The Hermit Club



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993

    Hi hermits: welcome Shanagirl/Barb and I love the signature line too. Snazzy. This is the place of refuge we all come to. 

    Cami- glad you got that danged MRI done. Share anything you want with us on the results if and when you want to!

    Markat-glad the inspection went well. Hope you can get some good rest this weekend (no staying up late, LOL!)

    My follow up went well yesterday. Everything healing as expected. Going to be starting a script for Arimidex in the next week or so. Need to get a current bone density test before I get started. I seem to be moving into this new phase now, including being monitored now every three months. No doctors for a bit, except my eye doctor check up in April. Whew!

  • Skittle
    Skittle Member Posts: 395

    Jazzy... all sounds good.  Hope the Arimidex/anastrozole is kind to you.  If you read some of the threads it sounds pretty rough.  But many, many have no se's at all!  (I've been on it for 16 months...) 

    Barb... what kind of dogs?  I'm taking the plunge in a week with adopting a German Shepherd.  (He's five, unwanted any longer... so I'm worried about his/our/my cats' adjustments.)  As with all you coastal hermits, I envy you your beach!!  Love, love the water and long walks.

    markat... yay inspection going well!  Much less stress now it's done, I hope.  We have parent conferences next week (until 8pm Tues and Thurs).  A little concerned with stamina and sanity.  Mine don't always go hand in hand.  (I can just hear the intercom:  Raving lunatic on the 400 hall!!)  sigh

    Camille... brave girl!  You survived the tube.  The bang/bang/bang somehow reminds me of submarines.  I guess it's the old Navy wife in me...  Hope results are what you want to hear.


    All new and not so new, wishing you each a happy weekend.  Sunny here--at last!!  (Anyone know if Shambles is ok?  Maybe on different threads.)

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993

    Skittle- thanks for the good wishes. I joined a thread today with others who are on or have completed their Arimidex treatment. Already getting some good advice on how to prepare for SE's and also manage them.

    Teka- hi! 

    Shambles- are you out there and okay?

    Cami-hoping you are resting well this weekend.

    Blessings to everyone else!

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726


  • FLwarrior
    FLwarrior Member Posts: 614

    Hello all.  I haven't done much writing lately, but I do try to read and stay caught up.  Sometimes I read on my phone, but I don't know how to post from my phone.

    I had lunch with the local bco ladies today.  It is such a wonderful group of ladies.  I wish you all were here and could join us.  We usually go to a restaurant, but today was special one of the ladies had us to her home.  She prepared lunch for us and it was amazing! There was 10 of us.  We try to meet every other month.

    Work has been busy.  We are GROWING FAST!  We out grew the office we were in.  We report to our new location on Monday and there will be 8 new staff members in the office and 15 new people in the field. I hope that it is a good change.  I am a little scared that we are growing too fast. YIKES!

    Teka Smile on up/down results!

    Camille good vibes to you for good results on MRI!

    Skittle. OMG snorting Smarties!  That is very scary and sad.  What they must be seeing at home????    <shaking head> 

    Jazzy, hope you are recuperating well.

    Have any of you ever had Reiki done to you?  If you did what did you think of it?  If you don't want to write it here, will you PM me?

    Hi curveball, markat, blondie, shanagirl and all others!  Enjoy rest of your weekend!

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Whaevah if you're checking in, our show was so freaking funny tonight. Omg.

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Camille glad the mri went okay!

    Welcome to our club Barb.

    Jazzy, I'm up too late again lol. It's my quiet time after the kids go to bed. Silly I know. Plus the beautiful SEs from tamoxifen. Hopefully the ai isn't as insomnia inducing.

    Skittle,they'll be back next month :( oh well. Hope pt conferences go okay. I don't know how you guys deal with those long days.

    FL, glad work is going okay. Your lunch sounds wonderful!

    Hi Blondie, curve, Teka! Hope all are well!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Omg Fl U've got lots goin' on. Lunch with the BCO ladies--how wonderful to do thst and u all get to really get together and talk.

    U'r job is going wacky-This sounds good for u--u started at the beginning -I hope it works well for u and gets better and better.

    AND what is Reika-i (or i)

    Markat this sleeping thing is driving me crazy---yesterday I was so tired slept to early and awake early-Short 20 min nap today---Now it's 5:30 (new time) still awake- OK I didn't take xanax cuz I did feel tired then I woke up--I'm home alone so I had to make sure the dog was let out a couple of times and the cat was getting all jealous and upset with me so she was acting up (brat) and the dog was laughing at her--he was happy--I'm out of cigerettes (yes I smoke) and I can't sleep and I have a dog and cat trying to get my attention and I did take my pain pills. So now my whole day will be screwed up just cuz of not sleeping right. That sucks. I used to be a good sleeper--now it's any time of the day.

