The Hermit Club



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993

    Hi hermits- mild day here and see my ash tree trying to bloom but it is too early. Another snow storm coming.

    Spent the afternoon/evening yesterday with my friend going through cancer treatment. I finally told her last night about my bc journey, knowing very well she would want to know and also discussing I wanted to keep it between us. It opened a lot of other conversation between us as a result. She looks pretty darned good for someone going through chemo and does her 3/6 this coming Tuesday. Some targeted rads, which I have done and we talked about that, managing relationships, working during treatment, and more. My sister told me today no one understands this whole thing unless they have gone through it. We went to a local nearby restaurant and indulged on fajitas for dinner.

    It was a good day!

  • Bippy625
    Bippy625 Member Posts: 602

    hi Hermies,

    Hope all NE Hermies thaw soon.

    My last week of rads!!! Red, raw, hurting. But, I will do it

    I go again to work Tuesday! So incredible to be wanted, appreciated. How weird is it, that I called her out of the blue, and that I wanted a job, she had one, I wanted to learn Quickbooks and Excel, and she is teaching me those two things. Maybe a prayer answered?

    And, my old boss needs me to show new gal how to do an appellate brief too. So there is more cashola.

    Things are lookin up for Bips!

    Everyone have a great Monday, I have Herceptin and rads, double whammy.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993

    Bippy- good luck with the last week of rads and the new work! You go girl! Happy

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062

    Hey Hermies,

    We have sleet, freezing rain, snow, thunder & lightning, and 20-something degrees out. Tomorrow should be interesting. My rads appt is at 2, it may well be all thawed out by then. DH can work from home if need be.

    I'm actually hearing the ice pellets hitting the windows. Ick.

    I have 6 regular tx and 5 boosts left.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858

    Hubby better leave me alone, still in a bad mood and its compounded by not having any coffee yet

  • Bippy625
    Bippy625 Member Posts: 602

    mommy, git your java fix! I cannot cope without it. Sucked during chemo without it.

    Ugh, Mags and others in the storms, it sounds awful. My pal arrives from Maine on Sunday, IF She can get out! It is a horror up there.

    Off to herceptin and rads today, a double header, hahaha. Then lunch with a friend I have not seen in awhile. Our hospital is super crowded due to all the snowbirds, hard to park so leaving soon.

    Take care sisters

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993

    Mags and Bippy- in the home stretch now and rooting for you here in the desert. Wishing you good energy, good travel, etc. as you complete this round of treatment.

    Mommy- get that java going. Maybe today will be better as DH goes to work and you have some time for yourself. Things will get better. Been a lot going on this past month with your surgery, mom visiting, getting those dang drains out. Nowhere to go but up from here!

    Cami- are you around and doing okay? Still thinking of you with the loss of your brother.

    Wishing everyone else a good day. I am on a mission this week to get some new work secured for myself.

  • slappy-squirrel
    slappy-squirrel Member Posts: 200

    I'm a flat hermie too, Onco. I have no intention of doing recon, but my BS insisted I see a plastic surgeon before my BMX. I had a lot of extra tissue left and got a pit-tit-ectomy a few months after the BMX. I still wonder if the tissue was left in case I changed my mind about recon. Shirley

  • OncoWarrior
    OncoWarrior Member Posts: 3,326
  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858

    Hubby was nice to me today and got me my coffee (guess he didn't want the evil me coming out all day  lol)

    Well he did apologize for this weekend. Guess like you all said with everything that's been going on lately that he forgot. I did get an ITunes card as he knows I love to listen to music when I'm doing things around the house or even doing a plastic canvas project.

    Worrying about him now, he hasn't been himself all day. Hoping he's not coming down sick with a cold. I know for a fact that if he is out sick from work, the othr guys in his department won't do his work, so he'll be overloaded when he goes back to work. At least he won't lose pay for being out sick.

  • daisylover
    daisylover Member Posts: 173

    I think that I am considering a pit-tit-ectomy...

    Mommy, glad to hear that Hubby demonstrated his love. Zinc boosts the immune system - He might need some.

    Bippy, did your friend make the trip - hope so!

    Mags, stay strong. <3

    Jknee, it is a long journey. Humor will keep you sane :)

    Jazzy, hope those good days keep rolling at you like the snow into NE!

  • slappy-squirrel
    slappy-squirrel Member Posts: 200


    Mags coined the term pit tits to describe all the extra tissue left under the arms after BMX. I had it removed in late October. The doctor had some fancy name for the surgery I can never remember so it became a pit tit ectomy for me. And I really did have enough tissue left under each arm to make a new boob before the pit tit ectomy


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062

    OMD I had forgotten about that, Shirley! Still haven't had one, don't know that I'll ever bother, might just gain enough to fill them out. LOL!

    I called and cancelled this morning because the roads were a solid sheet of ice. Then found out that my driver has a 4-wheel drive Jeep (he has always driven a sedan), and then by the time I would have been heading over there the roads were clear even in our cup-de-sac. Oh well, one more day to heal, tack on another at the end. DH worked from home and cousin's class was cancelled so we all stayed home and had a quiet day.

