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Kicking LEs butt!! Exercise & Self Care Log



  • hugz4u
    hugz4u Member Posts: 1,818
    edited April 2013

    Ok i report that I did lebeds twice and walked half hour yesterday. Today I have lazy bones so I won't promise anything.

    Proud, How have you been with the box lifting arms. Are you back to working out? I almost volunteered to help my freind move but then remembered about lifting boxes. Instead I offered to help her in a more LE friendly way. I usually jump in to help with anything but now I have learned to step back and reconsider with LE. I am going to make a simple meal and invite the moving family over instead.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited April 2013

    Hugz, thanks for asking.  My arms do not ache anymore but to be honest, I was at the gym Tues & Thurs and took it easy on the lifting.  I work in a factory sort of thing, they do not tell you in Marketing 101 that your job will include heavy lifting!

    anyway, just being careful and will be talking to my trainer guy on Sun

    yeap my suggestion is to help your pal doing something other than lifting boxes!

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited April 2013

     I almost volunteered to help my freind move but then remembered about lifting boxes

    The meal is really a nice gesture, hugz.

    Yes, I am helping with an annual  fundraiser dinner and started RE thinkiing the delivering of trays and kitchen work.  I offered to organize a chinese raffle instead.  All we need to do is  modify!

  • hugz4u
    hugz4u Member Posts: 1,818
    edited April 2013

    Purple, Good idea on the raffle because with cooking for a large crowd you have to watch out for too much stirring on the stove top, too much peeling potatoes and other repetitive stuff. Watch out for heavy pots of water when lifting them to the stove and also burns. I tend to be in a hurry cooking for a crowd so I get clumsy. I'm learning to slow down or better still make a simple meal the night before like chili or pasta dishes/ sauces where I can take my time the night before and then just heat up the next day and make my fancy salads fresh the day company is coming to fancy it up a bit. Costco desert for ease.

    No more homemade gourmet stuff anymore. I'm running out of steam to be doing that nowadays anyway.

  • Estel
    Estel Member Posts: 2,780
    edited April 2013

    hugz - I've started cooking more and when I have to cut up veggies ... that's usually a flare waiting to happen.  I still haven't figured out exactly what to do about it ... I wear gloves and sleeves ... I think I'm going to have space it out ... I can't cook on days that I work out ... stuff like that just makes me angry!  Yell  Shouldn't be that hard .... but we have to do what we have to do.  Undecided

  • hugz4u
    hugz4u Member Posts: 1,818
    edited April 2013

    Dawne I hear you on the cutting veg, this worrys me to because we are holding that skinny knife handle and then we have to push and saw with pressure down on the veg to cut. Carrots and beets are the worst. They are so dense and hard. Even with my good erogromic Cutco brand chef knife the pushing and sawing is not good for LE especially if you are doing major cooking. Also there is no way I am going to use my non dominant hand for cutting. There would be blood all over!

    I don't know what I am going to do once I start juicing again this spring. All that veg rinsing and washing with my rubber glover over my LE glove :( and then all that chopping to prepare for the juicer just to get one glass of juice. Not looking forward to it. Yet I love that fresh green juice.

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited April 2013

    I have to think this is a stupid question, but what about some sort of a food processor or chopper ?

  • nibbana
    nibbana Member Posts: 349
    edited April 2013

    I always recall the chef saying "A dull knife is a dangerous knife." If the knife is very sharp, less pressure will be needed to cut vegetables and less chance of slipping than with a dull knife.  On a slightly different note, I'm going to look at a safety razor to shave with instead of an electric razor. Old time safety razors use extremely thin, sharp blades.

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited April 2013

    I am with purple. Why make it harder t han it has to be, particularly if you are going to juice it and don't need uniform cuts.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited April 2013

    I have always poo pooed the precut veggies in the store but maybe?

