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I look for other flat chested women. A rant.



  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667

    I'm six and a half months out from surgery and I have noticed that when I hug a female friend we fit together like a puzzle.  I don't have any breasts to get in the way!  Occasionally and depending on the material of the top I'm wearing, the right side of my chest will feel very heavy almost like a brick is sitting on me.  Saw my BS just the other day and mentioned it.  He said I was having a phantom sensation and that eventually my mind will turn that off.  He also said that it will take a least a year before things will start to settle down. 

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Coraleliz, that is exactly it with me. Even with the twinges and tightness that I still get, my actual boobs hurt much more and all the freakin time.

  • river_rat
    river_rat Member Posts: 317

    Coraleliz and Momine, me too - much less pain now.

  • FernMF
    FernMF Member Posts: 274

    I am AT WORK without foobs, and WITHOUT wig . . . first time . . . the youngest attorney that I work for said that I am looking "very chic" . . that he liked the (NONE) hair . . . tee hee . . . . brave thing for me to do today . . and I am smiling.

  • Starak
    Starak Member Posts: 311

    Me too - much less pain and no more skin breakdown from constant skin to skin contact.

    FernMF - You are bravely surviving and I love it, smiling.  Never underestimate the power of a smile.  Today it is a novelty for all.  Soon the novelty will wear off and it will just be Fern and normal, for them and for you.  This was the hard part.

    As to my little drama with the sudden infection of presumably a seroma, due to complications of end of year and changing insurance, I cancelled the ultrasound. The antibiotics did their job and I see my BS in about 6 wks anyway for my annual followup.  If there is the slightest hint of a recurring issue before then, I will make an appt to see her immediately.


  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Fern, brava! Good for you.

  • Frapp
    Frapp Member Posts: 343

    Yea, Fern. The second time will be even easier.

  • Djustme
    Djustme Member Posts: 105

    Yay Fern! Barbara is right, soon your co-workers will just expect to see you like that.  It's my 16th wedding anniversary tonight (figured my dh couldn't forget the date if we married new year's eve!).  We are just staying in, but I decided to get dressed up for hubby since he has pretty much only seen me in flannel pj's for the past month. I'm wearing one of my work blouses with a little cardigan - looks good if I do say so myself!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,956

    Djustme, Hey, we have the same wedding anniversary! 53 for me.

  • Djustme
    Djustme Member Posts: 105

    Wren - wow! Happy Anniversary and Happy New Year!

    It's nice to see more and more ladies join us every day. Welcome to all of you newly flat or soon to be flatties. Linda I know you are waiting for your prophylactic mx and I can't tell you how much happier I am having no breasts rather than one.  No more trying to hide the lopsidedness. No more worrying about when the second breast is going to misbehave or try to kill me. I love my clothes now. And - I even took off my pj top last night for a New Year's Eve/Anniversary night of cuddling. It felt nice to have skin against skin after a whole year of hiding under my pj's (sorry if anyone thinks this is too much information, but intimacy is one of the issues affected by bc).

    Wishing everyone improved health and happiness in this new year!

  • maryah930
    maryah930 Member Posts: 122

    Djustme ~ Not TMI.  I think we all go through something similar after our surgeries, so it's nice to know others have almost the same experiences and feelings. :)

    Happy new year and best wishes to all in 2013!

  • CCFW
    CCFW Member Posts: 570


  • CCFW
    CCFW Member Posts: 570


  • pip57
    pip57 Member Posts: 7,080

    The doctor's waiting room is a perfect start to getting the 'flat' message out there.  Those are the women who really need to know that there IS a choice.  Your 'perky' tshirt is one of the best ones I've heard of.Smile

  • Djustme
    Djustme Member Posts: 105

    CCFW - I realized later I didn't explain that it was a breast cancer support group. But I thought it might be the best place to start to see if anyone else in this town has chosen to be a flattie. I know one of the group has only one breast, as she was wearing a fitted pink t-shirt at a bc event.  I figure these women would be a good source of support for spreading the word that flat is an option.  

  • ziffy321
    ziffy321 Member Posts: 11

    Greetings, ladies!

    I gave up a breast (I refuse to say I "lost" it) ten years ago in my first encounter with BC.  I gave up the other in October, after being diagnosed with a new cancer.  Oh Lordy, if only I had known, I would have given them both up the first time!  I never felt quite right with one real breast and one prosthesis. Undecided

    I generally wear a camisole with pockets to hold my two (A-cup) prostheses.  I have no desire to undergo reconstruction, but I'm in no hurry to ditch the falsies either.  Although I did go flat at the swimming pool recently--I was just too lazy to move my falsies from my camisole to my bathing suit!

