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The Hermit Club



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Singing Happy

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    You asked for it, here are my green toes! No paint on the fingers Cami!


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Hope everyone is doing well here on this first day of the long weekend. I was a low energy girl today and know some of you are thinking "good!" The stormy weather has had me indoors more and feeling like vegging. I finally got dressed and out of the house a bit before 4 p.m. and ran a few errands, and made it to the gym to swim for a bit. Rented a couple movies and been watching those tonight. 

    My friend is coming to pick me up in the am and we are heading to Santa Fe for the next two days. I will ping you when I am back with updates on our adventures there. Hoping everyone has a good Memorial Day whether you visit with family and friends or relax at home!

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062

    Today we are celebrating the 27th anniversary of the day my husband and I met. He grilled a nice thick ribeye just the way I like it; cousin steamed corn on the cob and made potato salad, we finished the evening with a viewing of Despicable Me 2.

    Went out for first time since surgery; went to Supercuts, got my hair washed and curled, sprayed it down real good, so I'm good for another week or so.

    My right incision was looking a bit worrisome yesterday, I posted a pic on the May 2014 surgery wall if you're curious. Called the surgeon, she called in a rx for antibiotic. It looks unchanged today, though. No fever. Don't really feel like it's an infection, but what do I know? I've never had an udderectomy. The drain on that side was a few cc's higher than yesterday, but we changed it later, so it could be just accumulation. They were all down below where they need to be to be removed, but surgeon said to leave it in for now. I'm starting to get feeling back where it's been numb since surgery; it's not painful, it's itchy. Itchy means healing, right?

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816

    Jazzy, the green polish is very springy and the toe rings add pizazz.   Have fun in Santa Fe.

    Magdalene, your dinner sounds yummy.  It's good to hear that you are out and about again.  

  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748

    Magda yes itchy means healing, dont be in a rush to get your drains removed as its easy to get seromas afterwards and then they need manual draining. I had three seromas, one was over a pint of liquid. 

  • OncoWarrior
    OncoWarrior Member Posts: 3,326
  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062

    I'm not so much anxious to have the drains out as I am uncomfortable with not knowing what a normal recovery would look and feel like. I still have so much numbness. As it regains feeling, it's itchy, and I guess that's ok. How can I tell if there's too much swelling? Etc. Just wish the post op instructions had bee more thorough.

  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748

    post op swelling varies a lot and can change from day to day, usually takes around a month to settle, itching seems common, i still have some numbness two years on .....

  • OncoWarrior
    OncoWarrior Member Posts: 3,326
  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062

    I just went back over my post op instructions. There is one separate page that's just general instructions, then there is a stapled batch, 16 pages, 13 of which are for the 2 prescriptions I was given, one of which (nausea med) I never even had filled. 13 freakin pages! One page has general physician information, it says to follow up with surgeon but doesn't say when, it says to follow up with PCP 

    I'm looking at it and it's not making sense until I pull the staple out. Sheesh. At the bottom of page one it says follow up instructions, gives surgeon's name & address, but under When there's nothing. Page 2 starts out with Call for follow up appointment, Call office for results in 1 week, then has my PCP name and address. Under that is Comments which is empty. So it looks like I'm supposed to call my PCP for follow up and biopsy results which is silly, she's not really been involved. So I pull the staple out and see at the top, above the Call for follow up, it says Comments. So apparently the instructions at the top of page 2 actually belong to the address on page one. No wonder I'm confused.

    Feeling really cranky today. Hot, sweaty, itchy, uncomfortable. Just want to crawl into my hermit hole. Big problem with having my recovery in the den is it's right next to the kitchen and I live with 2 up-n-at-em types who don't know how to do quiet mornings. My cousin, God love her, thinks her coffee isn't stirred unless she clanks the spoon while stirring, at least a few dozen times. And I love that she feeds the dogs, but she bangs the fork on the metal bowl a hundred times or so. I've got to remember to use my earplugs, and I've asked for noise-canceling headphones, but no sign of them yet. When I'm awakened by crashing and banging, it sets my teeth on edge for the rest of the day. Fingernails on a chalkboard.

    So thankful I have a place I can rant without their knowledge. I love them both, I know they're doing their best, I'm not an easy patient, but sometimes I have to blow off steam. I don't have a visiting nurse, but I do have a nurse friend who's been with me all the way - hate to disturb her holiday weekend.