    I am no longer a fancy chef, more basic things as just too tired?

    then again, I was tempted this morning to buy into a community organic garden thing where the delivery a bushell of veggies each week.....his samples were so young and tender that chopping would be a dream.....maybe

  • Estel
    Estel Member Posts: 2,780
    edited April 2013

    I do have a food processor but even then you need to cut the veggies in order to put them in there.  And some things I don't want veggies completed chopped (like cabbage in cabbage soup).  My bigger issue is needing a sharp knife.  I don't have an automatic knife sharpener only those metal rods ... and to do that ... is again, repetitive motion.  *sigh*  I need to ask for help to sharpen my knives.  

    I've doing today, yet, for LE care.  I haven't done well the last several days on drinking water ... I totally need to drink up today.  My trainer worked me really hard on Friday ... so I've taken it pretty easy the last couple of days.  I may go to Yoga class tonight but my arms are not liking this weather right now.  Lots of achiness.  But ... I know it will pass.  For now ... I'm off to hydrate ...

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited April 2013

    I have a nifty knife sharpener that works well with little effort

    it is a german make and you roll the knife back and forth in a grove thing

    it is not as good as when I take it to my pal with a professional thing but it keeps them pretty good

  • carol57
    carol57 Member Posts: 1,550
    edited April 2013

    Since reading 'Anti-Cancer' a while back, I've seriously committed to eating a diet very diverse in fruits and vegetables. I also had a chance to chat with a nutritionist about how to make sure that my investment in fruit and veggies really does get me the nutrition that's in the food. So now I'm using a lot of frozen fruits and veggies, still eating fresh foods that either cannot be frozen (like salad greens) or that are realistically grown nearby, even if in a hothouse, or that travel and store well. So fresh produce now is mostly root vegetables, plus citrus which keeps its nutrients well.  When I eat other fresh produce, like say, grapes, I enjoy it but don't count on it to have its miracle properties--so I'm eating lots of frozen products to get what I need. knife required!

    I had a houseguest all weekend, a longtime friend, and we had fun but I didn't get more than about 6,000 steps in each day.  Today, however, back on track--more than 5 miles so far, and I worked out with a trainer today lifting weights and doing core and flexibility work.  MLD tonight for sure, because the weather is funky and barometric pressure change is giving me the aches.

    Watching the news as I type sad about what happened in Boston today, and I hope anyone in our LE forum with friends or loved ones living or traveling in that city has good news from them this evening.


  • hugz4u
    hugz4u Member Posts: 1,818
    edited April 2013

    Dawne, Yes, the food chopper is good but your right.. you have to chop them into smaller pieces and that is where repetition comes into play. Same with a juicer.

    Carol had a good idea on buying certain types frozen vegs! They are quick too.  Still we love our fresh stuff. I made a greek salad last night and it was such a drag to have a glove over a LE glove and then to chop the veg. It is so clumbersome. I finally ditched both gloves but then I had a bare hand for a half hour and wondered how great that would be for Lymph to be seeping into my hand. My LE is not that bad but I still had to wonder if I was doing damage.

    Carol you will be happy to know that I just pulled off my (frozen) peas off the stove and I am eating them as I type! Alas, no butter on them. Rats! I once saw a gal pull out a container of cooked peas  at a school play we were watching. She ate one at a time. It took her the full play to eat the works! That"s called healthy snacking.Smile Umm.... I had a sugary granola bar and was sitting beside her. Opps! No wonder I was bigger than her!

    I just walked the beach walk in honour of our dear souls that have had such a hard time in Boston. They would be happy to know that I did that for them.Wink

  • binney4
    binney4 Member Posts: 1,466
    edited April 2013

    Hugz, when I get new gloves (every six months, usually), I save the old ones and use them for kitchen work. That way I don't need the (clumsy! sweaty!Tongue Out) plasic gloves over them. I even wash my hands between tasks with the gloves on. They get wet and messy, but it doesn't matter because I strip them off when I'm done, lotion, and put the good ones back on.

    Just a thought...

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited April 2013

    Hi Ladies

    I was just on another thread where someone rather  new to LE ( But not at all new to yoga) was looking for some more input for her yoga practice. I checked on the HAVEN website and posted the following, and it occurred to me that it just might be of come interest to ppl. on this thread as well so here goes...

