Join our Webinar: REAL Talk: Healthy Body and Mind After Breast Cancer Treatment - Jan 23, 2025 at 4pm ET Register here.

Kiwi ladies who need encouragment, but all welcome.



  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331

    keep faith, you enjoy every moment of your weekend. thinking of you. love and hugs xo.

    hows everybody else, hope everybody has a good day.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 814

    KF  do you have any meds with you? I am so so sorry about this coughing. Night before last at bedtime I had a weird short attack of coughing with the irritation level 10/10 .. (ie ABSOLUTELY no hope of suppressing it by will power without coughing) .For years Ive had these on very odd occasion, but irritation level 8/10 or something. Anyway I grabbed a glass of cold water and sipped about 1/2 of it, lay down again and fine. Thats all the advice I can give. I know codiene is effective for an irritating cough but of course the usual advice applies. You would need to see a GP on this, unless youve already got it from GP.

    Enjoy those lovely sounds!

  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331

    Musical, did  you get yr sheep done. did he arrive, gosh i am stuffed, just been out getting  pig food ready for hubby to give out tonight, we get the off cuts from super market and  i dont  how they expect the pigs to eat plastic price signs and chocolate wrapping paper and the blue tissue paper used to seperate the fruitSurprised they get them in the digestive tract will  kill them. we are trying to get them ready for sale at Rongatea. but hubby so busy, be next year. we may try next wednesday. take them early, hope the freight has dropped abit, been over the top. i tried to do greens while cooler, but it got hot quickly, i need to get a hat really, as that hot sun can give me a headache very quick. lol hubby said he came home this morning, went to the loo and out again and i was snoring big time. i never heard him, place could of been robbed around me and i would not of been any the wiser.   after 4 when he goes to load trucks, i seem to go into a deep sleep and i snore apparently. big time. the neighbour said to my hubby the other day, who is the snorer in yr house, she said, she  could not sleep other day, got up and  had a drink. she said, somebody in yr house was really going well in the snoring dept as the bedroom backs on to their little poirch and  she  has a  smoke and drink out there and hubby said, my wife is the snorer and she said, all i could think of was lucky sod.they having a good sleep. lol  my grandma used to say, at least they asleep even if nobody else is lol

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 814

    LOL Midinight on the snoring. Unfortunately we have this drama as well... really it comes dwon to who can get to sleep 1st and unless Im VERY tired it aint gunna be me. Frown .  Hubby drops of and can be snoring within minutes of hitting the sack. He desreves to because he's been sooo supportive of me and he's had to carry the can a lot. He needs his sleep especially for truck driving. BTW, I hope these stinkin headaches youre getting back OFF! Reckon when you got a sore arm or something at least you can still think. WHen you got a headache NOTHING works.The whole experience sucks largely.

    Yea got sheep done, and it didn't turn out too bad all up, but it was 10deg in shed last nightt and we had a fan going and packed it with tupperware " tubes"  of ice, but as soon as cooled down put a sheet over. Had to sit there about an hour to fend off the idiot flies. Because of LE as I siad, its too much knife work to do 2 biggies. (big hoggets) which is too hard on my wrist. Im scheming ATM into getting a chiller/safe thingee worked out so one doesn't have to use the sheet.

    Hey hear you on those annoying tags on everything. USusally we give the sheep my kiwifruit skins. DOne this for years. I'm always having to pull those stupid stickers off. What a tyre kicker of an idea that is anyway. 

    Hpe you get your piggies to market and all goes well there. Hey I just really got a thing about those Rongotea Saleyards. Me thinx theyre cute. Dont really know why but they just really tickle my fancy for some reason. LOL I always look at them when we pass through there. I think they stopped doing sheep there a while back that still correct?

  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331

    i am not sure about the sheep, we just sold 7 cattle there for 500 and 5.50, the ones that were at Roberts. i am actually sure we sent 8, but they have paid us for only 7,  i dont quite know. pigs usually sell easy, esp this time of year. there is usually a car full of islanders wanting wanting to buy them off you b4 they get into sale, they get told to suck eggs, as they want them for  next to nothing lol. they stand across road and then they pounce, you have to be really direct and even rude which hubby does quite well as they are a pain. have a good night.

  • Hils
    Hils Member Posts: 152

    Its been a while but I thought I would pop in and say 'Hi' to all the new girls and wish everyone all the best for the festive season and of course a Happy New Year.

    I hope you are having a fantastic time at Milford Sound KF it is a very special place and I find it quite spiritual. Will be thinking of you and your family on the 19th and wishing you the best (((hugs))).

    Allyson if you do arrange a coffee get together would be really interested, as I have met very few other women with BC and would love to put names to faces.

    Fully understand your concerns Zuzee and anger at BC, I have recently had a friend die from BC and it does suck big time, its just not right on so many levels.

