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Nipple reconstruction



  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821
    edited March 2016

    THANKS Teacher! I appreciate your response!

  • kingster
    kingster Member Posts: 289
    edited March 2016

    I'm just starting to feel better about how my implants look, and I've had them for 1 year now. Hey...does anyone know a talented surgeon who does nipple reconstruction in the Pittsburgh PA area (within the AHN)? I'm looking into nip recon before I go with tattoo only.

  • JerseyMomOf3
    JerseyMomOf3 Member Posts: 7
    edited March 2016

    Hi everyone,

    Hopefully this is an appropriate place to post this. I had my BMX May 2014, and revision surgery September 2014 with lots of fixes and fat grafting. I am supposed to have a second revision next week with my nipple recon. I really want nipples made, but the more I think about doing more fat grafting and tweaking the more anxious I get. My left (prophy) breast is awesome, but the shape on the right is flatter and the first revision, which was extensive and which i thought would fix things well, did not meet my expectations. I stil lhave some dog ears on my ab scar (which were addressed in first revision, but did not resolve them enough) which are annoying and my rightie is still basically the same as beofre the first revision. I was in alot of pain after the revision and I also developed an infection on my leftie which left me more scarred up around where the aerola would be. I just dont know if i want to go through all of that again, especially since i am pretty sure my results will not be fabulous. I am thinknig that I could live like this and just get the nipples and the tatooing and save myself the stress and agony. I just started to go to the gym again, starting to feel like I am getting my life back a little and the thought of a long recovery time again is not appealing either! While I am not one to "settle" necessarily, the thought of just having the nips done, getting tattoos and then leaving this behind me sounds appealing.I dont mean to sound negative but I just need to vent about this with people that understand! Does anyone else relate? Any thoughts appreciated. Thanks for listening!

  • kingster
    kingster Member Posts: 289
    edited March 2016

    Jerseymom. Sometimes, I think there comes a point in time where you just know that enough is enough. I feel the same way. I always this going to make it worse instead of better? I would say, if you could live with it, then do;) I had to cancel my 2nd fat graft because of dental problems. I just decided to take a break, and revisit everything at my 1 year mark from my last surgery. Hoping to get my tattoos and be done. I like the idea of nip recon, but I've heard from at least 4 ps that nips flatten and create scar tissue (especially with thin expanded skin and implants). Seems more successful with autologous recon. I have the expanded skin and implants. Most likely will go the 3d tattoo route. But, I can relate with how you feel.

  • Lorbgoo
    Lorbgoo Member Posts: 111
    edited March 2016

    my nips flattened a lot. If I had to do it over I would just get the tatts. Hope this helps. Good luck.

  • gaspasser
    gaspasser Member Posts: 5
    edited March 2016


    I had my bilateral mastectomy in December 2015. I currently have the tissue expanders, almost fully expanded. Starting to think more about post implants and nipple reconstruction. I just saw friend of mine who had her tattoos done by Vinnie. They look fabulous. But I also think the nipple reconstruction photos my plastic surgeon does look wonderful. I'm so torn. I don't want nipples that are too big, I know they will flatten. Any advice that I'm not thinking now I should be asking? Thanks so much!


  • JerseyMomOf3
    JerseyMomOf3 Member Posts: 7
    edited March 2016

    thanks Kingster for your words of wisdom, I like how you ask yourself is this going to make it worse or better? I feel like extensive revisions will feel like a setback at this point in many ways and could potentially have complications that could be a real setback. I can understand your concerns about the nipple recon. 3D tattoos look so amazing, too. Best of luck with your decision

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821
    edited March 2016

    I had nip recon 5 weeks ago, using skin graft from panty line on left leg. (PS said he uses left side so as not to interfere with driving during healing.) I was very nervous, and not happy at first, but must admit that now the nips look amazingly real!

    I am still applying aquaphor daily, and I dont know if the color remains what it is, but right now, you really couldnt tell that these are not my real pre-bmx nips! The look is perfect, - now if only they felt like they used to.

    I am sure that each PS has their own approach to what they feel is the best way to go, and I trusted his judgement.

  • Newgirls
    Newgirls Member Posts: 37
    edited March 2016

    hi ladies,

    I am having my nips done today! Hubby is downstairs making me black coffee for breakfast. I can do without the food on a surgery day but I miss the yummy coffee cream! My ps is in Boston at Brigham/Faaulkner Hospital. He did a great job with my implants so I hope for the same with nipple recon. Have had all the same thoughts that you all have shared. I've said that the process is like a game of Blackjack-you're close to where you want to be and will one more surgery put you over to the wrong side of a "good enough" result? Hit me one more time,doc??!! shared that with my ps who laughed (which was good) and he said that I'd have a great result. Told him I was going to hold him to it. He said he'd make them big to account for shrinkage. So until they shrink I am sure I'll have a crazy few months trying to figure out what to wear to work,gym,etc so they don't show. Going to wash down again with my Hibiclens and I'm off to Beantown. Will be back on later to let you know. Also having a little fat grafting from back of my hips to the upper chest around the implant. I'm a little bony up there. Looking forward to wrapping this up!

