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February 2012 Chemo



  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Ali - is this your daughters first marathon?  I hope her ankle doesnt keep her from running it. 

    I'm back from Boston.  I feel good about the decision not to run it in the heat.  I checked on the stats for the marathon, and about 2800 people required medical treatment, and about 10 are still in the hospital, at least two in critical condition.  I really don't want anything to keep me from having my chemo tomorrow. 

    Christina, a couple of points low on the hematocrit isnt too bad.  I'm sure your body can handle that.  I'm down several points, and doing ok with it. 

    Jen - thank you for your thoughts...I appreciate it.  My spirits are good. 

    AEM - I had trouble with swelling on my flight to Boston.  I wore support hose and compression garments but still had some swelling and fluid retention.  It seemed to resolve quickly once on the ground.  I didnt have too much swelling with the return trip.  Careful with the salt if you're swelling. 

    Tomorrow is the finish line--the final chemo.  Of course I still have to go through the days afterwards, but I am very happy to have the final one on deck.  I hope my blood work comes in ok, and can go ahead.  I have scheduled to work tomorrow morning, chemo in the afternoon, and I'll work Thurs and Fri as well.  Then by the weekend, I'll just plan on spending it on the sofa.  But this time when I start to feel better I wont have the next treatment hanging over my head. 

    I truely appreciate the friendship and support that we share here, you are all wonderful. 

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I do tend to go up about 8 pounds the first week after TX.  I know this is from the steroids but fortunately for unfortunatley I have controlled high blood pressure and take a 25 Hydrazide pill (water pill) once a day so it's pretty much gone 5 days after TX.  I haven't gained any real weight so far thankfully. 


    Well today is your last TX!!!  Here's to your bloodwork being fine and an uneventul TX as well!  Ring that bell loud and proud my friend!!!  I hope you pop in now an again with your sage advice although I'm sure you will.

  • JudyP
    JudyP Member Posts: 35

    firstcall, congrats on your last chemo!!

    AEM47,  You posted the exact thing I was going to post today!  I go Monday for my 5th tx.  This is usually my "good" week in the cycle and my feet and ankles are swollen and I've gained weight!  I was angry last night thinking that I must be the only person to gain weight while getting chemo!  It hardly seems fair...  I am not eating more, but I am moving less.  No energy means less exercise.  I would walk, but with my feet so swollen shoes are painful.  Holy moly, I can't wait until this is over.

    lumpy, glad your surgery went well.  Take good care of yourself and rest.  Just the word drains makes me cringe... I had 4 due to my double mx.

    Sorry about the cranky today....just tired of feeling tired I guess.


  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    Judy good luck today!

    Firstcall- YAY!! Hope all goes well and so happy for you to be done!

    Today I have my appt with my surgeon. Hopefully I will get a date and some more information that helps me not be so scared!

    Wishing you all many sunbeams today!

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Heading for the finish line today!  Bracing myself, but very glad to be at this point.  and yes, mlb, I plan to stay around.  This is a great group, and I want to see everyone finish and doing well.  Time to get ready.  Hopefully no problems with my blood work and I can go ahead with the treatment today.

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    ps....there are still 10 people hospitalized from the Boston Marathon which I chose to defer from.  2 of them are critical. 

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    yay firstcall!!!!! so glad you are at the finish line...

    how many participants overall in the marathon? 2800 needing tx sounds like a lot..guess i don't remember how large it is overall! glad that you decided to defer!

    jen-many sunbeams- i like that! thx!!!

    feeling pretty good today- did take a pill last nite --as the day wore on i felt a bit of pain so decided to nip it in the bud.... slept well in my bed!

    the drain isn't really a problem...and the fluid is already getting more clear...

    ok bummer-our tv is a second hand one but it's huge and heavy - and last nite the sound died on it-so hubby isn't really able to lift it and i sure can't-and we have another in storage-a bit smaller but very good shape- of course it is buried in thinking it would be easier to buy a new one - or rent a center where they deliver! if this had happened sunday i could have helped...poo

    gorgeous day...hugs to all!

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    Firstcall- Yay congrats! first one to the finish line. Hope all goes well.