    First though- I too would like to take the opportunity to offer my sympathies for anyone with loved ones in Boston.  It was eerily familiar as they showed MassGeneral.  Really hits close to home.

    Oh, and I am finally meeting with the LIVESTRONG program tomorrow. I will keep you all updated.

    USUAL DISCLAIMER...this simply applies to me, my LE and my current abilities :

  • hugz4u
    hugz4u Member Posts: 1,818
    edited April 2013

    Ok, doing pretty good here with lebed opening on the sunny beach and then one hour walk. Going to stretch now and then call it quits for exercise today. Well.. I will do my tai chi breathers also until bed. I may sneak in some gardening in before it rains.

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited April 2013

    Update on YMCA Livestrong.

    So , I met with the VP, LIVESTRONG trainer and another lady at the local YMCA today.  I submitted Carol's doc. from the SUSO site ( a million thank yous to Carol et al) and they were very impressed.   They are actually looking into new CURR. and would like to consider using it.

    I spoke to them about the possibility of an EX video ( still waiting to hear from Rays of Hope) They said I would have to submit an RFP.

    I could hear ( ESP from the VP) that they would have  very serious concerns.  The trainer ( who I had met with once before) told me for the first time she has a woman with 2 sleeves ( and gauntlets ) in her class.  I really feel we have contrbuted something  already.  I think if this lady came in 2 mos ago and WASNT wearing gauntlets they might not have known....

     They feel a HUGE sense of responsibility because as they said, the DRS are sending the BC pts there ' cleared for exercise".  They are lay people and dont feel it should be their responsibility to  evaluate etc etc ... or even be the ' first point of contact ' regarding LE.

    They are RIGHT of course.  It should not and IS not, but armed with this info .  Well, now they know.

    The problem, is, as I said : "  When I was young, if I saw a  35 yr old man running down the street, I would presume he just stole soemthing!"  Today, it would be  a jogger/runner.  Exercise is not what it once was.  People, and not just "Fat people"  ( OK I said the F word) are doin' it./ If you are in the ' exercise business' you must be  ready to take some responsibilty.

    Yet, the kind of burden this info places on them is unfair.  They named 2 area hopitals they might want to consult with.  they were the 2 places I went to for  sub par care for LE.  ( What are they to do ?)  They cant believe it ( But they believe it)

    It's almost as though I have shone  a light on something that was better hidden in the darkness.  They are concerned, open minded, willing to have me as a speaker, and wanting to investigate further.  At the same time- for lack of a better word- I think they are somewhat afraid/burdened.

    I understand.

  • carol57
    carol57 Member Posts: 1,550
    edited April 2013

    Good report, Hugz! Today I got 30 minutes of heavy-breathing cardio in, walking fast on a treadmill with a good incline. Also got a lot of just general walking in, for 5.6 miles total, and lifted weights/did abs/did core work at the gym.  In between, worked like mad at my computer for a work deadline.  Busy day!

  • Estel
    Estel Member Posts: 2,780
    edited April 2013

    purple - thanks for the update. It infurtiates me that the trainers are in that position ... that the burden falls of them. Yell It's the same old thing isn't it?  #sigh# When, when, when will our doctors get it?  When will we get the info/care that we need?  You've done a good thing, purple.  It's only going to get out there when we untiringly keep at it.  Thank you for being an example of doing just that.  

  • Estel
    Estel Member Posts: 2,780
    edited April 2013

    I had a meeting all day today.  

    And the issue of the gloves and sleeves came up.  Undecided  It's the warmest day of the year so far ... and while out on a break I was walking and doing fist pumps (in short sleeves of course) in the air and a man asks me, "I hope I'm not breaking a boundary here, but why are you wearing those?" (as he pointed to my sleeves).  I usually say, "Complications for surgery" and leave it there but today I didn't ... I said, "I've had breast cancer and now have LE from the side effects of treatment."  He said, "Me too.  I have Lymphedema too as a side effect of surgery."  Surprised  I've never encountered that response before ... especially from a man.  I didn't ask ...but I'm assuming he's had prostrate CA because he said he has it in his leg and he goes up to Mayo for treatment.  Then ensued a 15 minute rant on both our parts of our frustration with getting care, with the ignorance of so many of our doctors ...etc,.  It really was rather therapeutic.  Unexpected.  Was a bit of encouragement too and a reminder that we're not alone in this fight.  As we press on, hand out sheets from SUSO and other sites, educate,  ... eventually we're going to be heard.  And we're going to be helped.

