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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • Garlic cures everything! Colds, bronchitis, strept throat, bunions, erectile dysfunction, it even raises the resale value on your house. Lol

    Really, I couldn't help myself. I'm in an ornery mood today. But, garlic really is an amazing herb. A little onion, & garlic in chicken soup does wonders for you when you're feeling under the weather.

    Surgery is 2 weeks from today. I REALLY DON'T WANT TO DO THIS!!!

    I've been calm and upbeat thru this whole diagnosis, but I've also been on hold for 3 months since dx, so it's been easy to pretend it doesn't exist.

    Thank you all so much for your encouragement, your tips, & advice, for just being here.

    I love you all

    Blessings Paula

  • Jo I've been curious about that also. Thursday will make one month for me on arimidex, though, so far, I've had no other treatment.

    My cholesterol has always been excellent, even though, I've always eaten red meat, fried foods, & butter. That's right, BUTTER!!!

    But, I can't help but woder if arimidex will change that.

    I'm interested in hearing from anyone else who knows about this too.



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,085

    Have you tried Niacin? My cholesterol has always been 'iffy' (genetics). I did not want to go on a statin, so long before arimidex I started using it (under doctor's supervision and every 6 months blood work). We had to play around to find the right dose, and I did need to up the dosage while on arimidex (don't know if it was arimidex, age, or the fact that I lived on mashed potatoes with butter and cheese during chemo), but have managed to keep it under control with Nicacin only. If you try it, don't take the 'no flush' as it is not as effective, I use the 'Slo-Niacin' (releases slowly into the blood stream instead of all at once, so I have never had trouble with flushing), which I find at Wal Mart.

  • Ruth that's good to know. I have a 24 year old son who is HIV positive. The 3 anti-retrovirals he takes have caused his cholesterol to skyrocket.

    I'll tell him about the niacin.



  • I have such high HDL that even with a higher than "recommended" total, I have an extremely low risk of heart disease.  I have stellar triglycerides too.  I just had butter on my crumpets, and am drinking my high octane tea with whole milk.

    I love fruits and vegetables, so eat tons of those.  Huge salad last night plus kale w/garlic slivers.  This was with my oven-baked tandoori chicken thighs and roasted potatoes.

    That said, I don't walk away from a piece of delish pastry.  But I don't make myself cakes, tins of brownies, or pies.  Because I know all too well where that one would be headed.  (I have my grandmother's recipes, and she was known throughout the county for her wonderful baked goods.)

    I have managed to keep my weight constant while on Anastrazole.  I gained a bit last year, but the cause was more "trashed ankle" which meant that moving HURT.  I cycled and did my walks anyway, but I know I didn't do as much plain running around.

    It came off with all the summer cycling, and I want to take off another 8 pounds or so.  Not urgent, but that is my best weight.

    The one I noticed was liver function (think AST) was up if I did a blood draw immediately after taking Anastrazole.  But fine, if taken when fasting. - Claire

  • My cholesterol was always fine even though I ate a lot of red meat and dairy.  It hasn't changed afater 19 months on anastrozole, but then again my diet and exercise sure have. I'm not quite vegan, but I've eliminated red meat, processed foods and dairy, I walk or bike just about every day, and have an hour exercise class three days a week.  Maybe that has just balanced a negative effect of anastrozole, since my blood pressure has hardly budged despite clean livin' and weight loss.  I do have a bit of nausea and fatigue, but nothing that really bothers me.

    On the other hand, has anyone heard anything about positive side effects (besides kicking cancer or holding it at bay)?  My husband and I had both picked up a toenail fungus while on vacation in August 2010.  Within weeks of starting anastrozole my totally black big toe nail had sloughed off leaving healthy nail below, while 18 months later my DH is still painting his toenails (looks really cute!) with anti-fungal.  Maybe it was a coincidence, but I'd be interested in hearing if anyone has had similar experiences.


  • My favorite positive Anastrozole side effect is being able to sit in an air conditioned room without a sweatshirt on. NO MORE COLD FLASHES!!!! Laughing
  • Blessings,

    You know, I hadn't noticed that, but I've had the same experience. No more icy fingers up my backbone! I never had hot flashes, even during menopause and also not since I started anastrozole, but I always figured cold flashes weren't as bad. At least you're not dripping with sweat! 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,085

    Yes, always check with your doctor before starting even an off-the-counter medication, and then monitor to see if it is actually working and not causing other problems.

