The Hermit Club



  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    Lily so sorry, e everyone deserves to b loved n appreciated, wish there was something we could do

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Well I stayed up, but forgot to watch the ball drop, I was watching my silly programs, never thinking o the New year. Wow have I seen so many that another just doesn't register? Well yes I've seen so many, but still I could have watched the BALL, like Teka-----

    Sally we jjust go to lunch now, but if the weather is bad, we can't go. There was a time we never thought about weather, now we plan around it. LOL--Sally I always look forward going out, then when the day comes it's such an effort, I get mad at myself that I don't feel like I used to, but after I get out I have a good time as u know.

    Lily I'm so sorry u'r going thru all this, no wonder u've been so terribly sad. please plan it so u can live in a place where u will be comfortable, somehow u can make it work. Make 2015 work for you. I wish we could all help.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Happy New Year everyone!

    I had a nice afternoon yesterday at the yoga studio I had not been to in awhile to do the NYE yoga practice, then came home to relax and watch movies last night. I went to bed around 9 p.m. but here in NM, they shoot off guns at midnight. So I kept waking up to that from midnight to 3 p.m. and hoping a stray bullet would not find it's way into my house. Nothing like living in the wild west!

    I am waking up to snow this morning as the storm came in last night and may be hanging around here until tomorrow. My new years day music jam got cancelled, so I am just reading and journaling this morning and will go to the gym this afternoon for a work out.

    Teka- congrats on making it up to midnight and happy new year!

    Cami- I hope everyone is getting better in the family and glad you made it up too! You and Teka rock.

    Lili- I know your relationship with your spouse has not been good for awhile. I know for me, bc has taught me about relationships I have in my life that are just not good for me. I have had to distance myself from a few and also let some go in the process, but also find my life is just way more peaceful as a result.

    We have to put ourselves first (perhaps for the first time in our lives) when we get this diagnosis, and make the changes we need to in order to take better care of ourselves on every level. Even though it may be hard at first, it may be better for you in the long run. I think you are seeing the changes you need to make in your life and working on them now, and we will be here with you as you do. Wishing you a better year my friend. Hugs, sister.

    Wishing you all a good day whether you are hanging at home, or out and about celebrating with friends and family today. Happy 2015!

  • OncoWarrior
    OncoWarrior Member Posts: 3,326
  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Cami....I was in Chicago......... shopping this time......but had meals at some good SIL came down with a cough, fever, chills, aches, so the night before we left we did nothing........then my daughter and I got what he had, and now my grandson has it.....

    We all had the flu shot, but thy said it was possible we got a strain called Flu C......nothing like the real flu, but makes you miserable..........gonna be ok, but a shitty way to start 2015.......

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Thanks up a 5am this morning.......took a shower, and I do feel better........the cough is brutal....I sound like a friggin "seal in labor"...................LOL.............was gonna go buy some homemade chicken soup at my grocery store "so good, almost ike mine".......but if I start coughing gong through the door, I will clear the store out.......

    Well one good thing.....I won't have to worry about long lines.......LOL

    One of the other ladies suggested a chinese restaurant and their won ton soup.......sounds like a plan........yesterday tried a carton of Swanson Chicken broth, and only had "brown rice"............ugh.......and none of my kids wil come anywhere near the house........

    Can't blame them.....this went from my grandaughter before her father a few days later afer getting to Chicag......then to me 2 days later......then my daughter the next day, and now Chicago grandson..........

    So whatever it is, it is very contagious.......I can't imagine what "full blown flu must be like".............thank God we all got the vaccine.........

    Hope your all doing ok.................

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Ducky- sorry to hear you picked up the strain of flu not in the flu shot. I think we are all at risk this year, and know it is going around big time right now. Hope you feel better. Lots of rest and fluid for you my dear.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Jazzy......the worst is the cough.........horrible......I'm just thankul we all had the flu shot......