    Sorry I'm ranting cuz I want to sleep actuaally but I'm not. hahaha

  • Jinkala
    Jinkala Member Posts: 133

    I do try to keep up with the reading on here though I don't always feel that I have something to post about.  I'm not really a big talker a lot of the time.  I had my herceptin treatment on Friday and that went fine.  The nurse got a good vein on the first stick.  I've been feeling good and trying to drink lots of water like I'm supposed to.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Jinkala I'm glad u'r feeling good. But u don't have to say much when u come--I may write alot but I'm really not saying much--just wave and say Hi.

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Camille, wish I was closer, I would have ran and got you cigs. DH let me sleep in til 1:30. He took the girls to see the new Oz movie this morning. They said it was a little scary. I swear if I would have taken them, they probably would have wanted to leave, but not for dad.

    I hate time change. I like that it stays later longer but it screws up my system! It's gorgeous here today but I feel like being a hermit. That is a positive of living in a cold place in the winter, you don't have to make as many excuses about not wanting to do things.

    Hi Jinkala! In real life I'm actually a very shy, quiet person. Hope you're feeling good today! Glad they were able to get the stick without trouble this time.

    Happy Sunday to all!

  • whaevah
    whaevah Member Posts: 282

    markat...the earrings looked sparkly, but uncomfortableWinkLMAO it was a good show.

    Hope your scans are clear, always something to worry about...hate that.

    *waves* to everyone

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Markat u'r so sweet---u slept til 1:30--u must have been so tired wow how nice of u'r DH to take the kids and let u sleep--wow what time did u go to bed. And I said the same thing to my dgtr---I like about the stays lite longer thing but it really takes a while for my body and mind to adjust for some reason--its only 1 hr. and yet the whole week is messed up.

    There'swhaevah--How have u been feeling>

    It's been raining here all day the snow is melting alot so maybe it'll be gone this week--unless we get another wave of snow. CRAAZY MARCH

    Markat so the kids thought that movie was a little scary, it looks like it could be to kids--I mean good witch and bad witch (and that's usually scary) I'm sure it wasn't to bad or u'r DH wouldn't let them see it. It probably just had scary moments.

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Whaevah!! I was crying at the last skit. Nuvabling was so funny. I love JT. I think he should stick to comedy.

    Camille, I think I was up until 2:30ish. If I don't set an alarm or the kids or DH don't wake me up, I could sleep all day. I think the movie was more thrilling than scary. My girls are kind of scary cats though, so other kids might not think it was scary. All of our snow melted too. It's like a big mud puddle here.

  • Skittle
    Skittle Member Posts: 395

    Rain, rain, and more rain here.  Hoping for sunny warmth next week (spring break!!) 

    Hugs to all for a good Monday.  Hope se's are few and smiles are many.

    Glad you're back, whaevah. 

    FL--you sound busy!!  Never had Reiki.  DH had shiatsu (sp?) when in Japan and raved about it.  He has had ouches since being 18 in Vietnam (tumbled down a helicopter shaft on an aircraft carrier) and then spent the rest of his tour jumping out of helicopters to grab wounded out of danger zones...  rough on joints/bones/nerves.  He loves deep massage when he can find it. 

    markat... I had read some of oz would be scary.  If ever in doubt, use the website commonsense.  It goes into detail of what is in a movie or book so you can feel safe about what your child is about to see. 

    Happy week ahead.  Cool

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993

    Happy Daylight savings hermits:

    It has been a good hermit-ish weekend, except for concert friday night. Finally got my tax planner for my business and my person done, and in the mail to my accountant. Normally I have that done much earlier than now, but the trips for treatment added more into the mix this year. But we are still a good month plus out from the deadline, and know he is great at working his accounting magic pretty quick.

    I am feeling more recovered from my last rad treatment and travels. Still get tired, but am sure I am resting along the way. I have had some pain in the breast (nipple area) and under my arm but asked the doctor friday, and she said it is just from all the catheter stuff. My poor boobies have been through so much. 

    Wishing you all a good week.

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Skittle, good point about that website. Sometimes I think I'm too helicopterish or sheltering of my girls. I hear things that other kids are doing and they are the same age as mine, and I think, crap I'm babying the hell out of these kids! Like for instance, some 9yos are reading The Hunger Games, and I'm all like "no freaking way" lol. But then, I don't like censorship and believe that a kid should just read anything they like. Ugh, my 9yo is afraid of Harry Potter though, so no worries there ha!

    Jazzy, sorry to hear about the pain. Hope it goes away quickly!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Jazzy I hope u heal quickly too.

