Breast Cancer Symptoms - a comprehensive list from those w/bc



  • april485
    april485 Posts: 1,983


  • Just wanted to say thank you to all of you.  You've convinced me that a) I'm not crazy to be concerned and b) that I need an mri.....49 and been in the 4-6 month club for years although we've switched from right to left, but now will be on f/u for both sides.  Puckering and skin issue on right ascribed to thick coopers ligament (unchanged from ly) and noticable now because of peri related decreasing density (seeing that in the mirror caused a major inhalation!)....but with a hypoechoic nodule with increasing cals near chest wall.....US = complex cyst with hopefully milk of calcium.  Several hypoechoic complex cysts on left but last f/u showed increasing complexity with new peripheral vascularity in one that is always tender....every rad has said to avoid an mri because I'd end up with many biopsies due to "busy breasts".  But I think it is time for peace of mind....soooo tired of feeling like when not if....keep telling myself that palpable complex cysts are really no problem and oh so common.  My head knows that but I can't shake the feeling that something is wrong...time to stop worrying about scar tissue if they find something to biopsy.  So again, thank you for encouraging women to pursue even the less worrisome and applauding the better safe than sorry approach! I've decided to stop worrying about being a hypocondriac in the hopes of putting the worry to bed!

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Posts: 1,233


  • ...BUMP...

  • bump

  • I read your post and it is much appreciated.  I started feeling symptoms a year ago right after I gave birth to my third child. Aching in my arm pits and on the sides if my rib cage that would radiate with a kind of burning/ tingling "asleep" feeling into my breasts. Also with this came fatigue,  mixed emotions, foggy head and being totally disorganised.  Naturally any gp would take this as common side effects of child birth and wrote it off as such.  Side note: I went to my Dr. in May telling him of my persistent symptoms and he tried to prescribe me antidepressants. I know in my core that antidepressants are not going to fix me.

     The stress of the situation came with the birth itself.  I had toximia preeclampsia and my daughter was born a month early. First time this has happened to me as both previous pregnancies were without incident. Not only was she 4 lb. But she was born so quickly (in a matter of minutes after my first contractions) that both my husband and my Dr. missed it! It was a trauma. So surreal like a crazy dream.  So back to these symptoms that I am still feeling today. A year later. Along with sore under arms, fatigue, being disorganised and so fog headed, I am also feeling heart palpitations,  shortness of breath, muscle fatigue,  joint pain, hair loss, flaky skin on my face and scalp and the strangest symptom along with aching feet is this numb feeling only in the second to last toe on each foot. I mention this because in all of my reading so far I've seen all of my symptoms in others with the exception of the numb toes. Don't know if anyone else is experiencing this. I am going to get testing done this week and get the ball rolling as my health is getting worse and I don't feel it's a good idea to keep playing it off as side effects of child birth or depression. I'm just so terrified!

  • Since I am 38 years old, I had never had a mammogram.  I went in for my yearly check and my PA said, "Wow, this is a huge lump, but I don't think it's anything.  It's smooth, mobile, your breast shape hasn't changed, no nipple discharge.  I'm sure it's fine, but let's check it out." I have stage 2b Ductal carcinoma.

    My symptoms were increase in crusty nipple discharge, itching in that spot the year before diagnosis (only lasted a few months and stopped), felt fatigued/ lazy, a deep divot in armpit.

    All of my symptoms were very subtle.  Wish I had done self exams and I probably would have found my lump since it was so large.

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Posts: 1,233

    Cosmonita, Consider a natural endocrinologist for thyroid, all the symptoms you describe an be hypothyroid or congenital hypothyroid which is what it was for me, along with bc.

  • I had been going for annual mammograms since I was 40 because my doctor said I had dense breasts. I was supposed to go in December 2013 but for no good reason other than being so busy at work, I put it off. I had been feeling off for some time but was under the belief I was dealing with perimenapause - hot flashes, trouble sleeping, itchy scalp,indigestion, irregular periods, assorted aches and pains etc. Skip forward to August 2014, when I noticed a white luminescent spot on the areola of my right breast. I dont think my doctor even saw what I saw but she sent me for the mammo and US anyway. Shortly after that, I had feelings of hot needles and pulling within that breast and then I felt the lump. Poking around the lump a bunch of discharge came out.Back to my gp i went. GP then sent me for the core biopsy which confirmed cancer. I am now 50 and for the last 10 years I have had several family crisis that kept me in a state of Constant stress. I think that stress is a huge factor in all of this too.

