!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Glad you are doing good now, take care Lumps

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    That drain will save you alot of bruising. I had 2 with my MX but my friend had none with her LX and it looked like she had been beaten with a baseball bat!  Soon after surgery she was asking if I had bruising and was so surprised.  I even showed her too.  Glad you're home now and out of that crapola hospital bed and in your own. 

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    Glad all went well Lumpy and you are home in your own bed!

    Firstcall, how are you doing?  Been thinking about you since the marathon.

  • amylynn0427
    amylynn0427 Member Posts: 2

    Thanks for the feedback.  I contacted the doc and he wants to see me two days before my next chemo so we can talk about it before I take the steroids.  I hope I can avoid them next time and not have to pay the price being sick or anything like that.  I didn't take them with the AIC and did fine.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Amylynn and dipad - I've been taking decadron and have not had any problems from it. I don't think. Sometimes it's hard to know what med causes what. Anyway I have heard that it makes people jittery so I take my PM dose with dinner, and I do have a little bit of a hard time falling asleep but it's not terrible. I just lie in bed and watch a movie and rest until I feel sleepy. A couple of times I took an Ativan. I had to work late tonight so I took it way late...I am probably going to take an Ativan at bedtime to help me sleep. Dipad, the benadryl they were giving me made me feel tired and  lousy, so I complained about it yesterday and they cut the dose to 2.5. I felt totally fine from that, no SEs. So if you are sensitive to meds you might want to at least talk to your team about starting at a low dose.

    Firstcall, you are right. I talked with my P.A. today when I went in for my nuelasta shot. She said I have low hemocrit (I forget the number) and she said don't worry about it right now, and next week they will check my iron. But she said exactly what you said, it is likely from the chemo and not iron related. I forget the number, it was about 2 points below the normal limit range.

    lumpynme - hope you are feeling okay and recovering.

    faithhopenluv - aren't those days with few or no SEs so precious!?! Those are the happiest days!

    ali - only one more treatment to go! That is fabulous.

    It's the day after TCH #4 for me and I was feeling okay today. Had a handful of off moments but still managed to work a long day. Plan on working a full day tomorrow, and then I have scheduled Thursday and Friday off because I'll probably feel lousy those days. I was nuts all day trying to fit extra work in to make up for Thursday and Friday. I feel really good that I have four treatments down and two to go. The main SE I had today was hot flashes.

  • Gayle56
    Gayle56 Member Posts: 111

    Lumpynme  Glad you are home - rest and heal.


  • AEM47
    AEM47 Member Posts: 177

    Is anyone swelling up or is it just me??????  I swear my legs, hands, face etc. are swelling.  Last trip into the doctors I had gained 8 pounds - that was in one week !!!.  That is NOT like me at all and I managed to gain it with having pulled off 9+ miles that week.  I'm sure I ate alittle extra recently - maybe enough to gain maybe a pound or two...but 8?  Anyone else having this problem?