    My GS saw the movie tafy with his other Grandma and I asked him about it (8) he said it had some parts that made him shiver--Now he watvh some scary movies with me--Nothing with ghosts or supernatural so he liked it tho--but he' was more interest in how pretyy the witches were and of course he knew their names and when they got started i show business--so he gets interested in that aspect. So it couldn't have been that bad. LOL

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    Jazzy hope the pain gets better.

    Cam...what movie looks weird and not sure I like, whats his face....yay for good MRI

    Skittle going to rain tomorrow here, and our spring break is next week, 1 of the twins along with oldest son going to clearwater, fla for phillies training camp, other twin (19) staying home, not sure why, to get away from other twin, money or afraid to leave me, they are afraid I am going to die, so they stay home all time, graduated and no jobs....

    Mark omg, was up at 430am laid in bed until 6 trying to go back to sleep, forget it up on the puter....thanks goodness i am retired and back on chemo on Wednesday for my 3 weeks on, so the friggin steroids will take controllll....

    Jink, curve, what.....Smile

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435

    Hi all, read your posts to catch up, very hermity this weekend.  Didn't really even go online much.  Time change sucks ... making my sleep (or lack there of) problems even worse.  Some days want to toss those little white pills out the door.

    Jazzy, Cami, Jink, glad to see you are all moving forward.  Whaevah, good to hear from you.  Markat, glad your inspection went well and yes it is hard, especially with girls, to not over protect sometimes.

    Would like to type more, but my sleep deprived brain seems to have no concentration this morning.  Wishing everyone a terrific week.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Bgirl Im sorry u'r so tired--it's so hard to do things and be with this tiring feeling. Geeze.

    Blondie ur kids are probably watching u like a hawk-Sometimes I think they think we're going to explode or something very dramatic. Well I know I'm dramatic, if nothing else.

    Oh it's monday--not working it doesnt bother me--but I do remember how the beginning of the week was--Funny how somethings u never forget.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993

    Hi hermits: Woke up with a bad tummy ache and the runs this morning. I think I have a stomach bug! Not thinking it is from anything else, unless I am just having a reaction/worn down from everything. So I stayed home, doing some remote work but also resting. It's always something!

    Hope everyone is surviving post DLS monday!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993

    Hi Teka- yes it is! I have been fortunate to not have any colds, viruses, the flu or anything else through my treatment process, but alas, something found it's way in. Going to rest for awhile now (naps are a good thing).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Jazzy fel better still drink liquids, lots so u don't get dehydrated in any way.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993

    Cami- right on top of it. The runs are slowing down but I feel tired and resting. Drinking lots of fluids today. You are the best!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083

    Jazzy, can you do coconut water?  It is the best for hydration and electrolytes.  Some people insist on drinking it very cold; I like it room temp.

    Feel better!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993

    Bobo- I have drank it before, don't prefer it, but good to know it hydrates. I am doing ginger ale (just to settle the stomach) and vitamin water. Kind of what I have around right now. And of course, good old water too. Got a low grade fever too (99.3) and taking it super easy today.

  • Jlynn0807
    Jlynn0807 Member Posts: 61


    With ya on this one.....started Perjeta Friday....was doing pretty good til I woke up this morning, and my scalp and tongue actually hurt...not to mention I've realized I am sore to the touch....everywhere!  I've three kids in the house, and three dogs, and a husband, and as much as I love 'em all....wish they'd LEAVE!!

    Hoping for a better attitude tomorrow, but tough!   Comes and goes, and right's gone!

    I guess we are allowed a meltdown now and then! are you feeling today? Any better I hope?


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Jazzy u sound better watch u't temp. and keep drinking lots. And rest with u'r feet up/

    Bobo I didn't know about coconut milk--we used to drink it as kids when we'd buy coconuts but I didn't know it had value. Wow

    JLynn I'm sorry u'r experiencing thes SE--there always seems to be something and it does come and go and it's different isn't it.?

    I hope they're not to bad for u u've got so many people depending on u--and u'r so young too. I hope they stop but tell us everything that happens. OK If we can help on something we will--don't forget u'r water--u too loads of it. Do u have help? I hope so.

    Well my Dr. called NO SPINAL CANCER---just deteriating discs and vertabrae--which normalyl I would be upset but I said everyone gets that. so I'm not seeing a back specialist yet cuz I still have more tests and I just don't want to and she said she'll give me stronger pain meds. And I'm so happy my pain is real not just imaginary (like I think all the time) so I'm really in a lot of pain--YAY Now that sounded stupid but I think u understand me.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993

    Cami- I am glad to hear no cancer in the spine, but sorry to hear you have disk deterioration. Back pain is the worst.

    Crud seems to be working it's way out. Temp finally gone. It went up to over 100 yesterday at one point. Sleeping, hydrating, taking care of myself.