    When you cough you feel like someone is ripping your chest out.....LOL...and it doesn't stop...not a hacky dry cough......this is a "COUGH"...........and very productive......I believe that is the what is bad, and I know these type of coughs can last for quite a while..........

    We all look like the commercials on TV for Theraflu.........LOL..........I can't remember when I last had something like this..............ages and ages ago...Flu shot always took care of it...............somehow...this year whoever did the details on the vaccine, made a "BOO BOO"...........lots of people sick who always felt protected...........

    I think what the statistics are showing and they are not saying is........the big "flu problem" right now is the result of them not getting it right.................just glad it is a much milder form, even though it stll makes you feel like shit.............LO

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Ducky- my sister has a specialty in infectious disease, which means all things virus. She told me long ago that viruses are one of the most durable things on the planet. They find ways to morph to survive. From what I have heard (and not sure if it is true), the virus has morphed since they put the flu vaccine together. In most cases, the shot never covers everything, but think this year, it is far less effective. I have been getting the shot regularly since my mid 30s due to asthma, and fingers crossed. I do work for one of the hospitals here in town, which means germs galore!

    Do take good care of yourself.

    I finished at status report for my client and now off to play!

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062

    Ducky, in my house they swear by Pei Wei Hot and Sour Soup for what ails you. Many Chinese restaurants make a good version, is there one around that delivers?

    Get better soon!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Talk about Catch 22......My Dr recommended a Pharmacist called me and said "you can't take that you have a heart condition.......It is contraindicatred......said "ok".......then said......My SIL's infectious diseae Dr. told him it was Type A Flu..she did a "nose swab"....said tell you MIL and Wife and so, .............told the Pharmacist I would call my Dr back.

    He said don't bother your 72 hours since your symptoms can only be will be wasting your won't help........then he told me the SE's of Tamiflu n some people can be bad...........said he does not recommend it......but said that is just his opinion...........told me "your Dr. recommende cough expectorant which is good so the mucus in the chest does not tighten up.............wil get that..........

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Ducky- I like Mags suggestion of hot and sour soup.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Just read a huge article about this years Flu....resting so have plenty of time to check things out......

    So story is it has reached epidemic proportions in 47 states, and many of these cases received the Flu Shot.......nice huh.......they admitted that they can't get it right every year..........and this is one of those years.............just like that...........but you won't see this bullshit on TV.

    They won't say anything for fear people will say "why get it, I did last year and look what happened to me".........but this is not as bad as Flu without the vaccine, but trust me.........It stil hurts, and puts you on your back.........

    Have some hot cx soup or tonight............ugh..feel like crap...chest feels like somone is sitting on it............

  • OncoWarrior
    OncoWarrior Member Posts: 3,326
  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748

    what is Kim Chi please?

    I never accept a flu shot as viruses mutate too fast, they are like cockroaches, great adapters to survive.

    Every cold I get goes to my chest and I can cough for weeks. I made a home made cough syrup this last December, lemon zest, ginger root, lemon and honey, it made a difference immediately, within three days my cough had completely gone and chest was clear. Normally it hangs around for weeks and no cough medicine helps. I firmly believe natural is best for viruse

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Good Morning Herms

    Oh ducky u all have this stupid thing too--Joey started ours and we were all sick for Christmas, but I didn't have the cold-virus thing yet I had something else, then I did get it and this cough is horrible--I think I broke a rib LOL--bu seriously I have to hold my hernia when I cough it's so deep and it's nt from my chest, it's from my drippy head but boy it jst takes u out. And my kids still have the cough but not as bad--I've been taking Delsyum for 12 hr??? but Lily's homemade syrup sounds good. The cough is so bad I end up dry heaving r throwing up after a bit. Yesterday I slept all night and most o the day til almost 3PM and went back to sleep around 10PM--it knocks the hell out of u. See Chicago wasn't the right place to come I guess.

