For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing
Have been on Arimidex 3 years of the 5 planned....Besides the effects of sexual dryness which was torture when we would try, i really wouldn't have many side effects but then about 3 weeks ago Oct 9, 2012 about four weeeks ago, I had a sudden bad leg pain and could hardly walk the dog, a day later I was admitted to the ER with Extensive Acute Deep Vein Thrombosis of lower extemity....Now on warfarin (blood thinner) have to be extremely careful, already fell once and am bruised like I was in a auto wreck....Will have new ultrsound in 3 months to see if my body has dissolved this....DR took my off Arimidex, since this could be a side effect....While in the hospital I was given CT to make sure it was not cancer caused and also Bone Scan and luckily those tests were negative...I am a little afraid of being off arimidex and am taking tumeric and trying to eat estrogen inhibiting foods...Any others out these with this happening or any advice...Thank you
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somanywomen....sorry you had to go thru that. I developed blood clots in my lungs during chemo and had to give myself daily shots of blood thinners (Fragmin) for 6 months. I was started on Arimidex because blood clots are not one of the known SEs. Tamoxifen has blood clots listed as a possible SE.
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Lisa2012 my fingernails/toenails are crappy thanks to Taxotere. Brittle, some still lifted still and a few of my toebeds ruined. It's not horrible but some of us don't have thier nails return to what they were before chemo. With nail polish they don't look so bad.
Blood clots CAN happen with Arimidex/Anastrozole but less common than Tamoxifen.
After chemo I had the terrible sexual SE. It took some time but I used Replens and Astroglide. I no longer have any pain and I don't even use the Replens anymore. It takes time. Remember if you don't use it, you lose it. Consider getting a vibrator to get things going again. Yes I am serious.
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Lago is right use it or lose it. And the relaxation can't be beat ! LOL
So here's some different type of relaxation, LOL
Sing this to " the lion sleeps tonight"
Arimidex, arimidex,arimidex, arimidex, in the city the mighty city, I cannot sleep tonight, in the city the mighty city, sleep won't come tonight.
LOL, that's what rolls through my head everytime I see the name arimidex! LOL.0 -
Moonflwr that is really funny.
BTW I have been having some minor sleep issues. I actually bought a sleep mask to keep the light out. It really does help. I just bought a new one that I love because it doesn't put any pressure on the eyes and has no seems: linky It was 1/2 price at Marshalls
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I do take an OTC sleep's the Walmart equivalent of Unisom. It's not Benadryl like so many others. I've taken it for years, even before BC. I also use a fan that has a steady hum. DH calls it my Boeing 747, but he's addicted to the fan too now. It's white notice plus circulation, and I use it both summer and winter.
Moonflwr do you take the arimidex in the morning? I take it about 7 am. Insomnia was one of my biggest concerns, but if anything, I'm sleeping better, and waking up refreshed. Of course, I'm not taking chemo yet.
My surgery is 3 weeks from yesterday. Grrrrrrrr...I so don't want to do this.
Paula0 -
Lago, now try to get it out of your head! LOL its a bad earbug! LOL
I like those sleep masks. I have been using my sleep cap pulled down over my eyes, as that doesn't put pressure on them either. But those masks are cool!0 -
I pull my sleep cap over my eyes too! Sometimes earplugs, sometimes ambien, occasionally Ativan. I think Arimedex is not messing up my sleep, thank god. Still trying to figure out tummy and calcium. Going to try a liquid calcium from trader joes.
Love this board. It helps me have my secret thoughts and communicate as I try to get back in the saddle.0 -
Lisa I was using a fabric headband for a while over my eyes. My husband thought I was a little nuts. What's nice about these masks is the elastic in the back is softer than most and can be made longer because of the velcro.0
No prunes for me....I'm still on partial Optifast. What I DO use is Metamucil clear fiber powder in my shakes, so no problems in that department.
No insomnia since I started taking my Anastrozole dose in the morning.
I did start taking Calcium Citrate, Vitamin D, and Fish Oil at night.
I bought some Biotin, but haven't started taking it yet. I met a woman at a breast cancer organization luncheon who had lost more hair to Arimidex than she had to chemo. THAT got my attention.
Only have minor aches....I'm sure it's from not exercising. I do my best work in my water aerobics class, but it's held in the therapy pool at the local rehab hospital. The water is 94 degrees, and since there is a teeeeensy unclosed part in one of my incisions, my PS doesn't want me to take any chances. Neither do I.
Thinking about a's still 102 degrees here, with crappy air quality. I miss exercising!!!!!!
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Started Anastrozole on Monday, 10/1. Take it at 7:15 am. I've set a reminder on my cell phone so it beeps each day to remind me to take my little pill. So far only SE seems to be some minor leg pain. But not sure if medicine is causing pain or not as I've had knee and leg pain on and off for several years. I have picked up some store brand 24 hr allergy relief Claritan to take. Store brand has same ingredients but is quite a bit cheaper. I've only taken one so far and I took it at night. It seemed to work. Hoping that SE will not worsen. Been sleeping fine, no hot flashes, no constipation/diarrhea, no headaches, etc. If it continues to go well, I don't go back to oncologist until after Christmas for my first 3 month checkup. Keeping my fingers crossed.
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SherryH16... I wish you could exercise for me!! i want to do it but I am now working 11-12 hour days. I dream of being on the treadmill and sleeping at the same time.