    Heading off to bed as soon as I catch up on my threads. Nini Hermies.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993

    Mommy- glad things are better with DH, and hope he is not coming down with something. All the snow back there is really stressful for people, especially if they have to drive in it. I remember it only too well.

    Mags- hope you had a good day slowing down and getting another day to heal. You are close to the end.

    I want to give a shout out to our friend Blondie here tonight!

  • daisylover
    daisylover Member Posts: 173

    Thinking of Blondie and Cami...

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858

    So far, he's okay this morning. Just got notified that he has to go into work a bit later this morning as they just delayed opening.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993

    Hi hermits- busy day with biz development but home and popped in to say hi.

    More snow for the northeast, ugh. Hope Mommy's DH and everyone else is staying safe and warm. Bring on Spring, I say!

    Today I want to give a shout out to Cami and hope she is doing okay. Loss of one's brother is a tough thing to deal with, I know that one personally. Hugs to Cami if she out here and lurking but not posting.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858

    Hubby is okay so far, he made it to work and home safely.

  • OncoWarrior
    OncoWarrior Member Posts: 3,326
  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062

    Onco, hubby raves about them but we've never found them this far south. I know I would love them.

    He has ordered some kishka though so that should arrive tomorrow

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858

    The stores here are carrying hot cross buns. Might get some soon. They are a great breakfast in a pinch!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Lily I have to say, I love how u are doing--u'r attitude has turned so around and it sounds so promising, I am so happy for u.

    I'm trying to catch up so I'm writing page by page.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858

    Thought hubby was going to avoid a cold. Looks like I was wrong.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Hi again Hermmies---page by page so I remember better.

    Welcome JK, and there is so much good advice on this thread for u (and sure there are on others) but I'm partial to this--Please try so hard not to ever feel guilty about anything from this day forward, I'm one of those guilt is a wasted emotion type of people and do whatever u feel u'r up too. And working with all those kids has to be tiring in itself and altho rads are different for everyone, I think the main thing that most of us have had is exhausting--so do whatever u have to do so u feel OK.

    Oh I missed a BD--I'm so sorry.

    Foots I hope u'r breathing improves, that has to be exhausting in it self.

    Daisy it sounds like u have a good plan--to really wait to work and feel better--give u'rself the time--u'r DH sounds good.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    OK Bippy--One day  a week--perfect for now, I'm so happy for u, and u can pick the day??? Perfect. Happy

    Jazzy u are so sweet, please don't worry about me--I'm having a hard time )more now than before--I didn't get my Valentine's call--my sister and I talked 2-3 hrs on the phone--it was good for both of us.

    I do worry about Blondie tho.

    MO I do hope u'r DH is OK and of course u need coffee.

    Oh I'm flat as a pancake, except for those boobs under my arm, I wondered why he left them--now I know why, oh yea like I'm going to get new foobs, why bother

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    OK I think I caught up, but I might have missed a page.

    BTW I loved the cat pics--u know me and our furbabies--I'm a sucker.

    All u gals who are having all this snow all I can say is yuck--I watch the new --yes sometimes--there's more snow in some states than at the North Pole--we've been lucky missing so much of it--but the cold has been horrible with wind chill 20-30 below and u can feel it in a minute. So this looks like something that's going to

    U were right MO u'r DH was getting a cold, hope u don't catch it now.

    Hey Teka--how's it going?

    Jazy I love u telling us all u do and accomplish it really makes everyone feel so hopeful and good inside--

    Wel as u know I'll be starting a newer phase with my job soon, brother answering 2 phones when I can barely do all the work I do on one phone. Well at least I don't need work clothes, my PJ's are wearing well.

    Hey Mags!!!!

    Joey is making me coffee now, bless his heart----Oh Jazzy he can actually play without sqeeking, it's amazing--the dog doesn't howl and the cat doesn't run anymore--not that he plays that well, but the squeak has finally been conquered--I hope. But his coffee is great. LOL

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993

    Cami- good to hear from you. You sound like you are doing okay. You know us worry-warts here, when we don't hear from people, we worry they are not okay!

    Get a video of Joey playing and post it! Would love to hear!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Good idea Jazzy, I'll see if my DD can do that.

  • Bippy625
    Bippy625 Member Posts: 602

    hi hermettes,

    I am frustrated as all hell trying to get pain relief for rads burns, yes, BURNS not a "little red or sunburned" as as described to me by RO before tx. It hurts, I am pissed. It is a large area. Was told last week to try tylenol, and did and it "don't do shit" as my neighbor used to say. I did not ask for real pain meds then, but sure am today. And I am not putting up with any doubletalk, windtalk, or jibbajabba today. Is there a reason I must suffer? No, doc, am not getting relief from the vast assortment of aloe, gel, etc. No Doc, I am not going to walk around naked and put cool compresses on it today, since it is very cold here now.

    Sighs. Give me DRUGS.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993

    Bippy- not right that you should have to suffer if you have such bad burns from the rads. Do ask for the higher pain meds so you can get through the rest of the week. My doctors gave me everything I needed for meds during treatment, including good pain killers, and I used what I needed for the worst pain when I had it and quickly moved to Tylenol as things got better. You just need a few pills of the good stuff. I hope they help you today!