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Weekly Taxol group



  • denise4603
    denise4603 Member Posts: 61
    edited February 2014

    Mercedes - looking fabulous!

    Warrior, thanks for the encouragement.

    OK ladies QUESTION!

    What is the deal with the heightened sense of smell?  Anyone else have it? I smell everything X10.

    Yesterday was my #9 Taxol - the smell thing has been building. My daughter came to pick me up and she smelled of onions, my own body smells disgusting to me no matter how much washing and deoderizing I do, the gentleman in the bank nearly killed me with his cologne, my dog's breath is just horrible. Am I the only one to experience this? My nurse said maybe the decadron....

  • lonnie713
    lonnie713 Member Posts: 131
    edited February 2014

    Denise you are not alone.  

  • SyrMom
    SyrMom Member Posts: 575
    edited February 2014

    Thanks ladies.  I realized day 4 as being the day pain & fatigue worsened, but as I said I'm noticing my mood tanking as well - get real depressed and negative.  It's got to be the decadron fall.  Not noticing increased sensitivity to smell except for 1 item that used to be pleasant seems strong - deordorant of all things.

  • mareluna
    mareluna Member Posts: 275
    edited February 2014

    Yes  when I did Taxol my sense of smell was heightened. I was not used to that as I am always stopped up.

    Now I am back to normal stopped up.

  • Malakies
    Malakies Member Posts: 15
    edited February 2014

    Taxol #8 of 12 tomorrow! I have to say, although SE are minimal compared to AC, I am SO TIRED ALL THE TIME!!! All I want to do is sleep! Unfortunately I can't sleep well these days! I am constantly up every couple of hours, running to the bathroom! Any of you having issues with constipation/diarrhea? The last 3 treatments I have had major issues! I've talked with my doc and she said that is a SE of chemo!  If I could sleep a good 7 hours straight, I think I could manage.

    I'm so over this!!!! 

  • VintageGal1111
    VintageGal1111 Member Posts: 126
    edited February 2014

    Taxol made me sleepy, an hour crashed on the couch, 10 minutes up to stoke the woodstove, let the dogs out/in then back on the couch. But no good sleep at night.

    I had bad constipation on A&C but yeah diarrhea with the Taxol. Luckily not crampy or real explasive & sudden but enough that I hope it subsides very soon!

  • Nicole32
    Nicole32 Member Posts: 15
    edited February 2014

    So I didnt have my chemo no Thursday.  My counts were too low.  WBC, Neutrophils, and HgB were all too low to get it.  My doc wanted to wait a week to see if it comes up before we do anything else.  Just frustrated because that just pushes everything back a week.  She mentioned Neupogen but said we will have to wait.  Was told just to rest.  Called off of work today to rest since I was up all night with 2 sick kids.  Im hoping I can just get this started so I can finish ASAP.  I just want this all to be over so I can move on with my life.  

  • lonnie713
    lonnie713 Member Posts: 131
    edited February 2014

    I had my 6th Taxol on Friday.  I'm half way there Happy.  I am starting to notice that I smell like the Taxol.  Pretty nasty!  I have wicked hot flashes all night long and the smell is driving me nuts.  Oh well, there could be worse things.  Hope you all have a great day.

  • mercedes60
    mercedes60 Member Posts: 89
    edited February 2014

    nicole, try increasing your iron,spinach, red meat, turkey. My counts were very low after AC and i started increasing my iton intake, also i continued this diet during taxol and my counts are pretty good now, i'm still tired though. You really need to rest also, it must be hard though with 2 kids, remember taxol is still chemo so the mire u get the more tiredyou become..... 

    Lonnie, yep i hate the way i smell. As my taste and smell senses are heightened with taxol or all the chemo, whenever i go to the bathroom i gag. I smell like chemicals ughhhhhhhi do drink a lot of water too. Yes i do have hot flashes at nite and during day and my head gets hot. Jeez went thru all that during menopause 5 years ago and its back.  Oh yes the nasty moods are back too.   

    I'm doing #11 wednesday one more to go!!!!!!!!!! 