    Jazzy I'm glad u still brought the New Year in with healthy things--we count on u Jazzy to travel ad do things some of us can't r don't do.

    Teka I've got good Holiday coffee to drink, but I can still sleep

    Our lunch is cancelled goofy weather and we're all wimps for driving--so I'm not going anywhere.

    OK I hope all have some good health and loads of happiness and throw in some prosperity too. That helps.

  • Bippy625
    Bippy625 Member Posts: 602

    hi hermies!

    I have been recovering and resting. I feel better each day, and really concentrating on not doing too much. Working on finances and applying for aid, plotting my return to work, doing ebay stuff.

    Start rads Monday, 25 tx. Looking forward to being nearly done with all tx. I am sure my onco will be rxing my estrogen pill soon. Not sure which one, but not happy about the SE. Oh well......

    Getting used to not having boobs, getting my squishies soon though. Glad cancer is gone. Going to pursue counseling soon, feeling sort of lost at times, like this is a long nightmare that I cannot believe is real. I just cannot concieve that I have been through all this. Hard to describe.

    Jazzy, always good to hear what you are up to with your work, and your NM weather.

    mags, how is the rads going?

    Camile, hi!

    Lilly, hope things are better for you.

    Happy new year everyone

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Good morning hermits- I slept in today until 8 a.m. today which felt really good! It is rare for me to be able to sleep past 6 a.m., alarm or not. What a lovely gift of sleep!

    I had a nice outing with my friend yesterday to lunch, then a trip to the local art museum. We saw two exhibit, a lovely one from Paris from the Ecole de Beaux Arts which schooled many famous artists from the 15th century onward. Outstanding paintings, sculptures, and sketches. There were people sitting in there doing their own sketches too, which I have never seen here before, but did in the museums in Paris when I went once upon a time.

    The exhibit I was really wanting to see was the one about Vivian Vance, the actress famous for her role as Ethel on I Love Lucy. But I learned she was so much more than that, she had a stage career in NY and LA and was also in the Vaudeville too (as was her tv husband, Fred). She lived here in ABQ, and also helped to start up the ABQ Little Theater which continues to exist to today. They showed her in some plays done here in town back in the 1930s, which was very cool. She did something very few women did during that time- acting, traveling, lived in different places, etc. She paved the way for many women in the entertainment industry.

    It turns out that when she screened for I Love Lucy, it was Desi Arnez that spotted her talent and thought she would be perfect for the role of Ethel. Lucille Ball did not really like her at first (perhaps a bit jealous of all her great acting experience?), but they became fast friends and Lucy had her in the shows that followed on into the 1970s. I used to watch all these shows when I was younger, as I always loved watching those two together. Girlfriend power.

    Anyways, it was a small and sweet exhibit and glad I got to see it. Here is a photo of her from the 1930's, which I think is just so lovely!


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Yea Cami....I do....and 5 others in my family.......all had the Flu shot too........this years vaccine did not work........we were diagnosed with Type A flu......most Dr.'s don't check, but this infectious disease Dr. did.....and she was shocked we all got the Flu after receiving the vaccine all the way back in October....she said she is going to report it to the CDC........

    Lily lemon and honey works.....and after getting the Flu shot for 20 years.....this is the first time I ever had this happen........

  • daisylover
    daisylover Member Posts: 173

    Hi all, the flu does not sound fun. Prayers for speedy recovery... drink, drink, drink... (non-alcoholic.)

    Lily, Kimchi is a Korean dish made with cabbage, garlic, ginger, salt, and usually a seafood. recipes vary. It's usually sour. Seems similar to Mags' recommendation - different culture, though. Your cough syrup sounds awesome. do you have a recipe? know proportions? Cami and Ducky need some... Get well soon both of you, Cami & Ducky!

    Ducky, are you recovering? Did you have to fly sick? (great pic with the pilot - you are so cute) That's the worst. I am driving to Philly Sunday - do you need any errands run? We could drop stuff off supplies for you on Monday morning before heading home... SERIOUSLY, if you need a grocery run... just PM me if you would like something dropped off.