    Hope the sun continues to shine for the weekend and everyone has a good one 

  • zuzeee
    zuzeee Member Posts: 10

    Thank you Midnight and Hils for acknowledging my anger. calmed down now, a couple of wines help! Just find it sooooo hard to believe that this disease does not seem to go away, despite being treated for months, or years in some cases. Sad to hear of young ones with other diseases,. Take care all.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Zuzeee once BC appears for many of us it just doesn't go away. Have friends who are now stage 4 and that's hard whenyou started off with a worse prognosis that them. And its even harder when friends are taken by BC - have had two this year and two with ovarian cancer and its easy to get angry.

    Hils will let you know when I plan a get-together, probably late January. Would love to meet others myself.

    Have a great weekend.

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095

    Hoping that you had a great weekend away KeepingFaith and that your team have a plan to get you on the improve!

    Was chatting to one of my old high school friends on Skype this morning and she told me that one of our other friends has been diagnosed there in NZ with Her2+ bc like mine. She's going through all the chemo crap and is now up for a mastectomy after an initial lumpectomy. Unfortunately I haven't been in contact with her for years. I feel so sad that now two of us from our friendship group, who were close, are fighting this in the same year. It feels like an epidemic...


  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095

    For those that were worried, I just saw that KeepingFaith started a topic in the Just Diagnosed with Recurrance or Mets section. She ended up in emergency today and they are planning on draining fluid from her lung/s tomorrow...

    regards Jenn

  • Hils
    Hils Member Posts: 152

    Thanks Jenn for the update re Keeping Faith, lets hope the drainage helps her breathing.

    Sorry to hear about your friend. It is strange before you are diagnosed you do not really hear about BC (well I hadn't), but as soon as you are diagnosed you hear about so many colleagues and friends that have been touched by this horrible disease.

    Hope the rest of the week is a good one and your next surgery goes very smoothly

  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331

    Jenn, thanks for letting us know about keeping faith. hope she recovers very soon from this hurdle and sorry to hear about yr friend as well. this  BC is certainly wide spread.

     Hills lovely to see you back on the posts.  hope you ok. think about you ladies often,

    Keeping Faith, i hope you will be ok. thinking about you xoxo

  • Patc142
    Patc142 Member Posts: 21

    Thinking of you too KeepingFaith and wishing all the very best. Horrible, horrible disease.

  • KeepingFaith69
    KeepingFaith69 Member Posts: 52

    Hey ladies,

    I had some fluid aspirated. They only managed 200ml of what they think is 1litre. Better than nothing. I felt almost instant relief.

    Meet with onc tomorrow. Preparing for the worst and trusting that with treatment, I'll be here to celebrate next Christmas - hopefully more.

    Thank you for 'holding my hand', I really appreciate you all.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    KF you will be here celebrating many Christmases. So pleased you are feeling a little better.

    Sending big but gentle hugs.

  • Patc142
    Patc142 Member Posts: 21

    KeepingFaith, accept all the treatment they throw at you and you will be here for many more Xmas's. Good Luck and hugs.

    Hi Alyson, hope you are well and have a very happy Christmas. And to all the other women out there  living day to day with this awful disease a big hello and a Happy Christmas.

    Im trying not to moan to those around me about my expander but just lately its got quite achy. My last fill was 3 weeks ago, last one, but I still cant take a deep breath or lift anything heavy as it really hurts. My complaints are small compared to some I know, but I wish it was over and I could move on once and for all. Its so good being able to whinge on here lol.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 814

    Hi Patc142.... youre allowed to vent, and vent away. Every single person who has been through the BC Dx has SERIOUS issues to face, and these are a shocker whether they are facing issues with side effects or painful surgery or whatever..... Im sorry that you are having these issues right now, and hope it comes right for you.  Big hugs to you.

  • Patc142
    Patc142 Member Posts: 21

    Thanks Musical, gosh you sound so busy. Yep, we do face serious issues with this disease, everything else seems to pale in comparison. I am lucky tho. I know that. Mine was caught early and my surgeon said I have only a 4% chance of it recurring or having anymore problems. Four months ago I was a different person, today Im not as invincible as I thought I was. Hugs to you too Musical and all the best.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 814

    Patc142 ... LOL busy?... funny you should say that. The thought crossed my mind about a week ago, ... I should start a thread about BC being a full time job,  dealing with all it's hanger-ons and all.

    Your recurrence figures...On the one hand I could say thats 4% too much , LOL,  but really that is a GREAT prognosis ! and I am really pleased for you.  One thing we all know. Cancer is a nasty beast and it's a life changing event. I don't believe any of us will ever be the same after a Dx though we can learn to take things in our stride and we do handle things better over time.  Theres sooo many variables since cancer is the gift that keeps on giving ....

  • KeepingFaith69
    KeepingFaith69 Member Posts: 52


    Just finished meeting with oncologist.

    Initial tests show no evidence of cancer. Testing of the fluid taken from my lung is underway and results will be available in a week. Cat-scan has been booked too.

