Join our Webinar: REAL Talk: Healthy Body and Mind After Breast Cancer Treatment - Jan 23, 2025 at 4pm ET Register here.

The Hermit Club



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Blondie- I am sorry you have not had more support with this, especially when you are feeling at your worst. I have  seen my sister go through the same thing with her partner of 30 years (who acts like a selfish 5 year old). I live alone so I have never had people to help me much with any of this, but also did not go through chemo, which is brutal.

    I agree with both Skittle and Cami- tell them you need their help and give them assignments (at 19, they are old enough to do something for you) and if they cannot/will not, send them off somewhere (or you leave). Self preservation and all that jazz.

    Skittle- sounds like a lovely day with dogs, spring bloom, etc. You sound good today!

    Twinkle-we will be thinking of you tomorrow and waiting on the other side of your recovery whenever you want to reach out to us.

    My sister continues to do well today. She said she feels even better than yesterday and slept well last night. Her GI tract is working now too post surgery. She is still hoarse from intubation, but eating ice creme to soothe the irritation.

    Went swimming tonight and that felt good. Up to 40 laps and that felt really good. I see progress with getting my strength back one workout at a time. I noticed I have gained 5 pounds in the past month tho, wondering if it is due to the AI's I started in late March? I know they can cause weight gain (ugh!) 

    Hoping everyone has a nice warm spring week, good energy, no pain, no sickness, etc. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Jazzy swimming--oh good for u--that 5lbs will come off in no time.

    OK Blondie let's talk----Like Jazzy I lived alone thru all my time of agony, BUT my kids checked on me--what I needed (water all the time) and made sure I had proper food. I really did not want anyone there, now they might be so used to u being the MOM and figuring u probably don't complain so u'r OK just need rest. Well family meeting time and tell all it's time for u to get help--not loads of help but help. The 19 yrs olds can keep the house in order and do clothes and make sure u'r comfortable--they don't hace to babysit just keep tabs on u'r needs. There's things u have to be brutally honest about when u need help--it's u'r turn now. My Dgtrs were much older so I think it was easier to get it and take care of things. And u'r boys probbly don't wnt to think about it--But now is the time u all have to work as a family FOR U. U'r not asking for the impossible, u'r asking for their help--u can rest easier that way--u don't need to get aggrevated or upset that not going to help--just have what u needs and some extras from them and that's all. Voice u'rself Blondie so they know--they might be thinking u just want quiet time and be alone---but u need certain things. They'll help u Blondie.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Cami- good advice for Blondie, for all of us actually. We have to take care of ourselves.

    Going to see a new med onc today to make sure I am getting all the proper follow on care post treatment. Will let you all know anything interesting from my visit.

    I also have an interesting observation some 2 months post major treatment. I have people asking me now that I am through treatment if things are "back to normal", if I am going on a vacation soon, etc. More questions I don't want to deal with! It's like I had the flu or something! Most of this comes from a few that know who are distant and have not watched what I have gone through.  I made the commitment to myself not to explain myself to people anymore. I just say "keeping life simple, no trips for awhile, etc." Okay, done with ranting!

    Happy Monday!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Hi hermits- I had a good visit with the new med onc today. Really like him and we had a good conversation about many things. He said he wants to watch my bone density changes this year with the AI (osteopenic) and suggested may some prolia shots to help my bone health if things continue to deteriorate.

    He said I have a very low chance of this cancer coming back, and I know my reoccurrence rate is low, but told him I want to do all the right things for follow up and to take good care of myself in the future. I will see him again in October!

  • LaurieParr
    LaurieParr Member Posts: 214

    Good morning Hermits,

    My heart is with all of you today and everyday. I silently "nod" to what many of you say and experience. glad your doc's visit went well. :)  Blondie..the fact that you have to deal with insensitivity at a time like this just breaks my heart. :(  Skittle and Teka....lilacs are my favorite! I grew up in MN and we had them everywhere!  Markat....sending hugs! friend Peggy's BMX went well. I have not spoken to her directly yet. Her son sent me a text saying that it went well and that she was sleeping. I am not sure if she decided on reconstruction as she was undecided.  Thank you all for your prayers for her.

    I'm still waiting on my packet for the pre-op tests from the doctor. Ugh. I want to get it so I can get the tests out of the way.  On a happy note, I got to see the ultrasound of my grandbaby for the first time AND hear the heartbeat! It was amazing. My husband and I will be young grandparents (45). ;)

    I continue to struggle with the bad aching in my muscles/joints in my legs. It began months before I was dx with BC. I is awful when I sleep. I can barely roll over in bed. I have to roll in stages. It is so weird.  When I am on my feet and active, there is just a dull ache, but once I am still for a awhile, it is like I am crippled. Getting off the of the sofa, in and out of the car, etc.  I have the pain in my right arm too. This has all been since December.  My primary can't figure it out. Maybe the PET scan that the BC is making me have with give me some answers?  It seemed like it happened overnight.   Have any of you experienced this?  When I was dx with the BC, I thought it was related.  The docs said that BC has no symptoms.  Hmmmm..would like your feedback on this?

