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February 2012 Chemo



  • kyliet
    kyliet Member Posts: 587

    Hi, new to this site. I start chemo on Wednesday. At first I was happy knowing treatment was starting but now I just feel scared, teary and sleepless. I am amazed how strong you all are, I don't feel that way at all.I am in Australia and doing 3 FEC and 3D. All the best. 

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564

    Katopet - We're here for you. Sometimes getting past the first one helps a lot - it's the uncertainty that's scary. My advice - ask for as many meds as possible to help against the side effects, and take them as soon as you even suspect you'll need them (if they're not giving automatically). Drink a lot (I mean, lots and lots) especially the first three or four days, and plan to give yourself a lot of rest. Your body with thank you, and hopefully give you less trouble. Good luck! I have #4 on Thursday (TAC).

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    ymac - can totally relate to the emotions...I also pride myself on being strong, and this has been a real blow to my pride.

    katopet - I don't feel very strong either...I feel like I am just trying to get through each day, sometimes just getting through the moment is rough. It does seem to get better over time, but then I'll have a bad day and it makes me wonder. Good luck on Wednesday!

    Why no tampons? I just started my period today and I start chemo tomorrow. Just curious as to why tampons are not it because our immune system is already going to be compromised?

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Hey Lumpynme and whoever else :-)

    I checked on the drugs

    Chemo: adriamycin (doxorubicin)

    Cyclophosphamide (cytoxan)

    IV also

    Aloxi (Iike zofran or kytril) anti-nausea

    Emend. For delayed nausea

    Decadron (in my iv but also orally for 3 days)

    Other prescription drugs

    Procorperazine ( as needed for nausea)

    Lorazepan (for the sleepiness side effect mainly and for nausea). This one is prn and I will decide if and when I take it.

    Neulasta (shot) (decrease the risk of neutropenia/ incidence of infection)

    I am going to give these to myself. I saw that some have to return for this shot but it looks like it is a mail order drug in my insurance formulary. The shots are tiny like ones I gave myself post acl reconstruction in 2004. No problem doing those.

    Hope this helps answer a question or two.

    I am every other week for 4 times beginning the 22nd.

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Christina. I am not certain. Perhaps. I read it somewhere have not been told it by my MO or chemo nurse yet. I cannot imagine going back in time. LOL :-) but have a feeling the drugs will put me on early menopause any way. Waiting to hear the results of my estridiol test to see if perhaps I migh have slipped into peri menopause unknowingly. Ha ha ha

    FLDREAMER Member Posts: 136

    Several weeks ago, I attended a session titled "Look Good, Feel Better".  This was sponsored by the ACS.  It covered makeup, hair loss, nails, skin, wigs, eyebrows, etc.  They gave us free makeup for our skin tones (light, medium, dark and extra dark).  There were mirrors on each placemat setting with q-tips, sponges, mascara wands, etc.  We practiced and were helped with excellent tips from the cosmetologist who was excellent and specific to how chemo affects our bodies, etc.

    Consider checking if there is something in your area.  There is no charge.  And the information provided was excellent.  I usually don't wear much makeup but gained much knowledge.  Don't 'nix' this group just because you're not into makep.  There are many good tips.

    EYEBROWS:  An excellent link I found is attached.  The info in this video is just like I heard at the seminar.

    I had trouble posting this link.  It wouldn't let me copy and paste.  Anybody else having trouble with copy/paste on here?  Is it protected for some reason?  I'm not real computer savvy. 

     Anyway, there is good information:

    This info is specific to cancer patients, unlike tons of resources on the internet just for beauty's sake alone! 

  • annie3310
    annie3310 Member Posts: 22

    I am slipping between here and the January group as well. My first A/C treatment was late January, so I'm really just getting underway. I had my second A/C last Wednesday and my biggest issue really has been sleep related. I keep waking at 4:30 am, even if I've fallen asleep at midnight the night before. Then I can't seem to nap to catch up. I imagine this is related to the steroids I'm taking post-infusion, but today is the last day of those. Other than that and our friend, constipation, the second round hasn't been bad.

    Keeping my fingers crossed it stays this way until #3 on Feb. 22nd!


