The Hermit Club



  • LaurieParr
    LaurieParr Member Posts: 214

    Ladies, thank you all for your responses.  As usual, just what I needed to hear.  MRI is a few hours. I think I will watch a DVR'd show in my jammies before I go.

    Talk to you soon...



  • LaurieParr
    LaurieParr Member Posts: 214

    Hi ladies,

    I had my MRI. I was under the impression that I would be leaving with films and answers.  Apparently, I have to wait. I am so frustrated. They said it would be a few days before I could pick them up as the doctor had to review them against my mammo films.    I don't see the BS again until next Thursday for the results.  :(  

    Thanks for your prayers.


  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Laurie, a Radiologist will read the scans and compare them to your mammo. Then they will send the results to your doctor. The whole process can be frustrating. Usually if something different than expected shows up, they will call you.

    Hugs to you.

  • LaurieParr
    LaurieParr Member Posts: 214

    Thank you SO much Teka and Marcat! Will do! You ladies rock! :)


  • Skittle
    Skittle Member Posts: 395

    curve--happy graduation stories!  Hope you had energy to enjoy!

    camille--sweet story... love your grandson.

    markat--so glad you are able to be with those kids.  They so need gentle souls surrounding them.  I'll never forget when I substitute taught one time, long ago.  A tiny little girl in first grade had scraggly hair, looked like it had never been combed.  I (foolishly) reached to tuck a strand behind her ear so she could see the paper she was drawing on.  She shrank back instantly, putting her hands up defensively...  She thought I was going to strike her!  (It hit me like a ton of bricks that any child would react that way...  I learned a lot in that moment.)  So--keep loving them every chance you get!  You might say the only kind word they hear that day.

    Happy weekend. (Hey, grover--testing is over!  Now we wait for scores.)

    Jazzy, FL, blondie, bgirl... thinking of you.  Stars are gorgeous tonight.  (Tornadoes hit about 50 miles away, so am feeling grateful and happy to see starlight.  No clouds.)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Laurie we usually say this is the worst part. tests and waiting. but it will come together for u and u'll find out what has to be done. Once any plan is set then everything falls in place.

    Oh Markat I don't know what to say really this is horrible for u and u'r family--all I can do is sen prayer for u'r Mom which I wil and (((HUGS))) to u. Totally keep us in the loop with everything.

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Thanks Camille! I broke down tonight exhausted...couldn't sleep last night. DH went over to help mom with some things because I didn't want to be that know the one crying that the person that is actually sick, has to comfort! That's never good. We talked on the phone for about an hour and I feel like I've got my head back on straight :) She's coming over tomorrow night to stay with us so that will be fun. She's such a good grandma (nana). She keeps saying that she wants to put her biopsy off a week so she can go to my 8yo's First Communion next week and not feel bad :( I was the one going through it last year for my 9yo's First Communion, so she's afraid we are scarring the girls' memories of their sacraments, lol! Typical Catholic guilt :) I'm going to call our MO (we have the same one) Monday to see if it's ok to wait. I don't want her to, but she won't listen to me.

    Thanks Skittle. They are all so precious. My coworkers really think I'm nuts though. But its easy for me to think they're all so great- I only see them 20 mins :) I still won't talk to the teacher that tried to refuse that boy lunch. I think she knows why too, lol. Life's too short... I guess I should remember that too!

    Hugs and love

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Hi ladies- trying to recover and regroup after a very busy 2 weeks. Too much work and not enough fun. We finished our big push on the new system change for the client and things are getting worked out. Now it is time to pull back a bit. I am going to figure out how to do some more work from home the next few weeks.

    I had an interesting dinner with someone from my former grad school in Texas, and they are looking for some of us female alumni to come in and do a workshop, or panel, etc. with the current students to share what we are doing some 25-30 years after going through their program. I said count me in, and think feel more interesting things could come from this!

    So much news here this week I have just read through. Couple things to say here for now until I can share more:

    Markat- so very sorry about the news about your mom. 