    Actually, when u think about it, we have to laugh. Here we are, bald, no brows, no lashes. Blotchy face and skin,(for me anyway), tired and to top it off we smell. Thank god my girls' high school grad is in june. Mommy should be looking and smelling good for the ceremony. LOL..... Nerdy

  • suckitbc
    suckitbc Member Posts: 19
    edited February 2014

    Hi ladies, not new to the site, but new to the forum.  This week I will get #10 of the 12 weekly so I am almost at the finish line. That being said I am not without side effects. My first 6 were pretty manageable, but 7 & 8 brought the pain!  #9 was postponed a week due to low wbc, and I think the week off helped me recover a little, but I won't be surprised if the next 3 bring the pain again. So many women on this site complain about the bone/muscle/joint pain, but never get too specific. My question to everyone is, where is your pain and how bad is it? I get pain in so many different places, back, neck, ribs, calf, etc. I guess it would make me feel better if I knew others were experiencing this too. 

    Also, did anyone else get direct to implant, NO expanders? Because I am 5 months post-surgery and the implants are still incredibly uncomfortable, not painful but uncomfortable. My PS blames the chemo, but I don't see many women on here still complaining about their implants this far out. Would love to hear if any of you share this annoying experience!

  • SyrMom
    SyrMom Member Posts: 575
    edited February 2014

    #15 completed today; WBC up & TM down!  Scans next week, hoping these are positive indicators of what scans will report, although I know not to get my hopes up too far as it's a painful let down when I do.

    Fatigue continues as does hip/back pain; taste seems very dulled and neuropathy is being kept in check with B6 & L Glutamine, keeping fingers crossed on that one.  Legs feel stiff & skin sometimes has a burning feeling. Only have about 3 eyebrow hairs left, use to have very thick eyebrows; lashes have been gone for months, scalp remains fuzzy.

    suckitbc ... my pain varies in location, but mainly areas of back, mostly sacral and both hips.  My legs feel very stiff & hurt, sometimes get shooting pains through them; my arms sometimes get weak suddenly.  I, too, had direct implants and they were uncomfortable for a long time but I don't think it had anything to do with them being direct implants.  I saw a PT who specialized in lymphedema and she knew exactly what to do to help free up the painful areas - I highly recommend you seek out a PT specializing in lymphedema.

    Week off next week!  Yeah! 

  • mareluna
    mareluna Member Posts: 275
    edited February 2014


       I am over a year out and my urine has that chemo smell. I wondered.

    And I had direct to implant a year ago and am still having a time. Not pain really but not used to the way they roll around while laying down. I wear a bra to bed and hold travel pillows.

  • denise4603
    denise4603 Member Posts: 61
    edited February 2014

    Thanks to everyone who confirmed the side effect of heightened sense of smell and body odor.  Although it doesn't help me smell any better, it feels better knowing I am not the only one.

    To Suckitbc - My bone and muscle pain can be anywhere from teeth to toes. At the moment my shins are screaming. Each week is different, #3 was so bad I couldn't move out of the chair for a day and a half.EVERY bone hurt at once. None of the others have been at that pain level since. Thursday will be my #10.

  • suckitbc
    suckitbc Member Posts: 19
    edited February 2014

    Thanks ladies, it does make me feel better knowing my aches & pains are not "abnormal!"

    I'm having some tingling in my pinky finger & hoping it's nothing. Are all of you taking L-glutamine & B6? 

    Denise-my sense of smell is so heightened I knew my DH ate some peanut butter downstairs while I was upstairs with the door closed. When I asked him an hour later he was shocked I knew, I feel like a dog with this sense of smell! :) I will be getting #10 tomorrow, let's hope the next 3 rounds are easy!

  • MaryFox
    MaryFox Member Posts: 88
    edited February 2014

    Taxol #10 today. Only two more to go!  The Benadryl has worn off and the steroid is kicking in. Gotta remember to take an Ativan about an hour before bed tonight.  I'll be back at the Immodium, tomorrow, too.  SOOOO happy to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

  • Crazywabbit
    Crazywabbit Member Posts: 54
    edited February 2014

    just got Taxol #1 today. Took a long time since they went slow and increased it every 15 min. No drop in BP or hear rate. After reading your great posts I know what to expect the next week.  Hopefully the SE will be minimal and tolerable.   After so much constipation from the AC a little looseness will not be terrible. 

    Best thing is that I do not feel like chemo brain today.   11 more to go!


  • warrior70
    warrior70 Member Posts: 101
    edited February 2014

    Hi everybody, checking in 2 weeks PFC.