  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748

    I am trying to stay calm and focused bedfore my surgery, still waiting to hear exact day and time only know its next week at moment and have a total **** of a neighbour who is deliberately upsetting us and our dogs with his behaviour many times every day.  Today he lifted up a large rock and made as if to hit me with it, he tried to kick my dog, and then later my OH saw him raise his arm to go and hit me when I was outside on the road so immediately went over and told him in no uncertain terms not to go to hit women......its all just hassle and stress we don´t need.  He even smiles as he is winding our dogs is very close to total war here now and all I am interested in is practising calm.................I plan now to get photos of him physically threatening me and will go to the police......

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Hermits- end of the weekend and good time away in Santa Fe. Some museum time, good conversation with my friend, tasty food and shoe shopping. Weather was cooler and last night, chilly with more rain. It was a fun time in the city different.....

    A photo of a blooming yucca up on Museum Hill to share with you tonight. Thoughts and prayers for those here recovering from or heading into surgery.


  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748

    no his dog comes up to our garden fence and gates off the lead and barks at us when we are in our own garden. Our dogs of course bark at his dog when its so close but never at him when he is his garden. He could walk his dog two other ways and not have to go past us at all but he prefers to go past us up to ten times every day then complain to us that our dogs bark when he does! We explained one of our dogs is a rescue who was beaten up and attacked by small dogs when in the dog shelter and that he gets especially stressed so could he please not choose to just walk around our garden and back every time he goes our but do his short walks on the open countryside that is closer to him than our garden is. His response was to walk around us even more but now he laughs and smiles when he sees our dog going frantic, but still complains when he gets back. I went out to ask him why he does nit want to resolve a problem but only escalate it and that was his response. A demented a***hole

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh Lily u't neightbor sounds some craziness going on there--Just try and stay away and stay away from his rocks, He sounds like he really enjoys pushing u'r buttons. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
    Don't ask me about the z's ????

    Mags I'm sure u'r till uncomfortable and the drains don't help. Call u'r ft. for u'r app'tments OK???  

  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748

    he hit me today when i was outside my house so have had the police out, they agree he provokes problems but nothing i can do, however its on record and they told me to get medical evidence of injury which ive done (its only superficial).  My solicitor thinks i should formalize a complaint against him.  I told the police he does whatever he wants with no respect for anyone, and now they are going to investigate him for other things.  Hope it keeps him busy

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816

    Lily, how awful ... you got hit.  I hope the police will be able to do something.

  • OncoWarrior
    OncoWarrior Member Posts: 3,326


  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748

    he is german, says it all really, clearly of the gene pool that reserves sun beds in hotels and beaches but   never uses them, and still believes himself to be a superior race ( no i am not kidding, they still exist) . His house does not comply with planning, his cars are not legal here but he drives them etc, no thought of what would happen in an accident as an uninsured driver as vehicles not legal here etc......

    The stress of not feeling able to relax in my own garden and home means i am now getting even less sleep.....really do not need this

  • Basia
    Basia Member Posts: 345

    Hi Ladies,

    Hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend.  I am finding it harder and harder to be around people these days, they are all such morons! Lily, if I had a neighbor like that, there would have been acid spilled on his cars by now, just to annoy him.  My husband did that to our old neighbors who were horrible human beings, one night, he just took this stuff he was using for the drains and splashed it all over their car, I felt bad, but they deserved it.  

    I got my pathology report back yesterday, seeing the oncologist tomorrow.  Looks like both pieces of scar tissue contained tumors, one was 1cm*.5Cm and the other was .5*.3 cm.  The thing that got me was the microscopic cell(s) found on a lymph node.  Not in, but on.  The oncologists PA said he was going to call the pathologist to get clarification on that.  Looks like I will start chemo next week if all goes well. Not sure which drugs this time, but I told them I want to be as aggressive as possible because I don't want to be here ever again! I was hoping for radiation first, but that's not going to happen.  Oh well.  This will be a crappy summer but at least I will have many many more to follow :) 

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062

    Basia, I know how you feel. People, in general, are pretty much idiots. I swear this cancer has driven me deeper into hermiting. Look! I made a new word!

    I finally called surgeon's office today and made an appointment for follow up next week. I'm still waiting for the path report, her office said she'd call today. But said I could have my drains out, so I talked to my friend who is a nurse, but she can't do it because she has a broken foot and has to stay off it so she's going to ask her husband to do it as he's off this afternoon. (He's not just a friend of 15+ years, he's also the ob/gyn who assisted with my BMX.) it will be interesting to see what he says about the red puffies on my non-BC side. I haven't run a fever, and I only took a couple of the antibiotics the surgeon prescribed because I got a roaring case of thrush. Spent the last couple days fighting that with home remedies ( h2o2 rinse, saltwater rinse, elderberry) and it's all gone now. Why can't we find those things to fight everything?