    Laurie- the waiting is so hard and sorry your husband is having a tough time with this too. Having your diagnosis dismissed is horrible feeling. Unfortunately, we often end up trying to explain or comfort others with our news. Sort of the reason many of us go hermit.

    But also, congrats on the news of the first grandchild!

    Jinkala- I don't have children either.

    I am going to see my PCP to check in on a few things tomorrow. I plan to spend some time in the yard and gardens this weekend, along with time at home just getting some spring things done. We had a cold snap this week with some flurries after temps in the 70s for the past few weeks. Hopefully our last little taste of winter which sometimes comes in April.

  • LaurieParr
    LaurieParr Member Posts: 214

    Jazzy,Camille, and ladies,

    Thank you all. My friends and clients have been asking me how I am doing (and how my husband is doing) and I just tell them that it is a new journey that we are all trying to navigate through.  I also tell them that I found all of you and that it has been a Godsend for me. Kiss  You should see the relief on their faces when they hear what support I have because of all of you.

    On a lighter note...I am trying to learn the abbreviations...what does DH mean?  H means husband, but what does the D mean?  :)

    Love to you all.


  • cvmarilyn
    cvmarilyn Member Posts: 77

    Thank you all : )   Laurie I so hope that your MRI comes out OK.  Keep us posted.  Today I'm going to see "Menopuase The Musical"  can't wait... I need to laugh.  Got new sunglasses yesterday (prescription ones)  they look like Barbie glasses - you know the "cat eye" ones with rhinestones on the corners - they are fun!  I feel the need to be bright and a little quirky.  What a ride this all is - and I've decided it's time to be me - if not now - when?

  • Skittle
    Skittle Member Posts: 395

    Laurie... I reread a few posts and had missed so much with brain fuzz/mind elsewhere.  As for dh reaction...  Mine has been and is in as deep denial as he can be.  He never says the word cancer, and has odd little manitude stuff that just is part of his coping.  But I know he loves me and our daughters, has the kindest heart on the planet, and has been with me through thick and thin that I could babble on for hours about... but back to the point...  I've suggested to a couple of others, and it may or may not make sense to your husband--you could try to explain it in military terms.  (Works with dh--navy.)  You have been confronted with a crazy, unwanted enemy.  You did not volunteer, but have no choice but to go to battle.  Your armory includes your medical team, your friends, your faith.  Once things are mobilized, you will have PTSD for a while.  Right now, with rockets blazing and bullets flying, it's too soon to make sense of it all... but you will emerge a different form of yourself.  You'll have earned that purple heart, but will need a long rest away from the battle zone...  The PTSD is real, and makes sense to most men.  (Sorry to prattle on, but it seemed to make sense to a friend's hubby, and saved her the frustration of trying again...)

    Love to you and yours.  Hermits are a faithful bunch.  I'm grateful for each one.

  • LaurieParr
    LaurieParr Member Posts: 214

    Dear Skittle,

    The tears in my eyes after reading your post will hopefully tell you how much your words mean.  As usual, my fellow hermits "get it".  Thank you for your advice and love.  I will plod on.

    Before I read your post, I found a song that seems to be our (all BC ladies) anthem. I sent it to my husband in email with a note telling him that I know he is lost and scared and doesn't know what to say or do, but if he would just PLEASE  listen to the entire song, that it would give him the answers on "what to do" for me.  The song is "I'm Gonna Love You Through It" by Martina McBride. No surprise to you all of you I am sure. ;)   I wasn't sure if he would listen to it or respond to me. I felt that maybe he would just keep it in his heart and not say anything.  Guess what?  He responded to the email with this...."That is a beautiful song.  I will be there for you. I love you." 

    My heart sang with joy.  He then came out for his coffee and gave me a long hug.  :)     I am very blessed to have my daughter and son (who are very sensitive souls) be there for me as well.  As morning sick as my daughter is, she checks on me EVERY day.  My 15 year old baseball boy (who has gone through a dye MRI due for his pitching arm) wanted to compare notes on the procedure.  (He had three needles as I only had one.)  :)   

    I am blessed beyond belief with all of them and all of you.  Wishing you a beautiful day......