    The good fingernails look good.  If there's neuropathy, there's very little of it.  My hands/feet are cold and can tingle ordinarily; I don't notice any great change there.  My hair now covers my whole scalp and I should be wig-free within a month or so.  Digestive system is A-OK.  

    The bad news...I am SOOOOO tired!  My eyebrows/eyelashes are still thin.  I feel achy  when I've been sitting too long.  And my baby toenails are peeling.  Not huge, but I want to be beyond this crap.

    Best wishes to all,


  • BigT16
    BigT16 Member Posts: 15
    edited February 2014

    Had #7 today.  I've been really tired this week.  I've been asleep by 8pm every night this week.  Today I had a quick nap during chemo.

    Suckitbc- I have TE and after chemo I can feel it.  It's not painful, but uncomfortable. 

  • mercedes60
    mercedes60 Member Posts: 89
    edited February 2014

    hi ladies. Well #11, down, and yes next wednesday last one! Last chemo! I will take pics of me sitting in chair and ringing the school bell as the tradition goes in the oncology center. It feels weird, did anyone else feel strange like anxiety separation when finishing chemo after 6 months? 

    I did not have a good nite, had the poops, first time on taxol, so i decided to sleep on the living room couch only steps from the powder room, did not want to disturb the gang upstairs by running to the bathroom, its ok i had my cats with me for company as i did not get any sleep, toss and turning, but i was ok stomach wise today but  i was stiil running on empty todayfrom That decadron high and now Im getting sleepy, trying to stay up til 9:00 at least. 

    Side effects, well itchy burning feet, hands and legs, and soooooooo tired, shortness of breath and boy i have blotches alll over my face getting worse after every treatment, i am one scary beatch! 

    Oh yes i am loosing some of my white fuzz what up with that and i noticed that my eyes are more blue than green so freaky! 

    Take care guys, we are getting there

    Happy valentines daySillyHeart

  • summer70
    summer70 Member Posts: 41
    edited February 2014

    Hi all- I have just completed wk 5 of 12 taxol /herceptin and so far, haven't had too many SE's. A little tired, a little nauseous but that's about it. Oh and just started with the smell thing! I picked up my daughter & some of her friends from a bday party a few days ago and I suddenly all I could smell was curry. I was horrified that it was me so I was trying to avoid the other moms & wrap my jacket a little tighter around me! Good times!  :)  My last 2 treatments have been reduced doses due to low blood counts. I always have a blood test the day before chemo then have to head to the hospital the next am for a re-test. My veins are starting to revolt! Anyone have any good tips on how to keep counts up? I was exercising fairly frequently but am now wondering if i should just be taking it easy. I would hate to get delayed a week & offer my sympathies to those who have said they needed to delay. I really appreciate everyone sharing on here- couldn't imagine making it through treatment without all the wisdom, practical tips & humour everyone has been generous enough to share!

  • Deblc
    Deblc Member Posts: 154
    edited February 2014

    Hello Ladies, just wanted to say thanks for the wonderful support and info on this site. I am starting taxol/herceptin in two weeks and have a couple of questions. I get the impression that most people find this regimen a lot easier than the AC. However it also seems that a lot of the problems I had on the AC are also experienced on taxol, as in extreme fatigue and weakness (which got progressively worse) , awful taste changes, loss of appetite (really find it difficult to eat), wonky stomach, heightened neuropathy and bone pain. How then can it be easier than the AC? (No nausea would be a HUGE plus, but what about the other SE's ?) I am worried that it will be too hard to manage every week (I had AC every two weeks and found it very hard to recover in time for the next treatment). Thanks for your input !!!

  • summer70
    summer70 Member Posts: 41
    edited February 2014

    Hi Deblc, I know it's different for all but so far, I have experienced very little side effects. I'm going into wk 6 and so far just the heightened smell, a slightly wonky stomach and a little more tired than usual. No bone pain or major nausea. It really is quite bearable and I have been able to work most of the time. I'm a reaI estate agent and I have had no problem working open houses on the weekend (treatment day is Wed). While I  do find that I am turning down some social engagements because I just don't feel like 'myself,' I usually feel well enough to throw on a dress and go out for a nice dinner with my hubby every Sat. I didn't do AC but it does seem to be the consensus on here that Taxol is a breeze, comparatively. Having made it through the tough stuff, I'm sure you will do great!!