  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    I am going to do this in March. Figured by the time of the March class I will have lost just about everything. Thanks for posting this for everyone to look into. So many of m docs have all these resources available at their offices and he hospital I am spoiled that way.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    i'm hoping to do the look good feel better thing in march or april-- i will need help in the eyebrow department!!!! somewhat locally, there is one scheduled for tomorrow afternoon-hey -i could still be in infusion so i decided that i had better wait!

    dltnhm--i only know that i'm on the AC and the scrips that i have picked up--i have no clue yet what else they might slip in thru IV etc...

    i'm also wondering what will be discussed/found from my mammo the other day-reminder: the radiologist ordered my november films overnited from michigan after looking at my right(good) i may be in for more than i know or...nothing.

    what i DO know is that neither of us slept for crap last nite- i finally took the ativan and it took almost an hour to still get to sleep- 

    we have to be there tomorrow morning at 815--i'm as ready as i can be except for sleeping and getting up! my bag is packed and i feel like i'm moving in! i hope that they were able to find some sugar free popsicles cuz i forgot to buy them today and they don't have an ice machine for me to suck on cubes!

    my son came by after church (we evidently DID sleep at some point this morning cuz we missed church!)  with a beautiful prayer shawl from the ladies in the church and he bought me a portable cd player so i'm good there! he brought his two kids and his son and i decided that since he is my only grand BOY his hugs need to count extra!so each hug from aidan is like two from any of the 4 girls!!! i like that  theory!

    took 14 y.o.granddaughter out today and we had Japanese lunch-had fun at the hibachi table! then we walked the mall- she needed shoes for her winter formal and i was looking for big earrings- found and bought two pair...we had a good afternoon but i am absolutely whooped!

    bed soon.

    as i'm reading; i see that several of us have had meltdowns the last few days and i just am grateful for all of you being here to share; to hold our hands or kick our butts!!!!!!

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    ok-posting seperately so not buried in another post!

    tomorrow is first tx...

    bag is packed, what am i missing?

    what should i be doing tonite????besides trying to sleep

    i know to drink lots of fluids .

    tomorrow, take a claritin for neulasta on tuesday. decadron and compazine

    tomorrow nite probly a square of chocolate exlax

    thx.....yea, i don't wanna be known as the girl who flunked chemo school!

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    oh-me again-found out tonite that a friend of mine who had BMX a few years ago is in tx again tho she doesn't want to talk about it so i don't know what is happening-wow- didn't need this...for me or her....

  • ymac16
    ymac16 Member Posts: 85

    Lumpynme, sorry to hear about your friend - its never good to hear about something like that ,particularly when you're beginning to go through it yourself. Stay strong!

    I'm sure you have what you need for your first tx tomorrow, I'm sure you won't flunk! And, don't stress too much about sleeping, it's pretty much expected that you won't sleep much tonight considering the anxiety you have about the tx tomorrow.

    Good night and good luck!

  • jap62
    jap62 Member Posts: 993

    ok, I start tx next week, what should I bring with me? beside a book?  I was dealing good with this bc thing till I made the appointment dates, brought me down, then I have to put on the I am doing good routine in front of people and feel worn out when I get home.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497


    did you get a chance to look at the two threads about getting thru chemo and the shopping list? they should be toward the top of the forum...many many pages but excellent ideas!

    yes; keeping that "face" the i'm doing good one--gets to be tiring...

    my bag has a book, a word search puzzle book and pen, a deck of cards (i play solitaire) , some snacks, my cd player and a few good listens, a shawl, my lil makeup bag with my meds and some things for later like  eye drops,some note cards in case i actually get to the thank you notes that i owe, i have a bag of sugar free candies to suck on including some ginger that i found (it's calming to the tummy), a water bottle...

    i have no clue whether or not i will use any of it but i am packed! 

    we leave for my first tx in half hour- i DID actually sleep last nite without aid of pills and am actually in pretty good shape-probly should get off computer and put some clothes on tho!!!!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Gritgirl, I am happy for you about your liver tests. And good for you to take whomever you want, and NOT to take those who can't handle it. Also, your DH souds like a winner

    Dltnhm, I have a friend like that too, optimism is fine, stupidity is not!LOL

    I also wondered that about the cold caps. I am glad to see some disscussion about it.

    MLB, Iwill be starting the day before you, I will be thinking about you on Friday.

    Ymac, I am glad yoga works

    Lisak, what's your cocktail?

    Firstcall, how are you holding up?

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Aaahhhggg! Just peeved, I answer posts, then when it prints mine, I find I am answering two pages ago. I gotta check I am on the last page. So dumb. So sorry if I am not on the right conversation!duh!LOL.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Lumpy, good luck!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Oh, and I think Christina es starting today too. Good luck

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564

    Good luck to everyone with tx's today! I take water, but I also take Gatorade to change things up. Just keep chugging away - the more you drink, the faster it all gets out of your body. And try to take a walk afterwards and tomorrow - my physical therapist said even light exercise helps your body metabolize move the stuff out.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Thinking of you today Lumpynme!

  • JudyP
    JudyP Member Posts: 35

    christina0001 and lunpynme,  I am thinking of both of you today.  Everything will be ok, I'm sure.  The first is the most anxious as you don't really know what to expect.

     I had a pretty good weekend with the exception of getting my period on Friday.  I haven't had it since early Sept. and was hoping I was done with it altogether.  I was pissed off!  It was heavy all weekend too!  Oh well.