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Lisa can you walk home from work? Can you take 15 minutes and walk at lunch? Even 30 minutes a day of walking will help.
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walk in place while watching the news, park farther away from the store when shopping, take the stairs instead of the elevator, go talk to the person down the hall instead of sending an e-mail. Get up 15 minutes earlier and do some stretching, crunches....whatever.....exercise, movement is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves both as far as quality of life and to prevent recurrence.
edited to add: with practice, I have perfected the art of walking on the treadmill while watching the news and reading a newspaper/magazine/book, sometimes opening mail...I have not yet tried to sleep while walking though
and when I am walking outside, I will make needed phone calls, and a few times, when I've needed to practice to make a presentation, I put my points on index cards, bring them along, and practice my talk while walking (I go on side roads, anyone who sees me must think I am a crazy lady talking to myself!).
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Today is the first day on Arimidex. Interesting change of events, since Onc said I'd be on Aromasin. Had the Lupron injection yesterday.
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How do they choose? Do all three (Arimedex, aromasin, femara) all have about the same reactions? do they come and go? I am almost done with 3,months of Arimidex. Stiff and achey in morning. Better as I get going, maybe an hour or so. Kind of tired feeling a lot but maybe would be tired anyway. Though formal exercise is just now coming back, (8 weeks pst exchange) I do walk all over my school many times daily. Should get a pedometer!
Had no SEs the first two mos, occasional hot flash. Red wine gaceme flashes a bad sleep sat night, however it often did that before BC. Sigh.
I have to find calcium that doesn't bother my stomach. Will try a trader joes one a friend recommended. Or a liquid one. Really supposed to take it.
Sorry for all the complaining.0 -
Yes, I would love to know the digestive enzyme! I took a Calcium Citrate tonight (Citracal) and will be positive.
I also am starting to do 30-40 mins on my treadmill. That gets me to break a sweat. Why does Arimedex take a lot out of you? I know I used to LIKE having estrogen in my body
, though I understand that post-cancer it is BAD for you.
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Lisa because your tumor is ER+ that means that it was "fueled" by estrogen. By reducing the estrogen it will hopefully starve any stray cancer cells that might be floating around before it sets up shop in another organ. At least that's my understanding/explanation in non medical terms. Arimedex "sucks" the estrogen out of you.0
I am blessed with wonderful sleep. Even better when I do a lot of exercise such as the long bicycle ride (50 miles) I did today.
Half way through the anastrazole. I will be glad to be done, but hardly the worst of fates.
When pressed for time, I exercise in the early AM. Then done for the day. I always slip in a mile or so walk later.
As for "keeping things moving along", I think the beans, carrots, beets, farro, peach, tomato and pepper should do the job just fine. I ate all this with tandoori-coated roasted chicken thighs. Yum.
I did a probiotic when doing chemo. But yogurt works just fine now. I used it a few weeks ago when combatting the creeping crud. All was just fine after that.
I really think that fresh food, sleep and exercise are the magic bullets here. I would do prunes too, but like mine stewed in brandy with a bit of turbinado sugar and heavy cream. From the French "tarte aux pruneaux". No need for pastry here. Just served in a bowl works fine.
Anyway, off to bed as a long day tomorrow, plus a lot of cycling. Plus work.
And, of course, a feast for the gods for dinner. - Claire
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Claire, those prunes sound delicious...
Lago, I found the same sleep mask at Bed,Bath & Beyond. Having the eye area hollowed out really helps. I guess I blink a lot trying to fall asleep and the other type of flat mask bothered me.
Does any one know what affect antibiotics have on Arimidex? I know they can reduce the effectiveness of birth control, which are hormones...Would taking an antibiotic hurt Arimidex effectiveness? I have had to be on one off and on a lot this past year because I kept getting sinus infections. Just started worrying about this one.
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Lee I had to be on antibiotics when I had my exchange surgery and nips/fat transfer/revision done. The only drug I was on was the Anastrozole, and my PS of course knew this, it didn't seem to be a problem.
And why would someone be taking birth control pills and be on an AI? If you need birth control pills then the AI isn't going to work for you… one would be prescribed Tamoxifen instead.
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Lago, I think she meant they are both hormone type things and was just wondering if abx did the same thing to arimidex as to the birthcontrol pills.
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Yes, that is what I thought too. Antibiotics do not alter the effectiveness of anti-hormonals.
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ruthbru...have you read any studies about Boron (the element found in prunes)? Interesting findings altho one study does say it has the same effect as estrogen. I am still eating them but confused. Of course the studies were straight boron...very good against prostate tumours etc.
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Yeah, I decided not to read the studies; because for almost everything I have ever done, there is a study to contradict it, then I get freaked out and then there is another study saying the first study is right after all. SIGH! I know they are good for the bones, I know they are good for the digestive system, I know they help protect against colon cancer.....all this with one serving a day.....which I wouldn't think in that low of a 'dose' could make a heck of a lot of estrogen.0
ruthbru...I agree entirely...thing is now that hubby read that about the prostate, can't keep him outta my prunes!!
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schatzi tell hubby to eat cooked tomatoes
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oh we eat them all the time....I pretty well use tomatoes, onions and peppers in almost everything.
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What no garlic?0
Oh yes...indeed....garlic as well !