  • lastar
    lastar Posts: 553

    The only symptom of DCIS that I noticed in retrospect was the tingly feeling of milk let-down like when I was nursing my daughter. I had stopped nursing a year earlier and thought it was weird to be feeling it again.

    My DCIS was located exactly where I had been hit in the breast 20 years prior.

  • hi all I'm new to this group so very sorry if I'm posting in the wrong place?. I'm had very painfull left breast for around 6/7 weeks it feels hot my nipple is ichy and sort of lumpy in the tissue compared to the other breast when I feel around it my nipple is very tender and when I press on certine areas it's like a really painful stinging pain iv also been getting sharp like pains at random times during the day abit like if you prick yourself with a needle or a bee sting??? Been feeling really! Tired and for the past week my left arm as felt heavy and weak and a sort I pulsing intermittent pain at the top of my arm too?.. Worried because everything iv read says no pain which mine is bad iv had no inverted nipple or discharge.. But sounds silly but I know my breast is there by the feeling I'm getting as a woman with small breasts they were just there but now I can feel my left one just a weird feeling in it maybe trying to tell me something.. Worried my docs gonna think silly over reacting woman I'm 46 and still have periods and it's defi nothing to do with the time of the month but worried doc will try to say it is.. I live in the uk.. So confused and don't. Know what to do any advice would be greatly appreciated kind regards sue

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,926

    Dear Minniesue, welcome to BCO , we're glad you found us.

    We would certainly strongly encourage you to seek a doctor's opinion of your symptoms. Your symptoms are more likely to be other than BC, but you should certainly seek medical help with what may be an infection. Pain in the left arm can indicate other problems also. Please see your doctor for their diagnosis.. You are certainly NOT over-reacting by doing so.

    Wishing you all the best.

    The Mods

  • I felt a large mass in my upper left breast yesterday. It is tender to touch and it hurts right now, the area is red, it feels like a burning sensation and it is not mobile. My friend told me you don't feel pain with breast cancer symptoms, but something doesn't feel right, that prompted me to google, which led me to this post. I've been having night sweats lately and I just assumed it was menopause. I'm scared.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,926

    Hello TheHurricane,

    Welcome to Sorry to hear you've been having breast pain and are understandably worried that it could mean something serious.

    Have you been to see your doctor yet? We strongly encourage you to visit him/her asap and talk through your symptoms with them.

    Here is a section on our main site on: Breast Cancer Symptoms

    let us know how you get on.

    Warm wishes to you,

    The mods

  • hayjamcam
    hayjamcam Posts: 1


  • Mumtofive
    Mumtofive Posts: 1

    i'm new to this group, but ive been reading the posts for the past week. After 4 weeks of pain i finally went to my dr for checking. She found lumps in my left breast and armpit. I think my right too as also very painful, my left itches on and off and has also slightly swollen. I have a loan black hair on the edge if this nipple. Ive had headaches more frequently just lately, my memory isnt the greatest but ive noticed its now worse. I constantly feel like im sweating and no mattef how much deodorant i use, i can still smell myself. The pain wakes me up at night if i roll over wrong. My mum has just had her 5 year all clear for breast cancer. I was at risk of redundancy last summer, im currently working 12 hour shifts at work due to colleague illness. I can sleep for 9-10 hours a night and still be tired when i wake up. I have my first mammogram in 2 weeks. Im 33 and was sterilised 6 years ago. My periods have been irregular since then, but were heavy before and are heavy now. I think i already know what the doctor will tell me, but reading your posts has helped calm me and make me less worried. Sorry if my posts is all muddled up, but i forgot my train of thought then remembered again lol x

  • RinaMay
    RinaMay Posts: 1

    So I'm 20 years old and for the past few months I've noticed the dark black/purple spot on the edge of my left areola. It is at times smooth and others a bit swollen and sore. I've chucked it up to just being an ingrown hair. I've also noticed the areola looks enlarged? Like the pigment is spreading if that makes sense. I've also had off and pain in the same breast(I blamed it on getting my period or the Depo birth control I was taking but no longer am), along with the lymph node under that arm swelling off and on. I don't think I feel any lumps (I'm really not sure what to look for or how it should feel)Reading through this thread I'm realizing I've had a lot more symptoms .

    -The odor. I've never really had bad BO, but I noticed after visiting my family in Costa Rica(My grandfather had been diagnosed with terminal stomach cancer and passed a year later) about two yrs ago it became pretty bad, but I thought it could be been due to the climate (but I live in Florida which has a pretty similar if not worse climate) But it has not gone away. Under my arms or I notice it when I take off my bra after a long day of work or having been outside.

