The Hermit Club



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Happy sunday hermits- went to have breakfast with a friend I have not seen since around Labor Day. With that last meal, my holiday outings are done!

    Cami- funny, I don't remember Vivian Vance ever saying she was from ABQ on the show, but then again, as a kid under 10 watching those re-runs in the 1960's, I probably had no idea where that was anyways! Could have been a foreign country to me at that point.I had this thought that Vivian was much older than Lucille, but upon researching that, they said that she was only two years older. They just chose to dress Vance in frumpier clothing, and let Lucille Ball be the little sex pot. Funny how a little exhibit like that can make you look deeper into the stories behind a person or that show in particular! They had the I Love Lucy Xmas special on tv (and in color) over the holidays, which got me primed for that exhibit!

    I would imagine getting out to much of anything in the middle of winter in IL would not be something most people would want to do. Going to the "big city" requires a lot of effort, period. I am fortunate to live in a small city with lots of nice culture within a short drive.

    Weather is warming up today. Highs the 40s. Whoot whoot.

  • OncoWarrior
    OncoWarrior Member Posts: 3,326

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    Hey everybody hope u r better, the flu sucks, it has hit so many people,  Including kids. thank u 4 caring i need nothing, the twins r ok.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858

    Sorry i haven't been on in a while but I have been sick with a bad cold since after Christmas.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Good Morning.

    Oh MO u sound like u've had this cold thing too. It'sall over. And now we're getting super cold and snow, so lucky I don't have to go out, but everyone else does here.

    I would think my work will pick up now with all the holidays over, I got spoiled, it was not really busy except for emergencies. But with this weather who knows???

    Well took a shower (I'm smellin'good) washed my clothes worked on the computer, now I'm getting tired already.

    They are actually closing some schools today, (not Joey, damn) but they are getting ready for some brutal stuf coming.--This is soup, stew or chili weather now. Of course I would like a cheese burger, fries and a chocolate malt, Oh well.

    Well I hope everyone is warm and feeling better.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Cami........guess we got out of Chicago at the right time..........heard they are expecting grandson starts schooling tonight............he is going for his Master's at Northwestern University...........snowy weather.....just what he needs.......right........ugh.......stay safe...............

    We are getting a dusting tomorrow, but very cold, windy weather............oh I hate winter.................

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858

    We are supposed to get snow tommorrow. Might see anywhere from a trace to a couple of inches.

    This cold is motly gone but the congrestion wants to stay in the lungs. been drinking lots of tea with honey. I think I know where I got this cold from. Went to a holiday party after Christmas for my neighborhood association and one of the other female exec. board members who was there was still sick. I wasn't around her for very long, probably just long enough to get it. Now my hubby is coming down with it.



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Hi hermits- back from the MO's office and things went relatively well. I met with the CNP this visit, and had a good talk with her. We discussed my recent bone density test, and said I am not happy about what is happening on the AIs. She wants to investigate whether they can get my insurance to pay for Prolia shots now to see if this may help me for the duration of the time I am on the AIs (another three years or so). She said they use Prolia pretty successfully with cancer treatment (including monthly shots for people with bone cancer) and the side effects are minimal. But she said the challenge is getting them to pay for it at this time vs. if I get closer to full blown osteoporosis. And perhaps we can appeal it too, I have had to go that route on these genetics tests (believe it or not, a year later, I am still trying to get the last round of genetics tests paid for from Feb 2014!)

    I had labs done today but she said the lab is not up yet with the move to the new building, so they will call if there is anything of concern. She said they do the usual CBC panel and of course, looking at the liver enzymes. Will let you know if anything comes up there.

    She also told me "so you have not been in here for a year?" I said that was true, that the last time I saw the MO, he said get a bone density test end of the year and come back next January. She said she was surprised as the protocol for anyone with bc is six months for the five years after. I said I knew that, I was surprised too (but also did not tell her that it was not the first time someone short cutted the process on me). I knew I would see my PCP this summer and know she runs a lot of the same labs and everything was fine there, but as we know, we just feel better being checked on a bit more often. She is wanting me to get an apt for the summer in another six months, but the July calendar was not open yet, so I will just make note to call them in a few months for that. I will say I am glad to be back on the six month follow up.

    My next visits will be to get the mammo/ultrasound and then see the BS end of the month. January is just going to be one kind of fun month (NOT!)

    Mommy- I hope your cold is getting better. So many sick with colds, the flu, etc. right now. I was supposed to meet someone for a biz lunch and she cancelled as she said she has strep (yikes!) Feel better soon! Hoping Princess is comforting you.

    Hope everyone else here stays safe in the snow that is coming east now. Our snow is gone but it is still cold out west.