  • BooBeeNone
    BooBeeNone Member Posts: 2

    I want to go flat but because I am a bit overweight I just look pregnant and at 50 years old that is just not how I want to look. I am hoping that the more weight I loose the better it will be. I still look very concave I had hoped that as time went by things would flatten out but while I now have some fat under the skin where my breasts used to be it is still concave and I have lots of loose skin under my arms. I did ask about getting this loose skin removed I was told it would be classed as cosmetic and would not be covered by my insurance..


  • pip57
    pip57 Member Posts: 7,080

    Djustme, I like that...gave up a breast, not lost a breast.  Brilliant.

  • Kassylou
    Kassylou Member Posts: 53

    Djustme. I will use that explanation as well. I am giving up my breasts not losing them. Thanks!!!

  • ziffy321
    ziffy321 Member Posts: 11

    I'm not Djustme.  I'll take it as a compliment, tho.

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Happy New Year ladies! Sorry I have been missing in action for a bit.... I must have deleted this from my favorite topics.... the Delete from Favorites link is so close to the Back to top link and my fingers are still very clumsy from the neuropathy that I hit the wrong thing on my iPad....

    Anyway, I just wanted to wish the best to those of you going back to work full time. I worked full time through initial diagnosis, chemo, recurrence, BMX, more drugs and lots of complications from meds and surgery. I thought I was doing well to not let anyone down and felt I was delivering on promises made, but due to low energy, lack of concentration, severe fatigue and all the mind-altering effects of all the adverse drug reactions, I discovered that I did a terrible job, and after persevering for 2 years, finally took a medical leave that has extended from one semester to 2, and may be permanent. I keep thinking if I had taken the time off at the beginning to allow myself to heal, I would be back at work now. So message is: TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF FIRST! Don't push it, if you have fatigue, get some rest! Give yourself lots of kindness and be gentle with yourself!

    I LOVE the response to the gentleman at the church social hour, LMAO!!!! Thanks for the belly laugh today!

    I was thinking of Mel when I was perusing the Etsy web site today - there is some clothing designer who uses a lot of masculine and feminine mixes in her clothing designs... I was thinking that might be a place to find some clothing solutions for some of us, it might be a place to provide clothing options for those here who have an entrepenurial bent....

    I continue to have pain in the back of my arm that is hypersensitive to sleeves touching it, and pain and tightness across my chest incisions... more than a year after BMX. Early on I thought sometimes the soft silicone prostheses provided some protection of my chest from those huggers out there, but I cannot tolerate the bras that hold them in place because none of the arm holes are large enough to not irritate my arm. Still feeling like this whole thing sucks, but have found I am less and less self-conscious about my appearnace overall. Also, I was watching a "Cheers" marathon on TV, and the character "Diane" is so so flat - she really has no curves and looks great. (I forget who the actress is).

    May 2013 be a better year for all of us!

  • pip57
    pip57 Member Posts: 7,080

    Sorry about that ziffy.  And welcome to the clan.

  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304

    I agree with LindaLou 100%, if possible take the time off and don't push yourself, I sometimes wonder if I've had some many residual side effects because I didn't take the time to heal when I should have. Be kind to yourself!!!

  • alexandria58
    alexandria58 Member Posts: 202

    CCFW: I'm thinking of trying to start an organization that will have support groups as well as try to educate women that living flat is a viable option.  still hoping to organize a Flat Fest sometime this year.

  • Starak
    Starak Member Posts: 311

    Hi All,

    Diane from Cheers was, I think, Shelley Long.

    Not on a tshirt yet but my latest blurb is "Flat &  Fabulous, set 'em free when they tried to kill me."  Also played with "...cut 'em loose when they tried to kill me" - too graphic??


  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Yes, Shelley Long! Thanks!

    Barbara, your ideas are no more graphic than a lot of other stuff I see on t-shirts! And I know some women use "Yes these are fakes - the real ones tried to kill me" after reconstruction.

  • Starak
    Starak Member Posts: 311

    My lines were inspired by the "Yes they're fake..." line.  Just felt the necessity to come up with something suitable for the Flat & Fabulous.


  • CCFW
    CCFW Member Posts: 570


  • CCFW
    CCFW Member Posts: 570


  • CCFW
    CCFW Member Posts: 570