  • Has anyone else experienced random itching while on Anastrozole? Started on September 19, 2012.  Five years of itching seems like a long time.  Does anything help?

  • Mommacain are you taking Claritin with the arimidex? It's an antihistamine, so I'd think it would help the itching. I've only been on it a week longer than you, so I haven't experienced any itching, but I take my arimidex between 7-8am and I take Claritin at he same time.



  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Posts: 906 itching

  • mommacain - veteran itcher here. It took me forever, but I finally narrowed down what was causing it. It wasn't medication.

    Itching IS listed as a side effect of Arimidex, but as a rare, severe, allergic-reaction type of response. If you have THAT kind of itching, you need to contact your doctor, or go to the ER, right away.

    If your itching is - as you say - random, then the best thing to do would be to keep a journal.

    List the day, the time, and the kind of itching. Is it topical only? Is there a rash? Or does it seem more "internal", where nothing shows on the surface. Is it widespread throughout your body, or only in one area?

    Have you changed any products lately that touch your skin? Laundry detergent, bath oil, soap, lotion?

    Does it occur when you wear certain types of fabrics?

    What did you eat before you ate? In my case, I got terrible itchies from eating anything with preservatives: MSG, sulfites, sulfates, nitrites, nitrates.

    Do you have any other kinds of allergies? Pollen? Dust? What about the air quality where you live? Good or bad? Have you ever been diagnosed with asthma?

    Is there anything in your environment that might set you off? Air fresheners? Other peoples' perfumes and aftershaves?

    What I eventually learned was there was a "bucket theory" to allergic reactions. Let's say one evening, I go out and prune bushes in my yard. I forget to shower and wash my hair that night, so pollen gets on my pillowcase. Just a drop in the bucket - no reaction.

     The next day, I go for a brisk walk, ignoring the fact that the air quality index is in the "unhealthy" range. Another drop in the bucket - still no reaction.

    Then - unbeknownst to me - i eat something at a potluck that has been made with meats preserved with nitrates and nitrites...and BOOM! Major itching, all over my body.....but no rash and nothing visible. The "bucket" has overflowed with triggers to my system, and it reacts.

    I can usually take an Atarax (prescription antihistamine) and I'm o.k. If I take any antibiotics, I usually have to take it with an Atarax or a Benadryl chaser, but that's per my doctor's orders.

    I would definitely let your MO know about this reaction....

    p.s. OH - The other thing that caused me to itch was dry skin. Lack of estrogen will definitely dry your skin out.

    I switched antibacterial soap in the shower - from Safeguard, to Cetaphil antibacterial bar soap, and I use a soothing body wash made by Cetaphil. And after every shower, I lotion up - again, with a Cetaphil lotion recommended by my dermatologist. (Haven't checked on the paraben content....I got this stuff before my dx.) Many women use coconut oil as a moisturizer.

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653

    I use ceraphil on my face since high school. I use 2 parts Dove body mixed with 1 part hair conditioner (sauve cause I'm cheap). Keeps my skin pretty moist. Of course in the dead of winter I might need some moisturizer on my body. I always moisturizer the face.

  • It has been a while since I have been on this site. Just wondering if anyone has ever had a slight fever due to Arimidex.  Just today I felt like I might have a cold coming on and felt a little warm.  My temp has gone up to 99.9 but right now it is 98.9.  Reading the side effects, it says to contact the doctor if fever occurs.  I would like to think it was simply a cold developing but can't make those assumptions anymore.  Have a slight sore throat too.  I'll give it another day then call the onc. office if it continues.  Thanks for any response.  Allagashmaggie

  • Hi Everyone,

    It has been a very long time since I stopped by any of the boards.  I have enjoyed reading your comments.  I started Anastrozole in 08/2010.  I've had cold flashes, joint pain, mild hot flashes.  Most recently, I've been told that a recent x-ray shows some spinal stenois.  Pain started in my lower back, but also seems to be on the left side just below my waist.  Has anyone else experienced this while on Anastrozole/Arimidex?

  • I saw the BS today. Last time before surgery on the 22nd. He told me to stop the arimidex until after treatment. I was only on it anyway, because we were waiting for insurance to kick in before surgery.