    Last night my scalp was sore and tingling.  I ran my fingers over it to try and make it feel better and came up with a hand covered with hair.  I guess its the beginning of the fall-out.  I'm on day 14 after my first treatment so I guess this is it.   Not happy, but not crying(yet).


  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Sorry hun, just realized you're starting today too!!  Hope all goes very well for you!


    Hugs to you!  God I hope my period doesn't make an appearance.  I'm a year and a bit since the last time but the 2 years leading up were all over the map.

  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154

    good luck to those starting today!

  • mthrdee
    mthrdee Member Posts: 68

    Good Morning my friends

    Well my first TX is on Thursday, Moonflwr912 we start together I think.  I am scheduled for 1000 and I will be doing the IV as my Dr thought I would be okay without a port.  I took an Ambien last night and it was the first sleep I have gotten in days.  feeling much better now.  Those nerves in my stomach are acting up but I think I will be okay.  

    Started putting my bag together last night.  wanted to post what I have put together for this chemo adventure as I am worried that I will forget something.  I know I won't need everything but I need something to do to keep the mind occupied.  

    Pescriptions:  Decadron ( to start on Wed), Reglan ( for nasuasness), Xanax ( for my nerves) colace ( constipation) Vitamin D ( my numbers were really low).  Since I have never been a pill taker is there anything else I need to ask for?

    OTC meds - Claritan ( for starting Thursday evening and continue for 5 days due Nulesta shot on Fri), Mirlax ( starting it today with colace to keep the movement going LOL) prevacid? (in case of heartburn which I often suffer from anyway) - what about Tums?

    In the bag to take with me - blanket, thin socks to wear when icing my toes, kindle, cards, newspaper, some magazines, notepad ( to write down any instructions or what the heck I am actually getting in that IV), trail mix, candy, mentos, apple and orange, Sobe water, water and cran pomegrante jiuce, bag of goldfish (cheddar ones, not the floaters LOL)

    Little confused about the ice, popsicles and frozen am I keeping any of the above frozen??  I have a little cooler and can pop them in there, but won't everything defrost of melt?  Also please explain this toe and finger submersion in the peas and ice.  Are they supposed to be shoved into little bags of frozen materials for the entire treatment?? Sorry, very nervous about this ;0)  also am I chewing ice chips the entire time?

    at home - biotene mouth wash, toms toothpaste, soft toothbrush, epsom salts for baths ( dry skin reflief and relaxing), EVOO for mouth sores, claritan ( did i alreaady say that) and tylenol for headaches.  

    Ok now that you are all laughing that I must be an insane planner, please note....I am usually for the past 47 years completely unprepared and totally unorganized, but I am thinking I better get it right this time.  

    So please let me know what I am missing, if anything and please tell me how i am freezing these toes and fingers LOL.  

    Lastly, shoud I get the mani/pedi the day before and cut the nails short so i can last as long as possible until the next one.  I'm a little freaked out that I have read on the boards that going to the salon is not a great idea and that my nails are going to be effected byt this too.  

    Good hair (remember my son's words of encouragement - bald chicks are hot), feeling like crap and my nails are going to go to hell too>>>this is some journey..Well at least it is going to start soon and on Friday I will be able to say 1 down and only 3 more to go!!!

    Last but not least, since they call the TX your chemo cocktail, would I be over the top if I orderd mine on ice with one of those cute drink umbrellas in it.  Sorry, just trying to keep it light 

    Hugs to all  


    FLDREAMER Member Posts: 136

    MTHRDEE:   LOL.  Love the idea of a little umbrella.  Make mine a margarita.  (Wonder how we'd be received at the chemo treatment if we took a jug of our favorite drink!

    ICE during treatment:  I don't know about the fingers/toes.  I didn't bother.  My center provided popcicles and ice chips and encouraged me to chew on them for the entire 1/2 hour of the A part of my AC treatment).  

    You've packed plenty.  I think you'll be fine.  I found that I took too much.  Didn't need most but 'better safe than sorry.'  

    LUMPYNME:  I'm sorry to hear of your financial situation.  I also struggle financially.  I do have an income but very few reserves (live paycheck to paycheck).  I have gas in the car, food in the fridge and less than $50 anywhere till this Friday.  I feel like a pauper.  It's so scary.  I can't even imagine being totally dependent on an 'ex.'   Hugs to you!    Also, I moved December 1st.  I know how hard it is to settle in.  I still have boxes piled here and there.  (My place is only 360 square feet....super tiny).  I do have a storage shed for the excess but am constantly trying to decide what to keep and what to get rid of!   