  • OncoWarrior
    OncoWarrior Member Posts: 3,326


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Onco- yes, I am doing a lot of weight bearing exercise. Walking as part of the cardio, but also lifting weights 3-4X a week. My personal trainer told me she has seen people with osteopenia improve it with weight bearing exercise.

    I got a note from my PCP who said I should be doing it daily so perhaps I will be doing a bit of weight lifting at the gym and here at home too.

    Appreciate your insights!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646 very careful........lots of people who think they have the common cold and not the Flu because they got the shot.............WRONG.........just be careful..........mine was Type A Flu strain, and it has settled in my Pulmonary specialist said it can quckly turn to pneumonia especially sincs I have Asthma........

    Just a word of caution.......the Flu vaccine falied this year, loads of sick people who think they just have a "cold"................a nose swab will give you the true answer..........6 of us came back Type A Flu..............on the downside after 5 days, but the chest congestion and cough are brutal...........will call him in 2 days to let him know i I get worse or better

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858

    Being very careful. Haven't been out of the house much since I came down sick.

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657

    Thanks for letting me know I have asthma too, thanks duckyb1

    I heard the shot may not work?

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    Jazzy sorry to hear all of it. U will keep on top of it

    Good luck n keep letting us know

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Jazzy good thing u really pay attention and do what u'r supposed to do. U really keep track.

    Oh is Ducky right this cold -flu thing is a real winner, The cough alone knocks the hell out of u.

    It's snowy and really cold out here, so just trying to stay warm.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858

    The only thing I have left of this stupid cold is the cough.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Hi hermits- glad to be through yesterday. Going to the cancer docs for follow ups is never easy. I don't sleep well the night before, and always holding my breath as I get through the apt.

    I got through a busy day of work afterwards and then went to bed early and slept well. Waking up feeling good today and decided to work from home today as I have no meetings on site today with the client. And, just like many here, everyone is sick or coming down with something.

    Working from home today and got the painter coming this afternoon to pick up the base color and/or talk about final color choices.

    Hope everyone here who is sick is resting and getting better. I am ordering a round of hot tea for everyone!

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816

    Hi all.  I am sorry to hear that so many of you are sick ... I am hoping everyone with a cough gets rid of them quickly as they sound debilitating.

    Jazzy, your comment about working from home to avoid work place germs makes sense.  I have to go to the local urgent care/lab to get blood work this morning.  As always I will sit as far away from others as possible.  This is routine blood work, but it still puts me in a high germ area.  Oh well, as my husband says so does the grocery store and its carts ... I do always wash my hands when I get home.

    As I was having coffee this morning, I was planning my summer garden.  No wonder winter seems so long ... I mentally jump from Christmas to planting season.  Last week I bought two tiny ivy plants to brighten up my dining room buffet.  I then read that ivy is good for cleaning the indoor air ... these are so small I don't know how much good they will do except to make me smile at their greenness.

    Blondie, how are you feeling?  Does the cold weather make breathing harder?  Ducky and Footprints, besides your coughs, isn't the cold weather a problem with your asthma?  M0mmy, I think you said that you were mostly staying in.  Is that due to cold weather causing your cough to be worse?

    We are having nice winter weather temp wise but not getting any precipitation which we really need.  As of now it looks like our drought will continue for another year.  DH and I were talking this morning about how we can do some xeriscaping this summer to cut down on water usage.  Even last summer in our neighborhood some people were cutting off the water to their lawns. 

    I better close and get dressed.  Wishing everyone some joy today!


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Sally- my MO's new office is now in a building next to one of the big hospitals and has other groups in it besides oncology. Made me think about that yesterday as I went for my apt. Especially because I am sure there are people going in there who are doing chemo who have lowered immune systems and much more vulnerable than myself to picking up the flu. I try to stay out of the medical offices this time of the year unless I really need to go, as I have to do with follow up in Jan. I hope you did not pick up any germs! Fingers crossed for us both.

    I just talked to my client today and she asked if I was okay, sick or anything? I said no, and she said "oh good, because I had to send 6 people home today who have the flu." I saw a lot of people in the admin center yesterday who seemed sick and well, I want no part of this years flu! I realized I was smart to stay home, but must go in tomorrow and then finish up on site on Thursday.

    Also Sally, I have a xeriscaped yard and love it. You can have that and still have gardens too. There are many low water plants you can add to your yard to enjoy the beauty while not using too much water. Here in NM, if you xeriscape your yard, you get some breaks on your water bill too. You might want to check with the city to see if there are similar programs. Sometimes they have classes you can take too with the city or local nurseries. This would be a great time to learn about it before spring comes.