    Have a blessed day. I have a long day at the salon. Trying to get all of my people situated before my surgery. :)



  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748

    This sounds like some kind of arthritic joint degeneration?  Do you take glucosamine, chondroitin and magnesium, oh and D3 too?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Laurie- bc in the breast does have symptoms in the breast (sometimes, but sometimes not either) or if it has gone elsewhere. Most of the time after you have been diagnoses, there are extra tests that are ordered like CT scans, PET scans, etc. to make sure there is nothing else going on anywhere else. My guess is that your cramps are related to something else. I get leg cramps at night sometimes (more recently too) and it can be a vitamin/min deficiency. Some medications can do this too. Your PCP may be able to help you better if nothing else comes up with your tests. 

    I am glad to hear that you got to see your grandbaby. I live in a state where there are lots of young grandparents- folks have their children young so within 18-20 years, there is another generation coming along. You will be young enough to enjoy your grandchildren. Do you know the sex of the baby yet or are they waiting to be surprised?

    And glad to hear your friend made it through the surgery. I hope she does well through her recovery and what ever choices she makes next about reconstruction. I heard from a friend and on the news too they now can abdominal fat and reconstruct breasts that way.

    Going to be up close to 90 degrees here today! But then the temps are plummeting down to the 50s in another day or so. Crazy weather!

  • LaurieParr
    LaurieParr Member Posts: 214 don't take anything. But maybe I should be.  Of course my BS told me to stop ALL meds/vitamins/holistic until after my surgery.  Thank you so much for your quick reply. Laughing Jazzy....thank you as well. I guess my future tests will help eliminate stuff if nothing else. Thank you too for your nice reply. Laughing

    Love to you all...



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Good Morning all---

    Laurie U do work on u'r feet all day right? So that can be related to it--Lily and Jazzy gave u good info--if anthing is going on they'll figure it out with all the tests. Laurie u saw the Us on the baby, isn't that amazing--does u'r Dgtr want to know the sex of the baby???

    Jazzy I sure glad u'r visit went well that's always good to hear that u like u'r Onc. and can talk to them.

    OK I'll be back (((HUGS))) to all of u.

  • LaurieParr
    LaurieParr Member Posts: 214

    Camille...yes, I have worked on my feet for 15 years and was an avid excerciser until December when these pains hit me. Today I went for a walk outside just to keep moving.

    My daughter can't wait to find out the sex of the baby! Of course I believe it's a girl. God whispered it to me before even she knew she was pregnant. We shall see eh? :)

    Thank you again for caring about me.



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Well when u find out for sure---tell us too. And we'll talk about names. hahaha

  • twinkletwinkle
    twinkletwinkle Member Posts: 8

    Hi Hermits-

         Laurie do you take meds for any other condition?  Some cholesterol drugs, for example, have muscle pain as a side effect.  Lucky that you will be a grandma at 45...I became a grandma 7 months ago at age 70.  You have lots and lots of years to watch that little one grow into an adult!

         Being a hermit, I dread telling my friends about my bc.  I dread all the phone calls and questions and tsktsk tsk-ing.  I know they are all well-meaning but I still dread it. 

         I had the lumpectomy yesterday.  Very little discomfort.  The torture is once again waiting for the path report.Frown

         Blondie- it is so hard dealing with so many things at heart goes out to you.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Twinkle it's hurry up and wait for us. Let us know when u get it and what is said.

    And none of us blame u talking about it over and over again sucks.

    Oh I was almost 60 when I got my 1st and only grandson, but we're so close I love it. I live with my DD and SIL now so he's part of my everyday life and he makes it worthwhile for me--he's so so good to me--he always makes me feel good. so Laurie is really lucky to be so young--my DD waited to get pregnant and my other DD can't have kidsnow so this is it.

    And we all understand hermitude some are in it longer than others--me for one--I still get so many questions cuz I'm at the /drs, alot and tests alot and really I come here to talk about them--I'm tired of drs. and questions. hahaha I don't know much anyway--everyone here knows I don't listen very well--the less I know the better. I'm bad LOL

  • twinkletwinkle
    twinkletwinkle Member Posts: 8

    Hi camillegal- You are so right when you said "the less I know the better".  In the beginning I was consulting Dr. Google obsessively.  I was driving myself nuts with worry.  This site has helped me so much to get over that.

    You are lucky to be living with your dd & sil & grandson.  Sunshine for the cloudy days!

  • Skittle
    Skittle Member Posts: 395

    Laurie--yay baby on the way!  Joy to your family!  (My dh had a God whisper as well... He knew from conception they would both be girls --3 years apart--and knew the date for dd1, even though it was well off the dr's predicted date.)  No grandchildren yet... My girls have yet to meet sil material.  (sigh!!)  Glad Peggy is doing well so far.  Sorry to hear you are suffering.  Pain changes everything.  My dr suggested magnesium supplements which seemed to help.  (But not to overdo or it has laxative effects!)

    Twinkle--I overdid Google, too.  Way too much info, way too much instant what-ifs.  Glad to be here instead.

    Jazzy--so glad for good news.  Yoga and great attitude paying off!