    I wasn't having any real side effects, but just started it sept. 11.



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,085

    That is interesting that he told you to stop because of surgery. When I had hernia surgery awhile ago, the surgeon said there was no need to stop arimidex prior to surgery.

  • Skittle
    Skittle Posts: 395

    Hello, all.  New to this thread.  Am 11 month "veteran" on anastrozole.  Surprisingly comforting to hear the conversations, and avoid the only-me questionings that come so naturally.  Fist time I've heard anyone mention cold flashes!  Mine were semi-frequent during our recent 106 degree summer, so an odd blessing in disguise.  Now they seem gone...   In July my surgeon was concerned with fatigue, and suggested magnesium supplements--250 mg twice daily.  She said anastrozole is known not just to leach calcium, but to rob magnesium as well...  Feeling better than two months ago--may be worth a discussion on next dr. appts.  

    I wish everyone the best, and am happy to have found compadres in this journey. 

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Posts: 5,938

    Cold flashes are part of arimidex? That explains a lot! I knew about the hot flashed, but not the cold. I'd be wrapped up in a down throw, wearing a fleece jacket over my sweater, and a hat on my head. If I had mittens near my chair, I'd be wearing them too. I learned to put on the fleece jacket backwards, ie, hands in the arms so the back of the jacket is on my chest, so I can take it off easily when a hot flash hits. who'd a thunk!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,085
    Think of all the extra exercise you are adding to your day; putting it on, taking it off, putting in on, taking it off! Tongue out
  • Skittle - I forgot to add magnesium back into my supplement intake - thanks for the reminder!!!
  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Posts: 906

    cold flashes for sure...I see my MO today...I have a loooong list of questions...hope he isn't in a hurry!

  • About 4 weeks ago, I had a sudden bad leg pain and could hardly walk the dog, a day later I was admitted to the ER with Extensive Acute Deep Vein Thrombosis of lower extemity....Now on warfarin (blood thinner) have to be extremely careful, already fell once and am bruised like I was in a auto wreck....Will have new ultrasound in 3 months to see if my body has dissolved this....DR took my off Arimidex, since this could be a side effect have been on 3 years,....While in the hospital I was given Body CT to make sure it was not cancer caused and also Bone Scan and luckily those tests were negative, I did however have something called Factor V Van Leiden gene in bloodwork, apparently inherited from one parent which gives me an  8 % more chance for blood clots...I am a little afraid of being off arimidex and am taking tumeric and trying to eat estrogen inhibiting foods...Any others out these with this happening or any advice...Thank you
  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    somanywomen my mom had blood clots. That's why I didn't want to go on Tamoxifen… the incidence of blood clots is worse on that. I really hope this is an anomaly and not caused by Arimidex/Anastrozole/ESD for you.
  • Junif
    Junif Posts: 49

    somanywomen & lago--the sheet I received with Arimidex listed blood clots as an SE.

  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Posts: 906

    somany...while I was on chemo, I had blood clots in my lungs...chemo caused so said the hematologist. I gave myself Fragmin (blood thinner) for 6 months. When it was time to start the antihormonal, I was given Arimidex as opposed to Tamoxifen because the chances of blood clots were low. I am surprised you were taken off the drug but I suppose they are being extremely careful. It would depend what cause the DVT's I guess. Do you know the % of ER+? Perhaps it was low enough that after 3 years it was enough to help? Just a guess on my part.

  • Ruth I'm having surgery a week from Monday, on the 22nd. Then I see the mo about 10 days later. I'll ask her if she wants me to continue the arimidex. They had put me on it originally, because surgery was on hold for several weeks, and they wanted me to be getting some kind of treatment.

    Has anyone had arimidex at the same time as chemo?

    Have a Blessed Day


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,085

    Here is a good SE of arimidex that I didn't realize until today when I woke up with two big pimples.......I had no pimples for 5 years!

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653

    Junif I don't doubt its a SE but less common than Tamoxifen. Fluid retention is an uncommon SE too and I  have it (taking small amount of diuretic).

    Schatzi I'm sure they are taking somanywomen off the drug because if she gets a clot in the wrong place you could have a stroke and die! There is a chance she won't recur even if she never took the antihormonals and the risk of a clot killing her is much higher if its from Arimidex.

    I started Anastrozole after chemo.


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