The Hermit Club



  • Skittle
    Skittle Member Posts: 395

        Happy Teka.  Our Bradford pears are in bloom. 

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Hi hermits- happy spring! I know some of you have been dealing with snow this week.

    I am wading through the week and crazy client site. Going to the gym tonight to swim for the first time in 6 months. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Teka that's alot of snow now--we're really cold here (the wind) I've missed here a little---I'm usually on here more.?????

    Blondie I'll share anything about myself, but I honestly never look things up and just go along with most of the Dr things and my Drs. have also said I don't pay attention to them so I close alot out then I feel better. I know I'm weird

    Markat it's so strange cuz Joey came home and said this little girl forgot her lunch money and they wouldn't give her lunch and he sai he felt so bad for her, so he and another girl shared with her. He takes his lunch. But I thought of u and what u did. The lunch people didn't do anything for her not even a piece of fruit. Joey said she usually has her money but she did forget it. Still they could at least do something. It's like let's take it out on the kids that we have a deficit (sp) --I'd better shut up--I get all aggrevated hearing these stories.

    Well Joey wore red for St. Joseph's day--he was the only kid. hahaha--he didn't care.

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Oh Camille, Joey is such a good boy! I probably wouldn't be able to notice if it weren't such a small school. I genuinely care about all of those kids and expect others to also.

    Blondie, hope you are feeling okay today.

    Teka, the snow will melt and Spring will come. It better!

    Skittle great picture! Hope you are enjoying your week off and the new doggie!

    Jazzy, swimming! I love it. It is the perfect exercise and relaxation tool.

    Happy first day of Spring. It's pretty chilly here!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh skittle I forgot about u'r new doggie---My cat is still getting used to ours--maybe about 2-3 months--she was used to this being her own house now she has to shar. But at least now they'll stay in the same room--it's her not our new dog--he comes to close and she hits him and e walks away--so they'll get used to each other and the cat will win out. hahaha

    Markat I'm so glad u like u'r job and u'r so kind even if it's only a few's good.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Sealed Teka

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    checking in, hope you all are what you wrote and sorry don't have the energy to comment, will later, thanks for being here...

    Chemo actually went well, nothing to report, they even got the port to work on the first time, guess laying down and putting head to right is the ticket....

    Me, ok went to drs. he said he will talk to the radiologiist, didn't he say that last week, oh yea he did and took vacation, told him that he should have mentioned the vacation thing, had to come back early, something about elderly father..showed him nails he said we could take off a week, I said why I have off a week and whatever....chemo was uneventful....and now am up it is 311am, damn steroids....been up since 1030, slept from 5pm til then, now up...and took 2 benedryl...will try again nauseous, why when they give me 2 anti-nausea medications within the chemo regiment, will have to remember to tell the dr. when I go back in 3 weeks....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh Blondie sorry about tha nauseau, it's worse for some than others--if it's to bad call and I think u can take something with that. And yep the steroids are really an interferance in a way--it gives u this false sense of to much energy than it stops and ick too. It's just not a fun thing to do. and I'm sorry u have this to go thru.

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Blondie, I was always sick the night of chemo too, even though they gave me the good stuff in the iv. I started taking compazine about 4 hours after I got home. My stomach is really touchy though. Make sure you chug that water. Maybe ask for ativan, that helps with nausea too.

  • Skittle
    Skittle Member Posts: 395

    blondie--sad to hear you're having a rough time.  Hugs your way...  Hope you can feel better.  Frustrating w/dr.  Sometimes it feels like we're all a bit held hostage by dr whims and moods. 

    Jazzy, Teka--I envy your swimming.  I love the water, but sink like a rock.  Never learned to swim...  Dd2 lifeguarded, dh did water rescues, and dd1 has been snorkeling.  I am the only wader in the family.  But--I admire those who swim.  Seems like a great exercise for all over...

