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February 2012 Chemo



  • Gayle56
    Gayle56 Member Posts: 111

    No mouth sores yet but I think I will try that if it happens.  I happen to like Dr. Pepper so that will be easy.  Just the thought of swishing with olive oil makes me gag.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Someone told me to mix a couple table or teaspoons of baking soda in a quart of water and gargle with that several times a day to.cut down on mouth sores.

  • jap62
    jap62 Member Posts: 993

    I start chemo in 2 weeks, I think I am ready, ready as I can be. I have 2 wigs, 2 hats and a few scarves.  My friend from Ghana said she'll get me some scaves and show me how to tie them-Ghana style.  I can't wait to see them, they should be pretty colorful.  I am most afraid of the heart problems.  We have weak hearts in my family, my sister got congestive heart failure when she had chemo.  She told me of a drug they can give me that can help it from happening, I had the nurse ask my DO if I can have it.  Now I have to go in and meet with her, sure hope it goes my way, not sure I can move forward if she doesn't give it to me.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    I'm on a Canadian thread and a couple of he posters there recommended gargling/swishing club soda and it worked for them.  Makes sence gritgirl.

  • JudyP
    JudyP Member Posts: 35

    Hi everyone!

     I bought a wig yesterday.  It was a weird feeling, but not too bad.  The woman that owned the shop was so nice and she picked a wig that was very close to my hair color right away.  I wasn't going to get a wig, but my sister in law insisted on buying it for me and I didn't want to hurt her feelings.  I tried on a few, but when I put on the one I ended up buying, it looked so much like my hair (before my short haircut a few days ago) I couldn't believe it!  I was not looking forward to going, but it was much better than I thought it would be.  One more thing off the list....

    I'm still feeling pretty good so I feel very lucky about that.  My hands and feet still have tingling and occasional pain, but not unbearable.  I find I get headaches if I don't drink enough water though.

    For those of you getting a port, I have one and it made my infusion very easy.  I have small veins and whenever I have blood drawn the nurses always look and say"oh boy, this is going to be tough, I don't know...this may not work well, etc"  I usually end up bruised.  The port was sore when it first went inb but I'm glad I have it.


  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    2nd round of chemo was hell have just recovered and the cold cap is not working very well. Had to have my long hair cut into a bob to the chin. Have got lots of hats so I still look ok but have got my wig now just in case.

  • ymac16
    ymac16 Member Posts: 85

    You're funny Donna! Hope things get better for you. BTW, I chewed on ice during my infusion, which is supposed to help prevent mouth sores - I haven't gotten any so I think it works.

    Well, today is day 8 post first tx and I'm finally feeling back to "normal"! All week, I have had stomach discomfort, gotten tired very easily, and had a dull headache. I'm feeling none of that today. The only lingering thing now is a dry mouth and slightly off taste in the mouth - I can live with this! I've been able to work full days all week except for Monday when I came down with the fever.

    The hair is still holding on but I'm cutting it short this weekend. I've been told its going to start coming out later next week so I want to take this first step so it won't be too traumatic when it starts happening. It's still going to be heartbreaking for me as I've never had short hair in my life!

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    my daughter ordered a halo(from tlc) for me today as well as a hat....she crochets and plans on making me some hats as well.she wanted to order the long haired halo but i convinced her to start with the short hair since my own is short now-it may seem more realistic to folks at church etc....

    i'm feeling very lazy today-trying to stay busy tho as i wait til monday for first tx.

    my chemo ctr provides popsicles for AC etc..i sure hope they can find some sugar free..they don't even have an ice machine there for me to suck on ice chips-i may have to take a cooler! starting to feel like i'm moving in!

    PICC line feeling almost not there today-hurried in the recliner to put the foot rest down, tho, and it owied for a bit. funny-the dog nor the cat have even noticed it yet -that was my biggest worry!

  • DonnaDS
    DonnaDS Member Posts: 23

    I really havent had trouble with mouth sores either. I used the salt & soda rinse and that worked fine.  The olive oil made me gag too, so my sister recommended coconut oil.  That gagged me too.  When I got thrush on day 7 or so is when I got some sores but the rx helped.  Now I think the Dr. Pepper is interesting, but I wonder if it needs to go flat.

     Gayle  I will have #2 on the 21st so I'm watching your posts, trying to enjoy my good week and not dread that treatment.

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    LOL Donna a out you dog's indignation. Au h a sensitive sort. Thanks for the tip about he DP if/ rather when, I have to deal with those. Nice to know it has medicinal properties.