    I wonder if the swelling could be from the recent change in temps and humidity?

    lumpynme- glad your home and doing well.

    Yesterday the secretaries at work had a "booby" cake for a co-worker. I asked what the heck it was and they said it was a cake shaped to look like boobs in honor of one of the secretaries who just got her tatoo and nipples done after having breast cancer. They used hersey kisses for the nipples. Isn't that a great story!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Drag about the TV especially now! Could one of your kids get over and get it out of storage fonr  you? 

    I just got in from an hours walk with a friend.  Brisk morning but nice and sunny.  She works the midnight shift so it's nice to have a walking buddy. Spend a couple of hours in the basement yesterday organizing "stuff".  Getting the piles in order for trash, keep, garage sale.  So I think that counts as exercise right? I'm not even a pack rat and I have too much stuff.  We are selling this house in the very near future and a storage place will be needed for the stuff we don't want to get rid of.  Should be interesting.  Kind of exiting though. Looking forward to a more simplified life for a while.  Way too much house for 2 people.  I have 3 friends with rentals that want us LOL!!  Then we see where life takes us.

    Off to the hospital tommorow for bloodwork. I'll be seeing a different MO though as mine will not be in tomorrow which will be a bit weird. I haven't had any issues so I hope I have the status quo like the last time(s). Not that I'm worried, he has an excellant reputation. I was told I would be seeing Dr. Myers (Credit Valley Hospital) but I forgot to ask which one.  Both Father and Son are MO's there.

  • AEM47
    AEM47 Member Posts: 177

    Yay Firstcall - you will be done today !!!  Good luck to everyone finishing this part of the nightmare this week !!  Everyone else hang in will come to an end :-)

    I can't believe that 3 days of steroids would do this...but what the heck do I know.  I've decided to measure my legs when I got up today and I'll measure them again tonite to see how much they actually blow up during the day.  The swelling seems to be in the thighs, calfs, wrists, ands and face, especially the eye area....but yet my feet really aren't bad.  It seems like it's not the normal way to swell up?  Either way it's depressing and uncomfortable and I think because I havent' gotten sick and overall I appear normal, the doctor doesn't seem to take any of my side effects as anything to really address.  I think I have to go in there with pictures and

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Lumpy - so glad you are ok I'm very nervous about my surgery.

    Firstcall - yes it is.

    Feeling very tired but no pain which I find very odd, do you think they reduced my strength without telling me.

    Very down at the moment as my false eye lashes won't stay on and I look bad. Yes I know it will pass and I'm lucky to still be on the planted but I still feel down.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I think you've been through so much that you're just not used feeling fatigue only. I can't manage false eyelashes at all. Wore them a couple of times in my life for Halloween and couldn't stand them.  I often wonder how celebs wear them all of the time.  .  Forgive me because I forget, when do you finish chemo?

  • mthrdee
    mthrdee Member Posts: 68

    ok steroids - check

    colace - check

    sennokat - check

    Yep, I am ready for the final TX tomorrow.  Cannot wait for this phase to be over.  Trying to figure out when is the last date for our group to be finished the hard stuff.  Please dont misunderstand, I am not saying herceptin is not chemo but it appears to have less SEs.  I just want to make sure we dont forget to "RING THE BELL" for anyone who is finished this rough stuff.  

    Firstcall - you must be so excited!!!

    Lumpy - so glad the surgery went well and you are doing ok. Amazing how things break when you need them.  

    Gritgirl - havent seen you in awhile - hope all is well

    To everyone else (((Hugs and small SEs)))

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    First call, ring that bell! Lumpy, sorry about the tv. Ali, hang in there, mrthdee,hope for small SEs for you. AEM, I hope your swelling gets better, chemo is just plain weird, never know what it will do to us. MLB, good luck tomorrow. Dipad. Too funny about the boob cake! Jen, good luck with your surgeon, and, Judy, just hang in there, we all have days like that, just tired of everything! I am tired of my back still hurting, I just made an appt for Friday for my first ever chiropractic appt. Hope it works. To all getting tx hope it goes well, and if I forgot anyone, I am sorry. Much love and small SEs.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Last chemo on 4th May I'm finding it hard to breath when walking and going upstairs. My doc said don't be surprised if you can't have last one. I don't think I could manage it and I would be happy to stop now. I have done so well with shrinking the cancer that I just want to feel normal for a while.

