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February 2012 Chemo



  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    gritgirl -  great to see a 30% shrinkage!  Wonderful news.

    jen- your blood pressure numbers are fine.  Your fatigue is likely from your anemia.  Hang in there.  I was suprised, yesterday for the first time since this all began, my red cells were higher.  I think my body is fighting back finally.

    lumpynme - yes, outa the chair.  Done with the chair I hope.  Bracing myself for the next few days. 

    I celebrated my final chemo with a 6 mile run.  Not fast, but I did it.  I expect the fatigue etc this weekend. 

    AEM - are you on the final treatment today?  Hope so.  

    MLB - you're next.  getting it in is not done, but it is nice to know that after a couple of hard days, We can start getting a little better each day. 

    I don't know what made my HCT go back up a little, but I do feel better.  Tender mercies....

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    All sorts of milestones in here lately~
    Firstcall, congrats on your last day in the chair, and gritgirl,  fingers crossed that everything scans well and Friday is your last one as well.
    Lumpy--Yay on the surgery  being done!  
    Have to say, I went to the marathon and boy howdy was it ever hot.  Firstcall, you were smart to defer, and when you come kick Boston Marathon booty next year, we will be sure to give you a high five....
    I skipped the Neulasta this time (and probably from here on out) and have caught a cold. Boo.
    I also keep frizzling my wig from the oven's heat. At this point, my bangs are approaching "Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music" level of shortness, which is decidly not the look i was going for.
    Oh well.....
    Off to clean my room. I made the kids to theirs, so I have no leg to stand on whatsoever.... 
  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    good news at the surgeon's--clear margins and 1/9 nodes -he thinks i may have been "downgraded" meaning probly there were more cancerous nodes but chemo got them....drain still in til tuesday but i'm ok with it.

    so now i have an itch on the back of my arm and can't scratch it- when i try to get relief i can't feel it so i have lost feeling-sucks but not teh worst i've been thru!

    have been super super bitchy with hubby today but-well; he probly deserves it today! (snicker!)

  • mthrdee
    mthrdee Member Posts: 68

    Ok Folks - I am ringing the bell.......ding ding ding

    Chemo is finished and I survived.  I know the SEs are coming but this time at least I know there isn't another TX to follow so when it starts to get to the good days they will last.....YIPPEE

    radiation onc appts still need to be made but I think I will look inot that next week when I have finished with the worse of the SEs on days 2 -5.  

    So glad this phase is done, while doable, it really does SUCK!!

    Ok - so for those still on the chemo ride, I keep you  in my thoughts and for those with me or joining me this week - time to look ahead and what we have to deal with next.  

    (((HUgs)) and small SE to all

  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154

    It is great to hear of so many that are DONE :)  Congratulations!!

     Lumpynme - thats great news, and glad that you are doing well.  Its always great to hear from those of you that are doing chemo before that it is working!

    Hildy - you are my hero cooking w your wig on.  I walk in the door and it is off before my shoes are, and my shoes are in a pile at the door.  I dont mind it during the day, but as soon as I get home I can't stand it. 

  • AEM47
    AEM47 Member Posts: 177

    Doing the Happy Dance over here.....I am DONE !!!!  Went over bloodwork extensively and this bloodwork was exactly as it was PRE-chemo !!!! 5 pound total weight gain and I am thrilled :-)  three weeks of recovery and I will go back to work....never thought I'd think that

    Congrats to everyone who finished !!! and everyone else hang in there :-)  It actually does end.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Congrats to Gayle, Firstcall, Lumpy, mthrdee and AEM47!

     Is that everyone? So good to have it over.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Lumpy- what fab news I'm so pleased for you I hope I get good results when I have mine.

    I keep waking up in the middle of the night sweating having had a bad dream about my Cancer.

    Also last two days have had pain in my armpit where the lymph nodes are. Had a check up last Friday and doc said she couldn't feel a thing. I first found my lump with pain in my armpit so getting a bit worried and keep checking.( Not sure if I'm causing the pain)

    I really need to chill out

  • AEM47
    AEM47 Member Posts: 177
    Firstcall - Strange, my reds and platelets were both up - I had the same thought...maybe I'm fighting back :-)  white count without neulasta was 11,000 which is high but that is how it's been my whole life :-) so that is very normal and also the highest it has recovered.  Strange I really felt the third treatment was the hardest hit I took.  Maybe that's got something to do with your body picking up the pace?  Hopefully recovery is just as good on this last one :-)
  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Hi Everyone

    Blood work done although I get an actual copy tomorrow we are good to go.  Can't wait to get tomorrows TX over and done with, have my down days and get on with just Herceptin and start Tamoifen (we think). 

    Interestly enough my regular MO was off today and I had an appointment with the more senior MO.  He reviewed my bloodwork and the rest of my chart.  He congratulated me on tomorrow being my last TX and said "well I guess all that's left now is your Herceptin TX and", then he stopped.  He asked me when my last period was and I told him, then he said that he would like to confer with my regular MO about Tamoxifen vs another drug (for the life of me I can't remember which one but it started with an  A I think)  Anyway I said just give me the one with least side effects please! THEN...I love this part.  I said "Mind you I have a meeting with the RO on the 26th so I'll  be back sooner than 3 weeks". He says "Who told you that you need radiation?  You had an MX right" I said "Yes", reiterated my margins, no nodes.  I and told him that during my last meeting with the RO that she did.  He then asked me who that was and what my MO  thought and I kind of said "well he's a little more politically correct than you and said we would discuss it further after chemo"..  Basically he said I do not need RADS with my pathology!!!!  I thanked him for his candor and he said "I'm not interested in being politially correct and I would never recommend it for you".  LOL. Love this guy!!