  • grover
    grover Member Posts: 13

    Long time, no read or post, fellow hermits!

    Markat, I'm so sorry about your mom! I know it's hard on both of you, facing this and trying to support one another. Glad your DH is able to hep. Are there other relatives who can help you help her? You need to stay as healthy as possible...

    Laurie, congrats on grandbaby (and on your husband's "progress"). Cancer teaches everyone involved unexpected lessons!

    Skittle, tests are almost never over in MD..

    my 8th grade son just took science state assessment last week, and still has algebra exam for high school credit coming up! Crazy! Hope you have an easy last term with your "almost 7th graders!"

    I may not check back in after weekend. Port going Monday...I had to take a break from site for a bit...been overwhelmed with the practical & emotional prep for chemo, which starts Tuesday. Finally getting prescriptions & recommended items from chemo threads, along with wigs last week, took a toll on me that I was NOT prepared for. Had to withdraw from hermitage to visit sisters 2 1/2 hrs. away...they scheduled haircuts for all 3 of together...they went very short along with me in support. Very sweet, esp. for youngest, who donated 10"! They look cute...I don't like mine much, but that prob. means it was a good idea to get this shortening started! This is getting too real & too scary...I thought surgery would have toughened me up, but no... I'm a wuss. I read too much of the chemo thread for my own good, so unless I get desperate for info & can't get hold of a dr. I'm going to try to limit myself to my fellow hermits' thread. Sisters taking me out for dinner & to see a musical tonight, then I'm staying with the one who lives close to the hospital. DH will join me for the "festivities" (ha!) Mon. Keep collective fingers crossed that SE will be minimal:)

    Thanks for being "there," wherever your "there" is!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Laurie- music has a way of bridging people together in ways that pure words cannot. I am glad you found a way for your husband to understand you need his support. As others have said, he is probably terrified and just in denial and pretending everything is okay. You are going to get through this, and we will be going through it with you too!

    My doctor visit today went well and my concern was not an issue. My BP is very high though, so my dose of BP meds are going up. I am going to watch some movie rentals in awhile to slow down. Life of Pi and later Les Mis.

    CVMarilyn- I saw that musical here a few years back! You are going to love it!

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    hope everybody is ok,k went to a breast cancer conference (LBBC) today which is 20 min from my home and will go back tomorrow, long day tired but awesome conference if you have metastic breast cancer, more good information tomorrow, looking forward to it....eyes are watering can't read the boards but will catch up.....was there 8 to 5.....tomorrow 8 to 1....oh it is in Philadelphia!!

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Blondie hope you got some rest last night and have a good time today! Come back and tell us about it when you feel like it!

    Jazzy, my BP skyrocketed after being diagnosed. I remember my first appt it was 112/68. Last week it was 130/80 :( Which is still borderline but high for me! Hope you enjoyed your movies! I want to see both, even if Anne Hathaway is one...I kid!

    Grover thank you! I'm sending you big hugs! Please check in and say hi!

    Laurie, glad your DH listened and responded. Hugs to you!

    Skittle, what an awesome way to explain the experience! Seriously, you should try and sell that or something :) My DH's first reaction when we found out was, "they can zap it and get rid of it right?" Funny guy! My husband sounds a lot like yours, would literally give you the shirt off his back but don't ask him to emotionally describe that experience.

    Hi to FL! Hope the job is going well! Hi Teka, Marilyn, Bgirl!

    Whaevah our show was pretty good. I love Vince Vaughn, it seemed like he was reading his lines though!

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Yes it was gross! I haven't watched the 2nd one yet. The guy playing Dr Lector is creeeeepy :)

    I'm currently addicted to a Netflix original show, House of Cards. Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright (Penn) are the stars. A political show. I love Robin Wright's hair cut in it. My hair is way too curly still to pull it off though.

