The Hermit Club



  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435

    Teka, what a succinct response.Laughing

  • shambles
    shambles Member Posts: 33

    Thankyou to all who replied, i`ll try not to whine too much but when do i`ll provide virtual umbrellas if can. Difficult to decipher sometimes as most of u are over the pond but the concepts thew same even if the results aren hope u know where I'm coming from. And thankyou all once again xx

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435

    I was just amazed I spelled it right the first time.... lol Tongue Out

  • Skittle
    Skittle Member Posts: 395

    Ah, you ladies make me smile.  Thanks always!  CoolSurprised

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh Great--u'r all doing one liners like Teka does. That'll bring lot of conversation tho this thread. LOL:)

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Bazinga ;-)

    Thanks all for the girl advice. The soon to be 8 year old isn't far off from the 9 year old. Just different drama. The tween years do start earlier, not sure why? Paybacks for my own bad teen years haha.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    I just lost my post..

    Good Morning ladies--well I hope it is. I am sore today--wow  this whole house has carpetin and I feel in the one area that doesn't. Geeze--I just got 2 seconds of dizy and went down backsards straight down and my grandson is yelling OMG rhis is so tramatic It was really hard fetting u, first I was almost up and my arms ave out so I went back down--my kids were helping me when 3 people are laughing except for Joey yelling hysterically it's harder, finally I got up. I was walked in my room and my GS sit and cuddles with me and says why is cancer so horrible to u and I said not just me--and he was so mad and say where does ll the money go they should have it fixed by now--somethin is wrong---He was so upset but I was agreeing wit him. LOL Funny how kids see things so simplyOh Joey was yelling this is so tramatic--how could I not laugh..

    B.P was ok yesrerday and all I have is anoversized aorta. so that's all good.

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435

    Cami, glad you bounced well.  Out of the mouths of babes comes much wisdom.

  • shambles
    shambles Member Posts: 33

    Good evening everyone (well it is evening here) I'm kinda feeling bad that uv all been supporting me and iv never really read wats going on with u guys so gimme a bit and i`ll read back a lil. In the meantime hope ur all doing good and kicking ass

  • shambles
    shambles Member Posts: 33

    In the meantime, plz may i rant a little? Iv had a far less worse time than most on this site, and for that I feel bad cos iv not done chemo or lost breasts but I still feel like my old life has gone and I just don't know how to reclaim it? I don't even know if I see cancer as a beast? Did it jump up to kick my ass? Who knows. Wish I could get the answers but they're lost in the nether. Someone knows but until i find em I have to rely on just me. And you guys xx

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993

    Camillegal- sorry to hear about your challenges this week. I agree, all the money spent and sometimes not the results one is looking for. I am sorry you fell, but grateful that you have people close by to help you. You say your aorta is oversized? Do they know why? Something from the treatments?

    Shambles- I feel like I have lost my life in many ways too, as I have gone through several medical issues since last fall, including this one. I try to do simple things each day with my routines that give me a feeling of normalcy or something to make me feel good at the end of the day. I do feel like my old life is gone too, but thinking the new one emerging as I go through this may be better on the other side. I don't think one can hope to get off the emotional rollercoaster, but I try to make the ride a bit more doable.

    Blessings to all of you fighting the good fight. My energy is improving as the week goes on.

  • Skittle
    Skittle Member Posts: 395

    Jazzy... You are one brave girl.  That procedure sounded so invasive, and you seem to be so grounded.  You are a talented rollercoaster rider.

    Camille... So glad you were not hurt.  GS sounds like a sweetheart, loving you and letting the world know.  Good little guy.

    Teka... wise outlook.  I didn't even think hip.  ouch.

    Markat...  puberty is accelerating as years go by.  Supposedly it's from a range of environmental and health changes, from ample food supplies to hormones in beef and dairy.  I know the sixth graders I work with now are completely different creatures than those just three years ago.  and I agree with teka.  Internet and media changes so much and robs innocence.

    bgirl... bounced made me smile.  I hope we all share that bounce when we need it most.

    shambles...I agree with Jazzy.  Grab onto those bits of normal that you can.  A cup of tea and a good book.  A laugh at a spontaneous moment.  A hug.  We all have lost our old normals, and have to recreate what we can to keep us sane.  Kind of like building a snowman.  We've each melted bits away, and have to reshape and learn to love what's left.  With a push and a poke now and then, we'll each make it, regardless of the puddles we leave from our melting.

