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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309

    It's probably the expensie ones because they are the new ones. Your body can build resistance to them over time which you have probably done; which would be especially true for you if you have a sensitivity to them on top of that. I know a lot of docs that get upset when people demand an antibiotic for themselves or their children when they really won't do any good, but they think because they're sick they should have one. They are doing more harm than good to themselves. Most colds and flu don't require an antibiotic unless there is a secondary infection. I worry about my son because as a child he was ill and needed a lot of antibiotics for several years. His resistance to them now is high. A serious infection would pose a serious treatment issue for him.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    I never took antibiotics till breast cancer… got some after every surgery. Before cancer I think I might have taken them 3-4 times as an adult. Not often as a kid either.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    I rarely took antibiotics. My PCP knew that I don't ask for them for every little thing. I've been with him for about 27 years. So we watched as I got hives with every antibiotic he prescribed over the years. When I got through a tx without breaking out, we celebrated and kept it on the short list. He would not prescribe the same one twice in a row. And some got knocked off the list the second time. It is a VERY short list now. Keeping my fingers crossed with the iv abx I am on now. Got to make it through two more weeks.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309

    It's funny how different we all are. I am a small person, yet at the dentist they have to numb me up like a Sumo wrestler. Same with pain meds. What would knock my husband out cold, won't even phase me. Yet I was only able to take the Anastrozole for 5 days before I had to stop. I made 2 months on Aromasin.

    They didn't used to prescribe as much medicine as they do now. People think just because it is advertised on TV and FDA approved it's "safe," but look at all the recalls and meds pulled off the shelf. I even found ingredients found in paint and glass and listed as known carcinigens in my so-called "natural" vitamins and supplements. I know you can't make yourself crazy over every little thing, but you have to be vigilent about what you put in your body. I'm an avid label reader now. There seems to be wheat and soy in everything these days; both big no-no's for me.

  • B123
    B123 Member Posts: 239

    Can anyone of you tell me, is it really necessary to have a hysterectomy?  I am bracha - and on Arimedex and Lupron shots.  I am told its my choice but not sure how long we can stay on Lupron??  THANKS!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    B123 if you are BRCA+ you need to discuss this with your onc. linky
    I tested negative but if tested positive I know I was thinking about it.
  • C-squared
    C-squared Member Posts: 338
    B123~ I am BRCA+ and had oopherectomy (ovaries removed).  As Lago said, discuss with your medical team.
  • B123
    B123 Member Posts: 239

    I tested Negative but was not sure if this was something we really should do to prevent any other problems?  I am not sure how long one can do Lupron shots for? I am 42 and have a ways to go before menapause so I am thinking to do it but dont want to right now, maybe in the near future but just had enough right now with poking and proding that I just want a break.  Thanks all!!

    Also, the Arimidex, does anyone have headaches everyday from it and huge fatigue?

  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Member Posts: 906

    B123...I had headaches (altho not severe) for the first few weeks. Am in my 7th month and it's been fine since then. I kinda blame the rads for my fatigue...also I have never slept well for years.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    I'm on my 10th day of arimidex. So far NO side effects!!! I really did a lot of praying before I ever started taking it, and I do take a Claritin with it, but if anything, I'm sleeping better than ever.



  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Member Posts: 906

    Soteria...thats great!! I am into my 7th month and no SEs lately. Some of us are just luckier than others. Sad!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    B123 Don't be so sure you want to rip out those ovaries. Estrogen does play a part in heart and bone healthy. You do need some. You really need to way the pros and cons. Typical age for menopause is 51. By the time you finish Aanstrozole you could be well past that if they decide to keep you on it for 10 years. Studies on 5 vs 10 keep coming out. Last I read luminal A cancers do benefit from 10 years.

    Soteria205 I had no SE for the first 3 months. Granted my SE are still very manageable.

  • Chris13
    Chris13 Member Posts: 112

    Wow, that was a fascinating study. Thanks for sharing Iago.

  • B123
    B123 Member Posts: 239

    I wish I could sleep too, its been difficult since taking the A1 and the hotflashes are alot to handle at times. 

     Soteria and Schatzi, your so lucky to have such min SE, god bless you both!  I hope my headaches go away too.. I am 3 weeks in so far so I guess I will give it time.

    Lago, thank you for sharing that, I have scheduled surgery 3x already and canceled ea/time because my gut is just telling me not to do it but Im afraid of any other cancers if I dont??  What is Luminal A??    I never thought of it that way about heart/bone health, I guess I just viewed estrogen as the enemy now and to rid it as much as possible.  At the same time, doesnt Lupron shut down the ovaries so there is no estrogen anyways?? So confused! :}

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    B123 click on the word luminal A in the original post, or this post. It's all explained there but from my understanding you're most likely a luminal A and I'm most likely a luminal B (according to the definitions on that page)

    Lupron shuts down temporarily. Oph is forever.

    "Once the ovaries have stopped producing estrogens, however, they still continue to produce small amounts of the male hormone testosterone, which can be converted to estrogen (estradiol) in body fat."

    And that's why they want us women not to be overweight as breast cancer survivors.

  • C-squared
    C-squared Member Posts: 338

    B123~ I went ahead with the oophorectomy because I was BRCA+ and it would decrease my chance of ovarian cancer (because of the genetic mutation).  You are BRCA-, so I think your risk factor is much lower than someone who is BRCA+.  Your medical team can do a better job of quoting you the statistics.  The decision was practically made for me, being BRCA+ meant BMX and oophorectomy.  I'm not sure I would've had the same approach had I been BRCA-. 