  • Brandyj26
    Brandyj26 Member Posts: 7

    This has been a bad week for me.  Had first tx of AC last Friday and I shouldnt have worked on Monday but I did, didnt know I would feel that bad and had no time to call in sick.    Tueday night was scheduled for the look good feel better course, instructor never showed up.  so had to reschedule.  Over 2 weeks ago I ordered my wig, kept getting told it would be in and lastly told it would be in by today, garunteed.  so I call and go in, no wig.  no tracking number, nothing.  they cant even tell me if it shipped or when they may have it.  So, my scalp is a little tender and was going to have my daughters each take a turn cutting my hair with what they always thought I should have for a style this weekend, then shaving it.   thought having the 2 days off of work would be a good time to come to terms with the hair situation, instead I am having to start at square one with finding a wig store, ordering and waiting.  Hoping next week is much better.  Sorry, needed to vent for a min.  It can always be worse.

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Judy that is great news about the wig. So nice they had something close to your natural color. Scratch that, IN your natural color :-)

    I was having a great morning walking the mall and talking to my senior friends there. Before I knew it hours had passed. Then I went and tried on funky hats at this Native American store. It couldn't make up my mind.

    Next stop ... Bed, Bath, & Beyond. I had run out of my Fructis smoothing milk and am close to running out of my conditioner. No problem, right? And there I was after having this glorious morning ... Standing in front of the conditioner and feeling the lump in my throat starting. There was the question. 'Diana do you really need to buy this when you start chemo in 12 days and will probably lose your hair 7-14 days later?'. I grabbed my phone and called my friend in Yakima as fast as I could. Just wasn't expecting this at all. Not yet anyway. And she talked me through it. Told me I most. Ertainly was going to buy it. And then when I didn't need it I could put it in my cupboard til I need it again. And then we were laughing about the dog hair story. About all the boob cards I keep finding and sending her. About how whacked out we both are. And everything was okay.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Getting a bit nervous. Going to see if I can find a wig this

    weekend. I get my port Tuesday and start chemo on Thursday. I want to stay, having been delayed, but still anxious.

    Diana, I am glad you bought it. You will need it again. Just a bit of a wait.

    Brandy,sorry you had such a bad week.

    Donna, my chemo class has a recipe for the salt and baking soda water mix. Must be a keeper!

    To everyone else, try to have a good weekend.

  • jap62
    jap62 Member Posts: 993

    I got a wig from my RO office, ACS also will give you a wig

  • lisak7290
    lisak7290 Member Posts: 103

    Hello ladies. I start chemo Feb 21st....I could use any tips to help me get throught it.

    Also anyone have to receive a flushing the day after getting chemo?.

    I was told about it today in the chemo class I had to take..

    Thanks Lisak

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    What is a flushing?

  • lisak7290
    lisak7290 Member Posts: 103

    The lady told me it was to clean out the kidneys,and other organs.

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    How do they do this?

  • lisak7290
    lisak7290 Member Posts: 103

    She told me just like chemo with a drip

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Come on side effects. I wanna feel 'em. Then I know the chemo is doing its job. Today was chemo number two. I asked to see the liver levels from before and after the first chemo. After one treatment, my liver readings have dropped some toward more normal and less deathly. What a blessing. A little bit of hope.

    So bring on the side effects, the hot/cold sweats, the rash, the flushed face, the dry skin, the little bit of neuropathy, the exhaustion, the interesting changes to my GI system.

    I told the lab person today that I'm grateful it's Friday because then I get chemo. She tells I must be crazy to like chemo. I tell her, no, chemo means I might get to live. Bring it on chemo. Kick that cancer. I am so grateful you are here.

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    gritgirl   Yes, Keep up the great spirits...envision the chemo working

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I'm envision it working in my mind for you girl.

    It's 4:30 am and can't sleep.  Can't even blame it on the steroid bcuz I have yet to start them.  Had a great night out with my GF's, forever friends that I've known since I was a kid. I feel a little bad though, one of the gals said "I really like your hair" I replied "take a good look at it because it won't be there in a few weeks!!"  I could tell she was a bit mortified but that's how I roll these days, I need to find the humor in everything, it works for me.

    I was told by my MO's nurse assistant that for me first round I need to have someone with me in case of a reaction etc. My sister in law insists that she takes me.  She's a really nice lady but she's way too emotional and cries at the drop of a hat.  I informed my DH that he is taking me now.  He's been so awesome thoughout this whole process and has a great sense of humor.  he said to my BFF tonight,  "You know, having a MX and reconstruction AND a lift to the other side is a bit like a guy being told, you have to have your testicles removed, BUT we'll give you penis extension to make up for it, I"M IN" LOL!!  Love him to bits!