  • LaurieParr
    LaurieParr Member Posts: 214

    Happy Sunday girls!

    Markat...thank you for the nice words. Haha...yes, my husband would give you the shirt off of his back too, but forget the emotional crap.  He is really good when there is something he can "do".   For example....AFTER I have surgery he will be AMAZING because he feels he is being useful.  Makes sense.

    We went to see "42" yesterday. It was GREAT! SO inspirational.  On TV I have gotten into "Bates Motel". I really like it. It is dark and riveting. :) 

    My kids are doing well. My baseball boy's broken foot is healed and he is back on the field. My daughter is frought with morning sickness, but I just smile and tell her, "The sicker you are honey, the stronger the baby is getting."  I love them so much.  I worry though about my daughter Paige. She seems to mirror me with medical issues including terrible Endometriosis.  Now that I have BC, (first in my entire family history)  I wonder what that means for her. And so this horrible journey continues.......

    On a happier note,  we are off to spend the day at the county fair. It is one of my favorite things in life. I love the 4H building. :)

    Love and light to you all,

    Laurie XOXOXOXOX

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Hi ladies- movie review for your sunday. So I read the book Life of Pi a few years back and loved the story, and think they did a good job with the movie. The story is captivating and many good messages in this film. Something tells me the hermits here would like it. It has beautiful cinematography.

    And I watched Les Miserables which brought me to tears several times. All those folks dying in the French Revolution! But think they too did a good job with putting the play into the film. And who knew some of those actors could sing so well too! I saw Les Mis on Broadway back in the 1980s when it first came out and remember sitting there with my friends and we were all crying then too. The fact I am on Arimidex and have no more estrogen does not help either (LOL!)

    Hot winds here in NM today so not a good yard/gardening day in the end. Doing inside things instead!

  • whaevah
    whaevah Member Posts: 282

    I don't know if I can watch the Hannibal series...after the "garden" episode I am creeped out! DH loves it, figuresUndecided

    Yes markat, it did seem he was reading his lines..but last weeks show was so funny this one was just ok for me. Thinking of you a none creepy wayKiss

    *waves* to all, hope everyone has a good week

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Markat- I have had BP issues for years. I have always managed it with diet and exercise, but when I had to have unexpected surgery last fall unrelated to the BC (this other thing happened first), it went high in the hospital after I was home to do the post surgery pain. So my visiting nurse and PCP decided I needed to go on Licinopril. She just upped it by 5 mg yesterday to get things under control after it read high again.

    I think I may be potassium deficient as this raises BP. I also have had leg cramps lately which is a sign of potassium deficiency. So I am also eating bananas, mangos and apricots which are all K-rich foods. 

    Hope everybody had a peaceful weekend. Wishing all the hermits a good week!

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    Laurie, country fair, that sounds fun....glad ds is healed, and love when preggers get sick, cause I was.....

    back from the conference or rather recuperating, cause had to get up at 630am in order to get there, parked and ready for the breakfast, lol it was excited and happy that I went....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Hi everyone--I've really taking hermitude to the next level lately. OOHH

    Laurie that was such a good idea about the song..this way u'r DH could be alone and listen. And now u'r son is back in action and u'r poor dgtrs. got morning sickness. I'm glad tho that u feel better about u'r DH, it'll make this so much easier for u.

    Skittle that was brilliant if anyone's DH has been in the service--Good idea--u'r so smart.

    All of u are smart and teach so easily and even tho it's hermit time u all have so much to give and u'r all be ding well.

    Grover is it u about the port tomorrow--Try not to worry it's easy really and then when u go for chemo they'll be able to just plug u up 123--Please try not to be to afraid--u've gotten everything in place and it's not as bad as u may think, everyone is different and u caan ask us anything if u'r not sure about something (well not me, I know nothing) 2 yrs of chemo and I know nothing--when I hermit I hermit right thru all of it hahaha-operations and all.