  • Summerwheat
    Summerwheat Member Posts: 54
    edited February 2014


    I will be joining the weekly Taxol/Herceptin club shortly. I was diagnosed with DCIS in Dec. 2013, UMX in Jan. 2014 revealed an additional 0.7 cm IDC that is HER2+. It was quite a shock and emotional rollercoaster the last 10 days following this additional diagnosis ... I received several opinions for treatments, but will probably go with Taxol and Herceptin weekly, followed by Herception every 3 weeks for year, based on the recommendation of Dr. Pegram at Stanford, who is very confident that this will minimize reoccurrence. And we all know how hard it is to get any of these doctors to say something halfways positive ...

    I understand that Taxol/Herceptin does not have the nasty side effects that the ACT or CT combinations have, but that I will still loose my hair and that fatigue might be a factor. I am trying to go back to work in a few weeks and work at least part time, and was wondering whether there are any other ladies (in addition to summer70)  that can shed some light on side effects and working while doing the weekly Taxol/Herceptin.  Thank you in advance.

  • VintageGal1111
    VintageGal1111 Member Posts: 126
    edited February 2014

    Hi Deblc

     yes you're right, LOL many of us have said Taxol is easier than A&C but we do still have all those SEs you list! For me the A&C & Neulasta shot totally wiped me out, I felt like I had the flu, no energy, ached all over, just total fatigue.

    I did have a couple days of fatigue each week on Taxol & knee pain but it just wasn't as severe SE as the A&C. Or maybe it was the reaction to the Neulasta shot that was worse for me.

    I am 10 days post chemo. Last Taxol was Feb4th.

  • northwindsgs
    northwindsgs Member Posts: 41
    edited February 2014

    Hi SummerWheat!

    I have done 4 weekly Taxols so far. Much better than AC.  I do get bone aches but nothing Advil doesn't take care of.  I have worked through all of my Chemo.  I am a CNA and work in a group home doing  job coaching and life skills.  Hasnt been too hard, much easier on Taxol for working.

    You should have no problem working on Taxol.......

  • PatinMN
    PatinMN Member Posts: 784
    edited February 2014

    SummerWheat, I had 12 weekly Taxol + Herceptin (no other chemo).  I had very few problems.  I was never "fatigued", but I did get short of breath and had issues with stamina due to being anemic (a common side effect of Taxol).  I had no pain issues - but I take 650 mg of Tylenol 3 times a day for arthritis, so maybe that warded off the pain that so many others have.  I had some diarrhea (mainly after the first infusion), and some constipation, so be ready with over-the-counter meds for that.  I worked throughout, except for infusion day.  I did use cold caps to save my hair, and they worked perfectly for me.  If you're interested, there's a big discussion board on cold caps under the "help me get through treatment" section here on BCO.  There is some recently published research on how well weekly Taxol + Herceptin works for early stage HER2+ cancer (preventing recurrence), so I am really happy that my oncologist recommended that for me!

  • shazzakelly
    shazzakelly Member Posts: 620
    edited February 2014

    I've done 22 straight weeks on taxol and have only now dropped down from working 5 days a week to 4. Apart from fatigue which has been getting worse other SEs are very manageable. I think as far as chemos go taxol is very doable. 

  • summer70
    summer70 Member Posts: 41
    edited February 2014

    PatinMN, sounds like we are on the same treatment plan. Glad to hear that the cold caps worked for you. Me, too- so far only some minimal shedding. Did you manage to keep your brows & lashes? 

  • Sandrac3
    Sandrac3 Member Posts: 11
    edited February 2014

    Oh wise women from the weekly taxol group.......I am a lurker and have followed everyone journey while on my own and now I have a question I have not seen asked. I just finished #11 of 12 taxols Friday. Did anyone give gifts to the nurses at their center? And what kind? I saw a guy give chocolates last week for his last treatment. Any other suggestions?  I also asked this question on the Oct 2013 chemo board.

    Thank you in advance!! Smile


  • NoWhyToIt
    NoWhyToIt Member Posts: 15
    edited February 2014

    I have a terrible day 3 with back pains/ spasms that make me paranoid. Can't get our of bed on day 3, start to recover day 4 and have a decent rest of cycle except for fatigue at days end. It is the bone pain or back spasms that has me worried constantly. A true sanity test. I wish so badly the chemo would end. I seem to be on the wimpy end of the spectrum.