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022


    That's the spirit. I say the same thing about my hair. Gotta find some humor here. God call on taking the husband. I take a chemo buddy with me every week. Coordinate it hrough this great site (what a blessing). Mostly chemo trippers or kids get me home. My first chemo I did react so huge help having some with. Plus, I get to spend extra time with somone; I ask different people every week. They are my angels. This 2nd treatment was much easier. Now to see the side effects.

    When is the first chemo?

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    My first treatment is Feb 17th, less than a week!  My DH's Auntie gave me the best advice as she went through this a year ago.  Don't lose your sense of humor, no matter what!  I'm a wee bit fickle on who I hang out with at the moment.  They must be upbeat/positive and preferably funny. My DSIL while telling me how she wants to take me to treatment, was telling me about how she took her BIL (he was terminal) how she used to have to leave in tears because it would upset her so much!  I can't have her take me!!  I'll be consoling her ya know!  No DH for sure....I beleive in Angels though hun.  they're everywhere.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Myleftboob, that's just good common sense. I learned that after my mom died in 2008 and then again when my dear sister died just last year. I was struggling so much, I couldn't be around people who always saw the dark side of things. I was having such trouble staying out if it myself. I had one dear friend I finally had to let go.

    This is hard stuff and support, the willingness to let you cry and then laugh in the same conversation, those are the best friends and support to have.

    We'll count down to the 17th with you. Your diagnosis sounds very positive so this will only be a blip on the way back to health. Try not kick too much dust in our eyes as you race by. :-)

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Btw, been hearing some doctor commentary on cold caps. Apparently since they freeze the scalp, preventing chemo from getting to the scalp and hair, there's also a chance that cancer cells that might have made it to the scalp won't be killed by the chemo since it can't reach them. Don't know more than this. Just read opininions of two oncologists on the subject in material I'm reading.

  • ymac16
    ymac16 Member Posts: 85

    Gritgirl, my MO told me the same thing about the cold caps. She said, while the chances of the cancer metastasizing to the scalp are low, the risk is still there so why take the chance.

    And myleftboob, please do take someone - I too had a horrible reaction during my first treatment and could not drive home. My DH and dear sister were there with me which was such a blessing. My mom and DH went the second time, and even though I had no reaction, I felt too drained to drive.

    You are all so right about surrounding yourselves with positive people. When I was first diagnosed, every time I talked to my mom she cried - that was exactly what I did NOT need! My DSIL had the sense to wait to call me so she wouldn't do that - her sister died last year from lymphoma and she said she cried for many days when she found out about my BC but she didn't want to cry on the phone with me so she waited. I love her to pieces! And I have a core group of friends and my sister who are there for me when I need to have a good time or need to have a good cry.

    Good luck next week myleftboob! And I'm pulling for you gritgirl. BTW, I mentioned this on a previous post gritgirl, there's a yoga class for women with cancer in Chevy Chase, DC (Circle Yoga). It's on Sundays at noon; the instructor does it pro-bono so there's no charge, just donate something if you can. It's been great for me, so thought I'd suggest it to you.

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    That's right girlfriend. Let that 'bad' stuff do its job. You have a great attitude about this and I am continuing to pray and hope for and with you and about you. Great news about the liver levels too!

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Oh myleftboob. I can so relate to having some gf get the mortified look when I joke around or just come out with the facts. I am thankful that I have some that are all about keeping it real and my friend in Yakima who is about 3 or so years post chemo (different cancer) who Totally gets chemo and me and can joke, coach, and kick me in the butt if I need it.

    Good call on your dh. My dh is coming too loved the testicle analogy and the penis extension remark. LOL. I have a few friends that I adore but I think they might not be able to stomach my chemo. So I will be inviting others a la Gritgirl's example. I am all about making it an event and a party of some sorts.

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    ymac16. Good encouragement and things to remember for me. Yesterday someone kept looking at me with a really pitiful expression and said over and over "you don't really know that your hair will fall out. I know someone whose hair didn't fall out. You don't really know. ".

    Come to think of it that was close to my BB&B event. Maybe all that pessimistic optimism helped to send me towards the edge. LOL. My response was. Oh yeah it's going to fall out. The literature suggests it. The studies support that. My MO was straightforward in telling me 'your hair will fall out'. Anecdotally there are scores of women and men on the same chemo cocktail that all have lost their hair. It's going to happen. That didn't change the pitiful look and I don't need pity right now, kwim? I know some folks mean well ... But they can bring an element of downerism that is detrimental.

    I love you gals so much for keeping it real here