  • JerseyMomOf3
    JerseyMomOf3 Member Posts: 7
    edited March 2016

    good luck new girls!!

  • lala1
    lala1 Member Posts: 974
    edited March 2016

    I had my nip recon via the "origami" method a couple of years ago and still love it. It's flattened a bit but still looks natural. I also had Vinnie tattoo the areola for me so while he was there, he shaded around my nip so that even though it flattened it still looks from the front like it projects. All my docs are very impressed with his work. Nip recon (uni) was easy for me. It took about 45 min and we just chatted the whole time. Barely any blood, no pain. Afterwards I bought a stack of the makeup rounds from Target and would take 1 or 2, cut a hole in the them, put a whole one over the top and tape it on. Then I'd wear my bra over that. You couldn't even tell in a tshirt! I was so worried it would be too big but it shrank so much that he could have gone even bigger. He did tell me he could plump it up for me but I've realized that I'm pretty happy with it so I've decided to not mess with near perfection. :) Really at this point, if I were to do anything, I might have Vinnie touch up my tat because the color is a little off but my husband says you can't tell the difference staying 2 feet away so.....I'm done! Nip recon and tattoo by Vinnie were the best decisions I made in this whole process.

  • Newgirls
    Newgirls Member Posts: 37
    edited April 2016

    had my nipple recon and fat grafting yesterday. All went well and I am relieved to have it behind me. Breasts and chest are sore but not my hips where the fat came from. I want to put a bra on as I don't like going braless, but I won't. I like breasts to stay front and center! Anyone have any advice on how to wear a bra without flattening these new gumdrops? Ps said ok to wear a larger cup as long as I keep the cotton 2x2 with the holes cut out over the nipples. Taking it easy today and enjoying my painkillers.

  • Funclassygal
    Funclassygal Member Posts: 27
    edited April 2016

    Hi Newgirls, so glad to see this all went well for you yesterday. I am so scared to do this but really want to do it this year. I had my bilateral last January. Is it very painful? Any guidance you can give me is really appreciated. Thanks, VeraAnn

  • Pines
    Pines Member Posts: 38
    edited April 2016

    Hi. I had nipple reconstruction using the origami method in 2010. They are flattened quite a bit. I would love to have nipples that can actually be "gripped" between 2 fingers at least a tiny bit if that makes any sense and areaolas that have a different surface level from the rest of my breast? Seems that skin grafting would be the best option for this? Do any of you know if it is possible to do skin grafting after I kind of already have flattened reconstructed nipples? Have any recommendations for good surgeons? I still haven't done the tattooing as I got worn out from everything but really want to finish. I have put it off long enough. My reconstruction is bilateral post-mastectomy with hip flaps if that helps at all. Thank you for any advice!!

  • Newgirls
    Newgirls Member Posts: 37
    edited April 2016

    had my follow up with the doc and to remove stitches from my recon nipples. He said I could stop wearing the dressings (gauze with a hole cut in it) but I am a little leery of a bra. Everything I have is a little tight on them. Surgeon said okay to go back to a bra. How long did any of you wear the dressings? And what did you do next to protect the nips from flattening out. They look a little uneven but I still like having them, Thanks,

  • lala1
    lala1 Member Posts: 974
    edited May 2016

    My PS said I could stop wearing the padding after a month but I continued to pad for 3 months while wearing a bra. I used the round makeup pads from Target and cut holes in one and would cover that with one. Pretty cheap way to continue to protect nips! Mine did flatten some but still looks good.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821
    edited May 2016

    no bras for me any more, - i wear a cami Winking

  • Newgirls
    Newgirls Member Posts: 37
    edited May 2016

    hi Funclassygirl,

    No, nipple recon for me was not painful, as all nerves are already gone. I had a little fat grafting too and that only hurt for a day or so. Was back to work on Monday after procedure on Thursday. I continued to wear the gauze pads for an extra three weeks and just stopped wearing them. They've definitely flattened a little so we"ll see how the next month goes. I'll have tattoos done in the fall.

  • DaisyinAustin
    DaisyinAustin Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2016


    just wanted to post my experience with nipple reconstruction. I had the nipple reconstruction cylinders, which started off wonderfully, but unfortunately were absorbed by my body and dwindled down to near nothing in a matter of months.