  • shambles
    shambles Member Posts: 33

    Omg ur metaphors really make me think. In a good way. Ur all so clued up on emotions it kinda makes me think ”why haveni worked this shizzle out yet”? Spose will eventually. I actually felt very close to cutting last night and maybe should have come here but I got thro it alone and I'm proud of me for doing that yet I still feel bad cos I know some of you are going thro so much more than me. It all sucks and I'm so sorry if iv not commented on anyone elses shizzumz. I realise these forums aren't one way streets xx thankyou all xx

  • FLwarrior
    FLwarrior Member Posts: 614

    Camille I hope you are ok and you are not to sore from the fall.

    * HI Everybody * waves * and ((hugs)) to you all.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Shambles these forms are for whatever u want to talk about--and I tink Jazzy is right none of us feel the way we used to we're fighting a war and this war is so internal and when does it end. U might think u haven't been thru what the rest has been thru but emotionally u have and that's what has a big bearing on our new lives, whatever they are, and again we're all different, taking it differently. And we've sll had dark days--but try not to go there, u starting a new life with someone u must really care about--I hope that's a good thing for u. U'r not alone and maybe u need to be with someone now. U'r used ro an old routine alone and that's fine--then u get hit with this beast and decisions and a new relationship all at one time. And sometimes we have to think about treating ourselves gingerly. Cutting will tmporarily help u think but overall it will destroy and I think u know this, so those dark places aren't where to be. If u need extra help u call someone (Dr.) if u'r car broke down u'd call a mechanic in a minute.--I think this is far more important IT'S U and all we can do is suggest, but dig deep into u'r soul and u know u need help or u will keep this feeling and this feeling sucks--u don't want a life like this--u want to feel life again, good or bad and face it. And no matter what u will feel better and face what u need too. U need to run slower so u won't fall. So please get the help u need first. Then go on. And please don't be upset with me for this I just want the best that u can have.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993

    Skittle- the internal rad is invasive but goes so quick, compared to what I read on the Winter Rads group and all the stuff people go through with 6 weeks of daily treatment. I healed very fast from the catheters and my only real issue post treatment is feeling tired (which is also probably from two surgeries in the fall and the lack of decent sleep these days on top of the rad treatment). I just have to get my head ready to go again a month from today to finish this up with part 2 (also known as "rightie.") I have learned I have super high pain threshold so I might be able to tolerate this better than the average person too, not sure?

    Here is to finding a bit of normal in our day tomorrow ladies. I have a biz dinner planned with some folks I want to socialize with at my fav restaurant in the area and hope my energy holds out! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Teka the few words u do say have a wallop.

    BTW My body is so hurting today, nt so much when I fell==it hurts now LOL

    And my heart is nothin to worry about they just watch it or something. hahaha

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Teka, why did you delete all your posts? Are you leaving our group :(

    Camille, glad you are ok after your fall. Your GS is so sweet.

    Skittle, the food thing is something to think about. The 9yo is very thin but muscular. She is showing no physical signs of puberty. The 7yo is slightly overweight and looks like puberty is looming. She eats almost no meat and all organic dairy. Too many processed carbs though. She has all my bad genes :(

    Jazzy, bgirl, and Fl hope things are going well this week and you all are feeling good.

    Shambles, not sure if cutting is the same across the pond as it is here in the states, but I hope you know that people care about you and don't want you to do that to yourself. Maybe it's time to tweak your meds or add another one to the mix. Hope your day/night is going well.

    Hugs to all!

    Whaevah, what have you been doing? Hope work and life is going okay!!

  • Skittle
    Skittle Member Posts: 395

    Happy Thursday.  Hope each is having a decent day w/o too much negative to deal with.  Camille--hope your bumps and sore spots are soothing quickly away.  A fall is never fun.  Shambles--I've never been close to cutting so can't wrap my mind around it all, but I do worry for you and wish I could yank the thoughts out of your go-to pain center.  I hope you have a friend to call to help ease you out of it.  I am proud of you for resisting.  When you're feeling good, can you rid your home of all possible cutting tools?  Be safe... Markat--I agree.  Don't want to lose sweet Teka.  Unless she feels it's best for her and needs to move on in a different direction.    Funny how genes distribute.  DD1 is so like her daddy, and DD2 is almost a clone of me.  Wonder what would've happened if we had had a son or d3...