    I miss my gardens too. I cannot wait for daylight savings time in early March and to begin planting pansies later in the month.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Jazz.....that is what I cancelled today 2 appts.and MO appt.....they really don't need me in their those poor souls are sick enough from treatment.....Flu is te last thing they need.....I am well on th downside but did not want to take a chance for the.........or m picking up something else.

    The other was my GI appt........will reschedule that one too....but will wait a while I'm sure....oh well.......snow here and I was not driving....said the roads though only coated were very slippery.........

    And to think we are ony in the early stages of this crap...............

    Funny thing...if you need a laugh.....was not going food.......nothing I wanted I found Swanson broth...(again)......put in some was "your kidding me" then added onion powder, and pepper........thought....ok, this is not what I wanted........finaly tossed in a tad more salt, and some good locateli cheese...................tasted it and said......"Damn I soup"..............LOL.............I'm good for a couple more days.........................LMAO............image

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    We have had a very pretty full moon this week. Here is a photo from the bird refuge down south.


  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    great picture jazz so glad you're taking care of yourself stay home if you have to learn work from home apparently the flu is really bad.

    ducky I hope you're feeling better wishing I have those appointments work and work let me know if you need anything I'll bring it to you

    hi Sally haven't seen you around I'm Glad you checked in spring flowers really I just posted something on Facebook Like 76 days till spring whatever please take care of yourself

    Jackie and everybody else that I can't think of big hugs.

    me me have to go to my oncologist tomorrow need more pain meds want to talk to him about my PET scan went to buy my pulmonary doctor and he said he was concerned about to do something I wanted to know what we're going to do about it I told him that you know I stopped chemo so I'm not sure what he's talking about I think it's the lymph node in my chest that now has cancer in it and its a pectoral in my arm that I've been complaining about for a while that apparently I can turn it also whatever. I also I'm going to talk to him about this a zometa to see if I should be taking that.I have to get my port flushed and I think tthat is itI really miss the people in chemo the nurses were awesome and you know I got close to some of the people that were in chemo and we are friends and I talked to him on the phone although I have lost a lot too. Then I think I'm going to go to Walmart probably not a good idea because all the germs by going in the hospital which is connected to the doctors office so their germs everywhere but I need food.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858

    Woke up to the cold being completely gone!  

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Blondie- I am sorry you still have so much pain. I hope that there is no cancer in that lymph node, but maybe the MO can advise if they see anything or recommend any other tests to figure this out. Let us know what you find out please?

    And if you go to Walmart, can you wear a mask? I see people here all the time now going into public places. I am sure you are looking forward to getting out for a bit. I hope you find lots of post holiday sales there.

    Mommy- how wonderful is that you woke up and your sickness is gone. So glad to hear this and hope you can resume your normal activities.

    I had the painter here late yesterday to go over the final plans for the colors in the rooms that will be painted next week. So now we are all set there, and I am working on getting things ready to move out of that room. Back to being in a construction zone again, but it will be all done in a few weeks!)

    I have to go in today for meetings so I wish everyone here a good day.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858

    Yeah, its great not to feel like I've been run over by a truck and it backed over me a few times just for good measure lol

  • daisylover
    daisylover Member Posts: 173

    Hi Hermies,

    I am fighting a cold - just a slight sore throat for now. Wishing Ducky, Cami, Mommy, and Blondie speedy and complete recoveries. It's very cold outside here. Winds and deeper cold arriving tonight. Blondie, if you go out, bundle up!

    Blondie, I wish that you had let me deliver food while in Philly on Monday! If I lived near you, I would take you out regularly. You should definitely wear a mask if you go to Walmart. (I saw a man driving alone on the NJ Turnpike in a mask...) I took myself off my trial drug before my trip to PA due to fatigue and Neutropenia. Hoping I can avoid the bug. I keep Purell in my pocket when out. Are you feeling better? Hope so - You posted a lot!

    Jazzy, it must be so beautiful where you live. great pic. I need a personal trainer - I can't seem to get motivated on the weight bearing exercises. Hope you get results. What colors are you painting those rooms? I love to hear the names that they use... sometimes I think if you didn't have a swatch, could you guess the color? That would be a job that I would like - naming paint tints... Hope you avoid all germs at work today. Wishing you good tests and dr visits...

    Mommy, glad you are bouncing back! The cold is coming to New England (sub zero) - bundle up!! Did you have a cold or the flu? If a cold, then be careful not to get the flu...

    Teka, around here, the lights all still seem to be up - maybe we all have the flu (not me yet)?? I really enjoy the winter white - mostly because my husband takes care of it for me. You live north of Saratoga Springs? Yikes - it must be cold up there. Does the wind blow all the time? My kids rowed in Fall and Spring at SS - the wind cuts through you there. Here's a little video to warm you up and add some color: I am getting a hot flash just listening to the embers of that fire crackle here...