    We have made tentative plans for a short road trip next weekend, though seeing the surgeon Wednesday cuts it awful short as far as release to travel. There's a bunch of folks I play an online game with, known most of them for nearly 8 years, and we've been planning this meetup for months. I didn't want to let a minor thing like BC keep me from this, so we are planning on it. A day's easy drive, a day with folks, a day's drive home. I think I can do it.

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062

    Just got off the phone with the surgeon, with the final path report. First off, she says she's glad we went ahead with bilateral instead of just a lumpectomy, as the right breast had "funny looking" cells. "Is that a medical term?" I asked. It means they look probable for turning cancerous. The lump in the left breast was 5.8cm, and 4/8 lymph nodes positive. She's forwarding it to my oncologist, and I will see him in the next week or so. (First time I saw him one of his questions to me was, how's your spiritual health? We like him.)

    At that point, we will decide when to begin chemo, and the plans are to install a port when my incision is healed sufficiently. My ob/gyn friend is coming this afternoon to take my drains out. A house call! He's such a sweetie, assisted with surgery, and his wife went with me to all the tests. My initial mammogram and ultrasound was on my 63rd birthday, and when she saw the ultrasound, she knew. And when the biopsy came back she was the one who called me with the results. We had a mutual friend who went through this back in 2000, and I always said if it happened to me, I wanted them on my team. She has so many health challenges of her own but when I reach out she's always there. She had planned to take my drains out but she's laid up with a broken foot. But he has a free afternoon and is coming by soon. Such friends!

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062

    Yay! Drain-free at last! And doc says it all looks good. 


    If there's nothing substantial on the gauze pads he placed in a couple of hours, replace with bandaid.

    Nothing like having a housecall with a hug at the end.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Hi hermits- catching up on the posts here. Sounds like Basia and Mag are heading into chemo next. You both sound like you are doing okay so far. 

    Lilly- an abusive white male supremacist is not good to have next door ever, but especially right now. I hope you can get some good rest so you feel prepared for the upcoming surgery.

  • Basia
    Basia Member Posts: 345

    Magdalene, yay no more drains! I didn't start feeling human again until those things were gone! They are miserable.  So glad you went with the mastectomy, if you didn't you may be in this position again one of these days.  I hope the chemo regimen your oncologist puts you on isn't too harsh.  Maybe you'll only do tamoxifen or something like that.  

    I have 2 friends from my support group going to the onc with me tomorrow, this should be fun, they are both like bulls in the china shop and aren't afraid to speak up about anything…..gotta love friends like this.  

    I have to say, as much as I am not a people person, cancer does bring out the best in people. The few people outside of family and support group that know about this have been extremely nice.  One of the dads from gymnastics offered to pay for my girls summer camp so that I can rest and not have to worry about entertaining them all day long. I love that the few people I "allow" into my life have such kind souls.  When I told him what I am going thru, he ran out to the flower shop a few blocks away from the gymnastics center and brought me a beautiful center peace.  Now don't go getting any ideas, I have become very close with him and his partner over the last few months.  LOL.   My daughter asked me if we are in love because of the flowers, it was really cute.  

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Basia- most folks are pretty understanding and compassionate about those going through cancer treatment. Almost everyone has already known at least 1 person who has had treatment for some kind of cancer.You have already been down this road before from what you have shared, so you know what to expect from people around you. It sounds like you have a great support system as you start out with your treatment plan.

    Mag- same for you, you have people experienced with dealing with this disease and who are stepping up to help you. You are also in good hands.

  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248

    Checking in--being a true hermit; I've  been AWOL.   Read some of the above post, and it sounds like many of you are doing well.   That makes me happy.  Had a CAT Scan to see why my implant is giving me so much trouble.  Good news--the Ct scan showed nothing---bad news still have the tightness, shortness of breath, pain.  Will be going  to see the new PS again in two weeks to see what our next move will be.  Well happy and calming to see many of you on this thread.  Will check in again, later!

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062

    Well, I had a lovely shower (tho short as I was not too steady) and washed my hair. My cousin changed my dressings, no leakage so just band aids, yay! And I'm back in my own bed tonight, though not too sure how well I'll sleep. Hope you all rest well.