    Cami, (do you prefer Camille?) LOVE that you smell nice :) my daughter did too last night - not a migraine inducing smell, just a fresh clean spirit lifting scent... That's the best. Even better than the smell of the top of my children's heads - which always uplifts me... I agree that prosperity makes life easier, but even those with wealth get sick. I would pick health over wealth. Just musing. Enquiring minds would like to know - did you find the shoe? Maybe it's not important since you are probably wearing fuzzy slippers and hunkering down until the awful virus runs its course. Be well.

    Does anyone here use Nioxin shampoo? Considering looking for it. Are there several versions? The trial drug that I take has begun to attack my hair... just thinning and bald spots. My daughter Kate (19) and I went out to buy a wig on Tuesday. Having her with me was fun. They did not have my ideal wig - black hair with grey highlights... Haven't worn the wig since purchasing. I have a great collection of baseball caps. Not wearing much on my head - hot flashes are making me melt these days. Not sure why? They had been mild for about 6 months. Will want to cover up on trip to Philly for Kate.

    Jazzy, I love to hear your adventures - not getting out much these days. We leave home tomorrow, driving my daughter to Philly - school is there and she's headed from there to Florida with her crew team for winter training. By the end of the training trip, they'll all have the flu... My goal is to make it to Philly and back without catching any diseases (have Neutropenia)! I will be carrying lots of Purell. You should too, Jazzy. Lots of sick people in that hospital! I like your description of viruses morphing. Lily's cockroach analogy is a bit disturbing, though. Love the beach picture. The beach is my "happy place". I need a warm beach these days. I thought about walking on the beach on NY's day, but it was cold here and too much effort.

    Mags, I think that I could eat hot and sour soup - in your humble opinion, does it really help? I feel that the flu is inevitable this year. Apologies - I am a bit behind - love your husband's gift. I have never seen one with a cup holder! (Or a light.) How does the massage work? Not sure how I would feel about that. Does it play music as well? He is a thoughtful man. Praying for you regarding rads (solution) and PET (result). Please know you are being uplifted.

    Onco, do you make kimchi daily? Isn't it a lot of work? My husband has been cooking for me recently... He has become very talented. I need some new recipes for him to try...

    Maiden, Love the idea of lunch with a 15 year old son! Your son must be a talker. My Nick would have sat there in silence. I would have asked a lot of questions, and he would have offered a lot of single word answers. He's 20 now and I get full sentences :) Just being together is so important though. My husband would have done the movie - Isn't it like the 3rd in a series? Was it good? They grow up so quickly - can you remember him at 5, holding your hand? Do you still get hugs? My guy does this silly limp hug now... I think that his girlfriend must get real hugs. Her brother (17) gave me a real hug on NY's day, though. Wishing you more happy bonding with your son! Congrats on finishing chemo and hoping you are SE free on Herceptin.

    Sally, hi... 12 grapes at midnight? hmmm... wonder if one could get luck from strawberries? Or dark chocolate? This year I didn't even watch the ball drop. Maybe if I had been planning a special snack at midnight, I would have stayed awake!

    Bippy, I hope that you find the perfect foobs for you! I have 3 sets now. Hoping to order a new pair this week...(new year of insurance) It's nice to have options :) Wearing foam right now - so not huggable but good for exercise. I had my BMX 10 months ago and still not ready for reconstruction... I am leaning toward never. Hope your recovery continues smoothly. I believe that I started having weird nerve sensations at about this time in my recovery - seems like you will not be developing those! Yay!

    Blondie, if you are reading this before Monday, PM me if you need me to drop off any food or drinks. As I mentioned above, I am driving to Philly for 24 hours Sunday into Monday. I know that you have family - do the twins live with you? I would like to be able to do something for you.