    -the night sweats! Its been ridiculous! Along with just having trouble sleeping and staying asleep. Along with chills. I find myself constantly wrapping myself in my blanket just to throw it off because I'm sweating (this repeats all night)

    -cravings. I've always had a bit of a sweet tooth, but recently it's been way worse. I find myself telling my mom everyday how I'm really craving something sweet.

    -fatigue. I'm constantly exhausted. I will sleep a full 7-8 hrs and wake up feeling like I haven't slept at all. I find myself taking naps throughout the day which I never used to do.

    I've also been suffering from migraines (to the point I passed out, went to the neurologist who strapped some wires to my head and I've had a CT scan of my head, nothing came up) but recently I went to my dentist and they noticed I had an infection in my gum and had to have a root canal. No cavity in the tooth itself but the infecrion was bad enough it ate through my bone and was getting into my sinus. So they said my migraines could've been caused by that, but I've had it fixed and the migraines still continue. Also weight loss around the time I passed out. I remember weighing in at one appointment and literally a week later I went back for another appointment and lost 8lbs in that's week alone. I was in the 130s went down to be around 108. I now go up and down between 110-125. I have days I have no appetite and others where no matter how much I eat, I don't feel full. Along with severe soreness and burning in the back of my neck. Basically I'm falling apart ha. My mother constantly jokes that I'm like an old woman with all these aches pains and illnesses. I'm constantly in and out of the doctor and I start to feel crazy because I never get an answer. I'm praying for the best for my appointment but it would also make so much sense.

    I've been holding off making an appointment but finally did for Wednesday. I have yet to be seen/diagnosed but I feel young girls and women out there often leave things to chance because they think it couldn't happen to them. Like myself. But after doing more and more research along with finding this page, I see just how important it is to know your body and get checked out.

  • i have been reading this topic for a few days.. Mainly because I decided to wait for a second opinion before having a lumpectomy and biopsy of the lump in my left breast.. I myself noticed the fatigue and headaches (abnormal from my norm esp more frequently) I have had the burning sensation to the left breast as well as occ throbbing that goes into my arm pit..not to mention occ pins n needles feeling in my left nipple.. I also have been having night sweats sometimes im just very hot not sweaty.. (Which is completly out of my norm because im always cold) im also loosing weight again (not trying i was finally up to 116 now two weeks later im 100) (a few years ago i lost 50 Lbs w/o trying in just two months and drs couldnt find the cause...These symptoms do not follow my menstruations..I have read that this post was for diagnosed members to make others aware of the "symptoms" drs and web fail to mention.. Can someone please tell me if I'm right to be seeking a second opinion?? Also I'm seeking a breast surgeon.. Also asked for a breast MRI w contrast.. Is this me just being paranoid?? Or cautious? I just have a feeling that something isn't right but I'm scared to have a chunk cut out if its just nerves... Are there blood test or non invasive test that I could request to help keeping in mind I'm 31 n breast fed and I'm very very tiny my breast are barely an A cup because I just keep loosing weight.. Thank you in advance..

  • A few months before diagnosis a tingle that traveled in the area of the breast like when a drop of water runs across your skin

    This was accompanied by the skin itching. I thought it was a new bra that was scratchy that hadirritated the skin but the irritation was under the skin. The itch was right over the tumor

    Later little electric shock buzzes throughout the whole breast

    2 weeks before he Mammo pain that felt just like milk let down when I was nursing

    Finally this same pain became constant at the site of the tumor. An intense gnawing ache

    The other breast started to have the same tingle feeling so I insisted on a BMX. Even though the US was negative cellular changes were starting there too! Trust your gut

  • chloesmom...

    You said your results were negative?? Please explain.. And you had a bilateral mastectomy?? And there was cancer?? Cancer is very confusing to the undiagnosed and it seems to the drs as well.. I've read cancer doesn't cause pain more than anything on the net but this post made by many diagnosed cancer survivor s states otherwise.. And the worst part is for the undiagnosed individual who is googling there symptoms almost always cancer comes up which then starts the anxiety.. As for me I didn't Google until my Dr freaked me out by giving me a 3/4 out of 5 on that scale :( and of course I keep putting off my apts n a lumpectomy because some of my symptoms don't add up to cancer but then I read this post and there's alot of people who did have my symptoms and were diagnosed.. I'm confused on cancer its self especially breast cancer and staging and treatment and all the stuff I see under diagnosed peoples post.. The abbreviations and such..

  • fd1
    fd1 Posts: 62

    This is going to sound strange but a few months before being diagnosed, my pee smelled strange, almost sweet? This wasn't in my head - my husband noticed it on his own also. I had my surgery and it stopped that day. I have no proof that this was a symptom but the timing leads me to believe it was!