    Ducky, if your stomach is able to handle cheese, may I suggest cheddar or parmesan goldfish in the soup? Adds texture and salty cheesy taste... mmmm... I hope you turn the corner soon.

    Sally, you must have a very well-thought out garden! Before children, at our first home, we used to draw the garden beds on graph paper and really think about the "rotation of crops" etc... nursed seedlings in my kitchen... now, I leave the gardens to my husband. (You are inspiring me for the spring, tho) I did take this pic for him this Fall - notice deer inside the fence :)


    Cami, It sounds like you might be feeling better? Burger and fries? I have been obsessing over pizza for about a month. I would really like to have a toasted tuna sub from Yorkside Pizza in New Haven (1980's)... Hmmm... I need lunch. Sincerely hope that you are better. You might enjoy the fire video that I posted above as well? Do you work from home? I would like to find a job that I can do from home... I left work a few months after BMX due to TX related fatigue. So need an outside focus. Love how you are so in tune with your senses (taste, touch, and smell)! I do not have soft hair (still losing mine slowly to TX - lots of bald spots) and I don't smell good :( Time to shower!

    Onco, thank you for the Kimchi recipe - I have copied and pasted into an email for my husband. (Yes, he lives with me, but he's a tech geek who cooks) These cancer drugs are life changing... hope that your GI issues can be reversed...

    Lily, That all-natural cold and flu remedy even looks comforting. You can almost smell it from the photos. I wish that I had a mason jar for effect. That recipe is definitely something that I will try in the future. I have only the hint of a sore throat presently... I bookmarked it. Thanks for sharing!

    Mags, I hope that your brain is firing on all cylinders again soon. I seem to have brain fog constantly. I can totally relate to not wanting more surgery. Praying that pain meds will make the radiation doable. Are you avoiding hormonals? Seems like they would work well for you? Keep that Mucinex on hand because it's going to be one of those winters! Do you have asthma? My son used to get bronchitis with every cold until he started using a Flovent inhaler daily preventatively. Stay well.

    Footprints, Hi!

    Anyone else feeling frustrated by the swings from chilly cold to sweaty drenching hotness to icy freezing cold and back? I used to love the winter because of all the bundling up and cuddling. Now, my body is just confused (and cranky). Does this get worse, better or stay the same? I do not want to take another drug to try to fix this. What's your trick? Thanks for any tips!!!

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062

    Hey Daisy! Here's my update: Saw a pain specialist yesterday who did an exam and assessment of range of motion and strength, so I am still recovering from that. He agrees that my shoulder is so badly deteriorated and filled with bone spurs that the only real solution would be a shoulder replacement, but added that it would probably be contraindicated by my node removal and LE. His suggestion is a nerve block. I have a call in to the RO now, waiting for her call back. I just don't know whether it is feasible or reasonable. He has scheduled me for next Wednesday, and if it works to control the pain, he can do a procedure that will lengthen the duration of blockage. But this doctor is 45 minutes away, as is the facility where the procedure would take place. So I'm hoping for someone/place closer. There are lots of facilities close by. Would I lose the use of my arm completely if the nerve is blocked, like I did when I had one for surgery? How often would it have to be done?

    Pain meds really aren't an option. I was on them for years, stopped after my BMX, and now if I take even half of one it gives me a headache. Plus, regular use just made me stupid, I couldn't think or reason. Pain kinda does the same thing but at least I'm not stoned along with it.

    MO says if my rads are going to be postponed very long he wants to start the hormone suppression meds in the meantime. So we shall see what the RO says and what next week brings.

    M0, glad you're back to the land of the living!

    Blondie, take care of yourself. Cami, don't overdo.

    Jazzy, beautiful pic.

    Teka, bundle up. We have a very cold wind here today

    Sally, I think I miss gardening most of all. I planted a few things last summer, with the help of a friend (who then made herself scarce) but I wasn't able to keep up with it and it was just a mess, still is. I noticed there's still some parsley though. Go figure.


  • daisylover
    daisylover Member Posts: 173

    Mags, your pain specialist sounds very thorough. Glad he considered your LE. I have never had a nerve block. If it works, relieving the pain without leaving you incapacitated, that would be ideal. I get a headache just trying to weigh all the different options for treatment and all the possible issues. Sometimes I just wish someone would make all the decisions for me... I understand not wanting to take pain meds - I get migraines from them as well. Praying for simple answers and wisdom.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Daisy..........I have an inhaler too for ASthma...........need to do it 2 times a day......I am sure it kept the chest congestion in check, and kept everything loose...........just have to watch out for pneumonia..........

  • OncoWarrior
    OncoWarrior Member Posts: 3,326