  • Estel
    Estel Member Posts: 2,780
    edited April 2013

    Went to yoga class tonight and almost fell asleep.  Nibbana calls it 'butt yoga' tonight, for me, it was 'face yoga.'  LOL!  On the positions that required weight on my hands I just fell into child's pose ... with my face on my mat.  I almost fell asleep.  :) I've drunk a lot of water today and will stretch before bed.

  • carol57
    carol57 Member Posts: 1,550
    edited April 2013

    Purple, change usually comes in tiny increments, and I think you've done a lot more than that with the LiveStrong folks. Like Dawne-Hope says, we can do a lot by educating, educating, educating. Keep talking to them!  

  • nibbana
    nibbana Member Posts: 349
    edited April 2013

    Hey gang. I am so sidetracked with other issues that I feel like it's been forever since I've checked in. 

    I have a confession to make. I just can't stay compliant when it comes to garments! I mean, I don't mind wearing them, but it's the other hassles with them, cleaning them every flipping day, ect.  I do my MLD because I really like it, and I never miss a workout, can't lose these bulging muscles, hehehe. 

    The butt yoga? Ok, tomorrow! Yes, tomorrow, get my butt on that mat and move!

  • carol57
    carol57 Member Posts: 1,550
    edited April 2013

    Nibbana, I think we all have our LE nemesis.  Mine is MLD.  I know perfectly well that it helps my arm and trunk feel better, but I simply hate doing it, so it's the first thing to go when I'm feeling pressed for time. 

    The weather here is nothing but big, blow-out thunderstorms, and wow is my arm achy this morning. Usually after sleeping in the Tribute, it feels great for at least half the day, but nope...not in a storm.  Now I really must get serious about doing MLD daily, because this storm is not going anywhere, anytime soon. 

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited April 2013

     I think you've done a lot more than that with the LiveStrong folks.

    Thanks, Carol but more than me, it was you and your document that planted the seed (as they themselves  put it ) .  I merely delivered it.

    Thanks for all your hard work, so generously available right there on the World wide web... we'll get it out there !

    EDITED TO ADD:  Yaknow, now that we have this fabulous and comprehensive document right there on the SUSO website, if every one of us on the LE forum would reach out to their local YMCA and meet with LIVESTRONG as I did , this could become nationwide in no time... and it's all free for the taking - thanks to Carol and all of the creators of SUSO!

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited April 2013

    Nibbana, I think we all have our LE nemesis. Mine is MLD.

    Mine too.

    I dont mind doing it at night as it's become part of a ritual.  Before bed, I lay on the couch, watch a TV show  and do the MLD. No big deal.  Before work, I'm too busy <doing this!>  to do MLD  Surprised

  • nibbana
    nibbana Member Posts: 349
    edited April 2013

    Leg day, did squats, good mornings, and side lunges. Only had the bar and 5 pounds (15 pounds) because I have a colonoscopy tomorrow and I'm getting a bit weak from hunger. Oy! 

  • carol57
    carol57 Member Posts: 1,550
    edited April 2013

    Nibbana, colonoscopy prep = mandatory dehydration = hard on LE.  I had one a few months back, and a good hint from someone here was to stay up until the last possible ten minutes before no-more-fluids, and then drink tons and tons.  And call surgeon's office, if procedure is past noon or so, to get permission to drink later than the default midnight.

    Good luck, and I hope you're planning to NOT exercise tomorrow!!


  • nibbana
    nibbana Member Posts: 349
    edited April 2013

    Dehydration?  Oy no!

    I have to stop drinking two hours before the procedure, tomorrow at 2:00. So between then, I going to camel up on  drinks, then the dreaded prep mixture. 

    Oh, and tomorrow is a rest day from exercise anyway. :)