    Camille--Joey sounds like a great guy!  Love his attitude and willingness to be himself.  (Hmm... Just like his grandmother?)

    markat--proud of you for making a difference.  Those kids need you.  It's so important for each of them to have someone care and notice.  So many go ignored. 

    dog update--decided to call him Cooper (after Sheldon)... He's super smart but socially awkward.  Completely headstrong and convinced he's right about everything.  DH has decided to build a fence for him so my spring break has turned into a construction zone and giant dog training.  (feels like he's training me.)  And, of course, there's a neglected pile of papers waiting to be graded.  (my being lazy and having no concentration for any given time span...)

    Have a good Thursday.   Cool

  • Jinkala
    Jinkala Member Posts: 133

    I had a lot of nausea during chemo - not really strong, just persistant.  By number 3 or 4, I was getting emend during the chemo and zofram and compazine for a little over a week afterwards.  I would suddenly feel tons better on day 9 and stop taking the meds.  I swear the anti-nausea meds were making me feel drugged and lethargic though so I was always really happy to be rid of them.  The steroids didn't really affect me much at all other than raise my blood sugar up into the 200s.

    I'm doing well right now except for my left foot.  The peeling and blistering has moved from my toes and side of my foot down to the bottom which is making it really painful to walk.  The toe area is looking a lot better at least.  I may have the chemo nurses look at it (MO already saw it and said it didn't look infected) next week when I go in for my herceptin treatment.   I've also got an appt for a MUGA scan next week as well but I won't bother them about my foot.  Bleh, I hate going in for scans.  I'm going to have to step up the water drinking this weekend so I will be well hydrated.  That seems to make my uncooperative veins a little easier to deal with.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Teka--lots of school--wow.

    Jinkala make sure u drink some water right before they tak blood even that heps.

    We all get the same amount but at different intervals and I ot mine every week so it wasn't as strong--and I was still sick for like 3 days ten start over--so i don't know what is best.Whtever it still all stinks.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    Teka, wow you have to be much smarter than me, good for you could never do all that...Jink...what cam said...

    thanks guys just checking in....went to sleep at 430am and slept til 930, ate fading now, have to eat lunch or something and then will lay down...can't drink water makes me nauseous, and can't smell or taste, so water is nothing to me...still trying something that will fullfil me, drink me and choc. milk....have tried lots of things....ativan will try that have it....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Blondie I don't like water and that's all I drink now.--But I drink propel, mostly lemon but some berry and peach--those are the only ones I like--but there are other vitamin waters with some flavor no calories and now I findly found what I can drink and even if u drink reg. water have loads of ice and maybe a slice of lemon or lime to give it a boost. That might help u. Now I'm hooked on propel and everyone knows it so when someone comes over they bring propel or cigs for me. Yes I still smoke--I'm stupid but another addiction that I can't conquer. Anyway try flavored water and see how that goes.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    thanks Cam...trying to figure it out, and it isn't that I don't like it it makes me explaination about smoking, I get it...

    will try it....anything to get something to drink...

  • FLwarrior
    FLwarrior Member Posts: 614

    blondie, I couldn't drink much water either.  What worked for me was gatorade.  I shuttered to think of all the sugar, but I could handle it and it kept me hydrated.  All during chemo I could not drink filtered water like I usually do.  I had to buy distilled water, it was the only water that I could drink for 5 months.  Broth based soups are a good idea.  Watermelon and canaloupe have high water content. I ate tons of them during tx. Hope you feel better soon.

  • cvmarilyn
    cvmarilyn Member Posts: 77

    One thing I learned going throug Chemo was NOT to drink from plastic cups - something about them changed water for me - once I figured that out and just drank from a glass it was all good with water or whatever - lemon in the water was also good.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Hi hermits: It has been a tough work week and I had one of those days yesterday, where I felt I should just walk away from this contract I signed up for. But alas, I calmed myself down and made it through the week. TGIF!

    Going to start my Arimidex tonight. I am a bit bummed out as my recent bone density test indicates some osteopinia in my femurs. Must be since last year when I had my last one pre-menopause. I had hoped to go into this being more in the normal state, although it sounds like my spine is in the normal range. I am ensuring I am doing calcium and Vitamin D, and going to be working on more weight bearing exercise now that I am back to the gym. I know the meds can make the bone stuff worse, so I have my concerns.