    Camille--hoping good days your way.  Hugs to you.

    Teka, bgirl, FL, blondie, all... loving thoughts your way. 

    Anyone have a good "cure" for poison ivy??  Spending so much time with dear dog, I'm encountering all sorts of undesirable plant life, and now have lots of random bubbly itchy spots.  agh!!  Embarassed

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Skittle I don't know if this is a cure, but calamine (sp) lotion was always used for things like that. Well it won't hoit.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Twinkle- glad to hear you are on the other side of the surgery. And that you have little pain. The waiting is the hardest part, but keeping my fingers crossed for some good news for you on your path report. Continue to feel better and heal.

    And just something to consider. Many of us here (myself included) chose to keep our diagnosis and other info around our treatement very private. I just told a few family members and closest of friends. And with that, I never had to keep too many people updated, explain too much, etc. You can always just tell your friends you are going through some health issues and just needing some space and privacy to do so. You can tell your innner circle of friends, especially those you think can help. I found not telling everybody really took a lot of pressure out of the situation for me. 

    Went to yoga class tonight and my instructor said I have good balance! Made me good!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Good Morning all--thought I's pop in early and wish everyone a good day.

    Twinkle how are u doing?

    Jazzy I'm glad u have good balance one of us has to. Actually it is good to have it after all this so u go girl and keep up whatever u do cuz it's good.

    OK I'll cth up later.xxxoooxxx

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Good morning hermits- long day ahead at work and may have to work this weekend (ugh). More deadlines but making sure I am taking care of myself. More gym time later today, this time with weights and swimming. The work outs help with the stiffness I now have from the arimidex.

    Cami- good morning and hope you have a good day! Cool

    Twinkle- let us know how you are doing. We will be hear to listen whenever you need us.

    Skittle- we had poison ivy around the yard where I grew up and always got it. Cami is right, calamine lotion will help. Don't know if there is much else you can do to treat it. At least the dog didn't get into skunk.....

    Markat- hoping you and your family are doing okay this week. Thinking of you.

    Teka, Laurie, Lily, Bgirl, CV, Curve, and all the rest, I am hoping you are doing well this week.

  • LaurieParr
    LaurieParr Member Posts: 214

    Jazzy, Camille, Skittle, Twinkle, Lily, Teka, Markat. and all of the rest of you ladies....

    Love and peace to you today!  Hoping you all have a wonderful day of sunshine and rest.



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178


    Plain Clorox is good for poison ivy, but watch your clothes. You can get it from the dogs fur if he's been around the nasty stuff too. Gave my dog a big hug, had it all over my face. Just in time for school pictures. Don't burn it either, the oil travels in the smoke.

    Hi all

    Back to lurkdom

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Spookiesmom Hi---after lurkdom comes hermitude--so we are here. LOL

  • lpc
    lpc Member Posts: 39

    OMG found you guys by chance. I am fellow hermit. My dear husband and kids keep trying to get me out and socializing and I am not feeling social at all! Let me grieve it is still new don't feel like smiling and hearing how strong I am so will get thru it just fine.

  • Skittle
    Skittle Member Posts: 395

    Spookiesmom, Welcome and thank you!  Never even thought of bleach.  (Am a coward, so will try a tiny spot first.)   Thinking of school pictures--I have been going to school for three days looking like I cut myself shaving!  Have a 3/4 inch gash just below my lower lip.  Sleeping cat went bonkers, reacting to an invisible gremlin of some sort, and at 5 am made a mad dash across my face!  My kids have been kind, and haven't stared too hard.  Frown

    lpc, Good place to be.  No meanies here.

    Thank you,each, for suggestions.  Will try anything to stop the itchies from spreading.  I think the main culprit is the "carrying" properties of doggie fur.  He happily rolls in anything green.  He loves perennials best.  (I think they feel cool to him.)  Irises and daffodils and lilies... 

    Jazzy... sounds good. 

    Camille... hugs.  Hope you had a good day.

    Teka, markat, blondie, all... warm thoughts your way.

  • LaurieParr
    LaurieParr Member Posts: 214


    Welcome! You have found a safe place with us here. We are all hermits and understand. Please vent however you feel.



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Welcome Ipc--we're here. more and more of us. We understand every bit of how u feel--I think it's hard for others cuz they think oh get out, u'll feel better. Ah no I don't think so, it doesn't work like that. There are times we just want our own times cuz we spend alot of time with Drs. and decisions and meds etc. And then top it off with no hair---it's not a fun time--but here u can rant, cry, laugh say whatever u want and know it's fine cuz we all get it.

  • twinkletwinkle
    twinkletwinkle Member Posts: 8

    Glad you found us lpc. Welcome! I'm fairly new here too and these fellow hermits are great ladies.  They have helped me so much. 

  • lpc
    lpc Member Posts: 39

    No hermitude for me today. Getting ready for first chemo treatment. Oh wouldn't it be nice if I could stay burrowed in bed and receive treatment here!

  • lpc
    lpc Member Posts: 39

    No hermitude for me today. Getting ready for first chemo treatment. Oh wouldn't it be nice if I could stay burrowed in bed and receive treatment here!