    FLDREAMER Member Posts: 136

    PINK:   I hate the color also.  (Never did like it but even less now.)  Ok, so far, I've received a pair of pink slippers (with the breast cancer logo) on them.  They are toasty warm but I almost hate looking at them.  Then, the other day I received two homemade pink (again with the pink ribbon logo) baseball style caps.  They are identical and reversible.  Very cute and soft actually.  I'll wear them with the logo underneath.  I don't want to hide my cancer but don't want to flaunt it either. Gee, all I need now is a shirt, pants and jacket and all of me will be like a big pink ribbon!    Pink, no no no!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Mrthdee- I want an umbrella too!  (I may even take one to the Tx center and say its for my Cancer Cocktail!  LOL) I havent even packed my chemo bag yet, I am still concentrationg on getting the port placed.  thaty is tomorrow at 0900. and I just want that over with, although I should probably start it today.  I plan on packing my Ipod, e reader, a fleece jacket, maybe a down throw I have- its small but warm.  or maybe another fleece throw- I have one of those.  I can sanitize it in my dryer when I get home.  I am scheduled for 0900 start.  I know my center has snacks, but I will have to bring lunch the first time.  they don't suppy it.  What the hell do you eat if you arnt sure you will be feeling like eating something?  I am diabetic which makes eating nonnegotiable.  Got to eat something.  I can bring applesauce, and bananas, but I will need some protien. maybe just turkey and eat a slice of it.   guess that will have to suffice. 

    Lumpynme, My DH has actually been very good throughout this whole thing.  Which is wierd, like, who is this man and what happened to the husband I've had for 38 years?  Especially the last 10 years, when he could care less about me, our house and our life.  He has an apt of his own, close to where he works for the last 3 years, and for the 10 years before that, worked out of town and came home 2-4 times a year. so this is so strange.  He has come to almost every doctor apt, all surgeries and consults, and actually fixed things around the house that have been broken for the last 10 years.  He replaced my fridge, which was held together - literally -  by duct tape and wire, replaced the dishwasher that has not worked in 5 years, and I am enjoying this.  I can't count on it continuing, but I am enjoying it while its happening.  Maybe it took this damn thing to make him realize I exist again. He even came with me to wig shop and bought the wig witout cringing.  I don't know what to think, but as I said, I am enjoying it!  Not that I wouldn't give up the new stuff to not have this, but if I have to have it anyway, I WANT the stuff!  LOL!  I hope your situation improves,  life is strange- you never know what is coming.

    fielddreamer, I am glad your center provided ice, I am not sure mine does.  Forgot to ask.  May have to bring some the first time just in case.

    Judy- you seem to be on schedule for the hair loss.  Damn! Don't you wish you could be the rare one?  LOL.  My period was gone for 3 years when I got this, so can't help you with the period issue.  

    And, I hope I am on the right page to reply!  LOL.  

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Fielddreamer- jsut saw your post and I agree! NO PINK< NO BC Ribbon stuff- I was in the hospital right after my BMX and a friend brought me a Hat with the pink ribbon, Gloves, with the pink ribbon, a Coffee cup with the pink ribbon, and a PINK ribbon pin.  Even if I like the research I HATE the PINK stuff.  Count me in!  I really don['t want to be reminded of my Dx every where I turn!  ug.  Sorry for the rant.

  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154

    mthrdee - this isn't necessarily for the chemo bag, but I bought 4 mini hand sanitizers and 2 big ones.  They are everywhere and in every possible purse.  I also bought 4-5 chapsticks which are also all over the place - that is one of the best tips I received it is easy to get cracks in the corner of your mouth.

    For the chemo bag - I have is a couple items that I have on loan that I take with me, a special braclet that a friend threw on my wrist the night before my surgery, a special peace and healing medallion that a freind's mom gave me.  I may pick up more as I go along, but thats what I started with.

    I never liked pink either (not fond of red either) but had just started to try to incorporate more pink since I am always on the otherside of the color wheel.

  • mthrdee
    mthrdee Member Posts: 68

    Thanks faithhopenlove - I will pick up the hand sanizters and put them for the chapstick, I think I am going to wear them as earrings as I lose them everytime i buy them.  I just bought the biggest jar of vaseline and I will be slathering that on my lips.  Also useful for covering your dry hands and feet and then cover with cotton gloves and socks overnight...smooth as a babies bottom next morning.  

    I think I will go hunt for one of those little drink umbrellas right now and put it in my chemo bag.  Then when I see it, it will give me a reason to smile and think of all of you who are being such an awesome support system.  

    I have a little purse from HKG that someone gave me last time I was on a business trip there and in it I keep all the special items I have gotten that are helping me get thru this journey.  My mom's rosary, some prayer cards I have rec'd, an "I love you' note from my Dad, kids pictures and other odds and ends.  Now I will be adding my drink umbrella.