    I really have changed so much I know people say this but I look about 80 yrs old.

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    AEM- I forget did you have surgery already?  I hope the swelling gets better but I would defintely let the MO know and dont let him brush it off.  I have a really good relationship with my infusion nurses, so at times I know I can tell them my issues and they will MAKE SURE something is done.

    Ali- You have had it so rough.. but you WILL get through this. the hair will grow back, the lashes and eyebrows. heck probably the leg and armpit hair too :P hang in there you are almost there!  one day at a time one step at a time wil lead us to years at a time :)

    Good news at my dr appt today  my genetic tests came back neg!  Thank goodness no BRCA to worry about, plus I was terrified for my daughter.  No date on the surgery yet, will have to wait until after my appt with the PS on Tues.  But right now looking at the 3rd week in June.  Plus my BS cleared me to go on our annual big family vacation in July to Hilton Head.  All my siblings, nieces and nephews will be there plus my dad and step mom.  Some R&R will defintely be in order there.

    My last date for chemo is May 17th! I have my 5th treatment next Thurs. Counting down!

  • AEM47
    AEM47 Member Posts: 177
    JenH13 - yup had surgery(s) Lumpectomy in January already - I'll need radiation when the chemo is done...hopefully the "good year blimp" thing will be gone by
  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    All strapped in and meds running.  Blood work was ok, and everything is a go.  And I look forward to seeing each of you finish. 

  • Gayle56
    Gayle56 Member Posts: 111

    firstcall - Congrats on finishing.  Rest this weekend, I found the last one a bit of a challenge in terms of energy and feelinging good.


  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    If I counted right, and nothing goes wrong, my 6 tx will be June 14. Still seems like a long way to go, *sigh*

  • Jag1110
    Jag1110 Member Posts: 51

    First call congrats on your last tx. Moonflwr, I know how you feel, my last should be June 6th, kinda bittersweet day, my Moms birthday, she died of lung cancer 15 years ago. Then 1 month break then on to rads. I saw someone talking about weight gain and I have gained 5 lbs. So far, I did read somewhere that with some cancers you can gain up to 20 lbs., breast canc being one of them. Lucky me I figured I'd be one of those since I just worked my but off to lose 30 lbs.

  • jap62
    jap62 Member Posts: 993

    had my first dd taxol today, had no allergic reactions.. As far as the benadryl, I like that it offsets the steroid up, so I should sleep tonight. 3 tx left.  I will have DMX in June.  My7 question is, since I will not be having rads, and my NS is skin sparing, do I need the expanders?  Wouldn't it be just like haviong breast enhancements?  They don't get expanders, just implants.  I know I need to ask my PS but thats in a few weeks and hate waiting for answers.

     I had chemo first.  I was 1 cm no nodes.  I was told it was because of the aggressiveness of my cancer.  They just wanted to go after any the cells before they spread or get the ones that did.  Glad they did, not sure if I would have wanted to face chemo after losing my boobs, kinda attached to them, waited years to get them and not to fond of losing them.  Loosing my hair has been easier, and yes I go around bald, this is who I am.  There are a couple places I will throw on a hat, but off it goes when I leave the store.  It is freeing embracing my new reality, that is until the DMX enters the mind 

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Jap, the expanders are more for the muscle underneath, so that they are strong enough to carry the load. They put the implant under the muscle. I had the surgery , BMX, first. Had two implants, lost one due to infection. Now stuck halfway, one boobbette, one crater. Such is life. Much love.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Firstcall - thanks for the feedback. PA did not seem too worried either. I wish I'd asked more questions at the time. And congratulations on finishing your treatment! I'm hoping your SEs are minimal.

    lumpynme - that stinks about your TV. I hope you manage to find someone to help.

    dipad - that's cute, a booby cake! :)

    mthrdee - congrats on being on your last treatment! Herceptin is definitely not the same IMO! Hooray for you!!!

    moonflwr - good luck at the chiro. I have never been to one but I have friends who swear by them.