  • Hi Everyone,

    In reading the boards, I am a double whammy...I have Crohns Disease and potentially BC...I've been thru 2 rounds of mammo and ultrasounds, headed into Bio on Tues...Dr. Boob says lump is small, however I am at a 4B...anyone else have a category to their lump? I have all the symptoms, flashes, acute memory loss, can't focus, pain on right side...had the Crohns for 26 yrs and counting and take a chemo type med, so maybe I am in the running...I have concluded I want a lumpectomy to offset Crohns cause it will go crazy I'm sure...scared, confused and wanting Dr. Boob to not talk to me abt caffeine consumption, primrose and vitamin Anyone else? I know my body and if it looks and barks like a dog...woof, woof..

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,926

    Hello DoubleCC41,

    Sorry you're here but welcome to our kind and supportive community.

    Others will be back with their experiences and we do wish you the best of luck with the Biopsy next Tuesday.

    Easier said than done, but try not to worry too much until then.

    We're here for you!!

    Hugs from us Mods.

  • bump

  • octogirl
    octogirl Posts: 2,434

    Since this was bumped, I wanted to post my symptoms re dx...partly because they ran contrary to what I found when I googled pain in breast (i.e. that pain wasn't ordinarily associated with early stage bc): nothing ever showed on a mammo, although I was told I had dense breasts. However, about ten months before dx, I started to have vague feelings that something was wrong with my breasts, and I started doing self-checks more carefully. Then, maybe seven months before dx, they started hurting. General pain first, then shooting pains where the tumor was. Around that time, I began to have some unrelated health (vision) problems, and for awhile trying to figure out why I was going partially blind in one eye (turned out to be a completely unrelated retina issue) took precedence over the worry I was having about my breasts...but I still checked them at least twice a month. Fast forward another few months, I noticed nipple didn't look right, it inverted. Did a self check, felt a small lump, and froze. I was sure it was bc, and I was right. Went into PCP later in the week, she was clearly worried, referred me for diagnostic mammo and u/s...ended up with MRI as well, and the rest you can read in my signature below. The pain was never that bad but it was noticeable. The pain, and a feeling that something was wrong, and the nipple (eventually) inverting were the only symptoms that I had, besides the lump itself, which I found.

    Always good to listen to one's body.


  • I know this forum has been going on for 3 years and it is quite eye-opening. I am curious of those who were diagnosed with BC and had "clear" mammograms (i.e. BC was there but missed on mammogram) were they diagnostic mammograms (3D) or screening mammograms? Clearly the 3D is more detailed, I guess what I am saying is I see so many of you saying it was there and missed by a mammogram, if it was not a diagnostic I wonder if the diagnostic should be the standard of care?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,894

    Many here have donated . Thank you !........Wandering around and cheerleading again :)

    Donate today, make a difference directly in all our lives. By supporting BCO, we support each other. Thanks and Hugs :)


    Link to the mainboard donation page

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463

    For me at 64, no pain or other symptoms whatsoever right up until surgery. And but for the discomfort of my incisions healing, I still feel better and stronger than I have in a couple of decades, despite being sicker than I’ve ever been.(Having lost 30 lbs and having two artificial knees sure helped in the “feeling fine” dept.). But mine was early-stage, discovered only on a routine annual mammo.

  • About a week ago I noticed pain in my right breast when I was asleep. I chalked it up to cycle related pain, I have myrena and don't have a period so it's hard to judge/know when these symptoms might come. The next night I woke up several times in my sleep from this pain. It hurt badly enough I checked it out. From the surface it feels like a smooth more firm area. To tell it is a lump you almost have to pinch at it, but its there. It is some on the exact spot, but also causes a strange almost hot needle like pain as if this was going through my nipple and into the core of the breast. My husband felt it, so I went to my PCP. He also felt it and sent me for a mammo and u/s. They saw literally nothing. They said I have very dense breast tissue but that this is normal for women at 34 and is why they don't typically perform mammography at this age for screening. My PCP doc called me letting me know scans were normal and asked if I wanted to see a general surgeon but didn't explain why or anything. The spot/lump is really still there and still hurts if you touch it. I don't really know what to do. I am taking my scans to the University of Iowa and waiting to see what they suggest. I have been wondering if it can happen that nothing would show on mammo and u/s but still be found to be something serious, but this forum has clearly answered yes to that.

  • I had no signs or symptoms.  I felt great.  Nothing was detected in breast exams.  My cancer was discovered in a routine mammo.