    To all Hermies,I really appreciate coming here and reading your stories and knowing that you care so much for each other. I will be praying for all of you - health and happiness in 2015. I like that I don't have to gather the energy to go out to lunch or clean my house to get together with you! Of course, It would be nice to meet you all in person! I was thinking if I won the HGTV Dream House on Martha's Vineyard, I would have you all come visit. It looks like someone could sleep in the master closet as well as in the "dressing room". They make such fine blow-up mattresses these days. Hanging in PJ's... LOVE the outdoor shower - my parents rented a house one winter when I was in high school that had one - sun on your back as you shower in a gentle cool breeze. Almost as good a "happy place" as the beach. That doghouse while quite cute would just scare my dog. I grew up on Cape Cod, but have never been to Martha's Vineyard (My parents took us to Nantucket.). I know where to catch the ferry :) I am sure that it must be lovely. So, expect an invitation if I win...

    Enjoy the weekend - stay in if it's nasty. Wish I could :) Hugs for all.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Daisylover- thanks for joining us here on this thread, and do feel everyone cares about one another here. And let me be the first to say, I would be more than happy to join you on Martha's Vineyard should that opportunity present itself. I am originally from the east coast (CT) and spent a lot of time by the ocean growing up. My sister had a beach house in RI for a number of years before we all moved west, and she had an outdoor shower at her place. They are just so much fun. Your discussion of this brought back some great memories of our times by the seashore in the summer.

    And yes, I carry hand sanitizer with me. My work for the hospital is not "in the hospital" for the most part, although I was down there for meetings around an assessment in mid December. I work in the admin building for the most part, but the issue is, there are many that go back and forth to the hospitals for meetings there. The good news is I am finishing that contract with them this coming Friday, so hopefully I will get out of there before I pick up any crud.....

    Lili- that recipe for the cough sounds good. Going to write it down and keep it for the future. I hope you are doing okay this weekend.

    Ducky- I hope this crud moves through you and you feel better soon. Have you had the pneumonia shot?

    Bippy- this whole bc thing is so hard and good to consider some counseling support, especially as you are still in the throes of it. Remember that asking for this kind of help is a good sign you are doing everything you can to take care of yourself on every level during treatment. I will tell you it will take you it takes a long time to feel better from all this, years actually, so just keep taking things one day at a time until you get past this and further out. I had to do that for a good year or so after I finished treatment, and sometimes still do. More normalcy returns with time.

    And many of us are on the anti-estrogen pills, and there are threads for those too. Everyone has different experiences with them.

    Cami- I hope everyone is on the mend in the family. You broke a rib? Seriously?

    Mags- I hope you are enjoying that recliner. I know you have more ahead of you and hope you are resting well this weekend.

    Maiden- thinking of you too as you spend time with family and continue on.

    Monis- how are you?

    Onco- some great advice here too.

    Blondie- hugs and hope you are doing well and the twins are behaving....Loopy

    Teka- what is the weather like in North Country? We just had our weather move through and sending it your way. No thanks needed! LOL! Happy

    Thinking of everyone else here today too and wishing you a day of feeling better. Time to get going on some house things.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    For the cat people-watch this video, it is amazing!

    Cat Inspiration

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062

    Hi Hermies, I am in my lounging attire, with my peppermint mocha coffee and my laptop, sitting in my bed chair (I really don't know what else to call it). I thought I had posted here the results of the PET scan, but perhaps I didn't. It was all clear, even the nodes that were enlarged on a CT in 2011 are normal, and a couple of lesions in my lung are either reduced or gone entirely. However, the MO still wants me to proceed with rads if I am able to find a solution for the shoulder pain, and if I can't start right away, he will put me on the hormonals. I see the pain doc on Tuesday, and I honestly don't know what the RO expects the results will be. I know what's going on in my shoulder and I know what the answer is: complete shoulder replacement. I have known that for years, and the reason I haven't had it done is that I don't want to go through any more surgery, especially if it is medically unnecessary. So far it has been.