    Meeting oncologist again at the beginning of Janyary and will definately know what's up. If it is cancer, I will start chemo the same day.

    I choose chest infection, not that other bastard of a C word.

    Wishing you all health and vitality.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 814

    KF thats great news and lets hope it stays that way. Hugs.

  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331

    KF, pleased that things are moving for you and i hope they get better and better and Pat hope things go well for you.

    Musical. lol yea cancer is a full time job, you can be anything from a counceller to almost a nurse, but i like to be an encourager, but i have done my fair share of moaning today. i think we get things that irritate us more sometimes on some days than others, somedays  things just go over our heads and sometimes they really bug the heck out of you. the supermarket worker, i may have normally just ignored him, but  that time i  was humilated and i let him get to me. but it was second time i had to put up with his nasty body language and this time, i thought. stuff the brat, you  going to have consequences for  yr actions this time around and i complained and went straight to top as well to complain, takes alot for me to do that. so i think depends on how we are feeling, is how we cope with things. the supermarket issue ladies is that i encountered A VERY RUDE young man in the deli of countdown, not as much as what he said, was his actions, the eye rolling, the looks of tho he thought  you were abit of crap, i had asked him for luncheon and ham and was going to ask for the salads, but he put me  off i felt humilated to ask him for anything, that i left it at that. i rang store manager next day and found out i was the 3rd complaint that had been made about him. that is what that is all about, i had mentioned it to musical previously.

  • Hils
    Hils Member Posts: 152

    Good evening everyone, its been a cracker of a day here in Auckland

    Great news KF - I hope you are now able to enjoy Christmas with your family

    Pat142c - re your expander, that does not sound right. After reading a number of the threads here on the forum I decided to go for a very slow fill of my expander. Can you contact the breast care nurse or surgeon to tell them how you are feeling, maybe they can withdraw some of the fluid from the expander. Hope things improve, but certainly don't ever apologise for venting. This is what this forum is here for.

    Big hugs to everyone and hope that Christmas is the best and 2013 is a good year for us all.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 814

    Hey Midnight, LOL when I was referring to cancer being a like full time job I was thinking more of what some of us have to cope with ourselves on a daily basis with this test and that test, LE MLD, exercises, management Blaaah.  Drugs for this drugs for that,... side effects galore exacerbating other issues. Yea I'm still having a rant. Gota see GP tomorrow about a drug I DONT wanna take. While I'm at it I'll tell him about a sharp stabbing pain in my left side and an idiot headache I can do without that comes and goes.... inbetween this racket hopefully I'm an encourager too.

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095

    KeepingFaith - yipppppppeeeeeeee! That's such good news :-)


  • KeepingFaith69
    KeepingFaith69 Member Posts: 52

    Thank you all for supporting me through my fear, darkness and anxiety.

    I've never known things to be so dark for me.

    Thank you for holding my hand and guiding me back to the light xo

  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331

    lol ok musical, silly me, thinking more of an emotional thing to help others, which you are anyway, you have a great encouraging spirit and  a very lovely support to everybody who comes yr way. take care girls,

    I am praying you have a good day today KF and feel abit better than you did. thinking of you heaps.

    Everybody please be kind to yr selves and treat yr selves with tender loving care. you all deserve the best.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 814

    HI Midnight - well you've been an encouragment to me and I thankyou for that. Appreciate you .Wow haven't we got a cracker day here. Goning to be hot. I can't stand too much heat....but I longingly look at all the VitD3 I'm missing out on. Feel like RIPPING my sleeves off and going out in it for a bit.

    Hope everybody has a great break over the holiday period where you can enjoy extra quality time with families and chill out doing some wonderful things you all enjoy.

  • lolalee
    lolalee Member Posts: 164

    That is really great and encouraging news keeping faith, can just imagine what you have been through.

    Midnight - good on ya!  Some of these obnoxious sales peeps need to be put in their place from time to time.

    Hope you all have a lovely, happy and healthy Xmas.

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 460

    Hi ladies

    Sorry I've been away a while.  It's so busy this time of year with work, the children and constant school events! I am officially OVER IT and ready for a holiday!

    I've had a brief scan to catch up on the news.  It's nice to see more Kiwi ladies here ... but a bugger that that means more diagnosis! 

    I think a page or so back there was some surgeon discussion.  I had Isaac Cranshaw do my MX, Reuben Broom was my oncologist and Benji Benjamin my radiologist.

    My Free TRAM Flap surgery is booked in for 1 Feb.  Zachary Moaveni is the lead surgeon, with Julian Lofts assisting and lifting/matching my left side.  JennT, how's your recovery been?  I'm dreading the recovery but I'm sure it will be worth it.

    Re-reading my last two paragraphs I find it sureal to have all those doctors!!  Two years ago I'd never had a thing wrong and never been in hospital (apart from childbirth). My how things change!

    Anyway, enough from me. KF I'm pleased they found no evidence of cancer and hope this continues!

    Take care on those roads if you are travelling over the next few days xx