    I also have a "wicked" family history with lots of ancestry (including my own mother) that we don't know about BRCA status on. Those of us in THIS generation who have been genetically tested have all come back positive so far.  There are others who do not wish to be tested as well. (& I respect their decision..., it is a personal choice).

    Good luck to you.  I think making the decisions for our course of treatment is one of the hardest parts of our treatment.  Undecided

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,923

    That is for sure. I would add that once you do decide on a course, never look back. You do the best with the information that is available at the time.

  • Gayle56
    Gayle56 Member Posts: 111

    B123  I have had headaches every day for 2 weeks now.  I will give it another week or two before calling the dr.  Hopefully my body will adjust.

  • B123
    B123 Member Posts: 239

    Lago and C-Squared, thank you for that info!! It helps so much.. I feel good about my decision but still have some reservations whether or not to do it.  It is not being pushed but they are not saying not to either.. my choice I guess.. More of peace of mind.  You make so much sense!

    Gayle56, yes the headaches are dull but still there and bothersome at times!! Hope it will pass... let me know how you do!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    B123 if you are still unsure get a 2nd or even 3rd opinion. BTW where in MA are you? I'm grew up SE of Boston. Parents live in S. Yarmouth

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262

    B123 - also, know that estrogen is produced in other parts of the body besides the ovaries. I had a total hyst/ooph long before breast cancer but I still have to take an AI because of the estrogen produced elsewhere in the body.  I was 96% ER+ so it is important for me. Here is a link:

    Also, my MO recommended taking Glucosamine and Condroitin to assist with mild aching.  I switched from Femara to Arimidex and have had less aching.  I also just switched from taking it at night to taking it in the morning and I have noticed less aching and better sleep, which I have always struggled with. 

     I saw a discussion about Vit. D a couple of pages back also -  I get liquid Vit. D also from, it is the Carlson brand.  It has 2000iu in a drop.

    On the mayonnaise discussion from a couple of pages back here is a link to a specifically soy and gluten free brand.  It is the one that Gwyneth Paltrow (she uses the regular one) advocates in her cookbook.

  • luckypenny
    luckypenny Member Posts: 13

    Special K

    I just switched from Femara to Arimidex too.  The femara made me ache something fierce.  My hip , back and legs just felt agitated all day.  So far the arimidex has been a god send compared to the femara.   Lets hope it lasts!!! 

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    I have been taking A for a month now. The only se is restless leg syndrome sometimes, and aches all over. But, since I had those before from my arthritis, I can't really blame the A. I usually sit at pain level 3 daily. So it goes up go a 5 or 6 sometimes. I just take my Tramodol. I can't take anti inflamatories due to conflicts with another med. So pain is in the background anyway. So I am thankful nothing else showed up. Hope it stays that way. 4 years, 11 months to go! LOL

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262

    lucky - I have yet to incorporate the Glucosamine/Condroitin but have noticed a lot less aching since the switch.  I developed a very painful trigger thumb on my dominant hand on Femara that has significantly lessened on Arimidex.  I have some stiffness but it really is minor and if I keep moving I don't notice it.  I hope it is a positive switch for you too!  I had degenerative disk issues at L4/5 prior to BC and Femara intensified that pain but it is better on Arimidex, back to annoyance levels only!

  • B123
    B123 Member Posts: 239

    Lago, very true and so far I have been told "its up to you" so given that, I will wait.  I am in Wellesley, do you still visit often?? Thank you for your advice!!

    SpecialK, Thanks for that info, I am surprised that you got BC after a ooph/hyst, but I guess as you say, it comes from other areas.  Do you find that the glucosamine helps much with the aches/pains? I am taking Claritin (recommended by others in previous pages) and I find that helps.  But am worried about the joints so the gluc may be a good thing. 

    I wonder if taking all these vitamins and pills are good for the kidney??  Is the liquid Vit D better for you?

  • SusannahW
    SusannahW Member Posts: 375

    I have a question for those of you on AIs....have any of you taken clonidine, and if so how was it? I know it's a BP medication that can be helpful in controlling hot flashes.

    Thanks, susannah

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    B123 Wellesley, very pretty area. I was just visiting a month ago.

    Susannah I only get some warm flashes and it depends on how much spicy stuff I ate. I'm sure if I didn't eat anything spicy (hot) I would never get a flash. So subtle though that no big deal… so I keep eating the hots stuff and don't bother with remedies. 

  • SusannahW
    SusannahW Member Posts: 375

    Lago, thanks for your input. I'd eat the spicey stuff too!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262

    My hot flashes have remained consistent from the time of my hyst/ooph - neither Femara or Arimidex changed them.  Living in Florida is not helpful as mine seem worse in hot and humid weather.  I probably average one every couple of hours - all day and night, severe enough to look sweaty, lol!  I don't take anything to counteract them. 

    susannah - I have not been on the Glucosamine/Condroitin long enough to tell, and I had some Claritin so decided to start taking it about a week ago, so now I won't know which thing was beneficial, ha!  My aching is not that bad so if neither work it is not a deal breaker. 

  • SusannahW
    SusannahW Member Posts: 375

    Special K, as long as it works who cares which one helped!