    What a huge relief.  BTW can you tell I've had my daily does of steroids LOL!!!


    As a courtesy I still will have the meeting with the RO since its already booked.  Besides I am super interested in what she has to say now. Perhaps it will be that she presented my file to the tumor board and their recommendation is no RADS.

  • Gayle56
    Gayle56 Member Posts: 111

    gritgirl - that is great about your shrinkage and numbers.  I keep praying for you.

    My energy level is still lower than I would like.  It is really taking a long time to get back to feeling like myself.  For example, last week when I was off I decided to do some house cleaning.  I vacuumed three rooms and that did me in, I had to take a 2 hour nap to recuperate from that.  Having said that I am still working, running around with my daughter and her activities and just trying to go to bed early.

    Tomorrow I go for my rads simulation so we will see how the next step pans out.


  • Gayle56
    Gayle56 Member Posts: 111

    Lumpynme  - sounds like you are coming along and getting good news.

    Congrats to everyone else who is finishing this week.  Even though I am not always responding, you all are always in my thoughts.


  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    No wonder your tired girl!!  Don't be so hard on yourself.  I feel like I've been tired since December and while we all push through it remember its hard on our systems.  We all deserve a months vacation on a beach somewhere! 

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Mthrdee and AEM, Congats!  It sounds like a cathedral after a wedding in here today with all the bell ringing! 

  • AEM47
    AEM47 Member Posts: 177
    Myleftboob - how awesome is that news !!! Laughing
  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    Wohoo to everyone who finished!  So very happy for you all!

    Thanks for the response, I just never know with these bloodcounts so i worry too much if they are different. My first thought after I got done with Herceptin today was, "I'll feel better if I ask Firstcall " lol

    Getting ready to do Race for the Cure on Sat. sadly the weather doesnt look like its going to be great.. rainy and 40's but it beats hot!

    Sleep well everyone tonight :)

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    You made me laugh, cooking with the wig on?!  I take, make that rip the wig off too as soon as I get in. I cook sans anything. 


    Congratulations!!!  Yes I am also looking forward to getting back to business once my energy returns hopefully in a few weeks time. Since I was unsure about rads I was getting kind of down thinking it might be forever dealing with fatigue.  So I'm gratefull.


    Great news on both the margins and nodes.  The numbness is plain weird.  I was really numb after surgery but it has subsided alot.  Hopefully the feeling will all come back some day.


    What a horrible dream, no wonder you woke up in a sweat.  At least you had your doctor check you out.  I bruised myself really bad when I thought I had 2 pinched nerves and was doing accupressure thinking that would help. I went to see my chiropractor and he said no its 2 lymph nodes in my arm, gave me the low down on LE and said to leave them alone. It could be fluid making it sore too.  Try to elevate your arm with pillows way above your heart as much as you can to see if you get some relief for now.


    Congrats to  you too!!!

    Everyone else will be done in due course.  Its a little hard to believe we are at the stages we are since we joined this thread in February.  Thanks gritgirl for bringing us all together!

  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    For everyone getting TC is that taxotere and carboplatin?

  • AEM47
    AEM47 Member Posts: 177

    Taxotere and Cytoxin

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    I am getting Taxotere and Carboplatin and Herceptin :)

  • AEM47
    AEM47 Member Posts: 177

    Jen - it all  When did you start your treatments?

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    so glad to see so many positives tonite!!!!!!!

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    yep! no matter what its called it sucks! I started on Feb 3rd.. finish May 17th on the Tax and Carbo. continue Herceptin for a year. 

    I am still so very happy for everyone with all the good news. May you have few SE!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Congrats to those ringing the bell this week. Had Herceptin today, still have three TCH to go. June is a long way from now. Much love and small SEs for you all.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Feeling better today with no pain in armpit and the sun is out. Going to town to meet my best friend for lunch and chat.

    Also it will be four weeks before my garden is made into something special. I'm going for gold with everything and it's costing £10,000 plus I'm using my Cancer money.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I hope you post a pic of that new garden!  I'm sure it will great! I've always dreamed of a raised garden so I don't have to bend so much.  In the house were in now the former owners had it all vegetable garden with some perennials. Not that I don't love veggies but it was overwhelming and back then I worked about 60 hours a week.  We brought it all back to grass and just perennials.At least we' own this place long enought to see everthing come up before we move!  Glad the pain is gone too!  Enjoy your lunch.

    I only got about 4 hours sleep last night but I suppose thats not bad considering the steroids. Just took my morning dose so they'll do the trick waking me up along with my coffee.  Off to the chair!!

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    mlb- good luck today. Its a nice feeling to get this one done.  

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Ali, good for you. show us pics.

    mlb, good luck today. I'm off to chemo today too.

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    gritgirl -  Hope it goes well for you today.  

  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154

    good luck gritgirl and myleftboob!

    I had my regular in between MO apt this morning, but met with another because mine is out.  Has anyone experienced an elevated CA153 during chemo?  Mine was elevated the last time she tested it (2 weeks ago) this dr is reordering it again.  I've read a bit about it, it can mean a reoccurence or it could mean nothing or it could mean the first burst of Taxol killed a lot of remaining cells and it was released into my blood.  This dr was not overly concerned, but of course it planted the seed.