    Hi, Jazzy, Fl, bgirl, teka...  Thinking of each of you.

    Keep warm if you're up in the blizzardy parts. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    TEKA r u all right--I just saw that too markat all Tekas posts are deleted Teks it was me right, I always make fun I'm so sorry if I hurt u'r feeling I talk stupid all the time to eceryone, I love how u say it all in one sentence--I wish I could I ramble on and say nothing really. Teka talk to us please I feel so bad now.

    Markat she wouldn't just leave like that I hope, OMG I'm so sorry if I did this--I have such a big mouth.

  • curveball
    curveball Member Posts: 1,583

    Teka just posted on the American Idol thread a few minutes ago. Maybe she's just decided to stop being a hermit for a while.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    But why did she take off all her posts. I feel bad.

  • curveball
    curveball Member Posts: 1,583

    @camillegal, I don't know. If you're really worried, why not send her a PM and ask if it was something you said? Could be nothing at all to do with anything that happened here in the Hermitage.

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    I wish I wasn't on my phone so I could add an emoticon to my post for Teka, here I'll try :-p. That's me sticking my tongue out. Check in with us!

    I'm wide awake and have to be up in 5 hours. Boohoo. Hope everyone has an amazing day!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993

    Hi ladies- TGIF for those of us working and/or getting a break from some sort of weekly treatment. My week went better, although I still get worn out in the afternoon and must leave the client site for rest. But I was able to get out for a nice business dinner with my client and some biz partners last night and have one of those experiences of "normalcy." These gals know about another major problem I had last fall and asked me how I was doing, and all say I look great. But they know nothing about the rest. I feel like I am putting on a performance of a lifetime some times as I keep this all very private from my work world!

    Got a call from my insurance company around getting some support for my care through their case management dept. and signed up for that. I think it will be good to have another resource available especially for the insurance stuff, but also with respect to my medical process. Have any of you used something similar, pros and cons to this?

    Teka- respect you are taking some time out of this space. Hope you are well.

    Cami- sorry your body is now hurting from that fall. Feel better.

    Skittle and Markat- thanks for the good thoughts this week and sending em right back at cha!

    Looking forward to a bit of hermit time again this weekend.

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Jazzy, I haven't but it sounds like a great idea! Yay for Friday!

    I'm half asleep, lol! It started snowing like crazy right when I was taking the girls to school. When I got to work everyone was in the crappiest mood. I hate that. I guess one positive of this whole stupid process is that I don't care about the small stuff. Of course, a lot of these teachers are under tremendous stress with these children with special emotional and behavioral needs. However, after chatting with a few, I think it was just the weather haha.

    Skittle, do you have any experience with Charter schools? I know we are in different States, so things are different. What a weird setup though. It kind of reminds me of the Catholic school I went to- pertaining to the cheapness of certain things. The principal was out shoveling the walkways this morning!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Jazzy the insurance thing u mentioned I have never heard of---I hope someone knows to explain it--it sounds so good.

    And I can understand u'r tiredness, but glad u got out for a nice dinner. I always like restaurants--u get to pick, u'r waited on and no clean up how can it be better. LOL

    Markat the principal was shoveling-well it kind of sounds better than Catholic schools cuz those days the kids would shovel, I'm sure they don't now, but most schools have a swrvice that should take care of that, right? Well u'r done for the week, now u have to catch up on home stuff and try to get u'r alone time--it helps.

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Camille, you're so right about the kids shoveling! A parent would probably sue nowadays, lol! Yeah, I think most schools have a service. Maybe the maintenance/janitor will go out and do quick shoveling...but my school doesn't have one of those either. So weird!!

    I do miss my alone time. That's why I'm staying up too late! Not enough hermit time :)

  • shambles
    shambles Member Posts: 33

    Hey all, just checking in. I feel bad that inot reading everything. But I just split with my other half tonight. And its permanent but obviouisly I hope u guys are doing ok. Sorry this is all can manage atm. Love to all

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435

    Shambles take care of yourself. It is a very stressful time.  Be kind to the most important person. You.

    Cami - hope bruises are healing

    Yeah to the end of another week.  Hope everyone finds some relaxation this weekend.

    Bad and did not do my bookkeeping when my house was quiet, but I enjoyed my 5 hours of peace.  Will have to get to work on Monday.