    Markat u sound so different from when we first started u'r so much happier and I'm so glad but don't stop coming here cuz u were my first friend here and I would miss u so much.

    I admire all of u so much u don't know--u'r even in my conversations with other people, cuz my friends tell me don't get on there it could be depressing and I told them the threads I talk on and I've said believe it's not we laugh, Teka always makes me laugh. It's a compliment Teka

    OH Bates Motel I know u know who it's based on, but it gives me the chills that it's mostly true. O

    OOHHH, of course I watch all the true story sickos on Bio and that other channel lot and of course my scary movies. So I'm goofy too. I just hit something and that's what happened.

    OK I screwed up my Onc. app't AGAIN I wrote down Tues and It's Monday tom. and now I don't have a ride. the date and day always get me. So I have to call in the morning, cuz I actually have questions, I shoulda paid attention right?

    So we'll see how this week goes--pain is pretty bad my new pain meds help but make me tired during the day and not at night WTF So I take my other meds. Gotta keep them straight.

    OK I get back to u and I hope u all feel well.

  • grover
    grover Member Posts: 13

    Jazzy- Les Mis is the musical my sisters & I went to see this weekend:) A bit smaller scale than Broadway (Hippodrome in Baltimore), but still incredible! The singing was wonderful (men MUCH better than in movie), and gave me goosebumps (and tears a few times too!). It definitely made my weekend:) When I figure out how to add a quote to my signature, it will be "to love another person is to see the face of God." I have so many supportive, generous, & loving family, friends, and friends of family, I feel like I'm seeing Him daily.

    Cami, just saw your post...I admire your choice to NOT learn all the technical stuff...I'd probably be less worried if I knew less. I just have a sick need to know it all! I'm hoping I fall asleep during procedure, even though I'm not going under general anesthesia! Thanks for your encouragement!/>I wish everyone a peaceful easy week...

  • Skittle
    Skittle Member Posts: 395

    Busy group!  Can't keep up.  Panel sounds impressive and well worth sharing.  Conference sounds informative (yet exhausting.)  Grover--prayers are with you tomorrow.  Markat--you amaze me with your ongoing strength, with family and mom, and self.  Camille--you somehow seem the glue that keeps us together.  I love your bubbles of thoughts that rise to the top.  Laurie, Markat, Camille--thank you for kind words.  I tend to babble a bit too much, so hesitated to go off on that metaphor.  (But you all make me smile... With all our dh's giving their shirts off their backs, we have a lot of half-dressed men bopping about.  I just had to laugh at the mental picture, since we are all having to take the shirts off our backs for the evil bc!!) Sorry if that sounds warped.  I know I'm tired...  Teka--Cool    Hugs to each hermit.  Hoping a good week lies ahead for us all.  (Oh, random just fyi--Sonic has "happy hour" all day tomorrow due to tax day.  Don't know how many Sonic fans are among us.)

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Grover- so cool you saw Les Mis in play format! My preference for sure. And the men did not sing as well as the ladies in the movie. I remember the play had the most amazing singers. And I agree, the statement about "to love someone is to see the face of God." Powerful stuff.

    To all the other hermits, good luck with your treatments this week and all the rest you must do! Hope everyone is getting big fat refund checks this year! Kiss

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Skittle u are so cute, I wish I could squeeze u'r cheeks, not hard tho.

  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748

    Leg cramps can be sign magnesium deficiency

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    hey hermits....thought I was staying in today but was invited to dinner tonight so will go, but means I have to get a that is ok, lol...

    Cam I also have spoken about this site and the people on here especially at the conference, numerous times.....

    hope everyone is well, it is cool here in Philly about 50ish, not warm enough for me....have a wonderful day!!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Hi Blondie- dinner out sounds good. You go girl!Cool

    Is there anything from the conference you can share with us? I know it was oriented around Stage IV but thinking they may have talked about many good things there. No rush, but just interested to hear what positive things you came away with once you are settled. I can tell it was good for you!