    As for the hot & sour soup, I'm just relaying what works for my cousin and DH when they get sick. My go-to is mucinex. If I don't start it at the first hint of a cold, it's bronchitis by the next day. Not exaggerating either. That's probably where those lesions in my lung came from.

    I'd write more but my brain is pretty nonfunctional today. Hope everyone has a great weekend and the sick ones get better.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Ladies thanks or the concern, and the advice. are truly a thoughtful person....I have been living on chicken soup..gonna grow feathers...the worst of this is the cough.....even when the fever, chills, aches leave....the cough stays.....I said I sound like a female Seal in labor........

    I found out some good information grandsons wife (the one we went to see in Chicago) is a Sales Rep for a major Pharma Co....this is part of what happened........

    It seems they went through all the possible strains of flu before deciding which would be included in the 2014/2015 Injections......there was a strain callled Switzerland was not very previlent back last Feb. when the World Health Org.and the CDC were putting all the stains together......... the Northern hemisphere the Switzerland A did not appear that it would be a probem, however in the Southern hemisphere it was going to be so they got the vaccine which included the Switzerland Type A strain..........the Switzerland A mutated later in the year, which they then found out could affect the Northern Hemisphere and when it did it was too late to include it......apparently manufacturering had already begun at Big Pharma...............

    Thus people who did get the vaccine are getting the Flu Type A because the Switzerland strain was not included in the United States...and "VOILA" we got it...........along with many around the country..........

    Hope that makes the way.......she got sick yesterday..........and I repeat we all got the flu shot.........too bad they din't get it right............

    I was fine on the way out...that is when the picture was was last Saturday......felt good until Tuesday night when I began to SIL already was feeling bad early Wednesday when we were headed home I felt Wednesday Night I did not know whch part of my body hurt the most.........all NY's dayI sat and felt worse.............Friday was slightl did a couple thing.

    The cough is no better....makes the throat and chest hurt like hell and the coughihng really wears you down........and the Asthma which I have does not help...............Oh well shit happens.

    Just wish they would have included the A Switzerland strain in our North America hoo

  • OncoWarrior
    OncoWarrior Member Posts: 3,326
  • OncoWarrior
    OncoWarrior Member Posts: 3,326
  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Onco....sounds good.....thanks.....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    OMG what a recipe. Sounds so different to me, but good.

    Oh Jazzy I like how u jumped on that for the Hamptons, I think we should all go with Daisy. And Daisy Cami is absolutely fine with me--this is the only place I'm called cami, I'm so used to it now it sounds right. LOL

    Ducky yep this cough is crazy, my DD will go to th Dr. Monday she always ends up with pneumonia or bronchitis and she already sounds like it. This is lasting longer than I thought, oh well.

    Oh oh Jazzy that was interesting about Vivien Vance, I always liked her and she'd always say she was from NM, even on the show---another thing her contract called for her weight had to be at least 10 lbs. heavier than Lucille Ball During the I love Lucy years. And we all know Fred and Ethel couldn't stand each other off the stage, but u never saw it. U find the most special places to go--I know there are plenty in Chicago, but I never have the energy to go there--it's not that far even---LOL--Like a 1/2 hr ride. Oh chit when I was younger I worked Downtown and after a couple of years I had enough actually and did go to some of the places in the city.

    OK it's really kind of warm out now but it's supposed to get super cold in the next couple of days--we'll see where it comes from and where it goes.--TEKA u'r going to get something with this crazy weather.

    Ducky interesting about this strain of flu, we never read of these type of things.

    Joey will be in my room soon and we have our nitely time together, u know how I love that and now my hair has gotten so long (for me) he loves to stroke it which feels so good and it's still so soft after all it's newer than his hair hahaha--Do u gals notice after u'r hair comes in after a while it feels like silk, I'm sure it won't last but it feels so soft. See good things happen too.