    Most recently, I've undergone micro-fat grafting to reconstruct the nipples using fat from the stomach and back of thighs. I'm so pleased to report fat grafting to the nipples has been a complete success! I'm very happy with the results of the natural looking projection and soft feel. I'm now 6 months out and the PS feels as though I won't lose any more projection. I truly never thought this aspect could be rectified, and who knew fat would be the key!

    If I still have access to the picture forum I'll post new images there. I hope this information is helpful! #TeamPinkFist


  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461
    edited June 2016

    I highly doubt it, but did anyone on here have nipple reconstruction done on radiated skin? (I have not had a flap done) I did. It is taking forever to heal! I am making progress, but it is slow.

  • BayouBabe
    BayouBabe Member Posts: 1,467
    edited June 2016

    dancetrancer - I had rads and have a recon nip. It was done from a skin graft taken from my hip. I also had fat grafting done twice, which I think is part of the reason my PS felt it was ok to do. It is perfect and I had no issues with it. It can be done!Smile

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461
    edited June 2016

    Hi bayoubabe! Thanks so much for your response! So you had your entire breast recreated from fat grafting like me? I have had 6 fat grafting sessions (2 pre, then rads, then 4 post) to recreate both breasts completely with fat (no implants, no flaps). I had nipple recon done from my skin of my breast during my last fat grafting session. My skin has healed remarkably from the fat, but apparently not 100%, as I am 10 weeks post and STILL have a scab area on the nipple that hasn't debrided yet. Due to that, STILL doing daily nipple dressing changes.

    If I had had a skin graft from my hip like you, I'm sure it would be completely healed by now. But, both my doc and I felt my skin had healed enough to do the nipple from the breast skin itself.

    I have to say, the parts where the scab has lifted look AMAZING. Nice, new pink skin underneath. is getting a snail's pace! Ugh!

    How far out are you from nipple recon surgery?

  • BayouBabe
    BayouBabe Member Posts: 1,467
    edited June 2016

    dancetrancer - I have implants, but had two sessions of fat grafting. This was done to help soften the profile/'shelf' of the implants, as well as to help my skin heal itself from the rads. I had my nip recon and last fat grafting done about 2 years ago ( had to look it up; couldn't remember. I guess time does help heal mental trauma of cancer!) Mine healed slowly as well. The hip skin brought fresh tissue up to the radiated tissue, whick made my PS feel we had a better chance of it being successful. Love mine! I finished it off by taking a trip out to Vinnie Myers shop and getting a nip tat there. In a locker room at the gym, I don't think people would even know the difference. It looks that amazing! Hope your healing continues to go well! Hang in there

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461
    edited June 2016

    Thanks BayouBabe for the feedback - helps to know yours healed slowly yet still looks fab 2 years later! Yahoo! Helps me hang in there. Much love!

    P.S. I hope to go to Vinnie for my tattoo someday when it is healed enough, too!

  • BayouBabe
    BayouBabe Member Posts: 1,467
    edited June 2016

    The trip to Vinnie's is worth every single penny! Paul, in Vinnie's shop, did my tat. Waiting list to actually get Vinnie is incredibly long. Paul did an amazing job (he was trained and hired by Vinnie after all!) I encourage anyone reading to not hesitate to have anyone, Paul or Trent, at Vinnie's do the work. Great group of talented gentlemen!

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461
    edited June 2016

    Thanks Bayou!

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited August 2016

    Ladies, I have scheduled my nip recon for September 12! I am 17 months post EX and already have nipple tattoos. I felt it still wasn't complete so doing the nipples. Using the skate flap procedure under local. Any pointers? Also plan to go back to work the next day. Will I be comfortable in clothes? Bandages stay on a week with no shower. This is like de ja vu!! Then go back for removal and check.

    Thanks, Robin

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461
    edited August 2016

    I don't think I can offer advice that will apply since I had nipple recon on radiated skin - totally different healing times. However I am pleased to share it came out GREAT - so far! (knock on wood) However, it took 3 MONTHS of daily dressing changes, and I also wore the nipple guard for 3 months straight. It was exhausting, but, so worth it. It looks beautiful. Waiting for more healing time before going for tattoo.

    You won't have anything near like that healing time since you have normal skin.

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited August 2016

    Thanks, I appreciate your comments. Glad you are happy with results.


  • bikefam
    bikefam Member Posts: 98
    edited August 2016

    I'll be looking at doing nipples a few months down the road. Robin, let us know how it turns out. Dancetrancer, did you have any restrictions for those 3 months-like lifting, swimming, physical activity?