    Swimming was great and I am going back for more tonight! 

    I hope everybody is surviving the week too! Spring is busting out all over and my weeping cherry is starting to bloom! 

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Hi Teka- you would like it here today, except for the high winds we have today. Very typical of spring in NM!Cool

  • Skittle
    Skittle Member Posts: 395

    We had snow last night!--and with everything in bloom.  sigh.

    Jazzy... one thing I had to learn from arimidex se's was (via my surgeon) that the calcium and d3 are vital, but so is taking a magnesium supplement.  It has really helped a lot, but then everyone's different.  Here's hoping you have an easy ride on that roller coaster.  Proud of you for persisting through the week.

    Blondie... hope you're able to find a solution for hydration.  Grapes can be refreshing.

    Happy weekend!  Teka, glad you enjoyed your michigan stand.  There are none here.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    CAM bought propel today, now remember I can't taste, and hate gatoraid, I am so picky!!!

    plastic cups, or water bottles, hhhhhmmmmm

    skittle, grapes, good idea...

    that is what I love about everybody and this site....

    Happy Friday!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Jazzy good thing u made it--now really relax the next ouple of days.

    I'm sorry but my memory is crap--cvmarilyn ave u been here before and I missed it? I'm sorry I don't remember.

    Blondie here's hoping u find u'r fountain of hydration.

    Teka that sounds like a yummy place to go right now especially.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend, weather wise too.

    Oh and Jazzy good luck with yet another piece to this puzzle and little r better no SE's--keep us posted

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    checkig in, yay in for the rest of the day I think.....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Blondie u'r so cute

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    well thanks!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Hi ladies- really windy here today and dust everywhere. I hate the feeling of the grit in my teeth!

    I started the Arimidex last night. The pharm said to take it before bed as sometimes it makes you dizzy (oh yay). I felt a little light headed before bed, but nothing bad. But I woke up a couple hours into sleep with some weird bone pains. I know bone pain is one of the SEs. I joined a thread for Arimidex users too and it seems everyone is different with these meds. Some have little SE's, others really suffer. I hope to be ablet to adjust.

    Going to take a nap now. Wishing all you hermits a peaceful rest of the day!

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Hey everyone. I went out with a couple of the teachers and specialists after work yesterday and had a couple margaritas. DH picked me up so I thought, hey why not? Teachers know how to party lol. Let's just say I've definitely felt better haha.

    Hanging out with them really makes me want to go back to school. Really really want to go back. I was a speech language pathologist major before I had to quit under the pressure of driving back and forth, paying for childcare, and worrying if I would make it in to the masters program. Very competitive field! So much to think about.

    I hope all are well. We are supposed to get a huge snowstorm tomorrow. Hugs!!

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    Jazzy hope you have a good night...

    Mark...I am so glad that you had a good time, you do whatever it is that makes you feel whole.....good luck with your thought provess.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Markat-why not go back to school, maybe not right away but when you are ready? I think so much of this makes us ask the question "what else do I want to do?" It can push us forward to move towards the thing we really want to be doing. If it feels right, move towards this your own space and time! 

    Love that  you got out for margaritas too. We have to try to enjoy things as we can around all this other stuff.

    Blondie- I hope you are feeling better from the chemo. 

    Cami- hope you are having a good day!

    Teka- hope you are not getting any more winter your way. I went to school for a long time too.

    Skittle, Jinjala, Bobo, Bgirl, Curves, FL Warrior and everyone else out there, hope you are doing okay.

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Thanks ladies! Jazzy, I'll look in to it for sure. Me finishing now would be better than later. I was joking with my girls that we could all dorm together in college lol. DH and my youngest thought it was a great idea Hahaha. The 9yo rolled her eyes.

    Teka I rarely even look at active topics anymore. I love our little cave here. All are welcome. Usually :) if they play nice.