    Jen - so glad that your BRCA came back negative. I was so scared about that too.

    I don't have my last chemo date set. It would fall on Memorial Day, but the center will be closed I am sure. I am going to ask if I get get it done the Wednesday prior to Memorial Day. I usually get 2 decent days after treatment, so then I can finish the workweek and take Memorial Day and Tuesday off for a four day recovery; that is how long I have been needing. And hopefully then I will feel pretty energetic for the summer semester. Oh I cannot wait to be done...

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    sorry if i seem whiny about the tv! MLB: my daughter and her guy are going to come tomorrow nite after work--the one in storage is buried! we would have to almost unload the whole storage unit to get the tv out then repack it!  when we go to dr's appt tomorrow we'll hit the mall and pick up one- not that we are rolling in money but sometimes it is easier to just buy new! once we get moved we'll probly want a second one anyhow again- used to always have one in bedroom...

    so tonite we are watching with closed captioning- we use it anyhow cuz hubby is very hard of hearing and i like it when he is busy talking ..just wierd with no music etc! and i have to pay attention more!!!

    today i am feeling achier- it's just the anesthetic wearing off i'm sure-nothing a pain pill can't fix! took a nap today- figure since i am home i might as well get caught up! drainage is winding down also....

    ali i cannot imagine dealing with false eyelashes with everything else you have had happen! hug yourself ,gf!

    firstcall by now you are outta the chair! yay! i know it felt good when i finished my chemo--do you face anything further? i have more chemo/rads and then i think tamoxifen?

    sending hugs to all of you! so grateful to have had you with me on this journey!!!

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Everyone has been busy. i think Gayle finished first in our group folks here. how long has it been taking to get your energy back, Gayle.

    my last is supposed to be.this Friday. have bone and ct scan next week. if all is clear on liver, go on to surgery. if not, more chemo. would suck but better than dying.

    had ultrasound on breast today. tumor has shrunk by 1/3 or so. breast surgeon says that even might be scar tissue. know more after breast mri next week. crossing my fingers but trying not to get hopes up too high. believe me. I'm grateful to have normal numbers in liver and a shrunk tumor.

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    Gritgirl- wishing you hear more good news soon!!

    Lumpy- hope you get the tv soon and the aches go away :)

    Question.. I have had pretty good numbers throughout chemo so far. I have 4 nurses who work in the infusion center and i hate to say it but I feel comfortable with 3 out of the 4.  Today I had the 4th one so thats why I am asking just to put my mind at ease.  Yesterday at my dr appt my blood pressure was 120/80 today it was 102/78.  My red blood cell count was down to 9.8.  She said she wasnt concerned.  I've never had a blood preasure that low but it seems like its still in the normal range just not for me normally.  I am feeling more tired which i am guessing is the RBC.  Anything else I should be looking for or concerned?

    Thanks all! hope everyone is having a good day!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Fingers crossed here for you to hun!!


    My BP usually comes up the high side of normal or too high although I have had one reading at 113/80 which is really low too for me.  Typically I'm happy it comes in around 130/80 and I use medication to control it even before BC. I woudn't get too too worried about it until your next reading. So many things can affect that number, meds, RBC, chemo.  Stressing will raise it !!  Of course if you start feeling really faint like you're going to pass out THEN its gone too low but if you feel ok you're fine.  Your prior reading is absolutly optimal.

    I'm good and steroided up for what I hope is the last time.  Soon off for my pre TX bloodwork and meeting with the MO!! 

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    GRITGIRL, keeping my fingers crossed for you. At Herceptin only tx today, had to get more magnesium and fluids again. Oh well. He also upped my oral magnesium dose. He's afraid to go too high or the D train is coming back. Oh, joy! Gittin through it even if its not pretty!

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    moonflwr, well, once our systems even out again, hopefully we won't be seeing the d or p train too soon. :-)

    chemo is hard on a body. luckily it's hard on cancer too. :-)